This story has arrived just in time for April Fool's Day: War On Words: NYC Dept. Of Education Wants 50 ‘Forbidden’ Words Banned From Standardized Tests. We are devolving!
The above article has garnered several comments. One sample:
"If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon," Obama said in his first comments about the shooting...Is the photo below a more up-to-date likeness of Trayvon Martin?
...NightWatch learned from a Pakistani taxi driver in northern Virginia that Allah's call to kill non-believers can come to a true believer at any time, without warning and it must be obeyed by the true believer. Killing Christians and Jews ends their existence which is itself a sin against Allah, the man said. Muslim deaths hasten their journey to be with Allah.Frankly, I can think of no defense against such spontaneous devotion to the call of Allah.
The man, a devout Muslim and educated engineer, said he would have to kill his passenger if he heard Allah's call.....
Obama’s high-dollar donations lagging
President Obama is struggling to draw in big-dollar donations, with half as many people writing large checks to his campaign than at this point four years ago.
...Obama ideologues are crisscrossing Europe on U.S. taxpayer funded trips to “export” failed American approaches to multiculturalism, affirmative action, cultural diversity and special rights for minorities.More at the above link.
Further, American diplomats are repeatedly apologizing to Muslims in Europe for a multitude of real or imagined slights against Islam, and the U.S. State Department is now spending millions of dollars each year actively promoting Islam — including Islamic Sharia law — on the continent....