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Friday, March 16, 2012

The Obama Flag

Flown for months at the Democratic Party's headquarters in Lake County Florida (hat tip to Z!):

Legal but despicable.

Recently, some veterans objected to the made-in-China flag pictured above. Nancy Hurlbert, chairwoman of the Lake County Democratic Party, responded, in part, with the following:
"Certain elements cannot accept Barack Obama as president."
News flash: Americans do accept whoever is President. After all, no American President has ever been removed from office via torches and pitchforks.

At the same time, Americans have the right to vote that President out of office when he comes up for re-election.

And many Americans — not only veterans — do not approve of the defacing of our nation's flag. Apparently, some Democratic Party leaders don't understand the meaning of the word "deface."


  1. Well, it's good to know that in the eyes of the Obamunists, opponents have been transmuted from citizens to elements. Must be the 'fundamental transformation' of which their Dear Leader spoke.

  2. That is sickening. Who does that man think he is? He isn't a king, he leaves in either a few months or four years and can't run again after that. In other words, not deserving of a personal flag. At all. ESPECIALLY one thats basically the America flag without the stars. And yet the dems still defend him... if I were them, I'd stay quiet and hope no one brings it up. Then again, I have a brain.


  3. After all, no American President has ever been removed from office via torches and pitchforks.

    It's time we did...

  4. This will end, and I only pray that it is the last year for him and his nasty hatefil minions. I will work my *** off for whoever the GOPer Prez candidate is. My how I have come down a step or two.

  5. I saw the reports and video of the veterans confronting the homeowner, it was great. I had not heard that statement "Certain elements cannot accept Barack Obama as president.".

    That is exactly how way too many on the Left view those who are Conservative, who live in the South, who vote Republican, ... They don't try to hide it.

    I'm proud of those vets.

    Right Truth

  6. That's one flag this veteran would enjoy burning!

  7. It may seem odious to most of "us," but if the Supreme Court declared BURNING the American flag at Protest Demonstrations to be a protected form of free speech, then surely THIS falls into the same category.

    I wouldn't take it too seriously, myself. We live in a time of Perpetual Outrage over one thing or another. This seems mild n comparison to Naked Gay Pride Parades, Live Sex Shows on Campus, Porn Shops outlined in Neon on Major Highways, co-Ed Dormitories in colleges and universities, and the institutionalized use of Insolence and invective as Legitimate forms of public and inter-personal communication.

    But it's style DOES smack of Stalinsm and Maoism and the tactics of the late Kim Jong Il.

    Still and all no one has a legal right to demand anyone remove such an object from his or her private property.

    We don't want ever to "go there," either, because it might open the door to atheists. Jews or Muslims to claim that seasonal Christmas Decorations in your front yard "offends" them.

    YUCK POOH! ;-) Forget THAT.

    ~ FreeThinke

  8. FT,
    I agree that this flag is a protected form of free speech. And certainly there are much worse things -- as you pointed out.

    That said, the flag is so indicative of just what weird times we're living in. Certainly we are living in the Age of the Cult of Personality.

    But it's style DOES smack of Stalinsm and Maoism and the tactics of the late Kim Jong Il.

    Very much so.

    Have there been similar flags with Presidents' faces on them? I don't know of any such flags, but maybe somebody did that too.

    Frankly, nothing surprises me any more. **sigh**

  9. Debbie,
    "Certain elements cannot accept Barack Obama as president."

    That is exactly how way too many on the Left view those who are Conservative, who live in the South, who vote Republican, ... They don't try to hide it.

    I'm sure that America has been so divided before. But in my lifetime? If so, I didn't notice it.

  10. Woodsterman,
    That's one flag this veteran would enjoy burning!

    And the cries of "Racist!" would be heard, huh?

    One thing that really gets to me: the Left continues to insist that objecting to Obama's policies is racist.

    The race card has been heavily in play by Obama's supporters ever since he took office. Getting mighty old.

  11. Wildstar,
    The Dems, although murmuring a bit against Obama, will unite behind him more and more as we approach Election Day.

    The Right is more divided -- and always has been. This is one factor that may cause the GOP to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory in November. **sigh**

  12. I'm sad that the original disgusting display came from Florida democrats, but I am heartened by the Florida Veterans who came to the rescue of our Flag.

  13. Come on, SilverFiddle! I'm surprised at you -- a self-identified LIBERTARIAN.

    The stupid Obama Flag is a protected form of Free Speech. Not only that it's a piece of PRIVATE PROPERTY.

    Destroying it, as you suggest, might be tempting, but from a legal standpoint it would be an act of VANDALISM.

    And, as I said above, once we start persecuting people for displaying privately owned symbols we don't like, we open ourselves to attack for putting up Christmas wreaths, strings of lights, candy canes, Santa Clauses, reindeer and -- above all -- MANGER SCENES.

    Much better simply to OUTLAW Islam AND the Socialist and Communist Parties, and drive OUR version of the 'The Infidel" from OUR lands than to allow ourselves to be subjected to the erosion of OUR liberty and the creeping tyranny these INVADERS seek to impose on us through our crazy-mixed-up, lib-infested COURT SYSTEM.

    Only FOOLS fail to protect themselves when threatened. Idealism has no place on a BATTLEFIELD.


    Anyone who would "defend to the death" someone ELSE'S "right" to do everything in their power to destroy the defender is a bloody fool.

    ~ FreeThinke

  14. I wish i lived close to that Democrat office...along about 0'dark thirty it would come down ...then it would be burnt ! I'd urinate on the ashes to make sure it was out and no sparks would catch.

  15. So, someone made a flag with Obama's picture and you have a blog with a nasty picture of him as a demonic joker....are you getting it yet? Hypocrisy, thy name in wingnut,lol!

  16. Hardly the same...Presidents and their images are not protected and do not represent the country as an iconic image,,,,Presidents and their images has been cartonized since the days of John Adams.....finally this is blog run by a private citizen that was a Democratic Party Office headquarters....only a dolt would try to equate the two actions together

  17. As to this whole business of not respecting the President...

    I remember quite clearly the media always referred to President Bush as Mr. Bush but this imposter is never referred to as Mr. Obama.

    My deomcrats friends and family routinely denied Bush was their President...so stow it....

    At least we are arguing based on performance and not sophmoric idolitry..

    As to the point that he will be out in a few months or 4 years...are you sure?

    This guy does not play by the Constitution. Are you sure he will not find a way to extend his time in the White House? Are you so sure? We live in troubling times when our elected leaders will not utter a word as the Constitution is steam rolled. Troubling times indeed

  18. Blogginator,
    Thanks to responding to Liberalmann in my absence.

    Does the Democratic Party have a flag? I'd love to put the Obama-joker image on a portion of that flag and see how my Dem friends like THAT!

    Years ago, I wore my American flag jacket. My father-in-law didn't scold me, but he did point out that appropriate uses of the American flag had changed over the years. Yes, he's a veteran.

    You said:

    This guy does not play by the Constitution. Are you sure he will not find a way to extend his time in the White House?

    At times, I'm not sure. Then I scold myself for being paranoid.

    What I am sure of: if Obama gets re-elected, he and his minions will do all they can to suppress dissent here on the Internet.

    We live in troubling times when our elected leaders will not utter a word as the Constitution is steam rolled.

    And right along with that sorry situation, we have both the media and academia schilling for Leftism. After Obama was elected and I pointed out some ugly facts about Obama's views to my Democratic friends, those friends gasped: "I didn't know THAT!" All but one of those liberal friends will not be voting for Obama in November. Meanwhile, of course, those who are just now eligible to vote will likely vote for Obama this November; he's really working the campuses.

  19. Typo alert! Thanks to responding should read "Thanks for responding." Sheesh.

  20. Blogginator said "Presidents and their images are not protected and do not represent the country as an iconic image"

    They do for the idiotic Left, if it's THEIR GUY, and then they deny it and call US hypocrites! You can't make this stuff up!

  21. Let me get this right. As per usual, because it is election time and all the knives are out for anything even remotely linked to Obama, that because over zealous staff in one single location put his image on the flag and everyone (on the ultra-right bloggosphere) jumps for joy so that they can waste hours of their time saying how it is the "end of days", or as one on this blog somehow blaming Obama himself for it, it was obviously his doing - as if he was there and asked for it.

    Blame Obama for his economics and put some value in the arguments and you may have a point (well I think so) but the rest just looks like more of the usual dumbing down of the GOP process by clutching at straws. All the reports so for on this incident states that as soon as it was pointed out as offencive to some Vets it was taken down and when the DRC people heard about it asked that it actually be destroyed and never shown again.

    More making more of something that does not merit even the keystrokes on our computers (or screen smudging if you have a iPad like I do).

    D Charles

  22. D Charles,
    As per usual, because it is election time and all the knives are out for anything even remotely linked to Obama...

    It's typical American politics. We're a rowdy bunch that way, and this election cycle is no different past election cycles. The tradition of knives goes way back. See <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Nast</a>THIS</a> about Thomas Nast.

    There might also be "the canary in the coal mine" factor in play.

  23. I'm with Odie on this and would personally lite the match. Obama didn't do this, but like so many other things he remains silent as others do his dirty work. Did he know about this, who knows and yet he remains silent and in many other disspeakable cases.

  24. You only think it is pale because you have traded your freedom and enslaved yourself to the socialist agenda.....

    I am not debating you liberalmann for it is a waste of time.

    By the way, you do realize the term liberal is being misued in this age to mask an agenda of submission to the government? The term really applies to me and others like me as we seek freedom from government.

    Any rate, you are lost to your dogma, I can not dislodge you. So rant and rave all you want. In fact please do as it is illustrative of the left and their attitudes toward anything that stands in their way including people, the Constitution, and reason.

    I am trying to speak to the young people AOW teaches and to those on the fence who think they can have freedom from a government that provides them everything.

  25. You only think it is pale because you have traded your freedom and enslaved yourself to the socialist agenda.....

    I am not debating you liberalmann for it is a waste of time.

    By the way, you do realize the term liberal is being misued in this age to mask an agenda of submission to the government? The term really applies to me and others like me as we seek freedom from government.

    Any rate, you are lost to your dogma, I can not dislodge you. So rant and rave all you want. In fact please do as it is illustrative of the left and their attitudes toward anything that stands in their way including people, the Constitution, and reason.

    I am trying to speak to the young people AOW teaches and to those on the fence who think they can have freedom from a government that provides them everything.


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