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Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Political Humor

Lunch with the Pope

President-elect Trump invited the Pope for lunch on his mega yacht.

The Pope accepted and during lunch, a puff of wind blew the Pontiff's hat off, right into the water.

It floated off about 50 feet, then the wind died down and it just floated in place.

The crew and the secret service were scrambling to launch a boat to go get it, when Trump waved them off, saying, "Never mind, boys, I'll get it."

The Donald climbed over the side of the yacht, walked on the water to the hat, picked it up, walked back on the water, climbed into the yacht, and handed the Pope his hat.

The crew was speechless. The security team and the Pope's entourage were speechless.

No one knew what to say, not even the Pope.

But that afternoon, NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, CNN reported:


Related: #TrumpCantSwim: How (Hilariously Fake) Rumors Spread.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

The Consequences of "Resist"?

Click directly on the graphic to enlarge it:

[with a hat tip to Epaminondas of Infidel Bloggers Alliance]

Saturday, February 25, 2017

The Clinton Foundation

A case of "Be sure your sin will find you out"?

YouTube blurb:
Published on Jan 24, 2017

Why is the Clinton charity shutting down now? Financial analyst Charles Ortel, who has analyzed the Clinton Global Initiative charity for more than two years, says, “I think, in part, because nobody wants to contribute to it. That’s one reason. Unfortunately, they are going to learn the hard way the way charity laws actually work. You can’t simply shut something down and not answer any questions. . . . The laws are such that before you liquidate, and that is what they have to do here, you must make full disclosure, and they have never made proper disclosures here. . . . Going back to the Clinton Global Initiative, narrowly, what the (Clintons) tried to keep from public view are all the crooked side deals. . . . There are multiple private deals concocted out of the CGI, and every single one of them is what’s called ‘illegal private gain.’ . . . What they don’t seem to understand is, with charity fraud, the burden falls on the targeted charity to prove that it was lawful. . . If you destroy these records, which is what I fear they are doing, you are only compounding your problems. . . . Many countries are looking into this, and I think what you are going to find is a cascading mountain of new evidence. . . .This is a text book case of charity run amuck. . . . I think the case is overwhelming.”
Also see Clinton Charity is Massive Global Swamp-Charles Ortel.

Then again, the Clintons always seem to weasel out of any impending accountability.

Related? Report: Hillary Allies Think Obama (Not Putin) Cost Her The Election.

Friday, February 24, 2017

The Big Six-Five!


What a shame that the body has betrayed the mind as I've aged!

At least I still look young enough to wear this shirt, a gift from my homeschool group:

Birthday shirt
Shirt detail

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Video: Ami Horowitz's Stockholm Syndrome

(Two posts today.  Please scroll down)

Recently, we've heard quite a bit about documentary maker Ami Horowitz. Hearing about it is one thing, watching it another.

Please watch this video in its entirety:

I See Ugly Idiocy

(For politics, please scroll down)

One of my recent Facebook finds:

Why would anyone do that to himself?  Does he think that doing so makes him more attractive?  Is this kind of piercing some kind of signal (akin to a secret handshake)?


Saturday, February 18, 2017

Friday, February 17, 2017

Trump's Press Conference Of February 16, 2017

(Two posts today, and they are related)

Pod people are being created.  Hordes of them.

Last night and this morning, I watched some of CNN's and MSNBC's coverage of yesterday's press conference held by Trump.


CNN and MSNBC are bizarrely disconnected from what really transpired.

At one point on MSNBC's "Morning Joe," Mika Brzezinski (and the daughter of Zbigniew Kazimierz Brzezinski), the woman on the anchor desk, rolled her eyes to the heavens as she said the word "President." Following by a sigh, of course,

What alarms me is how many Americans will never actually watch the press conference. They'll just assume that Trump is unhinged because CNN and MSNBC have said so. These same Americans avoid Fox News like the plague. Not that some on Fox News aren't circling like sharks, too.

And you can bet that Trump is being excoriated this morning in classrooms all over the country — middle school through graduate level. And not only in social studies classes. English classes will also be infested with these "discussions."

President Trump is being presented as "unhinged" and unfit to be President. The same is coming from many supposedly on the Right: David Brooks and Michael Gerson, just to name two examples.

Watch your back.  At your workplace and at home.


Obama's Shadow Government

Worth a few moments of your time:

Article HERE.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

The Wearisome Race-Card Meme

Found on True Pundit's Facebook page:

From The Democratic Party has lost its mind — and its soul (dated February 8, 2017):
... No president has ever had so few cabinet members confirmed at this late date, just as no president has been confronted with such open talk of assassination and impeachment.

Speaking of which, have you heard a single Democrat decry the talk of assassination? Have you heard a single Democrat denounce the violence carried out by so-called protesters?

The answers are no and no because Dems see the riots and threats of violence as legitimate expressions of disapproval — and convenient for their purposes.

Their contribution to the “resistance” started when 70 Democrats boycotted Trump’s inauguration and many senators boycotted confirmation hearings and votes. Maybe they’ll soon throw rocks through windows....
Read the rest HERE.

Are you as worn out as much as I am with this nonsense?

Don't let these balkanizers get you down!

Related reading...Black Republican Senator Reads Hateful Tweets He Has Received: "... left out all the ones that used the N-word ..."

Brief excerpt:
..."You see, what I’m surprised by, just a smidgen, is that the liberal left that speaks and desires for all of us to be tolerant do not want to be tolerant of anyone that disagrees with where they are coming from,” Scott said after reciting the hateful messages.

“I just wish that my friends who call themselves liberals would want tolerance for all Americans, including conservative Americans,” he said.
Read the rest and watch the video HERE.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Happy Valentine's Day! (With Addendum)

(For politics, please scroll down)

graphic from a dear friend's Facebook page


And for the cat lovers who frequent this blog:


Flowers I received today from the homeschool group. I got the flowers home safe and sound, and they are now safely positioned in our living room:

Recommended Reading

See Academia’s “New Civics” vs. Traditional American Civics: Political ideology replaces civics education by Jack Kerwick at Front Page Magazine. Excerpt below the fold.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Musical Interlude

(For politics, please scroll down)

Kullervo by Jean Sibelius (1865-1957):

About this piece, which is really not a symphony but rather a suite of tone poems based on Kullervo, a tragic figure in Finnish mythology. Avid readers of the works of J.R.R. Tolkien may  recognize the tale of Kullervo.

Finlandia, perhaps Sibelius's most famous work:

Starting around time marker 6:10, some readers here will recognize the hymn "Be Still, My Soul."

Friday, February 10, 2017

Boycott Everything!

What an angry nation we have become. It's come to this:

From Heat Street's article "Welcome to Protest Nation: All the Things Americans Are Boycotting Because of Donald Trump" (dated February 3, 2017, so the lists may have expanded):
According to a list posted on Reddit, Donald Trump’s supporters can’t patronize: Pepsi (that means no soda, Doritos, Mountain Dew or Lipton tea), Macy’s, Amazon, the entire NFL, GrubHub, Oreos, Carrier air conditioners, Dreamworks, Netflix, Lifeway Yogurt, ConAgra (which makes nearly everything you consume), Disney, Ben & Jerry’s, Starbucks, Budweiser beer, and Apple and Dell computers.

Another spreadsheet, posted on GrabYourWallet.com, says that Trump’s opponents can’t frequent: Nordstrom, Macy’s, Neiman Marcus, LL Bean, Dillards, Zappos, TJ Maxx, Lord & Taylor, Walmart, Bed Bath & Beyond, the Home Shopping Network, Ross Dress for Less, Sears, Carnival Cruises, The Honest Company, the LA Clippers, Lending Tree, Miller beer, NASCAR, Uline, New Balance and Universal Studios.

Good luck.
Much more HERE.

Let's see....Save money by buying less, stay home (Without air conditioning!), lose weight by eating less junk food and drinking less beer, but have fewer choices for buying new clothes after losing all that weight because options for clothing outlets are limited.

Related: At Long Last, Someone Is Finally Leaving the Country Over Donald Trump.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Pelosi Outvoted — And Delusional

Last week, Nancy Pelosi vehemently advocated for keeping the student painting below on the walls of the United States Capitol:

Read additional details HERE, including the following:
...The controversial painting was selected as part of a student art competition in Rep. William Lacy Clay's district. The Missouri Democrat hung it in the Capitol, and Republicans immediately demanded that it should be taken down.

After the Architect of the Capitol agreed the painting should be removed, Pelosi appealed the decision to the House Office Building Commission. Pelosi herself sits on that panel, which also includes House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., and House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif.

The panel rejected her appeal in a 2-1 vote...
And then there's this (from C-Span on February 6, 2017):

Transcript HERE (if the video is no longer available).

Keep it up, Leftist loons. America is watching.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Thought For Today (With Addendum)

Those who are not American citizens do not have a right to come to the United States.

Do those individuals with valid visas or valid green cards have a right to come here?

Related reading: Why the ROBARTS HALT was wrong on Trump's travel restrictions, and why the Senate MUST MOVE IMMEDIATELY on Gorsuch.

Addendum: That Budweiser Super Bowl Ad Everyone Is Talking About? Turns Out It’s All a LIE.

Please discuss the above topics.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

One Antidote For Political And Societal Angst

(For politics, please scroll down.  Active thread below)

Click directly on the graphic to enlarge it:

The two most-human cats that Mr. AOW and I have ever had the pleasure of calling family very much resembled the white cat toward the lower left corner and the gray cat in the center.  Both of our very-human cats were at least part-Siamese.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Murderous Rage — From A Preschool Teacher!

I don't usually post videos containing such foul language. This time, however, I'm making an exception this time because the language and the manner of word delivery are important to observe. The screaming woman states that she a preschool teacher.

If you prefer not to watch the video, recorded at an anti-Trump rally in Seattle (last weekend?), please see a transcript of some excerpts from the woman's screed: