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Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Watch the video below the fold all the way to the end:

Obama: "Under our plan no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions, and federal conscience laws will remain in place"

Now, read THIS over at Weasel Zippers.

For a Constitution-based discussion of the establishment clause in the First Amendment, see THIS at Western Hero, Silverfiddle's site.


  1. It's all a shell game. We give taxpayer dollars to planned parenthood and they insist none of it is spent on abortions, but it just frees up other money so it can be spend on exactly that.

    Thanks for the linkage!

  2. Let them keep at it. Zero's poll numbers out this morning indicate things are not so swell. Let gas prices skyrocket, agitate the Catholic Church. Looking better every day.


    My understanding of the Establishment Clause tells me the government has no right to incorporate the tenets of one PARTICULAR religion in the legislative process in such a way that it nullifies the tenets of ANOTHER religion.

    In simpler terms:

    Our Founders forbid the Establishment of any Official State Religion.

    With all due respect to the militant "Diversitarians" and "Multicultists" among us, the Founders -- and 99.44% of our founding population -- were white people who came from places historically dominated by Christianity. Ergo, it seems unlikely that the Founders -- freethinking intellectuals, agnostics and Deists though some undoubtedly were -- intended that no particular branch, sect or division of CHRISTIANITY should be favored officially so that it might dominate or damage other branches of the faith.

    The Founders wanted men and women to be free to worship -- or not to worship -- as they chose without interference from the government.

    I doubt very much if it ever occurred to them that the likes of Islam, Eastern Religions and exotic quasi-religious entities such as Voodoo, Wiccan, Snake Worship, and Satanic Cults -- or even Judaism -- would ever become a significant enough factor in this basically Christian society to require legislative attention.

    The aggressive legalistic game-playing and twisted interpretations of language -- language perfectly plain to those who wrote it and first served under it -- by perverse, basically hostile, anomalous foreign elements, who arrived late in the game eager to benefit from the magnificent advantages established by the genius of the Founders, has had a deleterious effect on the integrity of our system of governance.

    Ou Founding Fathers were not strangers to heated argument, guile and unscrupulous attacks, but basically they were all cut from the same piece of cloth, and that may have been what enabled them to achieve their initial success.

    When a foreign form of "religion" attempts what-amounts-to a Hostile Takeover of OUR country, I think it's time to practice some judicious DISCRIMINATION against the insurgent force.


    When The Law fails to serve the best interests of the majority by favoring a distinctly anomalous minority, it should be reexamined, reformed or set aside. Failing that it must be DISOBEYED.

    ~ FreeThinke

    PS: I hope someone will present a rational argument in opposition or defense of my thesis. - FT

  4. AOW, We would seem to be on the same page at least when it comes to reminding people.

  5. I know it, you know it, but does the average apathetic voter, with his hand out, know it?

  6. He was talking and, therefore, his lips were moving and we all know what that means.

  7. I fear that Woodsterman has a very valid point. Most people don't seem to care.

  8. What part about 'no federal funding for abortion' do you not understand? What part of the HCR Bill do you not understand in relation to no government control?

  9. Bunkerville,
    Let them keep at it. Zero's poll numbers out this morning indicate things are not so swell.

    Of course, the mainstream media continue to shill for Obama.

    I do find it interesting that in spite of the GOP's circular firing squad, Obama's numbers have suffered drops. Once the GOP has its candidate, I hope to see Obama's numbers tank even further -- all the way to Election Day 2012.

  10. FT,
    I doubt very much if it ever occurred to them that the likes of Islam, Eastern Religions and exotic quasi-religious entities such as Voodoo, Wiccan, Snake Worship, and Satanic Cults -- or even Judaism -- would ever become a significant enough factor in this basically Christian society to require legislative attention.

    I often think to myself, "Our Founders are spinning in their graves!" What a mess we've made of what they constructed!

    I'm definitely with you on that one!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. AOW said: "I hope to see Obama's numbers tank even further -- all the way to Election Day 2012."

    Lol, well, you can wish in one hand....


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