I was horrified to learn this at Western Hero yesterday and almost as disturbed -- certainly disgusted -- to see the series of vile, inappropriate remarks posted by Ducky, who appeared to be in a veritable frenzy of unholy joy at the news.
I was proud of SilverFiddle for letting Ducky's vicious, small minded comments stand, because distasteful as they were, it provided clear and convincing evidence of the utterly despicable nature of our political enemies.
The first thought that popped into my head on receiving this sad news was, "I wonder how the filthy bastards murdered him?"
Something tells me Adrew Breitbart must have been murdered by leftist operatives, because the TIMING -- just as Andrew was about to reveal tapes damaging to Obama's reputation --was just a little TOO pat.
No one commented on my assertion at Western Hero, but I have to tell you I was extremely gratified to learn on his broadcast yesterday evening that none other than Michael Savage -- the ONLY radio talk show host in whom I have any trust anymore -- shares my "gut" feeling, and wasn't afraid to say it out loud on air.
I know we should all think of Andrew's poor family first and foremost, -- and certainly I do grieve for them, believe me, -- but since Breitbart was such towering figure in the political arena -- a larger-than-life heroic figure -- his untimely death has grave implications for the future of our nation.
Given the horrific record of radical leftist takeovers in the twentieth century through barbaric acts of terror on a scale unprecedented how could anyone seriously doubt the strong possibility that Andrew Breitbart was murdered in some sneaky, virtually untraceable way by political operatives who have never been burdened by conscience or awareness of any sense of decency or principle?
Leftists -- if we can believe the writings and activities of Antonio Gramsci, The Frankfurt School, Bela Kuhn, Saul Alinsky and the so-called New York Intellectuals -- have such a firm belief in their mission to destroy Western Protestant-Christian Capitalist Civilization they are besotted with the conviction that "OUR ends justify WHATEvER means we must take in order to obtain victory."
That, of course, is why they -- like the vicious Muslimaniacs with whom they ardently sympathize -- have proved so terribly hard to beat.
Sometimes, regrettable thought it may be to have to say it, the only to fight fire is WITH fire.
FT, I don't know if Breitbart was murdered. However, would that surprise me? Nope.
I read on Reuters that he did have a heart problem.
I also heard last night that the tapes WILL be revealed shortly. Breitbart had a backup plan.
As for Ducky, he once commented on The Gathering Storm Radio Show, which I co-host every Friday at 3:00 PM EST, wanting to see "Andrew Breitbart in a body bag." So, I'm not surprised that Duck was rejoicing yesterday.
The Left is the least tolerant of any on the planet!
The podcast during which Duck said something about "This administration should put Andrew Breitbart in a body bag." The statement appears around time marker 28:00; start listening @ 23:00. Date = July 2010.
We terminated Duck's call after his statement about Breitbart.
It was fascinating to me just to hear everyone's voices. I've always set a great deal of store by the tone and accent with which people speak. I am thoroughly familiar with Z's lovely, well-modulated voice because we used to talk on the phone with fair frequency. I can only say that I wish she WROTE as beautifully and temperately as she speaks. One gets a completely different impression of what Z is all about from her daily comments at GeeeeeZ.
I was quite surprised to hear Ducky's pronounced, working class Massachusetts accent. I frankly expected something more better modulated, erudite, affected, slightly effeminate and high-falutin' from him. He sounded so normal -- so ORDINARY -- that again the voice is at odds with the tone of the written word.
In the context of the interview, and given the way in which the line was delivered, I wasn't all that shocked or disturbed about the body bag line. I. myself, as I'm sure you've perceived say outrageous-sounding things all the time to try to provoke interest and keep my remarks colorful and entertaining. I don't literally mean a great deal of what I say.
One of my pet peeves is the way opposing factions take remarks out of context and deliberately distort them to support the point of view they advocate. I take a dim view of this when it comes from the right as much as I do when it comes from the other direction.
Z's most valuable contribution is her remarkable consistency in pointing out the hypocrisy, lack of logic and inconsistency in the media, and I believe her when she says, "All we want to see is fairness."
I, myself, at this point want more than "fairness." I would like to see us get EVEN, and believe that we on the right need to be every bit as aggressive, and insensitive as our adversaries.
If you play by Gentlemen's Rules when you're trying to combat barbarians, you'll always wind up get cut to ribands.
That's why I've favored Newt Gingrich. He's the only one out there in the available field of candidates who has the proverbial Chinman's Chance of Combatting the Obama Lie Factory.
Congratulations, AOW on having a radio show. Considering all your onerous duties and responsibilities I can't imagine how you do it. You come across just the way you write -- natural, unaffected, straight-from-the-shoulder and true blue.
Ducky aside, at that point in Mr. AOW's recovery, I had to listen for a possible fall or other catastrophe downstairs; I was in my upstairs office when I was hosting the show and periodically had to remove my headset to listen for trouble downstairs.
I have quite the boisterous laugh -- as you noticed, I'm sure. My students say that my laugh is "evil." Others say that it is "unforgettable." Whatever. I'm blunt, and I react quickly.
Actually, I love Z's blog. My writing style is different, of course. For one thing, I'm a professional writer and, since 1978, a teacher of both expository writing and creative writing. I also have the reputation as "The Grammar Police."
BTW, Duck may have phoned in to torment Z. He loves to rankle her.
I've interviewed Duck. He used to call himself "Mr. Ducky," something about the first beloved toy that he had.
Duck was quite nervous when I interviewed him (a few years before the show you just listened to). He specifically demanded that we not have a pissing contest. I told him, "I don't do pissing contests." And I don't.
But my temper CAN flare, and it's nasty when it breaks out. I never flare until I've burned through a very long fuse, and then I let fly. I can excoriate someone, believe me. Back when Mr. AOW and I were engaged, my mother advised me to be very careful about how I argued with my husband. Good advice, and I've heeded it very well.
As a fellow member of the Grammar Police, I hope you realized "more better" in my last post was the result of sloppy proof-reading and failing eyesight on my part?
I am often appalled at some of the crazy additions and omissions that slip into my remarks all too frequently -- especially these days.
I was a professional writer, myself. At one time I edited three publications, and always prided myself on punctilious attention to correctness while making every attempt to produce graceful syntax. I alway feel chagrined when I betray my own standards.
I've known lots of people who've had heart problems who have several heart attacks, had stets inserted, had open heart surgery -- in one instance TWICE in a 20-year period -- and none of them dropped dead at a young age without warning -- except my Uncle Vincent, who dropped dead on the sidewalk in front of his place of work seconds after he left to go to lunch. He was only 36, so it DOES happen, I know.
But look at Dick Cheney, who started having heart attacks in this thirties. He and I are exactly the same age and look at the life Cheney has led, DESPITE being in precarious health the whole time.
It's the TIMING as much as anything that convinces me Breitbart MUST have been the victim of foul play.
Michael Savage and Mike Gallagher think as I do. I'll be interested to see if any others follow suit.
If there is no autopsy performed on Breitbart, the stench of something rotten having occurred will persist all the longer. At the very least the possiblity of foul play should be throughly INVESTIGATED.
Anyone who doesn't believe the CIA, the KGB, the Mafia and probably lots of unscrupulous individuals do NOT have the means to produce an artificially induced heart attack in manner undetectable is incredibly naive.
These things CAN be done and HAVE been done almost routinely in the shadowy world of international espionage and covert political machinations.
Good Lord, legislation giving the president the power to arrest, imprison and even kill any American at will without showing just cause went into JUST went into effect on March first -- the day Breitbart was killed.
Good Lord, legislation giving the president the power to arrest, imprison and even kill any American at will without a warrant showing just cause JUST went into effect on March first -- the day Breitbart was killed.
For nearly nine months the congressional investigations of the Central Intelligence Agency have been conducted behind closed doors. In the old Senate caucus room the ten members of the select Senate committee were questioning CIA officials, including Director William Colby and the deputy director for science and technology, Sayre Stevens, about 11 gm. of shellfish toxin and 8 mg. of cobra venom discovered last May in a CIA storeroom.
Colby revealed that the agency in 1952 began a supersecret research program, code-named M.K. Naomi, partly to find countermeasures to chemical and biological weapons that might be used by the Russian KGB. CIA researchers ... came up with an array of James Bond weaponry that could use the shellfish toxin and other poisons as ammunition. To illustrate his testimony, Colby handed a pistol to Committee Chairman Frank Church. Resembling a Colt .45 equipped with a fat telescopic sight, the gun fires a toxin-tipped dart, almost silently and accurately up to 250 ft.
Moreover, the dart is so tiny—the width of a human hair and a quarter of an inch long—as to be almost indetectable, and the poison leaves no trace in a victim's body. Charles Senseney, an engineer for the Defense Department, told the Senators that he had devised dart launchers that were disguised as walking canes and umbrellas.
[Note: To watch an incredible one-minute video clip on this silent, lethal dart gun which causes a heart attack, click here. To watch the full, highly revealing Warner Brothers documentary Secrets of the CIA, click here. For other riveting major media articles along these lines, click here.]
Obviously, this kind of thing is nothing new. Political murders were routine in the ancient world, the world of the Borgias, and throughout history everywhere. Why the death of Breitbart should be regarded as anything ELSE is the only mystery in this sad affair.
FT, Just because I'm not much on conspiracy theories doesn't mean that Breitbart couldn't have been murdered.
Granted, the timing is very, very suspicious.
As for heart attacks, I know what you're saying about preventability and treatment. However, there is something called "heart block," and demise from that is sudden and unpredicatable. I know because my mother died from that cause as did her first cousin, the latter while she was under angiography.
With heart block, a sort of electrical storm, defib will not work -- not even more than a blip or two.
Now, EXACTLY WHAT KIND of heart problem with Breitbart have? You have described remedies for coronary blockage. IMO, if Breitbart's cardiac problem was irregular heartbeat, then he could well have dropped dead without any warning (heart block).
In my view, the family should insist upon a private autopsy -- independent of the autopsy that the LA coroner has hinted at conducting.
What is on those tapes that he spoke of a few weeks ago at CPAC?
Hopefully there is someone to pick up where he left off. He really knew how to spring the trap on Liberals, and they always bought it hook line and sinker. Pray For His Family.
Thank you for at least entertaining the possibility that Andrew could have been murdered, which is really all I've asked for. I'm glad you acknowledge that it wouldn't surprise you if it turns out that, indeed, he was murdered.
This business of dismissing logical conjecture and questioning of "official" versions of mysterious, terrible events as "conspiracy theory" troubles me greatly. One of the talk show hosts -- one whom I do NOT like at ALL -- Todd Schnitt -- just said anyone who would think Breitbart might have been murdered is an idiot.
Well, when people say things like THAT, it only serves to make me all the MORE suspicious.
Why are most observers of the scene so darned EAGER to dismiss the very THOUGHT as "insane," or "idiotic?"
I've lived long enough, read enough history, absorbed enough good literature, and seen enough tragic vents unfold to know that in this world ANYTHING is possible, and NOTHING should be dismissed out of hand without a thorough investigation.
I had no idea Breitbart was only 43 years old. To be he appeared much older. I assumed he was in his mid-to-late fifties.
He was young enough to be my sin, yet he looked old enough to be my father. Honest, he did! I always thought he looked unkempt and basically unhealthy, so maybe he really did just pop off, but -- the TIMING really, really bothers me.
As for heart arrhythmia. I suffered from it for three years in my early forties. I was under a lot of stress at the time, and the anxiety was more than I could bear. I did a great deal of walking -- almost out of desperation -- and found soon myself feeling much better. Before that I was visiting the ER as though it were the grocery store absolutely convinced I was having a heart attack.
I never did, and here I am thirty years later in better shape than I was at 40.
Presently I know two people who've been suffering from unrelieved atrial fibrillation for more than two decades. They just go right on living, act perfectly normal, and take the serene approach. If they die, they die, but meanwhile they refuse to worry about it.
I think that may very well be the right approach. Worrying does no good at all.
@Freethinker - Something tells me Adrew Breitbart must have been murdered by leftist operatives, because the TIMING -- just as Andrew was about to reveal tapes damaging to Obama's reputation --was just a little TOO pat.
Yeah, because an assassination would erase the tapes.
Hint: Cocaine's for horses and it's not for men, Doctor said it kill you, but he didn't say when. Cocaine all around my brain.
Soneone said it best: The fact that you people consider this stiff a great man says a lot about the state of the right in today's America. A bunch of droids whocan be led by the nose with some cheap agitprop.
Again other than ramping up the division and hatred in his country what did he accomplish. Come on, bring it, best game.
Here's his lies: http://mediamatters.org/research/201007210054
As much smoke as FT is throwing up, I'm starting to think he's detracting from the obvious.
Glenn Beck had Breitbart killed for exposing him as a pseudo-conservative plagiarist fraud. ;)
No wait. Maybe Ron Paul had Breitbart killed for showing the world Ron Paul was still selling anti-Semitic literature on his websites the same day he was denying any ties to his old racist newsletters. ;)
Lots of people wanted Breitbart dead, on the left and the psuedo-right. Hmmm. The only people trying to peddle the "Brietbart was assassinated by Obama" conspiracy theories all track to Ron Paul and Alex Jones.
Regarding my contention that Breitbart could have been murdered: I can't understand -- given the man's position and the powerful role he played in our political culture -- why that wouldn't be one of the first things that sprang to mind once the initial shock had started to wear off. It would seem incrediblynegligent to me not to investigate that possibility with extreme thoroughness.
I have a good deal of faith in Michael Savage -- much more than I do in any of his colleagues as a matter of fact -- and Michael feels much as I do -- that the peremptory claim that Breitbart died of "natural causes" and the almost studious determination on the part of too many to accept that at face value when in fact the circumstances under which he -- a famous, controversial and highly polarizing figure -- died (ALONE on a darkened STREET late at night!) are the stuff of countless detective stories, movies and TV shows.
Maybe I have a little too much of Sherlock Holmes, Alfred Hitchcock or Jessica Fletcher in me, but I would dare to say that anyone who does NOT feel a compelling need to investigate the possibility that Breitbart's death was caused by foul play is either a bit of a dolt -- or has something he'd like to hide.
...... OR it could just be somebody who delights in provoking pointless internet quarrels, because he (or she) gets his or her kicks from spouting endless eruptions of vitriolic contempt and vituperation -- a pathological form of conceit properly known as vomitus volcanus peccata perpetua. };-)>
the peremptory claim that Breitbart died of "natural causes" and the almost studious determination on the part of too many to accept that at face value
Now, as I've mentioned earlier, heart disease runs in my family. When my cousin, who had heart disease as well as numerous other heart problems, dropped dead at the age of 49 at a friend's house, an autopsy was conducted; the autopsy was required by law. Nobody jumped to the immediate conclusion that my cousin had died of a heart attack. Indeed, he had died of that cause; apparently, he had a heart attack, then choked on the steak he was chewing at the time.
Although I don't ASSUME that Breitbart was murdered, I refuse to say that it's not a possibility.
But will we ever know the answer? A lot of folks on the right will not accept the word of the LA medical examiner. I've heard some very negative things about the LA Coroner's Office for decades -- some of those things clearly just speculation and a desire to enjoy and perpetuate conspiracy theories. Perhaps that desire IS related to loving mysteries (Sherlock Holmes, Jessica Fletcher, Ellery Queen, etc.).
a pathological form of conceit properly known as vomitus volcanus peccata perpetua
Your blogging style doesn't bother me in the least.
Notice the treatment of left toward any one that disagrees with them...they want them in a body bag....
We may suggest they have a lack of a working cortez but we generally do not dance a jig when a leftist dies....
I do not much about this guy's work but it must be good stuff for the left to be so glad he is dead and so eager to make fun of him...
Actually his untimely death likes elevates whatever is on these tapes. The media simply is not now going to admit they made a mistake in backing Obummer....
Notice the treatment of left toward any one that disagrees with them...they want them in a body bag....
We may suggest they have a lack of a working cortez but we generally do not dance a jig when a leftist dies....
I do not much about this guy's work but it must be good stuff for the left to be so glad he is dead and so eager to make fun of him...
Actually his untimely death likes elevates whatever is on these tapes. The media simply is not now going to admit they made a mistake in backing Obummer....
FT, I just stopped by Silverfiddle's site and saw that you left me a wonderful compliment:
I sure do admire AOW for being able to do a weekly broadcast when she already has so many irons in the fire that must be a tremendous drain on her energies. I don't know how she does it, but I think it's wonderful.
My answer as to how I do it: I'm like a dog with a bone. Once I get ahold of something, I worry it to death!
Regardless of how somebody feels about Breitbart, people SHOULD keep in mind that he has left behind young children and a widow. They must be "flattened" by his sudden death.
At the risk of sounding too effusive, I have to say that any good thing said about you, AOW, has to be very much deserved.
Thanks too for your openness and good sense of balance regarding the possibility of foul play in Andrew Breitbart's death. I felt it was important to open the idea for thought and discussion.
I certainly agree that it's not mere "political correctness" to show empathy and sensitivity to the plight of the widow and their four children when discussing Breitbart's demise no matter what you might have thought of the role he played in our political culture.
I remember thinking when Ted Olsen's dear wife Barbara was killed over Shanksville, PA on 911, "Now WHY oh WHY, if it had to occur, couldn't it have happened to HILLARY, instead?"
Yes I really did think that -- but I KEPT IT TO MYSELF. That may not make me morally superior to the leftists, but at least I can be sure I exhibit better taste and decorum.
In the interests of honesty I have to say that I was not referring to myself when I wrote:
"...... OR it could just be somebody who delights in provoking pointless internet quarrels, because he (or she) gets his or her kicks from spouting endless eruptions of vitriolic contempt and vituperation -- a pathological form of conceit properly known as vomitus volcanus peccata perpetua. };-)>
I shall not spell out who I was referring to -- actually no one in particular, but rather a certain "type" that haunts blogs primarily to spark acrimony and pick fights. Their name is Legion. I don't think I qualify for membership in that unfortunate league -- at least I hope not.
Hope you and Mr. AOW have a pleasant weekend, AOW.
FT, I'm no saint, but I do strive to "walk the walk."
I have a heart for widows and their children. Likely because my dearest cousin (aforementioned and afflicted from birth with a relatively-mild form of osteogenesis imperfecta) found himself without a father when his father, a healthy man in the extreme, succumbed to complications of chickenpox at the age of 31; my cousin was 8 years old at the time. My cousin's life was a mess -- some of the mess his own making, surely, but some of the mess the circumstances of having a widowed mother forced back to work.
My grandmother was also widowed -- at the age of 27.
There is a valid reason that a family needs a father and a mother. Children suffer when they don't have both parents -- no matter how hard the remaining parent tries to take up the slack.
We welcome civil dialogue at Always on Watch. Comments that include any of the following are subject to deletion: 1. Any use of profanity or abusive language 2. Off topic comments and spam 3. Use of personal invective
carry on the Breitbart tradition.
ReplyDeleteAmen sister!
Run it straight up the gut, get in their faces and let the lefties know they don't own the government, the culture or the news!
God rest your soul, Andrew Breitbart.
I am very sad. He was a champion for us.
ReplyDeleteHi AOW.
ReplyDeleteMade yesterday this politifake in his honor .
His death is an enormous loss for Americans...only half of us are wise enough to realize it.
ReplyDeleteI was horrified to learn this at Western Hero yesterday and almost as disturbed -- certainly disgusted -- to see the series of vile, inappropriate remarks posted by Ducky, who appeared to be in a veritable frenzy of unholy joy at the news.
ReplyDeleteI was proud of SilverFiddle for letting Ducky's vicious, small minded comments stand, because distasteful as they were, it provided clear and convincing evidence of the utterly despicable nature of our political enemies.
The first thought that popped into my head on receiving this sad news was, "I wonder how the filthy bastards murdered him?"
Something tells me Adrew Breitbart must have been murdered by leftist operatives, because the TIMING -- just as Andrew was about to reveal tapes damaging to Obama's reputation --was just a little TOO pat.
No one commented on my assertion at Western Hero, but I have to tell you I was extremely gratified to learn on his broadcast yesterday evening that none other than Michael Savage -- the ONLY radio talk show host in whom I have any trust anymore -- shares my "gut" feeling, and wasn't afraid to say it out loud on air.
I know we should all think of Andrew's poor family first and foremost, -- and certainly I do grieve for them, believe me, -- but since Breitbart was such towering figure in the political arena -- a larger-than-life heroic figure -- his untimely death has grave implications for the future of our nation.
Given the horrific record of radical leftist takeovers in the twentieth century through barbaric acts of terror on a scale unprecedented how could anyone seriously doubt the strong possibility that Andrew Breitbart was murdered in some sneaky, virtually untraceable way by political operatives who have never been burdened by conscience or awareness of any sense of decency or principle?
Leftists -- if we can believe the writings and activities of Antonio Gramsci, The Frankfurt School, Bela Kuhn, Saul Alinsky and the so-called New York Intellectuals -- have such a firm belief in their mission to destroy Western Protestant-Christian Capitalist Civilization they are besotted with the conviction that "OUR ends justify WHATEvER means we must take in order to obtain victory."
That, of course, is why they -- like the vicious Muslimaniacs with whom they ardently sympathize -- have proved so terribly hard to beat.
Sometimes, regrettable thought it may be to have to say it, the only to fight fire is WITH fire.
~ FreeThinke
ReplyDeleteThanks for that graphic. I've added it to the end of the post.
ReplyDeleteI don't know if Breitbart was murdered. However, would that surprise me? Nope.
I read on Reuters that he did have a heart problem.
I also heard last night that the tapes WILL be revealed shortly. Breitbart had a backup plan.
As for Ducky, he once commented on The Gathering Storm Radio Show, which I co-host every Friday at 3:00 PM EST, wanting to see "Andrew Breitbart in a body bag." So, I'm not surprised that Duck was rejoicing yesterday.
The Left is the least tolerant of any on the planet!
The podcast during which Duck said something about "This administration should put Andrew Breitbart in a body bag." The statement appears around time marker 28:00; start listening @ 23:00. Date = July 2010.
ReplyDeleteWe terminated Duck's call after his statement about Breitbart.
What the DailyKos wants at Breitbart's funeral:
ReplyDeleteHeld Andrew Breitbart go out In Style..Get Westboro Baptist Church to Protest Him.
I hope that Andrew Brietbart's family finds comfort right now.
ReplyDeleteIt was fascinating to me just to hear everyone's voices. I've always set a great deal of store by the tone and accent with which people speak. I am thoroughly familiar with Z's lovely, well-modulated voice because we used to talk on the phone with fair frequency. I can only say that I wish she WROTE as beautifully and temperately as she speaks. One gets a completely different impression of what Z is all about from her daily comments at GeeeeeZ.
ReplyDeleteI was quite surprised to hear Ducky's pronounced, working class Massachusetts accent. I frankly expected something more better modulated, erudite, affected, slightly effeminate and high-falutin' from him. He sounded so normal -- so ORDINARY -- that again the voice is at odds with the tone of the written word.
In the context of the interview, and given the way in which the line was delivered, I wasn't all that shocked or disturbed about the body bag line. I. myself, as I'm sure you've perceived say outrageous-sounding things all the time to try to provoke interest and keep my remarks colorful and entertaining. I don't literally mean a great deal of what I say.
One of my pet peeves is the way opposing factions take remarks out of context and deliberately distort them to support the point of view they advocate. I take a dim view of this when it comes from the right as much as I do when it comes from the other direction.
Z's most valuable contribution is her remarkable consistency in pointing out the hypocrisy, lack of logic and inconsistency in the media, and I believe her when she says, "All we want to see is fairness."
I, myself, at this point want more than "fairness." I would like to see us get EVEN, and believe that we on the right need to be every bit as aggressive, and insensitive as our adversaries.
If you play by Gentlemen's Rules when you're trying to combat barbarians, you'll always wind up get cut to ribands.
That's why I've favored Newt Gingrich. He's the only one out there in the available field of candidates who has the proverbial Chinman's Chance of Combatting the Obama Lie Factory.
Congratulations, AOW on having a radio show. Considering all your onerous duties and responsibilities I can't imagine how you do it. You come across just the way you write -- natural, unaffected, straight-from-the-shoulder and true blue.
So glad you shared his item.
~ FreeThinke
ReplyDeleteI was quite nervous during that show.
Ducky aside, at that point in Mr. AOW's recovery, I had to listen for a possible fall or other catastrophe downstairs; I was in my upstairs office when I was hosting the show and periodically had to remove my headset to listen for trouble downstairs.
I have quite the boisterous laugh -- as you noticed, I'm sure. My students say that my laugh is "evil." Others say that it is "unforgettable." Whatever. I'm blunt, and I react quickly.
Actually, I love Z's blog. My writing style is different, of course. For one thing, I'm a professional writer and, since 1978, a teacher of both expository writing and creative writing. I also have the reputation as "The Grammar Police."
BTW, Duck may have phoned in to torment Z. He loves to rankle her.
I've interviewed Duck. He used to call himself "Mr. Ducky," something about the first beloved toy that he had.
Duck was quite nervous when I interviewed him (a few years before the show you just listened to). He specifically demanded that we not have a pissing contest. I told him, "I don't do pissing contests." And I don't.
But my temper CAN flare, and it's nasty when it breaks out. I never flare until I've burned through a very long fuse, and then I let fly. I can excoriate someone, believe me. Back when Mr. AOW and I were engaged, my mother advised me to be very careful about how I argued with my husband. Good advice, and I've heeded it very well.
The Patriot will be missed!
ReplyDeleteAs a fellow member of the Grammar Police, I hope you realized "more better" in my last post was the result of sloppy proof-reading and failing eyesight on my part?
ReplyDeleteI am often appalled at some of the crazy additions and omissions that slip into my remarks all too frequently -- especially these days.
I was a professional writer, myself. At one time I edited three publications, and always prided myself on punctilious attention to correctness while making every attempt to produce graceful syntax. I alway feel chagrined when I betray my own standards.
~ FreeThinke
ReplyDeleteI myself have trouble proofreading on a computer screen. I need the hard copy!
I've known lots of people who've had heart problems who have several heart attacks, had stets inserted, had open heart surgery -- in one instance TWICE in a 20-year period -- and none of them dropped dead at a young age without warning -- except my Uncle Vincent, who dropped dead on the sidewalk in front of his place of work seconds after he left to go to lunch. He was only 36, so it DOES happen, I know.
ReplyDeleteBut look at Dick Cheney, who started having heart attacks in this thirties. He and I are exactly the same age and look at the life Cheney has led, DESPITE being in precarious health the whole time.
It's the TIMING as much as anything that convinces me Breitbart MUST have been the victim of foul play.
Michael Savage and Mike Gallagher think as I do. I'll be interested to see if any others follow suit.
If there is no autopsy performed on Breitbart, the stench of something rotten having occurred will persist all the longer. At the very least the possiblity of foul play should be throughly INVESTIGATED.
~ FreeThinke
Anyone who doesn't believe the CIA, the KGB, the Mafia and probably lots of unscrupulous individuals do NOT have the means to produce an artificially induced heart attack in manner undetectable is incredibly naive.
ReplyDeleteThese things CAN be done and HAVE been done almost routinely in the shadowy world of international espionage and covert political machinations.
Good Lord, legislation giving the president the power to arrest, imprison and even kill any American at will without showing just cause went into JUST went into effect on March first -- the day Breitbart was killed.
~ FreeThinke
Good Lord, legislation giving the president the power to arrest, imprison and even kill any American at will without a warrant showing just cause JUST went into effect on March first -- the day Breitbart was killed.
ReplyDeleteTake a look:
INTELLIGENCE: Of Dart Guns and Poisons
Time Magazine, September 9, 1975
Posted: 2011-03-16 12:19:06
For nearly nine months the congressional investigations of the Central Intelligence Agency have been conducted behind closed doors. In the old Senate caucus room the ten members of the select Senate committee were questioning CIA officials, including Director William Colby and the deputy director for science and technology, Sayre Stevens, about 11 gm. of shellfish toxin and 8 mg. of cobra venom discovered last May in a CIA storeroom.
Colby revealed that the agency in 1952 began a supersecret research program, code-named M.K. Naomi, partly to find countermeasures to chemical and biological weapons that might be used by the Russian KGB. CIA researchers ... came up with an array of James Bond weaponry that could use the shellfish toxin and other poisons as ammunition. To illustrate his testimony, Colby handed a pistol to Committee Chairman Frank Church. Resembling a Colt .45 equipped with a fat telescopic sight, the gun fires a toxin-tipped dart, almost silently and accurately up to 250 ft.
Moreover, the dart is so tiny—the width of a human hair and a quarter of an inch long—as to be almost indetectable, and the poison leaves no trace in a victim's body. Charles Senseney, an engineer for the Defense Department, told the Senators that he had devised dart launchers that were disguised as walking canes and umbrellas.
[Note: To watch an incredible one-minute video clip on this silent, lethal dart gun which causes a heart attack, click here. To watch the full, highly revealing Warner Brothers documentary Secrets of the CIA, click here. For other riveting major media articles along these lines, click here.]
Obviously, this kind of thing is nothing new. Political murders were routine in the ancient world, the world of the Borgias, and throughout history everywhere. Why the death of Breitbart should be regarded as anything ELSE is the only mystery in this sad affair.
~ FreeThinke
ReplyDeleteJust because I'm not much on conspiracy theories doesn't mean that Breitbart couldn't have been murdered.
Granted, the timing is very, very suspicious.
As for heart attacks, I know what you're saying about preventability and treatment. However, there is something called "heart block," and demise from that is sudden and unpredicatable. I know because my mother died from that cause as did her first cousin, the latter while she was under angiography.
With heart block, a sort of electrical storm, defib will not work -- not even more than a blip or two.
Now, EXACTLY WHAT KIND of heart problem with Breitbart have? You have described remedies for coronary blockage. IMO, if Breitbart's cardiac problem was irregular heartbeat, then he could well have dropped dead without any warning (heart block).
In my view, the family should insist upon a private autopsy -- independent of the autopsy that the LA coroner has hinted at conducting.
What is on those tapes that he spoke of a few weeks ago at CPAC?
Hopefully there is someone to pick up where he left off. He really knew how to spring the trap on Liberals, and they always bought it hook line and sinker. Pray For His Family.
ReplyDeleteHello again, AOW,
ReplyDeleteThank you for at least entertaining the possibility that Andrew could have been murdered, which is really all I've asked for. I'm glad you acknowledge that it wouldn't surprise you if it turns out that, indeed, he was murdered.
This business of dismissing logical conjecture and questioning of "official" versions of mysterious, terrible events as "conspiracy theory" troubles me greatly. One of the talk show hosts -- one whom I do NOT like at ALL -- Todd Schnitt -- just said anyone who would think Breitbart might have been murdered is an idiot.
Well, when people say things like THAT, it only serves to make me all the MORE suspicious.
Why are most observers of the scene so darned EAGER to dismiss the very THOUGHT as "insane," or "idiotic?"
I've lived long enough, read enough history, absorbed enough good literature, and seen enough tragic vents unfold to know that in this world ANYTHING is possible, and NOTHING should be dismissed out of hand without a thorough investigation.
I had no idea Breitbart was only 43 years old. To be he appeared much older. I assumed he was in his mid-to-late fifties.
He was young enough to be my sin, yet he looked old enough to be my father. Honest, he did! I always thought he looked unkempt and basically unhealthy, so maybe he really did just pop off, but -- the TIMING really, really bothers me.
As for heart arrhythmia. I suffered from it for three years in my early forties. I was under a lot of stress at the time, and the anxiety was more than I could bear. I did a great deal of walking -- almost out of desperation -- and found soon myself feeling much better. Before that I was visiting the ER as though it were the grocery store absolutely convinced I was having a heart attack.
I never did, and here I am thirty years later in better shape than I was at 40.
Presently I know two people who've been suffering from unrelieved atrial fibrillation for more than two decades. They just go right on living, act perfectly normal, and take the serene approach. If they die, they die, but meanwhile they refuse to worry about it.
I think that may very well be the right approach. Worrying does no good at all.
~ FreeThinke
@Freethinker - Something tells me Adrew Breitbart must have been murdered by leftist operatives, because the TIMING -- just as Andrew was about to reveal tapes damaging to Obama's reputation --was just a little TOO pat.
Yeah, because an assassination would erase the tapes.
Cocaine's for horses and it's not for men,
Doctor said it kill you, but he didn't say when.
Cocaine all around my brain.
Soneone said it best: The fact that you people consider this stiff a great man says a lot about the state of the right in today's America. A bunch of droids whocan be led by the nose with some cheap agitprop.
ReplyDeleteAgain other than ramping up the division and hatred in his country what did he accomplish. Come on, bring it, best game.
Here's his lies:
As much smoke as FT is throwing up, I'm starting to think he's detracting from the obvious.
ReplyDeleteGlenn Beck had Breitbart killed for exposing him as a pseudo-conservative plagiarist fraud. ;)
No wait. Maybe Ron Paul had Breitbart killed for showing the world Ron Paul was still selling anti-Semitic literature on his websites the same day he was denying any ties to his old racist newsletters. ;)
Lots of people wanted Breitbart dead, on the left and the psuedo-right. Hmmm. The only people trying to peddle the "Brietbart was assassinated by Obama" conspiracy theories all track to Ron Paul and Alex Jones.
What are they hiding? ;)
Again other than ramping up the division and hatred in his country what did he accomplish. Come on, bring it, best game.
ReplyDeleteHe brought you out to show us the intellect of the Left.
Point. Set. Match.
Regarding my contention that Breitbart could have been murdered: I can't understand -- given the man's position and the powerful role he played in our political culture -- why that wouldn't be one of the first things that sprang to mind once the initial shock had started to wear off. It would seem incrediblynegligent to me not to investigate that possibility with extreme thoroughness.
ReplyDeleteI have a good deal of faith in Michael Savage -- much more than I do in any of his colleagues as a matter of fact -- and Michael feels much as I do -- that the peremptory claim that Breitbart died of "natural causes" and the almost studious determination on the part of too many to accept that at face value when in fact the circumstances under which he -- a famous, controversial and highly polarizing figure -- died (ALONE on a darkened STREET late at night!) are the stuff of countless detective stories, movies and TV shows.
Maybe I have a little too much of Sherlock Holmes, Alfred Hitchcock or Jessica Fletcher in me, but I would dare to say that anyone who does NOT feel a compelling need to investigate the possibility that Breitbart's death was caused by foul play is either a bit of a dolt -- or has something he'd like to hide.
...... OR it could just be somebody who delights in provoking pointless internet quarrels, because he (or she) gets his or her kicks from spouting endless eruptions of vitriolic contempt and vituperation -- a pathological form of conceit properly known as vomitus volcanus peccata perpetua. };-)>
~ FreeThinke
ReplyDeleteGood morning.
the peremptory claim that Breitbart died of "natural causes" and the almost studious determination on the part of too many to accept that at face value
Now, as I've mentioned earlier, heart disease runs in my family. When my cousin, who had heart disease as well as numerous other heart problems, dropped dead at the age of 49 at a friend's house, an autopsy was conducted; the autopsy was required by law. Nobody jumped to the immediate conclusion that my cousin had died of a heart attack. Indeed, he had died of that cause; apparently, he had a heart attack, then choked on the steak he was chewing at the time.
Although I don't ASSUME that Breitbart was murdered, I refuse to say that it's not a possibility.
But will we ever know the answer? A lot of folks on the right will not accept the word of the LA medical examiner. I've heard some very negative things about the LA Coroner's Office for decades -- some of those things clearly just speculation and a desire to enjoy and perpetuate conspiracy theories. Perhaps that desire IS related to loving mysteries (Sherlock Holmes, Jessica Fletcher, Ellery Queen, etc.).
a pathological form of conceit properly known as vomitus volcanus peccata perpetua
Your blogging style doesn't bother me in the least.
This is a teachable moment....
ReplyDeleteNotice the treatment of left toward any one that disagrees with them...they want them in a body bag....
We may suggest they have a lack of a working cortez but we generally do not dance a jig when a leftist dies....
I do not much about this guy's work but it must be good stuff for the left to be so glad he is dead and so eager to make fun of him...
Actually his untimely death likes elevates whatever is on these tapes. The media simply is not now going to admit they made a mistake in backing Obummer....
This is a teachable moment....
ReplyDeleteNotice the treatment of left toward any one that disagrees with them...they want them in a body bag....
We may suggest they have a lack of a working cortez but we generally do not dance a jig when a leftist dies....
I do not much about this guy's work but it must be good stuff for the left to be so glad he is dead and so eager to make fun of him...
Actually his untimely death likes elevates whatever is on these tapes. The media simply is not now going to admit they made a mistake in backing Obummer....
ReplyDeleteI just stopped by Silverfiddle's site and saw that you left me a wonderful compliment:
I sure do admire AOW for being able to do a weekly broadcast when she already has so many irons in the fire that must be a tremendous drain on her energies. I don't know how she does it, but I think it's wonderful.
My answer as to how I do it: I'm like a dog with a bone. Once I get ahold of something, I worry it to death!
ReplyDeleteYes, this is a teachable moment.
Regardless of how somebody feels about Breitbart, people SHOULD keep in mind that he has left behind young children and a widow. They must be "flattened" by his sudden death.
At the risk of sounding too effusive, I have to say that any good thing said about you, AOW, has to be very much deserved.
ReplyDeleteThanks too for your openness and good sense of balance regarding the possibility of foul play in Andrew Breitbart's death. I felt it was important to open the idea for thought and discussion.
I certainly agree that it's not mere "political correctness" to show empathy and sensitivity to the plight of the widow and their four children when discussing Breitbart's demise no matter what you might have thought of the role he played in our political culture.
I remember thinking when Ted Olsen's dear wife Barbara was killed over Shanksville, PA on 911, "Now WHY oh WHY, if it had to occur, couldn't it have happened to HILLARY, instead?"
Yes I really did think that -- but I KEPT IT TO MYSELF. That may not make me morally superior to the leftists, but at least I can be sure I exhibit better taste and decorum.
~ FreeThinke
In the interests of honesty I have to say that I was not referring to myself when I wrote:
ReplyDelete"...... OR it could just be somebody who delights in provoking pointless internet quarrels, because he (or she) gets his or her kicks from spouting endless eruptions of vitriolic contempt and vituperation -- a pathological form of conceit properly known as vomitus volcanus peccata perpetua. };-)>
I shall not spell out who I was referring to -- actually no one in particular, but rather a certain "type" that haunts blogs primarily to spark acrimony and pick fights. Their name is Legion. I don't think I qualify for membership in that unfortunate league -- at least I hope not.
Hope you and Mr. AOW have a pleasant weekend, AOW.
~ Freethinke
ReplyDeleteI'm no saint, but I do strive to "walk the walk."
I have a heart for widows and their children. Likely because my dearest cousin (aforementioned and afflicted from birth with a relatively-mild form of osteogenesis imperfecta) found himself without a father when his father, a healthy man in the extreme, succumbed to complications of chickenpox at the age of 31; my cousin was 8 years old at the time. My cousin's life was a mess -- some of the mess his own making, surely, but some of the mess the circumstances of having a widowed mother forced back to work.
My grandmother was also widowed -- at the age of 27.
There is a valid reason that a family needs a father and a mother. Children suffer when they don't have both parents -- no matter how hard the remaining parent tries to take up the slack.
Autopsy results will be announced in 4-6 weeks.
ReplyDeleteOur side has lost a good fighter, we can but try and pick up the flag and carry on.
ReplyDeleteYes, I'm sure the right will carry on the tradition of hate, lies and fear. They always do.