With a hat tip to Adrienne's Corner:
[In keeping with the spirit of gratitude for our many blessings, Nincompoopery is on hiatus until December 7]
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Friday, November 29, 2013
The Spirit Of Celebration
See In Celebration of the Spirit of Thanksgiving and the Advent Season...an excerpt from LITTLE WOMEN by Louisa May Alcott at FreeThinke's blog. Offers quite the contrast to the mania of Black Friday!
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Thanksgiving 2013
(Custom graphic by Stogie of Saber Point)
The true meaning of our American Thanksgiving:
Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise: be thankful unto Him, and bless His name.
For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting; and His truth endureth to all generations.
— Psalm 100:4-5 (KJV)
I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.
— Philippians 4:00 (KJV)
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Tales From The Classroom
("Tales from the Classroom" is a new feature posted occasionally here at this blog. All tales are true and present matters about which I have personal knowledge. The following tale relates the story of something that happened in November 2013)
On November 12, I received the earliest Christmas card ever from one of my students — the youngest student in the homeschool group. This little girl is only eight years old, and we admitted her on one-month probation last year to the middle school classes, classes for those from ages 11-14.
On November 12, I received the earliest Christmas card ever from one of my students — the youngest student in the homeschool group. This little girl is only eight years old, and we admitted her on one-month probation last year to the middle school classes, classes for those from ages 11-14.
Monday, November 25, 2013
Local Businesses Helping Veterans
This year, Mr. AOW was nominated to receive various services for our house and property. Just in time for Christmas!
The first crew came on Saturday and worked all day. These young men served in the USMC! The first thing they did upon arrival to our house: thank Mr. AOW for his service.
The general yard work will be done the week of December 1.
The services we're receiving include tree trimming, tree removal, gutter cleaning, leaf raking. and the placing of outside Christmas decorations — tasks that I have been unable to do. Before his stroke of September 15, 2009, Mr. AOW used to do that kind of work. I have kept up the best that I could, but many maintenance tasks have been neglected.
Read more about Decorate A Vet HERE.
THIS STORY provides one example of the kind of reaching out that Decorate A Vet does:
More than lip service to the popular mantra "Honor our veterans"!
The first crew came on Saturday and worked all day. These young men served in the USMC! The first thing they did upon arrival to our house: thank Mr. AOW for his service.
The general yard work will be done the week of December 1.
The services we're receiving include tree trimming, tree removal, gutter cleaning, leaf raking. and the placing of outside Christmas decorations — tasks that I have been unable to do. Before his stroke of September 15, 2009, Mr. AOW used to do that kind of work. I have kept up the best that I could, but many maintenance tasks have been neglected.
Read more about Decorate A Vet HERE.
THIS STORY provides one example of the kind of reaching out that Decorate A Vet does:
Met with one of our Veterans family today to discuss decorating details. Tragically, this Vietnam Veteran was struck and killed by a texting driver in September. He left behind a loving wife and three sons. Since moving into this home in 1987, he has religiously decorated the house each and every Christmas. This year we will do the job to help carry on that family tradition and hopefully help in the grieving a tiny bit.
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More than lip service to the popular mantra "Honor our veterans"!
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Famous Child Stars Of The 50's, 60's, and 70's
(If you must have politics, please scroll down)
Where are they now? See THIS SLIDE SHOW, which provides an update on 16 child stars of that period.
Where are they now? See THIS SLIDE SHOW, which provides an update on 16 child stars of that period.
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Nincompoopery — And Worse
(Weekend roundup post. For the definition of nincompoop, see THIS in the Urban Dictionary. Commenters are encouraged to post links that tell of more nincompoopery)
Links to read (more possibly added as the weekend progresses):
Obama biography, required reading, tells fourth-graders that white Americans are racists
Strange consequence of illegible penmanship?
The Hidden Marriage Penalty in Obamacare: Childless couples and empty nesters pay more. Much more
Your share of the national debt is now $1.1 million
Links to read (more possibly added as the weekend progresses):

Strange consequence of illegible penmanship?
The Hidden Marriage Penalty in Obamacare: Childless couples and empty nesters pay more. Much more
Your share of the national debt is now $1.1 million
Friday, November 22, 2013
Fifty Years Ago Today
One of the most-watched videos on YouTube:
As most old enough to remember November 22, 1963, I recall that day is if it were yesterday....
A seventh grader at the time, I was in study hall and working diligently to get my Virginia History homework done. Mr. Carson, all the students' favorite teacher, came in to tell us, "The President of the United States is dead. He was shot in Dallas, Texas." Classes at the private school I attended in 1963 were held in the Richardson House, a brick Antebellum mansion with at least four porches. All classes for those above fifth grade were immediately halted, and we went to the porches to pray and to sit in silence after the prayers. None of us students headed for the playground. Instead, we waited for the buses to be readied for early dismissal because of the concern that our entire country's national security was in jeopardy. After all, the Cuban Missile Crisis and bomb-shelter drills still loomed large in our nation's consciousness. Once home, everyone sat glued to the television sets until after the funeral for President John F. Kennedy.
For other personal comments about that day, see the comments section at the Washington Times article Share your memories of JFK’s assassination 50 years ago.
If John F. Kennedy were alive today, he would be ninety-six years old.
Comprehensive web page: The Kennedy Assassination.
For those interested, there is an animated video about that day in Dallas below the fold.
As most old enough to remember November 22, 1963, I recall that day is if it were yesterday....
A seventh grader at the time, I was in study hall and working diligently to get my Virginia History homework done. Mr. Carson, all the students' favorite teacher, came in to tell us, "The President of the United States is dead. He was shot in Dallas, Texas." Classes at the private school I attended in 1963 were held in the Richardson House, a brick Antebellum mansion with at least four porches. All classes for those above fifth grade were immediately halted, and we went to the porches to pray and to sit in silence after the prayers. None of us students headed for the playground. Instead, we waited for the buses to be readied for early dismissal because of the concern that our entire country's national security was in jeopardy. After all, the Cuban Missile Crisis and bomb-shelter drills still loomed large in our nation's consciousness. Once home, everyone sat glued to the television sets until after the funeral for President John F. Kennedy.
For other personal comments about that day, see the comments section at the Washington Times article Share your memories of JFK’s assassination 50 years ago.
If John F. Kennedy were alive today, he would be ninety-six years old.
Comprehensive web page: The Kennedy Assassination.
For those interested, there is an animated video about that day in Dallas below the fold.
Thursday, November 21, 2013
The Word Is Untrustworthy
by Sam Huntington

Does this make Nancy Pelosi a liar, like Barack Obama? No, not really. She was only obfuscating the issue because no one in the Democratic Party wanted (then or now) clarity for the American people. Although, I think it must be said that while Pelosi wasn’t lying, she was still demonstrating dishonesty. Who votes on a bill as important as one affecting one-sixth of the entire economy without reading it, understanding it, and being able to explain it to one’s constituents? The answer is no one. But there are, I suppose, two possible exceptions: the first possibility is that Nancy Pelosi is an incompetent boob who should never have been elected as Speaker of the House of Representatives. The second likelihood is that Nancy Pelosi knew full well what the bill entailed, and she intentionally and conspiratorially misled the American people. It is hard to know which is worse.

“I’m sorry that they, you know, are finding themselves in this situation, based on assurances they got from me.” —Barack Obama
It simply doesn’t wash, Mr. President. You knew all along that the American people would find themselves in this situation because it was your intention to force people into Obama Care.
But you know, it does make me curious whether Barack Obama has a compulsive lying disorder … and I wonder if it is possible that such a disease can be unhappily transmitted to other members of his administration. If we aren’t careful, this lying to the American people could become pandemic.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Harvard Must Be So Proud
On November 14, 2013, Obama apologized to the nation for the non-functional Healthcare.gov web site. On November 18, 2013, Obama claimed in a conference call with OFA volunteers that "more than a 100 million Americans" have signed up for ObamaCare health-insurance plans.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Who Will Do The Driving?
For decades, as both children and adults, the Baby Boomers drove our economy:
Almost exactly nine months after World War II ended, “the cry of the baby was heard across the land,” as historian Landon Jones later described the trend. More babies were born in 1946 than ever before: 3.4 million, 20 percent more than in 1945. This was the beginning of the so-called “baby boom.” In 1947, another 3.8 million babies were born; 3.9 million were born in 1952; and more than 4 million were born every year from 1954 until 1964, when the boom finally tapered off. By then, there were 76.4 million “baby boomers” in the United States. They made up almost 40 percent of the nation’s population....Consider the situation today.
Monday, November 18, 2013
Mind-Boggling Stupidity
Proof positive from this November 16, 2013 article in the Washington Post:
...[A former Democratic Party Chairperson has stated that] she thinks HealthCare.gov will be functioning well by the Nov. 30 deadline because that’s what the president said....This statement was apparently made after Obama's announcement last Thursday, November 14, 2013. The words denial of reality don't begin to cover this absurd statement.
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Nincompoopery — And Worse
(Weekend roundup post somewhat shorter than usual as explained in my post of October 11 and my post of October 18. For the definition of nincompoop, see THIS in the Urban Dictionary. Commenters are encouraged to post links that tell of more nincompoopery)
Links to read (more possibly added as the weekend progresses):
Exclusive [Reuters]: U.S. official in July feared HealthCare.gov 'crash'
Too Funny: DNC Praises Obama For Pledging To Protect Americans From Obamacare
Honesty doesn't pay off for ex-homeless man
[London] police arrest two over genital mutilation of baby girl who was only around FIVE WEEKS old
Muslim convert [in London] heard chanting that he wanted to kill non-Muslims before trying to kill policemen and firefighters in knife rampage
Woman who Helped UK Soldier Murdered by Muslims, Targeted by Muslims and Police
Links to read (more possibly added as the weekend progresses):
Exclusive [Reuters]: U.S. official in July feared HealthCare.gov 'crash'
Too Funny: DNC Praises Obama For Pledging To Protect Americans From Obamacare
Honesty doesn't pay off for ex-homeless man
[London] police arrest two over genital mutilation of baby girl who was only around FIVE WEEKS old
Muslim convert [in London] heard chanting that he wanted to kill non-Muslims before trying to kill policemen and firefighters in knife rampage
Woman who Helped UK Soldier Murdered by Muslims, Targeted by Muslims and Police
Friday, November 15, 2013
Book Review: Elizabeth Smart's My Story
(If you must have politics, please scroll down)
Today, Elizabeth Smart, recently married to Matthew Gilmour, is twenty-six years old and over ten years distant from the kidnapping and abuse perpetrated upon her by serial pedophile Brian David Mitchell and his complicit wife Wanda Ileen Barzee. A particularly naive and innocent fourteen-year-old, Elizabeth Smart was abducted from her bedroom during the night on June 5, 2002. She was rescued nine months later on March 12, 2003, because she outsmarted her captors. I remember the day of her rescue so well. America was surprised and overjoyed that the girl presumed dead for many months had been found alive!
The memoir My Story is somewhat repetitive — in part, because the author does not graphically relate or sensationalize the numerous vile deeds perpetrated upon her but rather couches the events in the same words over and over again. But don't abandon the book because of the repetitiveness. Reading this memoir until its conclusion is worthwhile!
Today, Elizabeth Smart, recently married to Matthew Gilmour, is twenty-six years old and over ten years distant from the kidnapping and abuse perpetrated upon her by serial pedophile Brian David Mitchell and his complicit wife Wanda Ileen Barzee. A particularly naive and innocent fourteen-year-old, Elizabeth Smart was abducted from her bedroom during the night on June 5, 2002. She was rescued nine months later on March 12, 2003, because she outsmarted her captors. I remember the day of her rescue so well. America was surprised and overjoyed that the girl presumed dead for many months had been found alive!
The memoir My Story is somewhat repetitive — in part, because the author does not graphically relate or sensationalize the numerous vile deeds perpetrated upon her but rather couches the events in the same words over and over again. But don't abandon the book because of the repetitiveness. Reading this memoir until its conclusion is worthwhile!
Thursday, November 14, 2013
A Conversation about Three
by Sam Huntington
Why is the number three so significant to human societies? We may credit Pythagoras ( a2 + b2 = c2), but if the Egyptian pyramids suggest anything at all, the notion appears to have been around for a lot longer than that. What may make this significant in terms of human society are its several applications —beginning with the three great pyramids.
Why is the number three so significant to human societies? We may credit Pythagoras ( a2 + b2 = c2), but if the Egyptian pyramids suggest anything at all, the notion appears to have been around for a lot longer than that. What may make this significant in terms of human society are its several applications —beginning with the three great pyramids.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Tales From The Classroom
("Tales from the Classroom" is a new feature posted occasionally here at this blog. All tales are true and present matters about which I have personal knowledge. The following tale relates the story of something that happened in the mid-1980s)
Jodi was a very bright seventh grader — or so we thought until time for the science fair came.
Jodi had submitted an elaborate plan for testing her hypothesis as to how certain factors affected plant growth. She planted corn in various containers and subjected those containers to different factors.
Jodi on the day of a progress check (frowning with dismay): I may have to change my project. None of the corn I planted is sprouting!
Teacher: Corn is usually very easy to grow. Maybe you planted hybrid kernels. Hybrid kernels do not usually reproduce. Where did you get the kernels you planted? What kind of corn did you plant?
Jodi: Libby's.
Teacher (incredulously): You planted canned corn? Canning kills the kernel!
Today, Jodi is a state-certified science teacher at the elementary-school level.
Jodi was a very bright seventh grader — or so we thought until time for the science fair came.
Jodi had submitted an elaborate plan for testing her hypothesis as to how certain factors affected plant growth. She planted corn in various containers and subjected those containers to different factors.
Jodi on the day of a progress check (frowning with dismay): I may have to change my project. None of the corn I planted is sprouting!
Teacher: Corn is usually very easy to grow. Maybe you planted hybrid kernels. Hybrid kernels do not usually reproduce. Where did you get the kernels you planted? What kind of corn did you plant?
Jodi: Libby's.
Teacher (incredulously): You planted canned corn? Canning kills the kernel!
Today, Jodi is a state-certified science teacher at the elementary-school level.
Monday, November 11, 2013
Veterans Day 2013

Veterans Day is not only a day to remember those who have perished in the service of our nation but also a day to honor the living.
Remember to thank a member of our military serving now.
Remember to thank a living veteran today.
Remember to honor the meaning of this solemn day. Pause at 11:00 A.M. on the 11th day of the 11th month.
Video below the fold (hat tip to Western Hero):
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Proof positive of idiocracy — at Northeastern Illinois University:
More information HERE.
More proof of idiocray (hat tip to Bloviating Zeppelin):
"Mizled"? Are you kidding me?
At the University of Florida, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz was a member of Omicron Delta Kappa. Please take a moment to look at the list of distinguished alumni of Omicron Delta Kappa.
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Nincompoopery — And Worse
(Weekend roundup post somewhat shorter than usual as explained in my post of October 11 and my post of October 18. For the definition of nincompoop, see THIS in the Urban Dictionary. Commenters are encouraged to post links that tell of more nincompoopery)
Links to read (more possibly added as the weekend progresses):
Whopping 932,000 Americans Drop Out Of Labor Force In October; Participation Rate Drops To Fresh 35 Year Low
At fancy St. Regis dinner, Obama tells supporters he never said, 'If you like your plan you can keep it'
Des Moines imam argues sex charges violate religious freedom
Next Big Shoe to Drop: Over 100 Million to Lose Insurance When ObamaCare Exemption to Employers Ends
Links to read (more possibly added as the weekend progresses):

At fancy St. Regis dinner, Obama tells supporters he never said, 'If you like your plan you can keep it'
Des Moines imam argues sex charges violate religious freedom
Next Big Shoe to Drop: Over 100 Million to Lose Insurance When ObamaCare Exemption to Employers Ends
Friday, November 8, 2013
Recommended Reading

May I ask this question? Why is it that Americans don't have the freedom to choose their own health insurance? I just don't get it. Why must the liberal nanny state make decisions for us? We can make them ourselves, thank you very much. It's like choosing a car, buying a home or investing in a stock. We can handle it.Read the rest HERE.
So why must the government tell me and everyone else what we can and cannot buy?
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Obama Statesmanship: an oxymoron
By Sam Huntington
No one I know believes that statecraft is as easy as a walk in the park, but I do think that the United States of America has made it far more difficult than necessary. We should begin with our understanding that foreign relations are an interdisciplinary art and science. It involves a knowledge base in international law and policy, trade, history, culture, environment, and human rights. In the realm of diplomacy, I think there only two kinds of states: those that do negotiation well, and those that do not. It may be entirely fair to say that Thucydides would not be much impressed with Obama’s state department. I think this is true even if we ignore Obama’s initial apology tour in 2009, his speech in Cairo, and the disaster that we now refer to as the Arab Spring.
No one I know believes that statecraft is as easy as a walk in the park, but I do think that the United States of America has made it far more difficult than necessary. We should begin with our understanding that foreign relations are an interdisciplinary art and science. It involves a knowledge base in international law and policy, trade, history, culture, environment, and human rights. In the realm of diplomacy, I think there only two kinds of states: those that do negotiation well, and those that do not. It may be entirely fair to say that Thucydides would not be much impressed with Obama’s state department. I think this is true even if we ignore Obama’s initial apology tour in 2009, his speech in Cairo, and the disaster that we now refer to as the Arab Spring.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Personal Update
(If you must have politics, please scroll down)
I saw my retinal surgeon on Monday, November 4.
I got a good report! Vision in my left eye is 20/50+2! That's better than I had two days before surgery! In a few months, I can be fitted for a change in eyeglass prescription.
I saw my retinal surgeon on Monday, November 4.
I got a good report! Vision in my left eye is 20/50+2! That's better than I had two days before surgery! In a few months, I can be fitted for a change in eyeglass prescription.
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
The Benefits Of Good Literature
I can't say that I'm surprised that science supports something I've always contended: reading literary classics, particularly works of fiction, has benefits beyond enjoying the plot and building vocabulary.
From the Washington Post:
From the Washington Post:
Why literary novels are better for you than Danielle SteelWill Common Core take into account these findings? Common Core emphasizes reading more nonfiction and less fiction.
By Science News and Reuters, Published: October 7
Reading good literature may help you socially, psychologists suggest
Think of it as the bookworm’s bonus: People who read first-rate fiction become more socially literate, at least briefly, a new study suggests.
Researchers randomly assigned nearly 700 volunteers to read excerpts of “literary” novels by recent National Book Award finalists and other celebrated authors, to read parts of fiction bestsellers, including one by Danielle Steel, or popular nonfiction books, or to not read anything. Those who read literary works then scored highest on several tests of the ability to decipher others’ motives and emotions, say David Comer Kidd and Emanuele Castano, psychologists at the New School for Social Research in New York.
One test asked participants to describe the thoughts or feelings of one or two individuals shown surrounded by various items in a series of images, based on written and visual clues. In another test, participants tried to match emotion words to facial expressions shown for two seconds on a computer screen.
By prompting readers to ponder characters’ motives and emotions rather than just a fast-moving plot, literary fiction recruits mind-reading skills used in daily encounters, Kidd and Castano propose in the journal Science. The researchers don’t know whether regularly reading literary fiction yields mind-reading upgrades that would last.
Monday, November 4, 2013
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Jen's Nightstand Project
If you must have politics, please scroll down)
Jen Nifer proposed this little project.
Here is my narrow little nightstand, an antique made of black walnut, and it allows for no clutter:
Mr. AOW's nightstand is a lot more interesting than mine!
Jen Nifer proposed this little project.
Here is my narrow little nightstand, an antique made of black walnut, and it allows for no clutter:
Mr. AOW's nightstand is a lot more interesting than mine!
Saturday, November 2, 2013
Nincompoopery — And Worse
(Weekend roundup post somewhat shorter than usual as explained in my post of October 11 and my post of October 18. For the definition of nincompoop, see THIS in the Urban Dictionary. Commenters are encouraged to post links that tell of more nincompoopery)
Links to read (more possibly added as the weekend progresses):
CBS News: Obamacare Website Failed Every Test Just Before It Went Live
Could the Kenya attack happen here? It did [in 2007]
Scotland shuts down childhood immunization program after Muslims complain
IMF Proposal to Tax Bank Deposits
UNREAL: Senate Deal Changes Rules For Future Debt Ceiling Increases, Congress Would Need Two-Thirds Majority To Stop Obama From Raising Borrowing Limit
Links to read (more possibly added as the weekend progresses):
CBS News: Obamacare Website Failed Every Test Just Before It Went Live
Could the Kenya attack happen here? It did [in 2007]
Scotland shuts down childhood immunization program after Muslims complain
IMF Proposal to Tax Bank Deposits
UNREAL: Senate Deal Changes Rules For Future Debt Ceiling Increases, Congress Would Need Two-Thirds Majority To Stop Obama From Raising Borrowing Limit
Islamic supremacism,
Muslims in the West,
New World Order,
race relations in America,
Friday, November 1, 2013
Top Hospitals Opt Out
Obama stated:
“If you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan. Period. No one will take it away. No matter what.”From U.S. News and World Report:
Americans who sign up for Obamacare will be getting a big surprise if they expect to access premium health care that may have been previously covered under their personal policies. Most of the top hospitals will accept insurance from just one or two companies operating under Obamacare.Much more information at the link.
Chances are the individual plan you purchased outside Obamacare would allow you to go to these facilities....
The loss of policies goes well beyond non-participating hospitals and the dumping of private health-insurance policies. Please see Mid-range estimate: 51% of employer-sponsored plans will get canceled.
WE THE PEOPLE have yet to plumb the full depths of the ObamaCare nightmare Meanwhile, most mainstream media network anchors continue to intone Obama's very name in dulcet tones.
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