By the close of 2012, may we be celebrating regime change in Washington! In the words of this old song:
Until then we'll have to muddle through somehow.As I think back on 2011, I have three personal things that I'm most grateful for:
Until then we'll have to muddle through somehow.As I think back on 2011, I have three personal things that I'm most grateful for:
If you don't already realize it, the measure passed yesterday all but scuppers the Bill of Rights. Off the top of my head the First, Second, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth and Ninth can ALL be swept aside and denied to American Citizens if they are deemed to be substantially supportive of Al Qaida and their ilk.Find out how your Congress critter voted HERE.
This is not a slippery slope. It is a landslide threatening to engulf your Constitutionally protected Freedoms.
This could make Waco and Ruby Ridge look like a sandlot scuffle.
President Obama last month quietly signed into law a spending bill that restores the American horse-slaughter industry...If a Republican President had signed this bill, the story would be all over the mainstream media and PETA would be out rioting on Pennsylvania Avenue.