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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

ObamaCare At SCOTUS

(Two posts today. Please scroll down for the other post)

Link below the fold and worth your time.

HERE to Mark Levin's "Totalitarianism is being argued before the Supreme Court." Please listen!


  1. The government is arguing out of both sides of its mouth. But, Obama asked SCOTUS to fast track this case and hear it before the elections for a reason. I will be praying until the final decision comes down in late June.

  2. If we can be told what to buy in a market context, then we can be told to buy anything that bunch of Communists demands that we buy, or be sent to prison for refusing. Our Supreme Court justices are intelligent people so they surely can see this. The fate of all our Freedoms hangs on what they decide.

  3. Once again, all I can say is that I feel tied to the railroad tracks. I can feel the rails vibrating under my helpless bod, I can hear hear their hum -- and the hooting of the engine whistle only a short distance away. No one is going to come to my rescue.

    Uncle Sammy straddled a well.
    Uncle Sammy had a great fall.
    All corrupt Judges
    And weak congressmen
    Never put Sammy together again!

    ~ FreeThinke

  4. I just had an "Aha!" moment while doing some chores in the kitch.

    Remember a few years ago, when Obama, in a State of the Union Address, criticized a SCOTUS ruling? I well recall the looks on the justices faces as they watched Obama disregard the separation of powers.

    ALL of the justices looked as if they just got a whiff of a nasty-smelling sewer!

    Now, ObamaCare's fate is in the hands of SCOTUS. Hmmmmm....

  5. Well, AOW. We shall see what we shall see, won't we?

    The whole scene is maddening, frankly.

    Received this from a gal I knew in high school who has come back into my life 50 years after we parted company. Nice gal, but she fancies herself a great liberal:

    "Don't know if you listened to oral argument of the Supreme Court carried by PBS TV last night. Paul Clement brilliantly debated the merits with the justices on behalf of 25 state governments whether public health care could be mandated.

    "At one point he said to the justices that you cannot conjure up a power from nothing. On the contrary, Bryer (sic) responded that indeed it had already been done with the World Bank, Social Security and Medicare.

    ''What is the entry point of commerce?' Clement then asked.

    "'At the hospital where sooner or later alll living people end up including those with no money forcing commerce to occur and therefore subject to regulation,' responded Justice Kagan.

    "An insurance lobbyist next came to bat.

    "I know the Supreme Court is loathe to overturn long standing precedent but it does happen -- Brown vs. Board of Education for example. b

    "I'm going to Google and look for the others for my own satisfaction. I don't plan to shove political opinions down anyone's throat -- too much respect for all of us to do that.

    "It surprised me how few silver dollar vocabulary words were used and how common sense were the arguments maybe so American people listening could follow the line of reasoning.

    "My father [who was a prominent New York lawyer] when we were growing up would remind us that laws are made to be broken (expanded and rescinded) and that's the beauty of the judicial system, it's a living flexible concept and not the black and white one our teenage minds imagined."

    Seems fairly mild, but I assure you the girl is a crypto-Communist and doesn't begin to realize it. It's come out in a thousand other things she's let drop.

    Sad to have to say it, but the better I get to know her, the less comfortable I feel with her.

    If liberalism is NOT a mental disorder, I can't imagine what else would qualify any better.

    ~ FreeThinke

  6. Black Sheep said..."If we can be told what to buy in a market context, then we can be told to buy anything that bunch of Communists demands that we buy, or be sent to prison for refusing."

    Yeah, you'll be forced to eat your broccoli! Wacko, lol!

  7. This could go either way and we will just have to wait and see which way it goes. I'm really concerned that the mandate must be tossed, and it would be even better if the entire thing was deemed unconstitutional.

    Right Truth

  8. There's fairly credible speculation that it goes down. Time will tell.

  9. Hi AOW.

    A picture tels a thousand words:
    SOTU 2012 - NOT APPLAUDING: CURRENT CHIEF JUSTICE OF THE UNITED STATES JOHN GLOVER ROBERTS, JR. - Attended Harvard College and Harvard Law School, where he was managing editor of the Harvard Law Review. Graduated from law school with J.D. magna cum laude.


  10. Unfortunately we have 4 justices who just can not see that Obamacare fundamentally changes the elationship between government and the people. That is the tragedy for all it would take is for one more communist to get on the bench in place of one of the conservative and the Republic is over.....

  11. Unfortunately we have 4 justices who just can not see that Obamacare fundamentally changes the elationship between government and the people. That is the tragedy for all it would take is for one more communist to get on the bench in place of one of the conservative and the Republic is over.....

  12. Will,
    As I mentioned in an earlier comment, Obama has irritated the justices.

    I read this morning that Justice Scalia stated that having to wade through pages after page of the hypergraphia in Obamacare is "cruel and unusual punishment." See THIS. LOL!

  13. Hi AOW.
    Unfortunally i came across a post that exactly said what i was fearing that might happen if the Supremes would struck down Obamacare:


    and it would explain the actions of his obamabots:



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