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Monday, October 8, 2012

April 28, 2009

A reminder (hat tip to Infidel Bloggers Alliance):

How could Obama have allowed the above to happen?

Mail Online reported that Obama was furious. Was he? Really? According to Mail Online:
...[T]he flyby was simply a photo stunt for President Obama.

The White House had wanted to update its images of Air Force One flying near the Statue of Liberty...


  1. I remember when this happened. Didn't Obama throw some Air Force people under the bus over it?

    Our feckless leader...

  2. Nugatory!

    A tempest in a teapot.

    Just stupidity of which there is a super-abundance these days.

  3. Why does this sound like something our Leader From Behind would dream up?

  4. You mean our leader who leads from HIS behind, don't you? ;-)

    ~ FT

  5. There has never been a shortage of idiots in any government, whether R or D … it is the result Americans should anticipate whenever they maintain low standards for elected and appointed officials.

  6. Obama is notorious for his lack of empathy. Even liberal columnist Richard Cohen has commented about this character flaw more than once.

    BHO may well be unable to imagine that a low-flying plane over Manhattan would terrify people.

    Just sayin'.

  7. C'mon ... what's the big deal?

    J. Biden

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