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Friday, August 31, 2012

Quote Of The Day

As stated by Silverfiddle of Western Hero:

Watching the Left convulse into the galloping heebeegeebies over the goings on at the GOP convention is way more entertaining than watching the convention itself.

Silverfiddle's entire post is HERE.


  1. I could have watched the RNC online but I choose to watch it ona PBS (perpetually Biased Stoges) station. It was laughable as the libs trying to make hay out of anything. To their credit they would add a conservative like Newt to their panel in between sppeches and discuss. Each conservative was flawless and made the libs look like kindergarteners in a discussion with adults.

    I say let the liberals media keep talking like they are. The American public is awaking up and they are buying the Democrats crap. Ok they arent buying anything because we are all broke. My point is the goal is not just to win in November but cause such disgust with the media that they cant pull this nonsense again any time soon.

    I was truly impressed with the Reps ability to create images that can be understand and to succintcly state when libs are wrong. This is usually where Reps failed because it is so much easier to say "tax the rich" than it is to explain how conservatism creates freedom.

    One of my great concerns is that the O team will do well in debates but from what I saw and read of the RNC, the Reps have found a way to get the message out in 30 second sound bites and without a teleprompter.

  2. Tangent alert

    AOW--I have not found much in terms of protesting activity in Tampa. Can you advise? I do not have satelitte or cable so some current news is difficult for me to get. I would appreciate any info.

  3. Blogginator,
    Can you access THIS LINK?

    I merely glanced at the titles of the links, but it appears that the protester movement targeting the RNC somewhat fizzled out. Or, perhaps, there were limits on coverage in the mainstream media.

    HERE is the Occupy the RNC web site.

  4. From that last link I left:

    Afterall, both parties are f[*]cking over the country by pandering to corporate interests instead of the people they claim to represent.

    So follow us as we march in the streets against the Democrats and prepare our caravan to Charlotte, home of the DNC.

  5. This all gets circular.

    The fun is reading the right thinking the left is in a state.

    Just a bunch of political speeches. They are already forgotten.

  6. Claims of Tampa burning and being overrun by riots were exaggerated. I read something yesterday where protestors were asking the police directions to the next protest. The police outnumber the protestors 4 to 1.

  7. @ Ducky: "Just a bunch of political speeches. They are already forgotten."

    So you speak for everybody now?

    Go quack yourself, sour loser.

    My wife was switching between Fox and MSDNC (as I used to do years ago when I still watched tv) and couldn't believe what they were saying, and she also couldn't believe the weirdo's they have on saying it.

    So, based upon the hideous menagerie on MSDNC and the handful of lefties who watch them, we can say that, yeah, the left is "in a state."

    A state of denial and hopium-induced hero worship.

  8. Silverfiddle is one of the finest bloggers on the internet today. He has the gift of intelligent analysis, lively humor, and common sense. The proof of this is the amounts of time communist excrement spend assailing him for daring to express a conservative/libertarian point of view.

  9. Excellent post, Silverfiddle!

    I suspect Tingles and the whole lot of them nearly had a seizure!

  10. It is fun to watch the lib-masters of the MSM flinch at everything daid by the Republicans. It reminds me of when my Aunt would call all the kids to come and watch as she tossed a bunch of frog legs in a skillet of hot grease so we could see them jump around.

  11. Ducky said this was "Just a bunch of political speeches," but he was so worked up over it that somehow he got out of his pen here (AOW, did you leave his cage door open?) and wandered over to Mike's America to spit poison at Mia Love. Gotta keep those black folks in their place ("in chains") right Duckie?

  12. I watched the entire RNC and it was bloody fantastic.

    The libs are foaming at the mouth because they have no idea how to counter-attack, mature, intellectual, successful business women and men.

    It's a joke how the media is slamming Clint Eastwood.

    And did anyone else notice that most lib media stations ignored the Latino's speeches?

  13. Leticia mentioned Clint Eastwood. If interested in that topic, please see THIS.

  14. Mike,
    The Left senses that their side has lost momentum. RNC 2012 adds to that sense of loss of momentum for the Democratic Party.

    I cannot imagine that Obama will have the kind of personal testimonials that we heard last night for Mitt Romney. For one thing, Obama has a significant character flaw: lack of empathy; this is a flaw that liberal columnist Richard Cohen has mentioned more than once.

    As for Duck, well, he does fly the coop, particularly close to Election Day.

  15. Leticia, Clint Eastwood upstage Mittens by carrying on a dialog with an empty chair.

    I don't know what genius came up with that idea but you do notice that there isn't a lot of talk about Mittens.

    Now AOW, if you think that is a strategy demonstration that has Obummer on edge, buy a vowel.

  16. Duck,
    Of course Eastwood upstaged Romney!

    Eastwood is a Hollywood icon.

    Furthermore, I can't imagine that Romney didn't know in advance that he might be upstaged.

    But, shortly, issues will be the thrust of the end of this campaign season.

  17. Eastwood ruined what could have been a great night for Romney and at least cover up some of his many lies.

    Instead of playing the video of Romney's home movies they had prepared to humanize this robot,they chose to have a doddering old fool feed red meat to the morons in the audience.

    The night before they cheered McCain's position on staying in Afghanistan, last night they cheered Eastwood's comment about leaving the next day.

    It truly is a Confederacy of Dunces.

  18. I admire Eastwood's speech for this: "You're getting as bad as Biden ... Of course, we all know Biden is the intellect of the Democratic Party. Sort of a grin with a body behind it."

    Judging from Liberalmann's comments, I have to say that Eastwood is correct.

  19. Not bad for Clint being 82. Hope I am as spry!

  20. Watching the Left convulse into the galloping heebeegeebies over the goings on at the GOP convention is way more entertaining than watching the convention itself.

    I wanted to repeat the blog quote because of all I have read here.

    As Duck said, people won't remember much of what Romney, we usually don't remember these speeches.

    They will remember that he came off looking good and trustworthy and that a lot of good people said a lot of good and sincere things about him.

    Will people be standing up and talking about Obama going out of his way to visit their sick child?

    Not likely.

    In conclusion:

    while not always perfect, the right is full of good and decent people

    the left is full of mean spirited small people as evidenced here today.

  21. Well Chuck what I think is going to happen is that the Dem campaign is going to punch.

    They will hammer on Ryan's lies.

    When Romney or one of his stooges such as The Vulgar Pigboy or O'Reilly or whomever complains about asking for the tax statements, the next day there will be a blitz telling Mittens to release the taxes.

    I think they have learned that when Rush the Gasbag complains about something don't back off, punch again and again.

    He's going to make Romney miserable.
    If Mittens has tipped his attack strategy at the convention and this is all he has, he's going to take a few standing eights.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Number of times the troops were acknowledged at the RNC=0. Afghanistan=1. Yeah, real Patriots.

    Number of times the last GOP President was mentioned....anyone...anyone?

  24. Ducky,

    I intend to merorialize this.

    "Well Chuck what I think is going to happen is that the Dem campaign is going to punch.

    They will hammer on Ryan's lies.

    When Romney or one of his stooges such as The Vulgar Pigboy or O'Reilly or whomever complains about asking for the tax statements, the next day there will be a blitz telling Mittens to release the taxes.

    I think they have learned that when Rush the Gasbag complains about something don't back off, punch again and again."

  25. Liberalmann,
    Much that is not televised happens at a political convention.

    Obama may honor our military in public, but he does THIS:

    Obama Honored Fallen SEALs By Sending Their Parents a Form Letter Signed By Electric Pen

    On August 6, 2011, 30 US service members were killed when a CH-47 Chinook helicopter they were being transported in crashed in Wardak province, Afghanistan. It was the deadliest single loss for U.S. forces in the decade-long war in Afghanistan. 17 members of the elite Navy SEALs were killed in the crash.

    Yesterday, Karen and Billy Vaughn, parents of Aaron Carson Vaughn, spoke at the Defending the Defenders forum sponsored by the Tea Party Patriots outside the RNC Convention in Tampa. Karen brought a copy of the form letter they were sent following their son’s death.

    After the deadliest single loss of US forces in Afghanistan, Barack Obama sent out form letters to the parents.

    UPDATE: But Obama did send a personal letter to rapper Heavy D’s family when he passed away.

    As one who proudly displays in her home a signed letter from Lyndon B. Johnson -- a letter acknowledging my uncle's service -- I can tell you how important it is to family members, even of a different political party, that a personally signed letter from the President arrives.

  26. Duck,
    1. They will hammer on Ryan's lies.

    Let them do so.

    And let's have Romney and Ryan hammer back.

    Even if Ryan DID lie, he did not tell nearly as many lies as this Obama regime has over and over again.

    2. there will be a blitz telling Mittens to release the taxes

    Romney has fulfilled the letter of the law in that regard.

    How about Obama's releasing detailed information about his life from age 18-26?

    In any case, you have contradicted yourself with your later comment. Earlier in this thread, you stated, with regard to Point 1:

    Just a bunch of political speeches. They are already forgotten.

    Now, I'm not sure how much these conventions really matter, especially with regard to non-partisan voters. BUT conventions do serve to energize Party adherents.

    Over the years, the DNC's have been very effective. This time around, the RNC has matched tit for tat. As a result, the Dems' fear is palpable. Election 2012 is now a horse race.

    The scheduling of these conventions also plays in. The RNC's timing was excellent as the last week in August is a vacation week for so many Americans. Next week's DNC is being held during a busy week, a week that many people are not staying up late to watch the show. I myself would watch some of the DNC. Alas! I cannot! The classes I teach resume on September 4, so it's early to bed and early to rise for me.

  27. Apparently, Obama wasn't well received by our military yesterday in Afghanistan. From this source:

    Obama speech to soldiers met with silence

    President Barack Obama was greeted with fleeting applause and extended periods of silence as he offered profuse praise to soldiers and their families during an Aug. 31 speech in Fort Bliss, Texas.

    His praise for the soldiers — and for his own national-security policies — won cheers from only a small proportion of the soldiers and families in the cavernous aircraft-hanger.

    The audience remains quiet even when the commander-in-chief thanked the soldiers’ families, and cited the 198 deaths of their comrades in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    The audience’s reaction was so flat that the president tried twice to elicit a reaction from the crowd.

    “Hey, I hear you,” he said amid silence.

    The selected soldiers who were arrayed behind the president sat quietly throughout the speech.

    CNN and MSNBC ended their coverage of the speech before it was half-over....

  28. AOW,

    Thanks. I was able to verify the arrests were like 4-5. I was sort of thinking the protestors might consider Charlotte as homefield and Tampa as an away game with rain.

    The Occupy Protests did not go other well here even with our Democrat controlled city council. They wrote a new law that prohibited camping when the public decided they had had emough the cry babies.

    If you are interested I will keep you posts as what I see and here from the "street level". Libs disregard, you just go ahead and watch MSNBC and here is a sippy cup with some juice.

  29. Duck, they have been hammering at Romney for months and have managed to tie him. Hmm...

    As to Ryan's "lies", even the Communist News Network did a fact check on his speech and admitted he did not lie. Naturally someone was fired for this analysis but there it is.

    You do stay consistent though.

    Make up some cutesy nicknames for conservatives

    Make some entirely idiotic statement.

    Sit in your mother's basement feeling smug that you once again showed the conservatives.

  30. Number of times the troops were acknowledged at the RNC=0. Afghanistan=1. Yeah, real Patriots.

    Number of times the last GOP President was mentioned....anyone...anyone?

    This seem familiar?

    No, it is not Libidiots comment from above, it was cut and pasted from Z's site.

    As to the Bush's. You dumbass, they had a video of both of them at the convention. You are confusing the Bush's with Carter who the DNC would not allow to come to the convention for over a decade.

  31. Blogginator,
    By all means, keep me up to date!

  32. Chuck,
    As to Ryan's "lies", even the Communist News Network did a fact check on his speech and admitted he did not lie. Naturally someone was fired for this analysis...

    Got a link for that?

  33. Chuck,
    Obviously, Liberalmann swills down only what matches his pea-brained agenda.

    Also obviously, he did not watch the RNC.

    If Liberalmann weren't such comic relief, I'd delete every one of his comments as soon as I became aware of them.

  34. Sam,
    Clearly, Eastwood's political remarks hit a nerve. Otherwise, we wouldn't be hearing and reading so much that ridicules and disrespects Eastwood for doing a skit reminiscent of SNL's many skits ridiculing the GOP.

    The Biden comment was a real zinger.

    And, one day later, Biden AGAIN stuck his foot in his mouth. He's made so many gaffes of late that I can't keep up with them all!

  35. Number of Cayman Island flags flying on Romney's yacht in Tampa Bay where he entertained millionaire donors during the RNC=1. Number of American flags=0. Yeah, a real patriot.

  36. And one more thing, Liberalmann, it took me no more than 2 minutes to find the correct information.

    Put in another unverified dropping, and I will delete every comment you make -- whether that comment is accurate or not.

    I own this web site. I built it.

    You are a guest.


  37. "Now, shut up. I'm tired of trying to educate you. You are incapable of learning."

    I've always thought it was tough being the grown-up. Nuff said!

  38. Jon,
    I am patient to the point of Job. But enough is enough, huh?

  39. AOW

    Charlotte is using the same format as Tampa in that protestors are allowed to parade through town on a set route in order that their rights and the right of the public to use the city are both met.

    The protestors said they would bring 5,000 parade attendees. The official number was 300-350. Local reports advised organizers went door to door in porrer neighborhoods to recruit more folks and they got the "that sounds too much like work" response. If this holds through the work, I think you can conclude it fits with the reduced attendance at Obama events, reducaed campaing donation to O, and slumping poll numbers.

    Arrests. So far 1 DNC delegate has been arrested for Drunk and Disorderly. There was another arrest for a parade attendee punching the chest of an Atlanta Officer. There was 1 other arrest but urinating in public happens in Charlotte all the time.

    As to the parade. they carried socialist themed signs. They also wanted to continue the Obama strategy of no deportation or prosecution of illegals. There were some others but their message was generall displeasure (seriously a guy had a sign like this). The other thing I overheard was irritation by some media folks that there was not really anything worth photgraphing. Police on the street outnumbered protestors 3 to 1. A Start Trek convention would have about the ssame cast of characters and more numbers. In a word pathetic.

  40. cont. 3rd arrest. subject carried knife into parade area.

  41. Blogginator,
    Local reports advised organizers went door to door in porrer neighborhoods to recruit more folks and they got the "that sounds too much like work" response.

    Bwahahahaha! That's funny!

    Any Code Pink vaginas on parade?

  42. They was a fairly large group of folks dressed in pink but no vaginas.

    The biggest group was illegal latinos who wanted freedom to be President just like Barack. They wanted to end any kind of border enforcement. The next biggest group was folks who want socialism. No seriously their signs read socialism is the answer.

    The code pink folks came in 3rd

    and then it was just a chaotic mess of folks with no real coherent theme other than give me stuff so I dont have to work.


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