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Sunday, August 14, 2011

Quote Of The Day

From this source:

This president treats the gilded trappings of his office like they are his rights of kingdom.


He dances away the night of his 50th birthday at the White House and aims only for re-election, oblivious to how his administration has been destroying our economy, security and national cohesion.

But why blame a child for playing with his toys? It’s ignorant voters who present him with the toy chest.

At the end of this month, Obama will, once again, head to Martha's vineyard for vacation. Even Washington Post columnist Colbert I. King is grousing about Obama's upcoming vacation. Please read King's scathing essay!


  1. What should Obama do?

    Alas, The media still don't get it. President Narcissist doesn't care about anyone but himself. His entire time before the American public is, and has always been about him. Period.

    I swear, if the media would learn that one fact, they would understand Obama.

  2. Let them eat cake is the motto of the first couple.

  3. I wish he'd spend the rest of his presidency on a personal vacation... because let's face it, when he tries to do his job.... we end up with crazy uber-expensive impractical things like Obamacare.

  4. Chuck beat me to it! He has not comprehension of what goes on in the real world. Nice to see the Media start to turn.

  5. Yet let Bush take a working vacation, and the MSM is screeching like a cage full of monkeys!

    Obama fiddles while America burns. Since he is royalty, he will never suffer the repercussions of what he does to us!

  6. The longer he is in office,the more outrages he becomes.

  7. I'm with Stanley: The nation would be better off if he just went on a permanent golfing vacation, and took his pointy headed czars and congress with him.

  8. Mark,
    Alas, The media still don't get it. President Narcissist doesn't care about anyone but himself.

    No doubt.

    This morning, the mainstream media is all in knots over BHO's falling approval numbers and offering solutions to those numbers, the primary solution being that BHO needs to get out there among the people (demagoguery, cult, etc.). The mainstream media will never admit that Obama is an empty suit.

  9. Stanley,

    Your point is well taken:

    I wish he'd spend the rest of his presidency on a personal vacation... because let's face it, when he tries to do his job.... we end up with crazy uber-expensive impractical things like Obamacare.

  10. Bunkerville,
    The media are starting to turn. But I doubt that the media will ever really turn on him.

    What I am noticing is that a lot of blacks who formerly supported Obama are starting to squawk now. Indeed, I'm reading column after column like that.

  11. Silverfiddle,
    A permanent golfing vacation would be perfect!

  12. Jackie,
    I hope that America has enough sense to vote Obama out of office in 2012.

  13. Chuck, I think with these folks, it's "Let them eat LOBSTER" :-)

  14. I found this great line by Right Hand Man at the Sentry Journal blog that I think is perfect: "Let me put it this way: the tea party is a principle, without a person. President Obama is a person, without a principle."

  15. For many in the media, admitting that Obama is an empty suit would be eating crow. There are many narcissists in the media, as well.

  16. I don't particularly care what he does with his time anymore. From all that he's done to 'help' the country so far, it's probably better that he's gone somewhere playing golf, at least he won't be 'helping' anyone from there. The country will probably be all the better without his 'help'.


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