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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Family Farm Under Attack

First, some background information about the proliferation of governmental regulations under the Obama administration (with thanks to Will for finding the video):

Now, on to the subject of this post. We have yet another item for the you-can't-make-this-stuff-up file.

Watch the following video, and read the links below:

LINK ONE (Bunkerville)

LINK TWO (The Blaze)

If you read nothing else today, read those links!

More of Obama's much-touted "Change!" Pffffft.

Get ready for yet another downturn in our economy as The Nanny State grows and grows — until its oppressive regulations consume us all.


  1. "...ANYONE driving a tractor or operating any piece of motorized farming equipment..."

    Yes, this doesn't surprise me. Welcome to socialism, you're sounding and looking more and more like Australia every day!!!

  2. Thanks AOW for the link. This is a critical story that has been buried by all of the budget nonsense gowing down.

  3. I learned to drive a tractor LONG before I was ever allowed near a car. This is complete B.S.

  4. What's next, driver's licenses for rider lawn mowers?

    This must be the "illegal Mexican employment act of 2012"

  5. FJ,
    I learned to drive a tractor LONG before I was ever allowed near a car.

    Same here.

  6. If the GOP get the senate and the white house, they had better loudly and unceremoniously dump this crap very quickly.

    I wonder why the GOP in the house is not questioning this stuff?

  7. That is an excellent video. It has long been my opinion that American industry has lost its comptetetiveness in the world markets as much or more for the heavy regulatory cost burden as for the higher labor cost. Not hard to understand why so many American companies would rather invest in more business friendly countries.

  8. SF said "I wonder why the GOP in the house is not questioning this stuff?"

    That is exactly what I wonder. There are so many things that the Republicans are ignoring. WHY?

  9. This is about power. This is about money. Does anyone know how much the fee is on a CDL? Multiply that figure by the hundreds of thousands (if not millions)of farmers, their families, and their employees across the USA.

    Big money. Big Government.

    Perhaps this is how the Government intends to increase entitlement spending without raising the taxes too much, eh?

  10. Two comments:

    1) The second half of my post on overregulation will come out next Tuesday. Licensing is a form of regulation, and we have a serious overlicensing crisis.

    2) In my soon-to-be-released novel The Eagle Has Crashed, I try to guess what the state of regulations for farmers will be by 2029. Needless to say, the small farmer in the story does not react well.

  11. This is ridiculous! First the Amish are getting arrested for selling unpasteurized milk, but now farmers are being targeted by socialist government.

  12. I learned to drive on a tractor long before I ever got a learner's permit and it made me a safer driver!

    Nearly every businessman says the same thing: Obama is strangling the economy with this massive regulatory burden. Ordinary folks, like small farmers, just can't handle all that paperwork. It's all an effort to control all business through large corporations that are in bed with the government (hello General Electric).

    That's the very essence of socialism and that's where we are headed.

    Meanwhile, Obama doesn't care if this creates economic hardship as he plans to make those who suffer dependent on government and thus vote Democrat.

    Freedom is the victim of a dependency culture.

  13. I learned to drive on a tractor long before I ever got a learner's permit and it made me a safer driver!

    Nearly every businessman says the same thing: Obama is strangling the economy with this massive regulatory burden. Ordinary folks, like small farmers, just can't handle all that paperwork. It's all an effort to control all business through large corporations that are in bed with the government (hello General Electric).

    That's the very essence of socialism and that's where we are headed.

    Meanwhile, Obama doesn't care if this creates economic hardship as he plans to make those who suffer dependent on government and thus vote Democrat.

    Freedom is the victim of a dependency culture.

  14. and we wonder why the economy is slipping into a Depression....hmm

  15. LINKED: http://www.donttreadonus.info/2011/08/top-25-deep-thoughts-edition.html


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