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Friday, June 8, 2012

The Whole Truth

By Sam Huntington


  1. It is my understanding that "medical hardware" is taxed under ObamaCare. From this source:

    The 2.3 percent excise tax on medical devices is a savage blow to innovation. Note that this tax is on sales, not profits. It cuts into the top line, not the bottom line. If not repealed, this tax will start hitting medical-device makers on January 1, 2013.

    This topic is particularly interesting to the AOW household because Mr. AOW requires the following medical devices: hospital bed, potty chair, AFO brace ($1600! But he cannot walk without it), neurological-return sling, and mobility devices (scooter, wheelchair, transport chair, quad cane). As disabilities go, Mr. AOW doesn't require as much as most -- at this time, anyway.

    I have no idea as to how intraocular lenses are treated under ObamaCare; these lenses are inserted during cataract surgery.

  2. This video says it all. Then there is the tax when we go to sell our homes of 3.8 percent on capital gains.

  3. Education and medicine, two markets awash with government money, and two markets that have experienced rampant inflation...

  4. Oh, come on. The Dems NEED more money, LOTS more money, to run all their favorite programs, and paying the medical bills of useless old people (like me at 73) is just a waste of money that could be used for better purposes, like turning their homes into impregnable compounds and funding global travel junkets. After all, if the politicians of America don't deserve to be considered royalty, then who does? If they see it that way, then so should you. Right?

    I'm not for a nanny state, for them or us, but our Medicare system has made us a better nation, I have to admit. It honors the aged in a real way, not just with an official holiday once a year, or a sad song post-mortem. Yet it does need repair and streamlining to ensure that only the deserving benefit. Whacking it's funding doesn't fix it.

    As for that committee of 15 to decide what Health Care will or will not pay for, there's a recipe for constant conflict, discord and disaster if there ever was one.

  5. Oh yes. Your tax dollars at work. Why is it that the so-called "Do Gooders" always end up doing harm?

  6. The Obama Administration is attacking all programs for seniors. First, there is ObamaCare, a program which forces higher healthcare prices for everybody, yet the quality and quantity of care decreases. Robbing Medicare of $500 Billion does not fix or imporve Medicare, but it does guarantee rationing of healtcare services.

    Independent Payment Advisory Boards (Obama Death Panels), here we come.

    Secondly, the entire political spectrum is attacking Social Security. Social Security (payroll) taxes have been lowered, decreasing drastically the funds avaialble for the elderly. Also, lowering payroll taxes provides no stimulus to the economy. It is just a political gimmick.

    Why is Obama destroying ALL of the government programs for the elderly? You can make educated guesses, and likely they will be accurate.

    Obama wants to destroy whatever systems we have at the moment, and force everyone onto the same system, i.e., Medicaid. This is the Maxist mentality, and matches the pattern of his thinking pretty well.

    By the time you have socialized the entire medical industry, the education industry, and control the pay of executives, you have achieved another Nazi Germany, or maybe it is a Fascist Italy. The systems are close cousins, and Obama is headed in that direction.

    My intent is not to unleash another manifestation of Godwin's Law. It is to simply point out the logical end of what Obama is doing.

  7. At no time have the words of our founding fathers become more relevant than during this brazen attack upon individual liberty. There are ill-informed people who champion socialism as a final resolution to human woe, but I do not believe we can maintain a free society when government assumes responsibility for our every decision. There are few decisions more personal than how we raise our children, how we educate them, and how we care for our families. Now more than ever before, we must repudiate the foreign ideology that demands our bended knee to government tyranny. If we should fail in our task to resist authoritarianism, we will restore a monarchy more severe than anything the world has ever seen, headed by villainous fellows exactly like Barack Obama.

    “Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force; like fire, it is a troublesome servant and a fearful master.” —George Washington

  8. The thing that a lot of people still don't get about socialized medicine is that rationing is part of it. You cannot have free healthcare without some form of rationing. Every country that has socialized medicine has some form of rationing, whether it's denying certain groups of people life-saving or prolonging drugs or treatment, it has to be there.

    The only way you can have free healthcare with no rationing is if everyone in healthcare works for free, from the people who make the drugs and equipment to the people who give them to you.

  9. The thing that a lot of people still don't get about socialized medicine is that rationing is part of it. You cannot have free healthcare without some form of rationing. Every country that has socialized medicine has some form of rationing, whether it's denying certain groups of people life-saving or prolonging drugs or treatment, it has to be there.

    The only way you can have free healthcare with no rationing is if everyone in healthcare works for free, from the people who make the drugs and equipment to the people who give them to you.


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