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Thursday, December 3, 2015

Fearing Islamophobia

Political correctness — perhaps compounded by see-something, say-something-get sued — has resulted in the slaughter of 14 people in San Bernardino, California.

Devout Muslim who traveled this year to Saudi Arabia and returned with a Muslima wife.

American born, Farook was a county employee who worked for the health department.

Explosive devices were also found at the scene (Inland Regional Center).

Political correctness in a nutshell:


  1. There is only ONE sensible solution to ALL forms of Islamic Aggression. and that is a UTILITARIAN solution –– a FINAL Solution:




    Those who would be kind to the cruel are sure to be cruel to the kind."

    "Those who expect to reap the blessing of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it."

    ~ Thomas Paine (1737-1809)


    However illegal, impolitic, inadvisable, unconstitutional, un-American, immoral or impracticable others claim it to be we must establish and maintain that position till the Islamic Scourge has been vanquished made to vanish from the face of the earth.

    When the Handwriting on the Wall sends a clear, uncompromising message, and STILL we fail to heed its stern warning, we DESERVE to be ECLIPSED.

    FACE IT: Either it's DIDADIN or BE DAMNED.

    1. Would you detain, intern and deport Zudhi Jasser and his family?

      I am not trying to pick a fight, but I believe we have a broad range of measures short of your recommendation.

    2. SF,
      I agree with you about a range of measures. But will any of them be taken? If not...

    3. If not, what?

      DIDADIN will never happen, and God help us if we ever get to the point where government could actually attempt it.

      * About US citizens, we can do nothing so long as they are obeying the law.

      * How we handle non-citizens must change. The government should be able to forcibly eject a non-citizen at the first hint of trouble. It is within the law to do that, but it takes political will, doesn't it?

      * Immigration: It would be a big political fight, but we have it within our power to limit immigration, and the law can be crafted to avoid religious tests (which despite what some ignorami say, would be legal). The test could be for adaptability to and compatibility with our culture, and willingness/ability to assimilate.

      * Telling the Saudis to stop funding activities in the US would be another huge step, but given how beholden both parties seem to be to that stinking wahhabist regime, that is probably a bridge too far.

    4. SF,
      If the measures are not taken, I am concerned that people who see jihad for what it is will start taking matters into their own hands. Hearth and home -- and all that.

      This is what I've been fretting about for years!

    5. Another measure: "clean out" the Wahhabist mosques here on our soil.

  2. _____ SEEN at the WINDOW _____

    Go quickly to the window; take a look.
    Outside on the horizon past the lawn
    An army gathers set to move at dawn.
    From their demonic, sacred Holy Book
    Authority for their campaign is drawn
    To compensate for old affronts. Their aim
    Provides excuse to loot, destroy and maim
    Innocent descendants whose heads sawn ––
    Slowly, severed from their earthly frame
    In agony –– inspires holy zeal
    Beyond the soul’s capacity to feel
    Compassion –– Righteous Wrath’s eternal claim.
    Too late! The future waiting to be born
    Will in its womb be slashed, then die forlorn.

    ~ FreeThinke

    1. I see no one paid any attention to this, FT. Too bad, but that seems always to be the case with most distinguished utterances. People are more comfortable with junk sad to say. Try to remember "A prophet is without honor in his own country." Cold comfort, I know, but that's why things are the way they are.

      ------------------------------> Katharine Heartburn

  3. Call me a conspiracy theorist, but I've long subscribed to the theory that we will witness a 'day of wrath' scenario; a series of coordinated, near-simultaneous attacks across the country....designed to inflict a maximum amount of casualties and torpedo the economy.

    There is little evidence [as of now] that would support a reasonable theory of why the couple were kitted out as they were. As far as we know, they were not preppers, nor regular shooters. I think there is enough to support a theory that this couple was part of a 'day of wrath' strategy, that was either the beginning or a premature initiation.

    I could be wrong.....but on the chance I'm right.....is a reason I carry.

    1. CI: Not at all a conspiracy theory.

      I believe the chances of an old world type war/invasion is nil. More likely, the threats are as you describe.

      Many global perps would love to tie up the US, de-ball us, turn us inward so we can no longer stop bad people from doing bad things around the globe.

      The best way to do that would be an EMP burst or some kind of catastrophic crippling of our utilities infrastructure.

      But if that happened, you'd need a lot more than a handgun...

      (I know you know that already)

    2. Yep. EMP scenario is the most threatening, in my opinion......but with so many soft targets, avoidance of offending our fellow citizens, and 'gun free zones'....my prediction is that we will soon experience a Dies Irae [Day of Wrath].

      But if that happened, you'd need a lot more than a handgun...

      .....Smiles knowingly to self......

  4. And this is clearly workplace violence.
    The guy worked there.

    1. Ed +2
      Clearly workplace violence. Probably upset with how his coworkers parked their car and was in need of sensitivity training.

    2. "Don't bait me!

      BWA HA HA HA!

      Quite frankly, all it would take for me right now is a bare hook.

  5. What can I say? The Commander in Chief nailed it....


  6. From the LA Times:

    the office recently threw a baby shower for Farook and that he had taken paternity leave

  7. Reports are saying that the jihadists were using GoPro equipment. Was a live video feed being transmitted?

    1. Standard procedure for Islamic terrorists, as evidenced by the videos of IED and sniper attacked in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere. The jihad media wings do big business in video production and proliferation, for recruiting.

      The GoPro Hero model at least, allows for live streaming.

    2. Quiet guys. The Left will start a campaign to permit, tax and register cell-phones and other CCD camera's (Go-Pro).

    3. CI,
      The GoPro Hero model at least, allows for live streaming.

      I thought so.

      Any way to trace the live streaming after it has ended?

    4. That is way out of my lane. I'm not sure if it could have been traced without specific, tasking with warrant.

    5. "Any way to trace the live streaming after it has ended?"

      Doubtful, and to what end. Its too late after the fact, the signal travels at the speed of light and can be rebroadcast almost instantly.

    6. Warren,
      Is there any option for someone to save the video during transmission?

    7. I suspect (don't know) that NSA could probably search the net for servers with the recorded stream on it, and flag the accounts of those it belongs to, provided it wasn't encrypted.

    8. They'd need a piece of the stream to search for, though.

    9. I don't know the particulars of the system or the model of the cam. It would either be extremely short range or tied in through a cell phone through blue tooth or similar technology. The data stream can be saved anywhere along the transmission path (server to server).

      I read one report that there were no video devices recovered (?)

      If there was video we will find out. There isn't any reason for terrorists to sit on it. It looses impact for terrorist purposes if they hold it back.

    10. ...plus, only the terrorists currently have copies. Once they do start to spread it, NSA should be able to trace it back to its' original sources.

    11. I suspect trying to establish burnable "sources" may be the reason for any delay in the release.

    12. All cogent points, adding to that the use of proxies and IP redirects, makes it difficult to trace a series of transmissions to a source that will ultimately end up as disposable and discarded.

      The only reason I can see for delay, is to allow the ISIL mixmasters time to add their catchy background tune [which not ironically, sounds a bit like sick goats bleating].

    13. All cogent points, adding to that the use of proxies and IP redirects, makes it difficult to trace a series of transmissions to a source that will ultimately end up as disposable and discarded.

      difficult w/o a time stamp.... easy "with"

    14. According to a year 2007 company press release, the latest version of NarusInsight Intercept Suite (NIS) is "the industry's only network traffic intelligence system that supports real-time precision targeting, capturing and reconstruction of webmail traffic... including Google Gmail, MSN Hotmail and Yahoo! Mail".[13] However, currently most webmail traffic can be HTTPS encrypted, so the content of messages can only be monitored with the consent of service providers.

      NarusInsight can also perform semantic analysis of the same traffic as it is happening, in other words analyze the content, meaning, structure and significance of traffic in real time. The exact use of this data is not fully documented, as the public is not authorized to see what types of activities and ideas are being monitored. Ed Snowden's June 2013 releases about PRISM (surveillance program) have made clear however that Narus has played a central role.

    15. Internet messages (e-mail, instant messages, etc.) and file transfers leave an electronic trail that can be traced. Tracing is a process that follows the Internet activity backwards, from the recipient to the user. As well, a users Internet activity on web sites can also be tracked on the recipient site (i.e., what sites are visited and how often, the activity at a particular site). Sometimes this tracking and tracing ability is used to generate e-mail to the user promoting a product that is related to the sites visited. User information, however, can also be gathered covertly.

      Techniques of Internet tracking and tracing can also enable authorities to pursue and identify those responsible for malicious Internet activity. For example, on February 8, 2000, a number of key commercial Internet sites such as Yahoo, Ebay, and Amazon were jammed with incoming information and rendered inoperable. Through tracing and tracking techniques, law enforcement authorities established that the attacks had arisen from the computer of a 15-year-old boy in Montreal, Canada. The youth, whose Internet identity was "Mafiaboy," was arrested within months of the incidents.

      Law enforcement use of Internet tracking is extensive. For example, the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation has a tracking program designated Carnivore. The program is capable of scanning thousands of e-mails to identify those that meet the search criteria.

      Read more: Internet File Transfer and Tracking - Tracking tools, Tracing e-mail - Computer, User, Information, and Cookies - JRank Articles http://science.jrank.org/pages/3648/Internet-File-Transfer-Tracking.html#ixzz3tVBfnNqo

  8. Do you think that if the MSM called it "terror" the White House would PUNISH affiliated reporters? I do.

    1. After all, ISIS has been contained, so American's have NOTHING to worry about on the "terror" front.

    2. I'm with Ed, NOW is the time to begin confiscating all the homocidal "guns"....

    3. After all, it worked so well for France!

    4. Joe,
      Do you think that if the MSM called it "terror" the White House would PUNISH affiliated reporters?

      Yes. Orwell.

    5. And that's what we care about, how it's labeled.
      Clearly there's nothing that is worth our effort to understand.

      The couple had a pretty comfortable life and a new baby. Why do you throw that away?

      Was he an ISIS operative?
      ISIS was tweeting about the "3 lions" when it was still believed there were three perps. Seems ISIS tweeters were just being opportunists.

      What role did the woman play? A husband/wife teaming is extremely unusual.

      He grew his beard and changed his behavior around the time the baby was born according to coworkers. What happened?

      Myself, I think it's worth finding out if there was a lack that his religion (he was devout) couldn't fill and that should be presented to spokespeople from CAIR et. al. as something that Islam has to fix.

      Or we can just call it "terrorism". That resolves it.
      The need for a simple explanation is going nowhere useful.

    6. Ducky,

      My guess is they were free-lancers or tied to some small cell or group. We all know the big islamofascist organizations fall all over themselves taking credit for everything from single shootings to forest fires.

      Farook was probably radicalized by his wife, who was first radicalized by Saudi wahhabists.

    7. This is where Zizek is right. You cannot "understand" the jouissance of the 'Other'. The Left has folkloricized it into a totally benign "nothing-burger", when it is ANYTHING BUT benign.

      I remember how Collin Powel, when he was still more influential in American politics, proposed this theory, his new idea of war, which should be a totally technological war, practically without victims on our side. It is again war, where you don't pay the price. Like decaffeinated war. Decaffeinated coffee would have been a model for me. Again, it is the same. And what I claim is that when we are 'multiculturalists', we are a little bit hypocritical at this level. We want the other, Pakistani, Indonesians, Indians, whatever, Muslims, to be decaffeinated: a nice folkloric other, without their dirty side. This, I think, is again our everyday ideology, which is why I would say it is not true when people claim we live in a consumerist society. True consumerism would have been for me that you go to the end and you don't care about the consequences. Those who have free sex, without caring for aids. No, the formula there is decaffeinated sex. Sex with condoms and so on. Safe sex. Or drugs. It is typical how we pretend to be a consumerist society, but drugs are such an object of horror. I am always shocked, and I think there is an ideology in it... I don't smoke, to avoid misunderstanding, and I believe smoking is dangerous, but nonetheless, this obsession with the danger of smoking, it is another obsession of being afraid of the other. Ultimately, the dangerous guy is the other person: the neighbour himself. This is why the central notion of today's ideology, I claim, is harassment. What is harassment? Harassment can be, if you are in a politically correctly developed country like the United States, almost everything. You can imagine, with my primitive Balkan-European attitudes I am often accused of harassing people. Because when you use dirty words, they claim it is verbal rape. When you look at a woman directly, it is visual rape. What makes me very sad is the vision of inter-subjective relations, which is implied here: when you come too close to me with your fantasy's desires, you intrude my space. So, this is our everyday ideology: I love you, but don't come too close me. - Slavoj Zizek, "Everyday Ideology: The Ideology of Harrassment"

    8. Clearly there's nothing that is worth our effort to understand.

      Or we can just call it "terrorism". That resolves it.

      The need for a simple explanation is going nowhere useful.

      And clearly nobody is advocating not investigating the motives of these two oxygen thieves. Nice try, but stale narrative.

    9. Perhaps if we understood Hitler, we could have dealt with him differently, too. Right, ducky?

      I'm sure that he loved dogs and small children...

    10. CI do you hear anyone calling for calm and reason?

      You have the right getting upset that it isn't labeled as terrorism immediately and you have the left immediately calling for gun control.

      Both are knee jerk reactions which will ultimately go nowhere.

    11. Joe... I am not sure Zizek accurately portrays the views of Colin Powell, as noted in what came to be known as the Powell Doctrine... it emphasizes U.S. national security interests, overwhelming strike capabilities with an emphasis on ground forces, and widespread public support.

      How is this, which was exhibited in Gulf War I, technological and without victims on our side?

      Granted we had few casualities, but maybe that was because we sent overwhelming force at our objective.

    12. Duck,
      Point of order. Don't call FJ a jerk.

    13. You have the right getting upset that it isn't labeled as terrorism immediately...

      Define immediately. Martin O'Malley took to Twitter to blame the NRA 4 minutes after CNN broke the story. 4 minutes. Let that sink in. 4 minutes.

    14. I don't mind, AoW. I am a jerk.

      What the duck doesn't "understand" is the I don't care to "understand" evil. I just want to keep it far, FAR away from me.

    15. "Or maybe it's like Vietnam, we just didn't drop enough tonnage."

      Nah, we dropped an adequate amount of tonnage...Our liberal leadership just didn't drop it on the right targets, hearts and minds and all that... you have to take the classical approach... if it's on the ground, it's a target.

    16. Thanx, AoW. Perhaps there's hope for me yet! :)

  9. Ed,
    How long will the citizens of this country tolerate these lying scumbags?

    Good question.

    Did Hillary cook her goose yesterday with her burst of outrage about guns and the gun lobby?

    The victims' bodies weren't even cold before the narrative started. Sheesh.

  10. Replies
    1. Is "religion" a legit question for gun background checks? If not... why not??

    2. The error in Hillary's (and all gun grabbers thinking) is this: You can close every loophole, make more laws, more in-depth background checks...

      ...but none of it will stop criminals. There is a thriving underground firearms market. If the government were serious, it would focus on that and leave law-abiding citizens alone.

      The only way to stop gun violence would be to confiscate and destroy every gun in the united states outside of law enforcement and military, but that is impossible.

      Even if they could, consider this: Tons of cocaine and hundreds of thousands of people enter this country illegally every year. Ban guns, and they would be one more illegal product crossing our borders under the incompetent noses of our stupid, too obese to tie its own shoelaces federal government.

    3. Clinton wants to hold a lawful business/industry liable for the unlawful actions of a consumer, potentially multiple times removed from the point of sale, using a lawful product of said business, free of manufacturer negligence or safety defect.

      But she won't phrase it that way for the sycophants....she has to pretend that the firearm industry somehow enjoys "special protections" apart from other lawful industries. As with most politicians when they speak...either they're stupid, or they think you're stupid.

    4. SF, I can make a gun in my basement shop.

  11. Nuke Mecca at the height of the Hajj and demand Muslims thank us for it.

    Otherwise, there really isn't a war on terrorism.

    1. Unfortunately, nothing short of that will cause the majority of the Muslim world to assess itself.

      The Islamic world is a running sore, but there is a disturbing paucity of self-reflection or examination of cultural causes. Worse, people escaping the Muslim house of horrors display scant little evidence that they even question what caused that bloody freakshow they escaped.

      Someone, can't remember who, summed it up thusly: The Muslim World has never had its ass completely kicked, population decimated, families killed, nothing left but sitting there swallowing their teeth and tasting their own blood, all architecture, everything dear to them destroyed.

      While it sounds harsh, that is exactly what we doled out to once-bellicose Germany in Japan. People in back in 1940 would lock you up as insane if you suggested those two countries would be bastions of pacifism a mere 50 years later.

    2. Our goal should NEVER be peaceful coexistence. We need to move towards triumphantly pissing on their graves if we must leave anyone alive to bury them.

  12. No, AOW, she didn't.

    It is still quite clear that the majority of Americans want nothing to do with whomever is the candidate from that Republican crew.

    There are many more guns in America recently but they are owned by fewer people.
    The preppers aren't going to be the swing vote in this next election.

  13. I might add that it is unfortunate that the political arena is awash in cliches but so far the right has presented absolutely no solid content.

    Cold comfort but most are going to accept the fact that the Dems are at least sane.

  14. "It is still quite clear that the majority of Americans want nothing to do with whomever is the candidate from that Republican crew."

    No it's not. Do not make the mistake of extrapolating out from your narrow, hard-left klatch.

    A broad middle of voters, perhaps 20 percent or so, are persuadable to either side. That is where elections are won or lost.

  15. Try as I might, I could never intentionally say anything as knee slapping hilarious as Ducky.

    Yes, Ducky. The American people are really resonating with the idea that we can legislate climate cycles to stop terrorism. Go Democrats go!

  16. There would be exactly zero chance the Republicans would win anything in 2016 except for the fact the lucky contestant gets to run against a Democrat

  17. Question for FreeThinke:

    Would you detain, intern and deport Dr. Zudhi Jasser and his family?

    1. SF,
      I'm not sure that FT uses comment notification by email.

  18. Silver... Yes he would because in his view they must be lying... It's a good and fair question....

  19. FJ,
    I'm sure that [Hitler] loved dogs and small children...


    I've also read that he was a delightful dinner guest.

    1. I'm sure that he was. They say that Slobodan Milosovic was quite a good poet, too. Here's one he dedicated to Izlet Sarajlić...

      Convert to my new faith crowd
      I offer you what no one has had before
      I offer you inclemency and wine
      The one who won’t have bread will be fed by the light of my sun
      People nothing is forbidden in my faith
      There is loving and drinking
      And looking at the Sun for as long as you want
      And this godhead forbids you nothing
      Oh obey my call brethren people crowd

      Sounds almost "Koranic", doesn't it?

  20. From the December 3, 2015 edition of the LA Times:

    [U.S. Attorney General] Loretta Lynch defends Muslims and announces investigation in arrest of Texas 'clock kid' .

    Never mind that the Muslima valedictorian of the school which Clock Boy disrupted came out and said just the other day that the school has always made excellent accommodations for Muslims and that Ahmed the Clock Boy was a known trouble maker.

  21. Kid,
    A lot more people are going to have to die before anything sensible happens

    Will anything sensible happen even then? I have my doubts!

  22. I wonder how much these radicals are counting on the political correctness they know the left's brought to our country....
    And I'd hate to be those neighbors who suspected something and now might feel personally responsible that 14 are DEAD.
    I also hate that we give every detail of how we found these people; it's like a new page for the playbook on line for radical islam: Do NOT have packages all delivered to one location and do NOT work late into the night too often.

    1. So how would this work, Z?
      Let's look at what was reported and assume it's accurate:

      1. He was present on an activist Muslim site.

      2. He travelled to Saudi Arabia and married a Saudi resident (citizen?)

      3. He owned multiple firearms and considerable ammunition.
      (less than 100,000 rounds so the preppers may think it a casual amount)

      4. He owned body armor.

      5. There were young men entering his home at times.

      Now how do you prioritize those and is No. 5 of much value without the others?
      I would prioritize them:

      5. but your mileage may vary.

      Now as for political correctness, it varies. I can tell you that if there had been frequent suspicious behavior on y street we would not have first contacted the police. We would have been out there in person asking questions with appropriate follow up. This is an old school neighborhood.

      Give every detail of how we find people? That's not a problem. The problem is that perps know they can do virtually anything without consequences.

      So back to the profile.

      Did we have enough?
      Who maintains the profile and makes the threat decision.
      What happens next?

    2. You both make good points. There is very little government can do about a 'suspicious' acting US citizen. All the more reason to be very circumspect about who we hand out citizenship to (yes, I know, he was born here).

    3. 3. He owned multiple firearms and considerable ammunition.
      (less than 100,000 rounds so the peppers may think it a casual amount)

      Thank you for the caveat, as well as not peddling the "arsenal" or "eye popping" editorializing of the media.

      The shooters had what many people merely take to the range for a weekend.

  23. Here's the best, most comprehensive story I've seen on the latest incident:


    1. SF,
      I'd like to know more about the "clash" with the Jewish coworker. Of course, it might not have been much of a clash by my definition. Furthermore, Muslims are hypersensitive about comments related to the prophet.

      Breaking news today: the jihadist couple had some kind of connection with ISIS. Self-radicalization is also being mentioned on the news today.

      Meanwhile, the creature in the Oval Office will not call the San Bernardino slaughter "terrorism."

    2. I doubt anything at work set him off, although CNN and people in government, including President Obama are engaging in shameful blaming the victims.

      Most likely, Farook's on-line radicalization happened as a consequence of his on-line search for a bride. I'm sure the recruiters are very tied into that. I wouldn't doubt if those on-line bride search sites are run by jihadis or that they have some tie-in. Think about it, the women have to advertise on there as well. They very well could have set him up with an already radicalized woman. A match made in hell.

    3. "Anonymous" - the hacktivist group - shuts down ISIS dating sites all the time.

      I work in network operations for one of the larger internet service providers. I could yell "hey Muhammad" at work and get the attention of at least 20 people. Sometimes I wonder if I'm walking into a deathtrap.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. AOW, the Jewish worker was very evangelical and talked religion frequently.

      It's reported there was a flap between the two over whether Islam is "a religion of peace" (yeah, I get it).

      Nobody reports that it got to anything heated.

    6. SF,
      A Messianic Jew celebrating the birth of the Christ. I saw something along those lines at Weasel Zippers. I can't grab the link right now. With Mr. AOW in the dentist's office. Again!

    7. Duck,
      Adults should be able to have that conversation!

  24. Breaking news today: the jihadist couple had some kind of connection with ISIS.

    And bear in mind...the media is only getting and broadcasting filtered, vetted information. There's much more fire behind this smoke.

  25. I wouldn't be surprised if the mother is implicated.

    1. The one who lived with them. Granted, its confusing, but apparently someone's mother lived with them, but they took to baby to another grandama???

      If there were other people living in that house with them there's no way in hell that person didn't know what was going on.

    2. Seems to me that it starts with the wife.

      Originally from the Pakistani territories and brought up in Saudi Arabia are red flags.

      It has just come up that she posted allegiance to ISIS on her Facebook page and it was taken down AFTER the shooting.

      Given what was known about them I want to know why a pledge to ISIS especially by someone owning firearms and body armor isn't sufficient cause for detention at least and in her case revocation of residency.

    3. Duck,
      Seems to me that it starts with the wife.

      Maybe, maybe not.

      "Which came first -- the chicken or the egg?"

    4. Given what was known about them I want to know why a pledge to ISIS especially by someone owning firearms and body armor isn't sufficient cause for detention at least and in her case revocation of residency.

      They would had to have been under surveillance in the first place, in order to determine that they had [legal] firearms and body armor. Unless you either advocate the massive state surveillance system required to track every person discovered online, who could be a potential threat [no to to mention just being on a terrorist watchlist], or a massive registration scheme for body armor, firearms or the dreaded "assault clothing".

    5. BTW, who in the holy hell authorized the media to rampage through the apartment not even 48 hours after a terrorist attack by the residents? A stunning display of ineptitude.

    6. CI,
      I've been asking myself that same question for hours!

      There is no way that the apartment could have bee completely processed in that short span of time!

    7. CI,
      Ineptitude or something else?

      BTW, even MSNBC was squawking about all those reporters in there so soon.

    8. Yep, for previous events not reaching the gravity of this one, homes has been sealed and guarded for quite some time longer. I think this is a breakdown of communications or just a bonehead move, rather than anything darker, unless I see more than doesn't fit.

    9. The OJ fiasco (June 12, 1994): the police who rushed to the murder scene went from there to OJ's house without bagging their shoes, I was watching live coverage of that particular portion of the crime and screamed, "There goes using blood evidence!"

  26. DIDADIN!

ISLAM is not a RELIGION, it is an INVASION.

    ISLAM must be made as ILLEGAL as MURDER, TORTURE, RAPE, KIDNAPPING, THEFT, VANDALISM or EXTORTION, because ISLAM represents and is heavily engaged in the ruthless promotion of ALL THOSE THINGS.

    When it comes to ISLAM it is wise to believe the WORST, and then MULTIPLY it times TEN –– at the very least.

    Any naturalized or natural-born American who practices, supports or in any way identifies with Islam should be deprived of his citizenship, deprived of all rights, and deported to an Islamic hellhole post haste. ISLAM neither needs nor deserves any apologists.

    DIDADIN is the obvious solution to the Islamaniac Problem, but everyone –– including most who identify themselves as "Conservatives" –– do not support DIDADIN, because they regard it as both “illegal” and "un-American."


Now, I ask you, "What could be possibly MORE 'un-American' or ‘anti-American’ than ISLAM?"

    Fascism and Communism are the obvious answers, but even the Third Reich and the U.S.S.R. were not quite so evil as ISLAMISM run amok. 

  27. "Fascism and Communism are the obvious answers, but even the Third Reich and the U.S.S.R. were not quite so evil as ISLAMISM run amok."

    Or, needless to say, as insidious! This enemy is ubiquitous, lurking among us, and all too often exposed only after it's too late.

    1. You're in the middle of gun loon central and your upset because this particular slaughter was carried out by a Muslim?

      Doesn't make sense.

    2. It is well established that we have home-grown loon of all stripes, so why must government insist on importing even more?

    3. Ah Ducky....don't ever change. If you do, you'll cease to be entertaining.

      BTW, the terrorist act was carried out in the middle of gun control paradise.

    4. CI,
      BTW, the terrorist act was carried out in the middle of gun control paradise.

      Sure 'nuf!

  28. @Ducky's here,


    1. Columbine, Aurora, Colorado Springs, pretty obvious that Colorado is a happenin' place for gun loons.

      However, since San Bernardino involves a Muslim it deserves attention.

      As I said, doesn't make sense or rather it does but I'm not going there.

    2. Yeah, but Mass still beats us in overall violent crime, so you got that going for you...

    3. ps - I would direct your attention to the stats pre-Obama/post-Obama.

  29. "However, since San Bernardino involves a Muslim it deserves attention."

    Are you suggesting that it doesn't deserve attention? Perhaps the mental illness, present in the Colorado shooting events that you mention, is also a major factor in many of the inbred followers of Islam that you seem to ignore. Is it any wonder that no one takes you seriously?


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1. Any use of profanity or abusive language
2. Off topic comments and spam
3. Use of personal invective