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Monday, December 21, 2015

Christmas Memories

One of my Facebook finds:


  1. Exactly. Now it looks more like this:


    With a side of being offended if someone doesn't say Merry Christmas.

    1. CI,
      For my part, I am not offended if someone doesn't say Merry Christmas. However, during Christmastide, I don't want others to be offended if I say "Merry Christmas!"

      Of course, I do not greet Muslims or Jews in such a manner -- although I'm terrible at discerning Jews on sight.

      BTW, I recently said "Merry Christmas!" to the woman at the information desk of the National Museum of American History. She smiled, but didn't respond in kind. So, I said, "Or is it 'Happy Hanukkah' for you?" It was! No big deal for her that I had wished her a Merry Christmas.

    2. However, during Christmastide, I don't want others to be offended if I say "Merry Christmas!"

      Agreed. I was referring more to the 'war on Christmas' industry that has sprung of late.

  2. Yep! This year I did my tree in sort of retro look with the addition of some multi-colored lights instead of all white, and a lighted star on top. And, yes, I even used some tinsel. I'm really liking it.

    If I'm not mistaken, those are Schwinn bikes very similar to the ones we had. Notice the chrome bumpers? Those were very expensive bikes for the time.

    1. Adrienne,
      I love tinsel on the Christmas tree. We gave up on tinsel years ago when one of our kitties ate the tinsel (as well as the "grass" in the Easter basket).

      We never went to the all-white lights on our Christmas tree. I prefer multi-colored lights.

      Those bikes are probably Schiwinn's, IMO.

    2. We used to have tinsel too, until my toddler daughter ate some. Yep, it finally came out in the end....

  3. "Remember When Christmas Looked Like This"

    Yes, except for the bikes; oh how I wish!

  4. AOW....hearing it from my Jewish friends, not one of them were offended at Merry Christmas. It's almost as if some other power came in and put this poison in our society of being unPC to use it. They actually tell me they look forward to the Christmas season...listen to Dennis Prager on that subject. He loves it! So does Medved.

    That pictures IS a find....when Mr Z and I lived in Paris, we spent one Christmas (2001) there....I begged him to go find 'real tinsel' and he did. I hadn't used tinsel in many years, but felt I needed that home touch since I wouldn't BE home with family, etc (was a fabulous Christmas, anyway, by the way)...one strand dropped to the ground and got stepped on...a piece of tinsel ground into the rug; THAT is REAL CHRISTMAS, right? !!!
    Thanks for this lovely reminder.

    1. Z,
      The tinsel covered up the flaws of misshapen or spindly trees. We had a few of those!

  5. That tinsel never looked real good on the aluminum trees my family had when I was a kid...

    1. All silver, red balls and a color wheel... needless to say, no one had any allergies to that tree...

    2. Yep, Dave, that was our tree also, and I was the reason.

  6. I remember the illuminated plastic star at the top of the tree each year.
    Found it in a trunk in the attic after my dad passed.

    One Paramount Tree Top Star in the box. It's on the plate rack in the dining room.

    1. Duck,
      I remember those illuminated stars for the top of the tree -- though my family didn't have one.

      Here in this household, we had a beautiful angel for the top of the tree. It's not an illuminated angel, is year, I dug it out and placed it in a place of honor on the mantel. We no longer have a Christmas tree large enough to support our angel tree topper.

  7. The white-wall bicycle tires says it all. This picture was taken in ancient times. A bike with a headlight, gas tank, and luggage carrier was absolutely the best to be had. I am puzzled that the hand grips don't have those dangling plastic looking things that would wave in the breeze as you would ride along.

    This is obviously an upscale household. In my neighborhood these folks would be rich.

  8. Yes, I do AOW. Thanks for the reminder.

  9. Yes - or close. But time does not stand still. I miss real tinsel, the weighted kind that drapes nicely on the tree. The cheesy mylar stuff does not cut it.


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