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Saturday, January 24, 2015


Maybe somebody can explain to me why President Obama stooped to an interview with GloZell Green (incredibly, a graduate of the University of Florida with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in musical theatre) — aside from the fact that she is a YouTube sensation, that is. Who are her fans, anyway?

Check out this famous GloZellvideo: GloZell's Cereal Challenge, too weird on so many levels (hat tip to Bunkerville):

9,772,780 views? Are you kidding me?  I couldn't manage to watch the entire thing!

The January 22, 2015 GloZell interview of President Obama was held in the White House:

GloZell is quite subdued in her interview of the President and even asked some valid questions. Nevertheless, what does the President's reaching-out-to-YouTubers say about the leader of the free world and about American culture today?

If this pathetic display is indicative of American culture today, I'm going to have to become a hermit!


  1. We live in such great times, when even the President of the United States can make a Jackass out of himself,

  2. "Jackass". There should be a better word than that!
    How about Idiot? Or Schmuck?

  3. Even worse is how it was covered around the world. No longer does something as absurd as this stay in the family. Obama should have known better. The world laughed at us with Kerry and his strange choice of James Taylor. This only adds to the perception that we are no longer a serious Nation.

    1. Bunkerville,
      Even worse is how it was covered around the world.

      I wasn't aware of that! He must be a laughing stock, then.

    2. The USA has been a laughing stock (as in split your sides laughing) since 2008 when this racist, anti-American, moslem activist, teleprompter Jesus imbecile was elected. When he was elected a 2nd time, you'd think at least 2 billion people would have actually DIED laughing.

    3. Kid,
      What a great comment!

      But is he an imbecile in the sense that he doesn't know how much damage he's doing to America, particularly the middle class?

  4. This started years ago when candidates appeared on MTV; it's the pop culture-zation of politics....ala Idiocracy.

    1. CI,

      Another kind of dumbing down. And it smacks of bread and circuses, too.

  5. I think it's nice. What's the big deal?


    1. I don't have an issue with the entertainer. Such is pop culture today. She's entertaining the lowbrows, so God bless her.

      I'm one of those old fashioned people who still believes that whoever occupies the presidency should strive to uphold the dignity of the office.

    2. I philosophically agree......but given the way our party driven system actually works.......the office itself hasn't held any dignity or gravitas for quite some time.

    3. I guess if he'd not dissed on meeting Netanyahu but would meet with the green--lipstick, Fruit Loop swimmin' wonder, that gets to be problematic.
      I'm hoping split screens of his meeting with her and her swimming in milk and cereal aren't broadcast too much around the world.
      We need to maintain SOME dignity in our country...

    4. I;ve said before I would 'defend to the death' the right to produce and try to sell GARBAGE, but I'm equally in favor of calling a spade a spade, and all that implies.

      This is nothing but ESS-ATICH-EYE-TEA, and if THIS what a significant percentage of the American Public wants to see, we are IN the TOILET already and vigorously circling the drain.

    5. SF and FT,
      I don't have an issue with the entertainer. Such is pop culture today. She's entertaining the lowbrows, so God bless her.

      But how can anyone think that inviting GloZell to the White House to interview the President of the United States is a good idea? What message does it send to young people who are academically minded?

      For the life of me, I can't understand how GloZell has become a YouTube star?

    6. Z,
      In my view, the President's interview with GloZell demeans the Office of the President of the United States. Do other world leaders do this sort of thing?

    7. AoW, I bet in places like Italy and Brazil they probably do things that would make the GloZell interview look like an episode of Firing Line.


    8. Yeah! We're no better that Italy, Brazil, or South Crapistan, right Jersey?

      AOW: It's sick, but then , Obama's gang are the same people who sold to us with a straight face the ludicrous lie that we would arm the "good" Syrian terrorists, and they would simultaneously vanquish the Assad regime and ISIS.

    9. At least the Italians and Brazilians colons aren't all stuffed up with phony, hypocritical American puritanism.


    10. I don't know what puritanism has to do with it, and you obviously don't know much about Italy or Brazil. Italy politics has its sex scandals, but everybody is not all cool with it, and Brazil is much more straight-laced that people like you think, who know nothing about Brazil besides carnaval.

  6. My sentiments regarding this sort of thing were encapsulated in this bit of verse the Muse dictated to me last summer. You'd better not look too closely at the acrostic, however, because it's bound to offend all whose minds have been conscripted and surreptitiously indoctrinated by the Cultural Marxists. In today's Europe and probably in Britain too by now, it would doubtless earn me a stiff jail sentence.

    _________ DIAGNOSIS _________

    Stopping Racism today’s believed
    No harm, but only good could ever do ––
    Of Paramount Importance. –– We’ve deceived
    Innumerable millions, brought them to
    The point where kicking over all the traces
    A counterfeit Altruism now prevails:
    Zig zags must be viewed as straight, so races
    Ill-informed may proudly fill their sails ––
    Reject all hope of Mental Elevation ––
    Enjoy, instead, White Perquisites unearned ––
    Given –– by “The Rich,” whose education,
    Goading them to see all Privilege spurned,
    Informed them they should not be what they are.
    Now, Prehistoric Depths loom not so far.

    ~ FreeThinke

  7. For discussion:

    What did Obama have in mind by granting this interviews with the "YouTubers"? He must have a purpose and a motive, right?

  8. Tis a Pity that Trayvon never got to see that, he would have loved a Black Chic in a bath tub.

    1. Too bad, he like mike brown tried to kill an armed man bare handed.

    2. Kid,
      Either hopped-up or downright stupid -- those are the only reasons for attacking an armed man.

      Not long ago, I spoke to an immigrant from China about Michael Brown. This Chinese fellow can't figure out why everybody can't see that Brown "had it coming" and particularly objected to the use of the phrase "unarmed teenager," a phrase which he saw as deceptive.

  9. It's not like obama is going to talk to a smart person, or anyone that doesn't fit his support group profile right?

    'this one' and you other litards... stupidity doesn't win the day forever. Enjoy it for now, but it's not going to last. And if it does, you'll be the ones suffering the consequences because us smart people will find ways to insulate ourselves. You'll find yourself in a leper colony of worthless idiots. Then who will buy your food for you.

    1. Kid,
      I hope that your second paragraph comes true!

      As for Obama's interview with GloZell, it seems to me that Obama is seeking adoration or something very like adoration. He loves being the center of attention, and that's one reason that he's always in campaign mode.

  10. I spent a few moments today looking around the web to see what the Leftists are saying about this interview. The Left's position seems to be that those of us who are puzzled the Obama would so demean the office of President of the United States don't understand pop culture. What is there to understand about filling a bathtub with milk and Fruit Loops, then eating one's way through the cereal?

    A few Leftwing sites state that people who have posted negatively about the interview. I can't speak for everyone else in the group of the puzzled, but I certainly am not angry.

    Frankly, Obama interviews with YouTubers isn't something to get angry about. Not worth raising one's blood pressure. That said, I must say that the first time I heard that GloZell was coming to the White House to interview the President, I thought, "This can't be for real! Must be something from the Onion."

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. When detected, copy and paste comments are summarily removed by a blog administrator -- even if blog administrators happen to agree with the comment.

      Discourse, please. Not drive-by "spam."

  12. It seems that we are constantly being reminded that we should 'respect the office'. How is that possible when the 'office' holder demonstrates NO RESPECT, whatsoever, for the OFFICE?

    1. Jon,
      Your point is well taken.

      I suppose that those of thus who didn't much like the YouTubers interviews are deemed racists by the Left. The epithet of racist if waaaay too much overused -- and now has no meaning.

  13. " what does the President's reaching-out-to-YouTubers say about the leader of the free world and about American culture today?"

    If this clown is, indeed, " the leader of the free world" the "free world" is in FREE FALL!

  14. Don't Get Spun by the Gee-Oh-PeeJanuary 25, 2015 at 10:49:00 AM CST

    I think the righties are all foamed up over this only because Mr. Obama is involved.

    Curious. I don't see anything on the right wing blogs about John Boehner's traitorous action in going behind Mr. Obama's back and secretly inviting Bibi to speak in Congress to try to interfere with very delicate negotiations with Iran.

    When I read that Boehner's excuse was that Mr. Obama did the same in going around Congress in the deferment immigration issue, the ninnies who agreed with that excuse failed to recognize that Mr. Obama was very much up front in telling Congress and everyone what he would do. Also, Congress can override whatever Mr. Obama does by exec. order. How do the president and America override the damage Boehner would do to this country by interfering with foreign policy?
    Or about the righties going nuclear and unloading their full arsenal of bile on Mr. Obama’s refusal to attend Netanyahu planned March speech before Congress.
    That is all to subtle for certain pinheads to understand.

    1. Yoo tell them cons!!!

      That was traiturous what Boner did! Who blew the secret anyway?

      What they think? That israili guy get up there and suprise everyone?

      GOP is traitors, vio;lating the traitorous invitations act of 1643!

      Congress teebaglicans can publish all the exec orders thay want, but Obama is still the PRESICDENTS!!! i hope he throw them in Jail!!!

    2. The true traitorous action is Obama's merry band of incompetents conducting 'negotiations' with an evil mullahocracy and handing them billions of dollars without congressional approval.

  15. To me it seemed like a perfect fit. These two classless people belong together.

  16. "These two classless people belong together."

    Yes but on some other planet!

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. *** DRIVE BY SPAM ALERT!!! ***

      Little Miss Leftard has defaced various blogs with this cut and paste screed.

    2. No! They don't do such naughty things

    3. Mortimer,
      So I see! The comment has been removed.

  18. "Marajuana is Medecin!!!"

    It seems that you have had plenty today!

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  19. Times are changing, and government institutions must change to keep up.

    She is an entertainer, but some conservative sites other than this one have used this event to make racist remarks.

    Peace and love, my fellow human beings to my right

    1. Oso,



      What have I said that is racist?

      Now, I do see GloZell as strange -- as I indicated in the title of this blog post -- but it is not because of her race. It's that lipstick and the "Cereal Challenge." Are those behaviors that we want our children or grandchildren to exhibit?

    2. AOW, there no need to apologize or kiss up to this lefty loser.

    3. Oso,
      Thank you for that clarification. I misunderstood, then.

    4. Information You Deserve,
      Who's apologizing? Not I!

      It is my nature to composed reasoned and measured responses.

  20. I must say that GloZell comported herself well during the interview and asked some good questions. That was interesting to watch. She did let Obama ramble on, though -- something that a real journalist would not do, IMO.

    1. In other words, just a different format for Obama to state yet again some of the same kinds of things he often says in his other speeches.

  21. Dear Mr. Peace and love, aka Oso, yes no question that “Times are a changing”
    However the President (Captain Zero) of the United States of America IS NOT A GOVERNMENT INSTITUTION.
    Racist Remark? I Don’t Think That Was What it Was ..This Catastrophe Event Is the Culmination of Obamás Lunacy

    Peace, Love, and Marijuana, My Fellow Human Beings to My Left.

    1. Billc,
      Thank you for that comment. You said much of what I have wanted to say but just couldn't find the words to do so.

    2. Yo, dude. No need to go ALL CAPS. It's all cool. I said other blogs were making racist remarks, not this one.

      The president was reaching out to a younger generation, that's all.

    3. Oh, my.

      Poor Bill is going to have a stroke on us.

      Do yourself a favor, sweetie, take your heart pills and go attend some anger management classes. You have issues!

  22. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Oh yeahI forgot to say:
      Peace, Love, Marijuana, and Kumbaya, To My Fellow Human Beings to My Left.

    2. Bill,
      Please review the guidelines for commenting at this blog site. Comments with profanities and vulgarities are deleted.

  23. And Number 4. I think that you're a Troll, a phoney and a liar, sent bu Shaw or Shaw itself... you are not Oso. you don't have his photo in your avatar.

  24. My blogger account was hacked, and I don't know who the other guy is you mention.

    Please visit us at Roundtree 7, or at our FB page:


    It's all about social consciousness, bro.

    1. Oso,
      My blogger account was hacked

      A lot of that going around. I believe that Silverfiddle alerted us to the possibility that you had an imposter making the rounds.

      I could switch to Wordpress and solve that problem but haven't done so -- not yet, at least.

    2. Lets NOT kid ourselves AOW, this guy/ or who/whatever is not who they /it says they/it are.
      What a convenient excuse at such a convenient time " my account was Hacked"
      If it was hacked then how was it linked to its web-page?
      Let's face it, anyone can enter a name and link a web page just by entering it.
      The proof was that his picture was missing.
      The account wasn't hacked, as it is current.
      He or SHE, and I believe it's a female impersonator came here or was sent here by (you know who) and just conveniently dropped that line
      " conservative racists).
      And then gives us that Cock and Bull story about their account being "hacked".
      Sorry but it's so full of holes that is a joke
      Silver was right all along. This (person) and I use the word "person" gratuitously, is Full of Shit.

    3. Billc,
      If it was hacked then how was it linked to its web-page?

      Because commenting options here allow for that.

    4. And let us also note that your Blogger profile is unavailable. Therefore, you are a possible imposter.

      Not that I worry much about imposters. They are pathetic.

    5. See? This is how easy it is to impersonate someone when they don't have a verifiable account and profile.

      Oso don't talk like that.

    6. No, he only calls us Conservations "Racists"

    7. Congratulations, "Oso" your BS is very impressive. Only I for one don’t believe a single word of it.

      But No Pro-bo-lem-O, if AOW wants to buy it, it's blog and her right to.

    8. Calm down, little Billy!

      You'll hurt yourself!

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Gone are the days of frivolous #bringbackourgirls hashtags. Instead, Barack Obama attends to truly pressing issues by granting interviews to #YouTubeAsksObama.
    And any other FRUIT-LOOP..
    So while ISIS lines up teenage boys girls in front of firing squads for watching soccer games and Boko Haram kills thousands, with her green lipstick and occasional Ebonics the self-proclaimed “Queen of YouTube,” but my proclaimed idiotic ass-hole comedian and Internet Queen GloZell Green interviews the president.
    The BIG buxom GloZell is renowned for YouTube videos such as My Push up Bra will help me get my man; How to Draw Perfect Eyebrows; and GloZell’s Cereal Challenge, where the curvy woman with the unruly curls writhes around in a bathtub filled with Fruit Loops and milk.
    Sad to say, but at this juncture it seems natural to utter the words Obama and Fruit Loops in the same sentence.
    Nonetheless, during the mesmerizing interview, reminiscent of Obama’s “if I had a son” Trayvon Martin reference, GloZell told the president that, to keep her husband from getting shot by the “po-po,” And all I can cay is OY, WHAT THE HELL HAS THIS COUNTRY COME TO!


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