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Thursday, January 8, 2015

Politics Today

A successful strategy (graphic from Western Journalism):

Now, how do we stop this death spiral of Balkanization?


  1. Lime Rickey says:

    The Statue of Liberty's gender'
    Znot clear, I fear "she"' za pretender.
    Hordes of kids -- and the press --
    Have been up in her dress,
    And fund nothing to goose or surrender!

    1. Hopfrog said

      That's very funny! You never think of the SOL in terms of sex, but you're right. She sure ain't got no "come hither."

  2. Lime Rickey says

    Emma Lazarus had to be jokin'
    When on Liberty's base her words spoken
    Invited the worst
    Who hunger and thirst
    To make sure our great land would get broken!

    1. Hopfrog said

      Emma Lazarus was strictly bush league. How she pushed her way to such prominence we'll never know I guess. Her stupid feelings are the pits. Like begging for crap to get dumped in your lap. Huts to that.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Did he respect the men who he left to die in Benghazi? Ask yourself this. Who does his policies in the middle east help? He is against our country and I for one am glad he lost the senate. You liberals are the same people who trashed Bush for eight years. This man will go down in history as the worst President in history.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. As long as enough idiots believe it is being done for their (our) own good, it won't be stopped.

    1. That is the terrible Power of Marxian Doctrine. Ironic how Marx accused the (Christian) RELIGION of being "The Opiate of the People," when in fact MARXISM plays that role most effectively.

    2. Marxism isn't an opiate. It's more of a laxative/diuretic.

    3. NAH! It's a BARBITURATE cum EMETIC.

      It dulls the mind while stimulating the forceful ejection of putrid waste matter from every orifice of the body.

      Under Marxian influence VOMITUS becomes a surrogate for THOUGHT.

  6. Me thinks you've been reading too much Dumbass Sowell lately. Only the sorts of trifling people who are hung up on semantics would "equality" be a bad word.


  7. Lime Rickey says:

    The Statue of Liberty's creases
    Have cracked, and she's now all in pieces,
    'Cause her innate hypocrisy
    Rejects aristocracy
    So the nation got flooded with feces!

    1. Hopfrog said

      Cripes! You're friggin amazing. Do you make up this stuff on the spot or do you keep it canned? You oughtta save it. Enough would make a great coffee table book. Great to use sitting on the john too.

  8. As long as we have so many @$$#0!$ advocating for "diversity" and "multiculturalism" "Balkanization" will continue and worsen. Any serious effort(s) to stop and hopefully reverse this trend requires the elimination of those advocates. I, personally, don't care as to what method.

    1. Lime Rickey says:

      My kids won't attend university
      All they'd learn is to worship "Diversity."
      They'd get persecuted
      Till their minds get polluted
      With hope for unending adversity!

  9. Well, AOW, as long as we have folks like Berg we admit that it can't be stopped and we focus on marginalizing the fascists

    1. Duck,
      The problem is not Jon Berg.

      If things continue the way they're going, the real fascists will take over. Look at the lessons of history. The pendulum does swing hard.

    2. So what does France do, AOW?
      Deport them all?

      Can't deport two of them since one of the police killed and one of the magazine employees killed were Muslim.

    3. Also a good interview of the significant other of the magazine's editor on Huffpost.

      She's Muslim.

    4. "Can't deport two of them"

      Just goes to show you their complete and utter disregard for human life in comparison to their "religion"

    5. Duck,
      So what does France do, AOW?
      Deport them all?

      For starters, recognize that there is something in Islam that results in the kind of mayhem breaking out all over the world within the past several months.

      As for deportation, Western nations need to focus on the imams within the West's borders. (1) Get rid of the Salafist imams! (2) Take Al Qaeda's online magazine Inspire offline. (3) Round up those spouting jihad on social networks.

    6. Duck,
      interview of the significant other of the magazine's editor on Huffpost

      Link, please.

  10. Once the totalitarian state kicks in here, and it will in due time, it is the way Republics go, the people will be more than happy to embrace the removal of the undesirables. One only needs to read History and it does repeat itself.

  11. So, Jersey how many books and scholarly articles have you written, dumbass?

    Thomas Sowell's powerful intellect and finely-tuned leftwing BS detector drives the liberal moonbats to incoherent vulgarities. I love it!

  12. I'm not a fan of Michael Savage, but he sums it up pretty well in "Borders, Language, and Culture".

    If we do not control our borders, we cannot limit the number of people who refuse our values and refuse to be assimilated. We make learning our language and our values part of the process of becoming a citizen.

    We need to make English our official language, and, if need be, offer classes in English to young and old, and stop wasting money trying to accommodate people who refuse to learn our common language. Bilingual education, multilingual ballots, etc. should come to an end. Access to English is the lingua franca of success in America.

    Our culture is representative of Western civilization. Multicultural nonsense that tries to equate every culture as "equal" needs to find the trash heap of history, STAT. Cultures that murder those who disagree with them, condone slavery or the oppression of women should not be elevated or favorably compared with those that do not.

    1. Proof,
      Multiculturalism as it has been on display for the past several decades is poison.

      A common language is not only essential for communication but also serves to promote a watch of thinking that one might call Culturism (book by John Kenneth Press).

    2. You're not a fan of Michael Savage?

      Well, I AM. He's the only one out there who pulls no punches and tells it like it is. I LOVE Michael Savage, He should be made a National Treasure.

      - Marsha Law

  13. JMJ,
    You have just put on quite a display of liberal tolerance for anyone who has a view dissenting from your own. Sheesh.

  14. So Jersey, how many of Sowell's books have you read?

  15. SF,
    It's a pathology that grips them and forces them into shameless Tourette's attacks against anyone who has strayed from the reservation.

    That's an excellent way of putting it!

  16. Robert F. Kennedy Jr: Fox News Has Divided Country In A Way Not Seen Since Civil War:


  17. How do we stop the death spiral ? Deport the libtards as step one, which isn't feasible or possible. Alternately, come up with a drug that makes libtardism completely impotent. Yea, not gonna work either.
    Last resort- wait until even their brain dead bodies feel enough pain to recognize we have taken the wrong course then beat them senseless when they blame conservatives for the problems. (They're already programmed to do so as will be evident by the brain dead libtard replies to this comment;-) )

  18. FT, Good one. I'll add PC and Multiculturalism. (fyi-I won't see your reply)


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