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Thursday, January 22, 2015

Are Somebody's Ears Burning?

North wing of the Capitol, containing the Senate Chamber
Yesterday, Senator Bob Menendez (D-N.J.), who serves on the United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, uttered the following words:
“You know, I, I have to be honest with you. The more I hear from the administration and its quotes, the more it sounds like talking points that come straight out of Iran. And it feeds to the Iranian narrative of victimization.”

Speaker of the House John Boehner, without consulting the President, has invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address a joint session of Congress on February 11 on the topic of the Iranian threat.  White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest has called that invitation "a breach of diplomatic protocol."

As sick as I've been — and still am, for that matter — I haven't cared one whit about the news for the past week. Readers, clue me in. Is the United States Congress positioning itself to override the President's veto of new economic sanctions imposed upon Iran? Or are the developments cited in this blog post merely political theatre?


  1. Wouldn't it be loverly if a Republican-Democratic coalition united against Ogodno were to emerge out of the cesspit of Washington politics?

    This MIGHT be the beginning of such a movement, but I'm not ready to bet on it just yet.

    By all means let's keep Hope alive that we ye may be delivered from the clutches of the crypto-Marxist, quasi-dictatorial fiend now inhabiting our White House.

  2. They say Obama's polls are gaining,
    But he is far from entertaining.
    The folk who find that jerk appealing
    Are much in need of mental healing.
    All that twixt his lips doth pass
    Amounts to so much sewer gas.

    1. And if the Democrats discover
      Their Black Knight's a faithless lover,
      And a shameless mountebank,
      They only have themselves to thank.
      For they saw fit the horn to toot
      Of this haughty Empty Suit!

  3. Good for Boehner. Bring on Netanyahu.. I want to see more of this. I think it's rather comical that Boehner decided to blow right past Obumble and invite Bibi directly.

    It lets Israel know in very clear terms that the Failed Messiah does not speak for America, when it comes to our friendship and alliance and support for Israel.

    And if Obumble really gets pissed he could get John Kerry to drag out that other Commie Harry Belefonte to sing the Banana song.

    Boehner might have finally grew a set of balls.

  4. How many things has Obama done without the approval of Congress!!!

    1. Oso,

      You never answered by question in the previous thread, so I'll ask it here again:

      Was this Oso, you?

      Oso January 14, 2015 at 3:42 PM

      I havn't looked at these blogs in a long time [...]


      Was that you, or a different Oso?

    2. If the post is obsessed with a certain liberal blog, the poster is likely Freethinke

    3. Keep punching, Ducktardo. One of these days you'll finally hit something. The Law of Averages cannot be denied forever.

      Slash! Bash! Thrust! Parry! Kick! Punch! Spit and Flail!

      Too bad all you can do effectively is break wind.

  5. The SOTU speech is supposed to be about the incumbent and what he and his party have accomplished over the past year. Maybe that’s why he had nothing much to say and had to resort to lies. This SOTU address had even more Lies than his last speech. That whole grandstanding scene sucked.
    No president has ever lied as much as Obozo...Bill Clinton came close, but no cigar! Or was there?.
    Barack Hussein Obama, you are a liar. You have always been a liar.
    Well I guess that’s why he had nothing of importance to say! Yeah it's mostly a dog and pony show with the dumb applauding and standing but it’s the same thing whether the Dems or the Repubs are in power.
    The recent mid-term elections showed that Obama’s policies were firmly rejected by the voters as power in both the Senate and House was turned over to the Republican Party, but he is giving no evidence of moderating the arrogance that has distinguished his term in office to this date. If fact his arrogance has gotten the best of him, running around with his veto pen and his executive orders! .
    Obama had a right to talk about the improvements in the economy and everywhere else. I’m really surprised that he hasn’t passed an executive order to put him on Mt. Rushmore by now.
    Obama, I hope that you get well soom.

  6. If Obama thinks it is ok to have the British interfere in our politics by having Cameron talk to our Senators in support of Iran, this seems fair play to me.

  7. Good grief:

    U.S. to Award Iran $11.9 Billion Through End of Nuke Talks

    The Obama administration on Wednesday paid $490 million in cash assets to Iran and will have released a total of $11.9 billion to the Islamic Republic by the time nuclear talks are scheduled to end in June, according to figures provided by the State Department.

    Today’s $490 million release, the third such payment of this amount since Dec. 10, was agreed to by the Obama administration under the parameters of another extension in negotiations over Tehran’s contested nuclear program that was inked in November.

    Iran will receive a total of $4.9 billion in unfrozen cash assets via 10 separate payments by the United States through June 22, when talks with Iran are scheduled to end with a final agreement aimed at curbing the country’s nuclear work, according to a State Department official....

    1. As my old grandpappy used to say, pardon the expression, the Iranians are screwing Obama like a house cat.

      I bet the didn't even kiss him or even give him a lousy t-shirt.

  8. The Congress is always Nuttyyahoo's little errand boy.

    So in the great game in the mideast between Saudi Arabia and Iran we pick Saudi Arabia and congratulate ourselves like fools.

    Of course nobody questions what benefits we get from indulging Israel. None that I can see.

    Well, don't it drag on. We are reaping the fruits.

    1. Ducky,
      What evidence can you provide that the shows the Iranian mullahs to be any better than the House of Saud?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Not as substantial as it could be but enough to convince me there's a difference.

      1. Time I spent in Saudi Arabia. The effort to transform that society would be monumental. It's compounded by the fact that Saudi men see themselves as "the elect" and don't like to work or take orders.
      It's an eye opener.

      2. I've never been to Iran but there is a significant number of Iranians locally (my dentist is Iranian) and I have found them to be cultured, intelligent people.
      I follow the arts and Iranian film, painting and calligraphy reveals a culture that isn't nearly as repressive as we imagine. For a period in the 90's Iranian film was consistently more theoretical than what was coming out of Hollywood.

      Ignoring the nation of Iran is a mistake.
      Remaining ignorant of its culture and current history is just the American way. Not to say they haven't screwed up royally like everyone else playing the great game but it behooves us not to be knee-jerk if we want more effective policy.

    4. I've spent lots of time in the garage, Ducks, but it's hardly made me an expert on auto mechanics.

      As for art and artists (of the GENUINE variety), both are usually far ahead of and far superior to the societies in which they've functioned.

    5. So you've finally come out as a full-fledged anti-Semite, eh Canardo?

      Sooner or later every worm turns, I suppose. Ironic that anti-Zionism, which most Jews equate with anti-Semitism, has now become all the rage among the Knowitalls. If it hadn't been for a small-but-highly-vocal-enormously-powerful cadre of JEWISH intellectuals the Left,as we know it today, could not -- and would not -- have existed.

      So much for base ingratitude!

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. Silverfiddle, the issue is not whether or not Iran's regime is repressive, it is.
      The populace however is much more moderate than the populace of Saudi Arabia and meaningful relations with Iran despite how they would aggravate the Saudis would be beneficial.

    8. Ducky,

      The question of Iran is not unlike that of Cuba in the past, no?

      Is there some smarter middle way than either turning them into a international sympathy case where we look like a bullying buffoon or (as Obama is doing) handing them millions while they stall for time until their scientists can build the bomb?

      They fund the Hezbos who keep Lebanon in turmoil, among other things, and they killed our soldiers in Iraq. I hate that regime, and Obama and his girl power are are too stupid and naive to get anything meaningful from the Iranian regime.

      What has Iran given us in return for all that money we gave them (which gives their regime financial breathing room, btw?)

  9. All politics is theater. There is only one reason Menendez would risk the ire of Valarie Jarrett (an Iranian): self-interest. Trying to determine what that interest actually is is somewhat similar to listening to “Night Without End.” Only the Shadow knows.

    1. Jarrett an IRANIAN?

      Who knew? And how did you find out, Mustang? It's certainly not been publicized.

    2. Freethinke, she was born to American parents in Iran.

      In mustang's world that makes her an Iranian muslim and probably a communist.
      Why don't you to share a latte at the next John Birch meeting?

    3. No doubt, Ducky thinks it is only coincidental that Jarrett is the top dog (and I mean that quite literally) in the White House, and this president has adopted a pro-Iranian policy toward the Middle East since his inauguration in 2009. Iran —the only benefactor of the so-called Arab Spring. I wonder, too, how many top dogs in the White House are fluent in Farsi. Well, maybe that’s just another in a long line of coincidences —along with 11 of 12 footballs inexplicably under inflated and Dzhokhar is simply a misunderstood youth. Giving credit where due, Ducky is at least consistent.

    4. Why wouldn't someone born in Iran speak Farsi? Not real interesting.

      So Obama prefers a policy of engagement with Iran rather than ... what, covert militarism?
      Or is it that he refuses to be Nuttyyahoo's sock puppet?

      Yeah, the Arab Spring was largely a bust but we left Tunisia alone and they did fine.
      We propped up a stooge in Yemen and that ain't going so well.
      We put the military back in charge in Egypt. Stalemate.
      We blocked reform in Bahrain.

      Quite a mess but I imagine you see it all clearly. Just hard nose the highway.

    5. Ecnegil Letni said

      The duck is one of those naive numbskulls who don't believe in guilt by association.

  10. President Obama and his panel of foreign policy stooges are grossly incompetent, in no way qualified to be making important decisions, and they are in way over their heads.

    America is in grave danger, and even liberal Democrats who voted for Obama are realizing it, and they are alarmed. I've posted this link before, so I apologize, but it is important. Leslie Gelb was one of those foreign policy doyens in the press who voted for Obama twice and sang his praises to high heavens.

    Survival at Stake - Obama's Last Foreign Policy Chance

    It's not that we shouldn't be negotiating with Iran. It's just that we shouldn't be sending naive children to do it. We are in grave danger, so much so that liberal Democrats like Bob Menendez are standing up and saying so.

    1. Grave danger? Possibly but why?

      I think we are in grave danger if we continue with the absolutely idiotic notion that we are going to be Islam's agent of change if we continue with a military posture. The extremists figured out long ago how to get our military on the defensive and accomplishing radical Islam;s goals.

      Now if we gain a rational consciousness and realize there is a movement to reshape Islam and we are simply stuck and often supporting extremists then this goes on forever.

      We do seem pretty lost.
      We need more Cheney & McCain pumping the hate on the Sunday shows.

    2. Grave danger because Obama's team has no experience and they wouldn't even know how to buy a clue.

      We agree that the Bush-Cheney shock and awe approach is a horrible disaster.

      I long for the realists who formed a solid, sober, sensible core of foreign policy and who found homes in both parties.

    3. SF,
      Our foreign policy is deeper in the dumper that I ever recall our foreign policy having been before. Maybe I'm wrong....

  11. I think it's rather comical that Boehner decided to blow right past Obumble and invite Bibi directly.

    It lets Israel know in very clear terms that the Failed Messiah does not speak for America, when it comes to our friendship and alliance and support for Israel.

    After months - years - of thinly-disguised animosity towards Israel on the part of the present US administration - Congress decided to send a much different message.

    Good on them... bypassing Obama, and playing hardball back in return, for his Iran veto babble last night.

    Just goes to show you that no matter how many members of the Obumble Fan Club had wet dreams last night over the SOTU, it's the Day After (and beyond) that really counts.

  12. The President knows most Americans put their own country first, not Israel. Let the GOP play their little games with Bibi, a man who will probably be out of power before Obama. Obama has been setting the stage for international pressure on Iraq by playing the patient and cool, extending all he can diplomatically before moving to the next stage. That's what statesmen do. Conservatives just don;t have any statesmen among them anymore.


    1. " Obama has been setting the stage for international pressure on Iraq by playing the patient and cool, extending all he can diplomatically before moving to the next stage."

      I believe that's referred to as the "Chamberlain gambit". Next he'll be proclaiming "Peace in our time".

    2. More likely the CHAMBER POT gambit, Vib. ;-)

    3. The longer Iran stalls, the worse they look. We hold the cards here. You could compare the US to pre-war Britain if you like, but only an idiot would compare Nazi Germany to Iran today. That's just goofy.


    4. Why do leftwingers like Jersey put America's enemies like Iran ahead of America and our allies' interests?

    5. Because we don't. Only on planet IDONTUNDERSTANDLIBERALSATALL would that be true.


    6. Jersey,
      I understand Obama is handing Iran billions (a nation that has vowed to incinerate Israel, a democratic nation and US ally) and allowing them to buy time for their nuclear program by engaging in 'negotiations' and you leftwing nutballs cheer it on.

      So answer the question. Why do you put Iran's interests ahead of the US and Israel's? What makes Iran morally better than Israel?

  13. "Breach of diplomatic protocol"? And this by an administration that sent the Israeli PM out the servant's door? And has breached constitutional law so often that the paper looks more like a collander?

    Theater, yes. There's a lot of posturing to jockey for position in the new set-up. Boehner needs to re-establish his meaningfulness. But it's a good move. I'm conflicted on Iran. Like Cuba, I vote to make them earn the privilege of diplomatic relations. In Cuba's case we can start with what's owed in the breach, to wit reparations for all stolen American property, which is what started those sanctions.

    Iran is more complex. Ducky has a point, of sorts, that it is the way of people (not just Americans for Pete's sake - how provincial) to tend to know little about far-removed exotic locales that aren't part of their history, economy and neighborhood. Even if you just go back as far as the Treaty of Versailles there's much to inform our understanding. Not to mention the era of the 'Great Game', the Sassanids, or the Ilkhanate.

    Obama has thrown away the good we might have done several years ago. Some of the 'best' or most touted thinking is saying we have to gear up for containment, and I've seen a credible case made that Iran is doing a lot more posturing than we think and maybe containment isn't such a bad idea. Well, thanks to Mr. Obama it's about all we have left! Unfortunately, the price of being wrong about this is pretty terrible.

  14. I have a sneaking suspicion this might be a little more. If Ben can get enough democrats on his side, the Congress will be able to override oBAMa's vetos on more Iran sanctions. That would be a beautiful think in itself. If on the other hand Ben is invited and nothing comes of it, then I believe it will seriously injure both sides of Congress. Would boehner do something that stupid? Maybe. Let's see.

  15. I have no idea if this is true or false:

    Iran has apparently produced an intercontinental ballistic missile whose range far exceeds the distance between Iran and Israel, and between Iran and Europe.

    On Wednesday night, Channel 2 showed satellite imagery taken by Israel’s Eros-B satellite that was launched last April. The imagery showed new missile-related sites that Iran recently constructed just outside Tehran. One facility is a missile launch site, capable of sending a rocket into space or of firing an ICBM.

    On the launch pad was a new 27-meter long missile, never seen before.

    The missile and the launch pad indicate that Iran’s ballistic missile program, which is an integral part of its nuclear weapons program, is moving forward at full throttle. The expanded range of Iran’s ballistic missile program as indicated by the satellite imagery makes clear that its nuclear weapons program is not merely a threat to Israel, or to Israel and Europe. It is a direct threat to the United States as well.


    The JPOA placed no limitation on Iran’s ballistic missile program....


    Meanwhile, this appeared in today's online version of the WaPo:

    The Doomsday Clock is ticking again. It is now three minutes to midnight, a.k.a the end of humanity

    It is now three minutes to midnight, according to the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, which is warning that the end of humanity may be nigh. The group behind the famed "Doomsday Clock" announced at a news conference that it was adjusting the countdown to the End of it All by taking away two minutes. It is the closest the clock has been to Doomsday since 1984....

    Not that there is anything that any of us can do about the two above stories!

    1. I'd figure a stooge like Glick would be pumping the terror talk just before Nuttyyahoo's visit.

      Pure hokum.

    2. Duck,
      Pure hokum.

      Only if no such satellite image exists.

    3. Ducky's thinking is so scanty
      He's only happy if he's anti.
      It seems to be his dreary fate
      To live only to denigrate!

      ~ Anne Animus

  16. The Liberals/Progressives are afraid of Dr. Ben Carson because he speaks common sense. that is something many liberals have a difficult time dealing with. He represents all the people, and demolishes liberal ideology.
    He's intelligent, articulate, educated, speaks his mind, as far as I know he's honest, and he loves the United States and our Constitution. Unlike the idiot in the white house now.

    1. Well stated, except our president is not an idiot, he's an intelligent person who's been systematically conditioned from birth to do everything possible to harm, and if possible destroy, the country he was handpicked by The Oligarchs to "lead."

      He, his mentors, and his "henchpersons" have done an exquisite job of nudging us ever closer towards the Abyss.

    2. The only thing we're afraid of is that he'll drop out of the primaries early and lower the volume of the crazy talk.

      Man's a fool but we want the fringe out there setting the level of debate.

    3. Ducky's thinking is so scanty
      He's only happy if he's anti.
      It seems to be his dreary fate
      To live only to denigrate!

      ~ Anne Animus

    4. Ducky,

      Never fear. Bernie Sanders (Socialist - Nutville) and Elizabeth Shops-st-Whole-Foods Warren the Cigar Store Indian will be keeping us all rolling with laughter.

      Plus, unfortunately, the half-term governor of the most sparsely populated states appears to be throwing her hat in the ring, so you'll have plenty of fodder in the coming months, I'm afraid.

  17. "The Liberals/Progressives are afraid of Dr. Ben Carson..."


    Oh yeah, I needed that!

    You just believing that, my special friend.


  18. I guess he's not as smart as Hillary Clinton.
    Is that what you're trying to say!

    1. I don't know who's smarter than who, but Ben Carson's political schtick is thin ideological boilerplate. He has offered no new ideas about anything, including his alternative health care plan. He may impress you cons because he's a "brain surgeon" (I guess rocket scientist would be the other option), and hence he must be a geeenius. Certainly he was a brilliant surgeon. As a political pundit, he's not very impressive. Also, he takes a sort of condescending tone that Democrats and Independents don't like, but conservatives do like, hence why you guys thinks he projects well, while the rest of us don't. Personally, I think he has some kind of personality problem.


    2. No one needs NEW ideas, Jersey.

      What we want would be GOOD ideas, and Dr. Carson has them in Spades doubled and redoubled.

      I remember very well how the enemedia tried to dismiss and thus defeat Ronald Reagan by constant assertions of the sort you've made against Dr. Carson.

    3. FT...give it up on sticking up for Carson with liberals...it's like waving a cross at vampires. Except they just won't wither and die, it just freaks them out and their bat wings fly them away.

    4. I must give Jersey credit for surprising me by giving Carson props as a 'brilliant surgeon.'

      Just because someone is brilliant in one area doesn't mean they will be so in another. I think Dr. Carson is a solid individual worthy of emulation, but that does not translate to being good at politics. Usually, the opposite is the case.

      The GOP needs a real mean bastard who looks and talks just the opposite. The GOP needs to learn to roll like the Dems.

  19. I don't know if anybody's addressed this above, but a DEMOCRAT said something that damning about this Democrat administration and, as much news as I read/hear, I hadn't heard he said that till HERE, TODAY?

    Let me just ask the Conservatives AND Liberals here what they think the media would have done with this story had Menendez been a Republican suggesting a sitting Republican admin's talking points sound like they come out of IRAN.

    I'm thinking the world would have heard that in that case.

    1. Menendez is a hawk and one of Likud's biggest assets in the Senate.

      Why does this surprise you? Are you that unaware of the make up of today's Democratic party?

    2. It is refreshing, and healthy for our democracy, for good Democrats to openly oppose the president and stop bowing down to his every harebrained whim.

    3. Ducky; I'm sorry! You misunderstood my comment again. My question is why the media didn't cover this as madly as they would have had a Republican disagreed this vehemently with a sitting Republican president. Okay?

      SF...Frankly, the only way we might escape this monstrous Obama presidency's further actions is when good Democrats, too, start seeing the problems and actually admit them. I couldn't agree with you more. Very refreshing.
      I can only imagine not only a few Dems aren't too pleased with Boehner inviting Netanyahu here, but even they might wonder that a president would diss him and meet with Glozell?

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. On the subject of nukes. I have to say if you were a country that possessed a couple nukes, would you fire them at a country that held enough nukes to obliterate you? I'm not sure anyone is that stupid but Iran and N Korea would be top of the list as possibles. I would not bet a dime they would do it unless there existed a concrete guarantee of non-retaliation. Though they might have that for another two years?


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