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Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Good Deeds

Delaware State Police Honor Guard acting as the pallbearers for Valeria V. Mayer (d. age 64 after long illness), whose remains were not claimed by her relatives or friends.

Have you heard about this one, dated January 24, 2015?  If that link refuses to load, try this link. I guarantee that you'll want to know about this story! It is a stark contrast to yesterday's blog post.

Video below the fold.

Isn't this the America that so many of us know and love?


  1. that is a very beautiful story; thanks, AOW.

  2. that is a very beautiful story; thanks, AOW.

    1. Z,
      Sadly, stories such as this one don't get much attention. Why do people like to wallow in stories that are miserable so much of the time?

  3. AOW, am considering changing my blog into one of only good news stories. Seriously.

  4. AOW, am considering changing my blog into one of only good news stories. Seriously.

    1. Z,
      I wouldn't blame you if you did.

      A few years back, I used to visit this site so as to tale a break from ugliness. Unfortunately, she closed up shop. I also used to visit Bunni's site; she passed away in 2013.

      The above two bloggers didn't post good news stories the way that you mean, though.


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