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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Rick Perry Is Finished

Not a mere brain cramp, but rather a total brain freeze. Video below the fold.

Eagle Scouts everywhere should be dismayed. Rick Perry earned the rank of Eagle Scout and the Boy Scouts of America bestowed upon Rick Perry the Distinguished Eagle Scout Award.

At least he admitted, "I stepped in it."
Truer words were never spoken!


  1. He may be a great governor of Texas, but he is not ready for the national stage. Time for him to go home and stop embarrassing himself.

  2. If former Democrat Al Gore For President 1988 state campaign manager Rick Perry wasn't on record for being such a hardcore advocate of Hillarycare in 1993 and the TARP bailouts in 2008, the extreme far-left Tea Party 'movement' would have probably drummed him out of their circles when they found out he painted over a explicit racial slur on his property to compromise with the Republican Party 'establishment.'

    Forgetting he's been campaigning to end the Department of Energy for the last two months in stump speeches is pretty bad. Not quite as bad as Herman Cain forgetting his serial sleazy sexual advances have cost the National Restaurant Association over $100,000 in settlement payouts, but still pretty bad.

    The Tea Party 'movement' sure seems to have a knack for epic failure in its quest for "conservative candidates," doesn't it?

  3. Why not just put Romney and Obama on the ballot and end the freak show.

    The Republicans have a problem here. The Tea Party favorites are making the party look like a bunch of loons. Just pick the guy who at least sounds sane.

  4. Ouch.

    Yet Biden gets a continual pass from the MSM...

  5. Perry seems like a nice man but he is in over his head.

  6. We all have brain freezes occasionally. I won't fault him for that. But, he lost me when he sunk to so forcibly attacking Romney instead of Obama in the last debates.

    If we want to eject Obama in the next election we need to show some solidarity. All he did by attacking the other candidates was divide the party.

  7. I would not hold this against him. When talking without notes, not in a debate, off the cuff, he knows his stuff. I'm wondering if he has a bit of dyslexia.

    If so, it makes it difficult sometimes to bring for a certain word, you mix it up with another, and I think that is what he was struggling with.

    EPA vs Energy, both start with E. I have no idea if this is true, but that is the thought that popped into my mind.

    If so, this would not keep him from being a good president. Many prominent people have different forms of this problem (Jay Leno comes to mind, but there are many others). They are very intelligent people, simply have a problem with certain words or letters

    Just a thought.

    Right Truth

    Right Truth

  8. I agree with you, Debbie. I have a brain freeze from time to time the same as everybody else. We all do it, it's nothing.

    Thanks for stopping by. I do understand why I get so few comments. I say outrageous things that most people don't want to hear. Of course, that is why I say them, but where I lack in popularity I at least make up for it in veracity. :-)

    Looks like Mr. is coming along pretty nicely.

  9. I felt sorry for Perry last night and I can empathize. I have brain freeze more than I would like to admit. Imagine how embarrassing it was for him. At least Obama has his teleprompter to cover up his brain freezes. Without it, he sounds just as bad, if not worse, than Perry...Uh, Uh, Um, Um...

  10. I love how he was looking sideways at Ron Paul, who whispered HUD?, HUD? And then he told him he was going to cut FIVE depts. And you could almost see Perry's brain cog come off thinking he had to come up with three big things to cut now to be even.
    I found it humorous.

    I don't dismiss it as just a brain freeze. Have you guys seen his NH speech where he was totally drunk, high, or something. I mean it was KRaZy.

  11. Yes, we all get brainfreeze. But Perry could least afford it after his diasatorous previous debates. When talking economics, Ron Paul and Gingrich they brainwhipped the moderators. They didn't have a clue. Both of those guys are smarter than the rest of the candidates put together. Either one of them would wipe the stage with Obama during a debate.(But that doesn't mean I necessarily wish either to be president). Paul is the only one that would take this country BACK to the constitution. But some of his foreign policy statements scare me.

  12. I am a Brit and watch from over here in Gibraltar so you can imagine for non-Americans that these debates do look like a circus.

    What suprises us (as I do ask others around here) is that you have potential candidates hitting so hard at each other that ultimately you get damaged goods as a candidate and potential President.

    Of course we understand the concept is weeding out the weak from the strong and giving a chance for the population to see the candidates but surely that can be done by questions from panels and candidates answering their own opinions instead of targetting each other.

    Then again, we do it behind closed doors with parties and via treachery so perhaps I should keep my mind closed!

    Take care all and good luck, from my perspective Obama has unfortnately already won and risks only "snatching defeat from the jaws of victory".

  13. @ D Charles - it's called political Darwinsim. Although I would much rather hear the Republican candidates talk about WHY their ideas are so much better than the Democrats, rather than trying to destroy other Republicans. Campaigning is about marketing, not "search and destroy." But that' is what politics has become in this country.

    @ republicanmother - "Have you guys seen his NH speech where he was totally drunk, high, or something. I mean it was KRaZy."

    To be fair, another possibility is that if he was fatigued (and campaigning can be very fatiguing) and then had an energy drink or expresso, especially on an empty stomach, he would exhibit the same behavior. I've been there & done that. But it and the brain freeze won't play well with most Americans regardless of the reasons for it. I think too many of us expect flawless, miracle workers to be our candidate.

    @ Freedombytheway - "Paul is the only one that would take this country BACK to the constitution. But some of his foreign policy statements scare me."

    That sums it up for me. His statement that "all we need to do is show friendship to the Iranians" shows a total lack of comprehension of what Aquavelvajad and the Mullahs are saying and doing over there.

    @ Duck - "Why not just put Romney and Obama on the ballot and end the freak show."

    I have a feeling deep down inside that is where we are probably going to end up.

  14. Ducky said: "The Tea Party favorites are making the party look like a bunch of loons. Just pick the guy who at least sounds sane."

    The tea party ARE a bunch of loons and the candidates are trying to out crazy each other to get their vote.

    They don't know the tea party is over.

  15. America doesn't need a debate team captain for a President.

  16. I think he's done and just doesn't know when to quit.

  17. He sounded a bit like barack obama without his teleprompter.

    Poor Rick.

  18. " I think too many of us expect flawless, miracle workers to be our candidate. "

    That we seem to do, at least the general population. Thats why Obama was elected- he's like a toothpaste commercial, all smile and gloss, sounding genuine while in reality being completely fake to the educated. Unless we can get a smart, air-brushed canditate, we may (probably will) be in trouble come election. While some may over-look this brain freeze, I doubt a majority will, right or left.


  19. Ah. The old "clenched fist in the air" symbol. How 60s.

  20. He's toast. Stick a fork in him. If he had performed well prior to this, it could be seen as an exception, rather than the rule. However, since he's been bumbling along all the while, he's done.

  21. Alligator,
    I've been there & done that. But it and the brain freeze won't play well with most Americans regardless of the reasons for it.

    Furthermore, he didn't finesse the moment.

    Perry could have said any number of things to turn around that moment of blanking. He didn't.

  22. Republican Mother,
    Have you guys seen his NH speech where he was totally drunk, high, or something.

    Got a link for that? I didn't see that speech.

  23. D Charles: To Americans these debates seem like a circus at times, too. Esp. the ones where questions are coming from twitter, e-mail, video and a live moderator--who's in charge? Who knows! I'ts not just the candidates competiting, it is the host media competing for hosting the best debate with a hopeful boost to ratings. Personally I think we've had too many debates with too many candidates. I would rather have seen maybe one debate with all of them and then roundtable discussions with two or three candidates at a time. The voters and the candidates have lost out with these all inclusive sound-bite debates.

  24. Freedom By The Way,
    I don't watch these debates in full.

    It seems to me that many American voters are already "burned out" with the present three-ring circus of politics.

    Apathy, of course, is dangerous.

  25. Matt,
    If he had performed well prior to this, it could be seen as an exception, rather than the rule. However, since he's been bumbling along all the while, he's done.

    I didn't say that in my post. I should have!

    Perry may be able to serve in a different capacity.

    I wonder if a Romney-Perry ticket would be a viable one?

    In my view, the reality is that Romney will get the nomination.

    With Gingrich gaining in the polls, he, too, may now be a factor for 2012. I'm not sure what kind of factor, however.


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