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Friday, October 3, 2014

The Islamic State (ISIS) Vs. The Quran

Click directly on the image to enlarge it:

The above verses are, in essence, from the "new testament" portion of the Quran. See Medinan sura and The Meccan and Medinan Surahs.

The IS is the authentic Islam. Disbelieve that at your own peril.


  1. Good that you published this, but ....you did so because you think there are STILL people who don't think the Quran represents ISLAM? WOW.

    1. Z,
      I know for a fact that there are STILL people who don't think the Quran represents ISLAM. I had that discussion with at work yesterday. I was ranting! Not in my classroom, where I manage to control myself at all times.

      I don't usually rant the way that I did yesterday when I'm trying to make a point, but I couldn't stop myself yesterday.

      Denial is hard to overcome -- particularly because people don't like to think about the topic.

  2. And, of course, I know there ARE people who still think that but couldn't resist the sarcasm......It just never stops amazing me how much they'll stand up for Muslim outrages and slam Christians at the same time. whew! What a world.

    1. Z,
      What I can't understand is that so many Christians don't "get it" and make similar excuses.

    2. They don't "get it" because they are told that all religions are pretty much like theirs... just a bundle of "personal preferences". They don't understand and can't even conceive of the possibility that killing and raping othersmight fall into the Islamic version of that "bundle"

    3. Anonymous,
      That's exactly what I'm up against -- from people who claim to know better except when it comes to Islam. These same people will freely condemn Buddhism and Hinduism as paganism.

  3. What I don't get is what I believe to be honest Muslim women who appear on Fox and claim they are "moderate, democratic loving "of which they are a part. It is an oxymoron.

    1. No it's not, Bunkerville. I no sooner believe Hirsi or Gabriel want you dead than I want you dead.

    2. Z,
      Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Brigitte Gabriel are not Muslims. The former abandoned Islam, and the latter was never Muslim.

  4. I'm waiting for the leftwing Dhimmicrats to swoop down and explain how you've got it all wrong.

    If ISIS really is in such error, why don't America's right-thinking progressives board airplanes, fly over there, and show those 7th century throwbacks the error of their ways and teach them proper islam?

    Anyone? Ducky? Ducky? Anyone?

  5. AWO, you should know by now that progressive will never admit that all cultures are not equal. To do so would destroy them.

  6. So the general theme that worshipping the 'Muslim' sky god is bad, has been beaten into background noise. What's the end goal? What's the solution?

  7. So this codifies PSYCHOPATHIC BEHAVIOR on a massive scale!

  8. AOW, it's important to at least remember that the Qu'aranic abrogation shown above, only applies to 14% of Islamic scripture. The Medina Sura's were written after Muhammad threw a petulant tantrum after fleeing Mecca.

    If one is to make a pronouncement of what constitutes "authentic Islam" [however that is defined], it should be made within the context of the Qu'aran, Hadiths and The Reliance of the Traveller. More wonkishly, one could include those that came before the Qu'aran [at-Taurat, al-Injeel and az-Zabur].

    1. CI.
      Feel free to list the specific passages.

    2. I've referenced the other 86% of Islamic scripture...what passages are you talking about?

    3. CI,
      I meant the 14% of Islamic scripture which was abrogated and what those abrogations indicate.

    4. I wasn't disagreeing with your opener; the Median Sura's acted as a 'New Testament' to the Mecca Sura's.

      What the abrogation's indicate [aside to Muhammad's tantrum] is ultimately up to the adherent. Does ISIS predominantly follow the Medina Sura's over the earlier? Sure. Do all Muslims? Probably. not. Similar to the Testaments, some Christians call for following some parts of Levitical Law, and some do not.

      Contradictory religious tomes, compiled and edited by man, are ripe for religious opportunists to use in furthering their aims.

    5. CI,

      There is also the matter of how the Koran was put together. It wasn't put together by the illiterate Muhammad, but rather by Uthman, who may well have had his own agenda. There are alternate spellings of "Uthman," BTW.

    6. Heh...every Islamic name has multiple spellings. It makes our work against Islamic terrorist groups all the more challenging.

      Good point about Uthman....add to that, the Hadiths were compiled into collections by three primary sources, but were amalgamations of many more source, second, thirdhand and beyond.

    7. CI,
      I've done a lot of intense study on this topic. I am getting so weary of staring into the abyss.

    8. Agreed. That is why I asked what the "so what factor" is. What's the solution?

    9. CI,
      What's the solution?

      Iron Veil?

      Reform of Islam, which would entail excising forever portions of the Quran? Not something that can come from the West, but from within although outside influences can have an effect.

      How does any movement get brought "under control"?

  9. Bottom lies is that we have a in-cabal bunch of leftist nitwits who are going to either get us killed weather by terrorist, disease outbreak . And all these lefty morons can think about is invading a Conservative blogger, because she won't be intimidated by a handful of Marxist's who are trying to Shut Her Up, as they tried to do to YOU AOW.

  10. There is a very good article in this week's New York Review of Books (commie rag).
    It's a speech made by Isaiah Berlin in 1996 concerning the sorry history of the 20th century and the devastation wrought by peoples with a vision of the way society must be. Berlin feels that our baser instincts are secondary to this vision in the centuries great crimes (many of which he doesn't name given his bias).

    I think he's dead wrong.
    What is driving us continues to be our base instincts, primarily greed and a desire for extreme power, and ISIS represents those instincts rather than any well formed religious idea.
    In the end they like killing. That's all. They like it.
    They like killing Muslims. They like killing Christians. They like killing just about anyone. It's an old story.

    The real villains in this piece are those who make this thirst possible. The ones who vilify the other . To say that the likes of Geert Wilders, Bridgette Gabriel or Marine Le Pen aren't critical parts of this grand sad dance is irresponsible.

    Little wheel spin, big wheel turn.

  11. I'm sorry, AOW. The article is locked online. Online subscribers only.


  12. Late Breaking News!

    BREAKING NEWS: Internet video purports to show Islamic State group beheading British hostage Alan Henning [AP]
    Voice of executioner in video showing death of Alan Henning appears to have been digitally altered.In the same short video, the terror group threatens the life of an American aid worker.

    I guess that Obama's bombing really scared ISIS,

    Alan Henning, a 47-year-old taxi driver from Eccles, was kidnapped in December after crossing into Syria with an aid convoy. Henning's wife, Barbara, had pleaded with the militants not to kill her husband. "He went to Syria to help his Muslim friends deliver much needed aid," she said in a statement released on Sept. 23.

    1. Kaz,
      Thank you for moving your comment to this thread. I appreciate it.

  13. PS - to our dear leader obama. STFU, I don't need you to tell me what islam is or is not you dweeb. If you like it that much move to the ME, or Liberia would even be better.


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