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Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Recommended Reading

See Midnight in Obama's Garden of Good and Evil by Roger L. Simon at PJ Media. Excerpt:
...[C]onsider this: Would the United States today be doing anything at all about the Islamic State — now for the first time waving its black flag above Kobane on the Turkish-Syrian border, on the brink of a massacre of its Kurdish population, while still besieging Baghdad — had ISIS not bothered to behead publicly a few Westerners?...


Good and evil are difficult concepts for everybody, especially we products of the modernist educational system. But we ignore them at our peril. Otherwise, we really are at Midnight.
Read it all HERE.


  1. They are not difficult concepts when one comes from the place of evil. The ends justifies the means. Therefore the question is a moot one.

  2. As we all know, at Harvard and other fine institutions of liberal learning, evil is now just in the eye of the beholder. Christians are as evil as Islamists, don't ya know? "What is SIN?" I get asked at my blog. Seriously. We used to know, and things went so much better. We got rid of many of the lousier things in America because we knew slavery was sinful, racism is sinful, etc......
    The article is excellent; I particularly am glad some people might learn more about Israel's actions through it.
    thanks, AOW.

    1. Why does it surprise you that someone would ask, What is SIN?

      Seems an important and complex question.

  3. Not knowing the difference between right and wrong is the basis for an insanity defense in a criminal trial. Well, that fits Obama to a "T".

  4. I know that if, as this writer states, Netanyahu is an example of the good then this writer has lost his way.

    1. Does your Jew hatred EVER end? If you were better informed and not so closed off to ANY positive Israeli information, we'd all be better off, Ducky.

    2. I never mentioned Jews in the post, z.

  5. "Would the United States today be doing anything at all about the Islamic State........... had ISIS not bothered to behead publicly a few Westerners?"

    It's difficult to say, given our Bumbling Fraud-in-Chief.

    828 days, 11 hours, 6 minutes, 11 seconds................!!!!!!!!

  6. And in the "we need some good news" dept., the Dallas nurse has responded to the transfusion and is doing well.

    1. Are you a CDC evangelist now, ducky?

      "HEAR YE, HEAR YE, the "GOOD" News..."

    2. No, Farmer, I really hope she dies a miserable painful death.

      Get real.

    3. Hey, "Good News"...Kobani hasn't fallen yet either, the Kurds living there won't get slaughtered for another day or two!

  7. who could stomach this...is it 2016 yet!!!!

  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_ubamwlPI8&feature=player_embedded

    Always; Sam Harris on Islam; one of the best videos I've heard. Even CNN's Don Lemon is pretty even handed here in regards to Christianity and Islamaphobia. I think you'll like it.
    He's smart, atheist (so he has no horse in this race), and understands the threat; what a relief. AND, to boot, he agrees with me that NOT ALL MUSLIMS WANT ANYBODY DEAD. Another relief.

    1. Aimee Semple MacPherson said

      Sam Harris is one of Satan's most powerful servants alive today. You are woefully deceived.

    2. Aime,
      "A stopped clock is right twice a day."

    3. Aimee,
      Another thought: Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

  9. The only idiot thing Sam Harris said was repeat that stupid liberal mantra that CONSERVATIVES HATE USING STEM CELLS....as if. Up to now, no human being has ever been cured of a disease using embryonic stem cells. Adult stem cells, on the other hand, have already cured thousands....that's all Conservatives who are pro-life ask; no embryonic stem cells. But, I guess it's easier to repeat the mantra and further misinform Americans who vote.

    1. Does that mean discoveries won't come from stem cells?

      Why shouldn't eggs which are smply going to b discarded be used for research?

    2. Duck,
      You now why. It has to do with the beginning of life -- a matter infinitely debated but to which there is no definitive answer this side of eternity.

  10. I'm sorry you don't agree with the actions the current president is taking. I felt the same about what your president George Bush did to this country. . SHIT HAPPENS. Rather than whining about it, perhaps you might consider offering real solutions, or finding someone who can among those who share your political and social views. I’m sure that you and your fellow cohorts here don’t have any. But you all love to hear yourself’s bitch and Moan over what a Black Man has done.

    Of cause, this is America and you're all welcome to your opinions, but rather than just hurling epithets, you might wish to back them with facts showing that folks are lying, hypocritical, etc..., rather than just saying they are. (Anyone can engage in name-calling, and you Baggers are the best at it, but without evidence, it's just a whole lotta smoke...

    1. Anonymous: Anyone can engage in name-calling, and you Baggers are the best at it.

      I'm confident the irony in that statement is purely accidental and completely lost on the fleck-spittle ranter who issued it.

  11. Right and Wrong are dirty words in the intellectuals of this society- something I saw first-hand at Georgetown law. Morality? Hah. The word was spat upon and instantly rejected as prejudiced, religious and wrong. This was from the teachers and my peers, public schoolers who were firmly indoctrinated.

    It's not just Obama. It's not- accurately- just the Left. It's more like the not-Judeo-Christians, ranging all belief systems and classes. They all collectively reject morality and hard rules for it- ranging from the humanistic "create your own rules" to the more Eastern "keep everything in balance."

    Obama's particular brand seems to be more power-driven than anything else. He wants power, and doesn't care about anything else. "Wrong" is denying him power- whatever that may be. Control over healthcare, policy, or simply creating laws himself.

    ISIS makes him look weak- thus they are "bad." Their actions aren't, just their reflection on his behavior. However, doing more than bare minimum is stretching his resources, giving him less time to get more power. Thus, he sits on his hands as much as possible.

    Mix that with a mile-high ego and we get a psychopath in every definition...



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