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Sunday, October 5, 2014

Sunday Graveyard Humor

With a hat tip to The Last Refuge:

Another graphic below the fold (hat tip to The People's Cube):


  1. Where is the outrage on not securing our borders? Crickets chriping.

  2. Safer if the Congress would have actually worked with the President than obstruct and put the middle class in jeopardy. Safer than if rMoney was in the White House who promised to bring unemployment down to 6% in 4years (Obama did it in 1.5 years)

    So...the GOP wants to fear monger about ebola yet at the same time take your health care away. Smart

    1. Veteran Aryan said

      Leslie Ann Moron, Registered Nurse, strikes again with her hypodermic filled with mind altering toxic waste.

      If only congress had turned itself over to the direction of Beelzebub, all would be well.


    2. Anyone can bring the unemployment rate down if they change the definition of 'unemployment' and fatten government payrolls with a bunch more dead weight.

    3. Baysider, the unemployment definition has been constant for some time.

      To imply that the Obama administration changed it is a display of Obama Derangement Syndrome.

      Meanwhile, the Ebola incident seems to be contained.
      They are concerned about a handful of people. These people have been isolated and if they become symptomatic will not spread the disease.

    4. Clytemnestra d'un Trottoir said

      You're so boringly predictable. If Obama were a Republican, you'd be telling everyone the new Black Death is upon us, and we might as well be dead.

  3. Feel safer? Nope! Looked at the border lately?

    1. Yup, the border is a helluva lot more secure than under Bush.

    2. It's been spiraling down a long time. Legislation passed to 'fix' has largely been ignored. But the most flagrant is the deterioration in attitude about the purpose of a border and willingness to use it as a line of protection. Dismissing 'health checks' hasn't helped.

  4. "the GOP wants to.............. take your health care away."

    IMPOSSIBLE, B.O. has already done that!

  5. Oh, boy, I'd like to hear this explanation. Wacko.

    1. Self-evident. Or maybe you're not one of the 50 million who's had their health insurance cancelled, lost their doctors, hospitals and local care. And is paying twice the price for this insanity.

    2. Ah....50 million did NOT have their plans cancelled, Mr. Bombastic.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Ebola Was Already Here
    How the United States contains deadly hemorrhagic fevers


  8. Is it surprising that Obama has a higher approval high with Muslims, than with Non- Muslims?


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