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Thursday, October 30, 2014

Stunning Admission From The CDC

Do you trust science and science experts? If so, you must read CDC admitted disease imported as states data reveals illegal immigrant links (dated October 22, 2014):

In straightforward defiance against the White House position of non-transparency, previous communication from the Center for Disease Control...acknowledged that 97 percent of the measles found in United States this year could be attributed to “importations from at least 18 countries.”

Soon, after school doors opened this semester, doctors and hospitals across the country began tackling massive flare-ups of infectious diseases and severe respiratory illness among children. Experts have called these outbreak unprecedented.

“It’s worse in terms of scope of critically ill children who require intensive care,” noted Children’s Mercy Hospital’s division director for Infectious Diseases, Dr. Mary Anne Jackson. I've practiced for 30 years in pediatrics, and I’ve never seen anything quite like this.”

While analyzing hundreds of documents, articles, and releases for this article, this examiner discovered on Tuesday that the Center for Disease Control (CDC) disclosed in a May 29, 2014 press release that “nearly all cases of measles this year have been associated with international travel by unvaccinated people.” As thousands of illegal immigrants from South and Central America crossed over the U.S.-Mexico border, the CDC recognized that this was “the largest number of measles cases in the United States in the first five months of a year since 1994.”...


From 1970 to 2005 there were only 26 cases of EV-D68 ever reported in America. The number in 2014 is approaching 1,000 cases, with about 10 percent of those cases known to be causing a polio-type virus that has left children crippled.


The fact that the highest rates of TB in America are along the Mexican Border States is hard to push as just coincidence...
Read the rest HERE, which includes at state-by-state breakdown of various contagious diseases, including Enterovirus D68.

Let me be clear: I am not anti-immigration.  I am, however, opposed to unwise immigration policies.  WE THE PEOPLE deserve protection against the diseases discussed in the article linked above.  The financial costs and the human costs of these imported diseases are unacceptable.

As one of my friends said upon reading this article: "The spike in numbers when school started paints the picture. Lemme guess. How many of these children were allowed to enter school minus their vaccinations?  Can you imagine if you were the mother of a paralyzed child and realized it could have been prevented?

"Bottom line?  'Humanitarian concerns' must benefit our own citizens first. Anything less, is a violation of the oath of office. A healthy workforce is the key to a healthy economic bottom line. How many days of work have been missed by parents with a sick child in ICU? How many days will be missed shuttling children to physical therapy? How many parents merely pulled out of the workforce because of a child with a mild case of Enterovirus D 68?"


  1. When I moved to France, you should have seen the tests and vaccines I had to undergo. Here? You sneak in, you're in...with TB , measles, whooping cough and worse. NO PROBLEM. See, we care more about getting illegals into America so we can pay for their healthcare, the delivery of their children, and welfare, than we do protecting Americans. After all, there is a real belief that there is no American culture, we have an administration eager to give amnesty to millions with the stroke of a pen; Americans don't COUNT. When that is the feeling of much of America's Left, then why SHOULD we protect US? Isn't it racist to even suggest we come first? Push 1 for English if you agree with me.
    And I may be even more pro-immigration than AOW is...I'm 1st and 2nd generation of people who came here to BE part of the American CULTURE. They understood why it was important to go by the rules, learn English and give their children al thatl their hard work could afford. What a suggestion, huh?

  2. Wow!

    WaPo/ABC Poll: Twice As Many Hispanics Want GOP Over Dems To Control The Senate:

    This number jumped out at me from the new Washington Post/ABC News poll: It showed that, among Latinos, 50 percent say it doesn’t matter who wins the Senate come November. And among those who do think it will matter, twice as many say it would be a good thing (30 percent) if the GOP took over as say it would be a bad thing (15 percent).

    This is a demographic, we will remind you, that voted 71-27 for President Obama just two years ago. And only 15 percent are concerned about a GOP-controlled Senate.

  3. Sooner or later as the Progressives appeal to various segments, those moved back might be getting a little angry. I think the Blacks might be catching on. The CDC only confirms what we low info folks figured out.

  4. "'Humanitarian concerns' must benefit our own citizens first."

    Sometimes Barry gets confused and thinks he was elected President of the world in stead of the US.

  5. I agree with Jim. The POTUS views himself as a "world leader". How it really works in real life? Do a spectacular job of making your own citizens a priority and that causes other leaders to look up to you.

    Perhaps individuals who read this are missing a basic fact. Children who show up in undocumented status to attend school and without vaccination data in hand are not barred from attending school. They are given a window of time to obtain the vaccinations and then if not in compliance, suspended.

    I cannot stress enough, epidemiology is about containment and quarantine.It is a management problem, not a political task. Tens of thousands of illegal immigrant children were allowed to cross our borders in the summer months. It was a fairly cloaked political task until the date loomed for schoold being open for business. The POTUS turned our schools into germ factories. Measles, Enterovirus D68, tuberculosis in the schools? Let the thought sink in. Parents have buried their children. Parents now have children in wheelchairs who were playing soccer last year.

    No es una problema, Senor. Tenga confianza! Yo soy el presidente de lost Estados Unidos. Amo ha sus hijos en igual manera que amo a mis hijas. El salud de sus hijos es muy importante!"

    Caramba! What else can I write? You get the point.

    Tammy Swofford

    1. Are the vaccination requirements relaxed for immigrants?

      I know Massachusetts requires basic inoculation for anyone entering school and I don't believe waivers are granted.

      Can't speak to Texas except to say in countries like Guatemala the vaccination rate is higher than Texas's.

    2. You are just so full of it.

      Texas: https://www.dshs.state.tx.us/immunize/coverage/2013-14_Kg_assess.pdf

      Guatemala: http://www.unicef.org/infobycountry/guatemala_statistics.html

    3. Finntann,
      Thanks for linking those stats. I appreciate it!

      I haven't been participating much on the blog boards lately because this has been the work week from hell.

      It's the busy season for various writing contests, and my students and I are busy, busy, busy. But I'm reading some excellent papers! Really. Some of the best papers I've seen in my 40-plus years of teaching.

  6. This President seems to put his nose where it don't belong all the time. He should learn to just STFU.

  7. The federal government, to advantage the Democratic Party and their own re-elections, has abdicated control of America's borders. That many Republicans in the US Senate, in an attempt to advantage their own re-elections and/or keep US wages low did likewise, indicates a problem with our system of government that "elections" appear unable to remedy, but are more likely, represent a root cause.

    1. The US government was not established to pursue world-wide liberal humanism. Yet many Americans today act and vote as though it was.

  8. Wondered when they'd get some data on this.

    Enterovirus reporting has been pushed aside by the Ebola hysteria even though there have been more deaths from enterovirus.
    In the case of measles it says to me, get your children vaccinated.

    1. This is exactly what's happening in America in the news cycle; Yesterday I was thinking 'what happened to the Enterovirus patients?'
      it's dangerous when the media only covers what's 'popular' or 'sexy'...we don't get information, but they fill air time?
      not good.

  9. I'm not so worried about kids entering school without vaccines (it's such a hit or miss thing with the 'herd immunity' fable and fundamental problems with the vaccine itself). But I am highly incensed that there is no disease control at the border! This sorry mess this summer was pure malevolence on several fronts. This worked well for generations, and our current president actively imports disease? We know a LOT that's wrong with him, but this one I can't figure out.

    1. What problems with the vaccine?

      Are you referring to the autism scare which has been thoroughly debunked?

    2. They're listening to Michelle Bachmann again, lol!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. "thoroughly debunked?" Not according to the experts and mothers who've seen their children stop thriving after their first vaccines. Coincidence? Perhaps, but it is NOT a theory that's debunked by a long shot.
      Too much information being sifted through, too much constant testing, too many variables to call this debunked.
      My own friend has two sons, both of who are very high achieving on the autism spectrum; nothing is debunked. They're constantly testing, doing research, saying it's NOT vaccines,saying IT COULD BE....

  10. Well, it's beyond the scope of taking over AOW's blog to discuss vaccines in depth -- too many issues. The autism 'scare' is but one - and very much alive. It's the 2-step type cause and effect that I believe has thrown people off. Like Pasteur himself held by the end of his life, it's the 'soil' in which the germ or whatever lands that is most determinative. And the debunkers have themselves been debunked on this.

    Much Much safer approaches to vaccines exist but aren't used. Examples: none until after age 2; single vaccines only and spaced at least 6 months apart; none of those toxic adjuvants and preservatives like mercury (which they lied for years about having removed from children's doses) and aluminum; pre-testing of children for inability to respond to measles vaccines (yes, it will have no effect on many, and safety demands they be pre-selected out); and mandatory assessment of vitamin D levels prior to vaccine to ensure recipient has optimum base capacity to mount an appropriate immune response with minimal neurological damage. Plus the expectation of a very narrow window of immunity, if any. Immunity acquired by the disease is lifelong. Any immunity conferred by vaccine is very short-lived. No one disputes this.

    How many know that polio and later measles mortality was virtually nil before their vaccines were ever developed? God bless the humanitarian instincts of Jonas Salk (he never patented his polio vaccine), but it came after that ship had sailed.

    I don't know Michelle Bachmann's views on this at all. But I do know Dr. Gregory Poland's, one of the most ardent and respected vaccinologists (Mayo Clinic) on the planet who says the current approach to measles vaccination AIN'T WORKIN'. Period.

    The solution is not to make vaccine manufacturers immune to defects in their products by legislative fiat. The solution is a rational re-visiting of the whole perspective of immunity and disease -- not steamroller experimentation on defenseless children with a one-size-fits-all program that ignores reasonable precautions but quickly fills corporate coffers.

    1. what current approach? You were right in saying the measles vaccines had worked beautifully....

    2. Actually, Dr. Poland is adamant that the measles vaccine does not 'work' and has called for a different way of looking at it. When he talks, the other mainstream 'experts' are generally all ears.

    3. Great for Dr Poland but nobody's had a case of measles in the last 20 years except for now with illegal immigrants coming in unchecked. That's LARGELY due to the vaccine.
      My personal belief is that getting measles, mumps and chicken pox and getting OVER them seems to have made our immune systems stronger, I keep seeing young mothers whipping out handiwipes and liquid antiseptics the MINUTE their precious little Jr. has touched something remotely dirty..and I know with certainty and personal experience with my own sisters whose children were getting antiobitics the minute they coughed! I KNOW that my nieces and nephews have had more antibiotics in their young lives than I have had in my considered amount of years...about 10 TIMES worth, or maybe more.
      And we wonder that immune systems are causing all kinds of immune diseases and asthma?
      I guess the suggestion is that the measles bug had died off?

  11. But back to the main topic. Thanks to western generated affluence we have done so much with nutrition, sanitation and [non-vaccine] health care to keep ourselves safe from these periodic scourges.

    Why on God's green earth do we open our doors to sketchy 'refugees' from countries that DON'T have these practices and let disease carriers flood in? We NEVER did this in my lifetime. It's one of the responsible actions our government has taken. People with TB were turned back. Period. No sob stories. Just not allowed in. How hard is that on many fronts?

  12. RE THE NURSE AND EBOLA: One question not discussed tonight on all the news channels, about Nurse Hickox (I think that's her name) is this:
    The doctor in NYC who is now in the hospital with Ebola also didn't present with symptoms when he arrived home. He was FINE.
    She is FINE.
    He went around bowling, on the subway, infecting people (POSSIBLY...PROBABLY not)......
    She is demanding her rights and is adamant she's WELL, damn it! He thought so, too. Is it just me? COULD she not be pre-symptomatic?

    On the other hand, if this girl's NOT going near people (except her boyfriend and a friend who came by for pizza tonight, apparently) why can't she bike around her town? Nobody's getting Ebola from someone zipping by on a bike!

    This is going to get interesting. My main question, though, is if HE got suddenly symptomatic, who's to say she won't? She's very short sighted and a snotty little brat in my opinion. Do your patriotic best to NOT infect; stay home for a couple of weeks. BIG WHOOP.. your organs liquefy and blood spurts out of your eyes; I'm thinking it's worth a few days of discomfort for her, no?

    1. Z,
      This is going to get interesting. My main question, though, is if HE got suddenly symptomatic, who's to say she won't?

      How many days after he left the Ebola Hot Zone in Africa did get he become symptomatic?

    2. Never mind. According to Wiki, Dr. Craig Spencer returned from the hot zone on October 16 and began showing symptoms on October 22.

  13. Bottom line? Apparently, Federal employees are above the law. Throw Kaci in the mix with Lois Lerner and a few others. Because Ms. Hickox is a federal employee she can thumb her nose at the rest of us. The quarantine might apply to others but it does not apply to her.

    As an ethical and law-abiding nurse, the arrogance of the nurse in question astounds me. In my hospital, if I refuse a flu shot I must wear a mask at work until the flu season is over. Yet a CDC nurse can make her own rules?

    Tammy Swofford

  14. I note that Obama has been in Maine, but he didn't come within 300 miles of the nurse protesting her state-mandated Ebola quarantine.

    Furthermore, he has inserted himself in the middle of a growing debate between the federal government and states over their rules for health workers returning from the Ebola zone.

    1. AOW, are you aware that Fort Kent is virtually on the Canadian border.

      Extremely isolated.

      However, since before she was cleared by the courts there was no court order or law granting permission to restrict her movement I wonder why you are so quick to grant the government this extreme power.
      The governor of Maine attempts to intimidate her (which is apparently difficult) with a state cop car in front of her door and the limited government folks are all for it.

    2. Duck,
      Fort Kent is virtually on the Canadian border.

      Extremely isolated.

      I know. But people do move around from place to place. Ebola is contagious person-to-person.

      I doubt that she does have Ebola. But the very possibility does warrant any steps that a governor takes so as to isolate here. Such is the protocol of quarantine. Now the court has ruled that the governor overstepped.

      In sum, it's a fine thing that she doesn't have Ebola (as of now). The incubation period can be as long as 42 days; thus saith the WHO.

  15. Speaking of the CDC and Ebola...

    The CDC changes its "mind" about the sneeze poster:

    The ​U.S. ​​Centers for Disease Control on Thursday yanked a poster off its Web site explaining how Ebola can be spread by contaminated droplets — from a sneeze for example — a day after The Post reported on the frightening revelation.

    The fact sheet was taken off line, and a link that led to it a day before now sends viewers to a different page with a different message....

    Orwell's Ministry of Truth is alive and well.

  16. We're from the government we're here to help you!


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