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Saturday, May 31, 2014

Nincompoopery Poll

(Nincompoopery — and worse — abounds! This edition of "Nincompoopery" offers five links, and readers have the option of taking a poll as to which story they find the most outrageous. Discussion available in the comments section)

Links to read:

ONE: Federal health-care subsidies may be too high or too low for more than 1 million Americans[no remedy yet in the wings]

TWO: Senators say work on 2020 Census is far behind schedule

THREE: The War On Standards Comes to College Debate and Forensics: Kabbalah By Way Of Dada

FOUR: Obama Slides Butt Down Lunch Counter [official White House photo at WhiteHouse.gov]

FIVE: School Districts Are Paying Private Companies To Data Mine Your Children

Please cast your ballot in the poll, which closes on Tuesday:

survey tools


  1. You People Are All WRONG! on all! Wrong on the ACA, wrong on the debt ceiling, wrong on the VA Scandal, wrong on President Obama’s administration are using “secret” government email accounts . wrong on Benghazi (it's not a scandal), wrong on the IRS (it's not a scandal), wrong on the Ukraine. So far the loony right's batting 1,000.

    Don't forget these people believed Sarah Palin was smarter than President Obama.

  2. Sarah Palin.... Damn smart phone!

  3. I’m sure Ms. Anonymous is right (above). No one died in Benghazi, no veterans died in the VA hospitals, and it will be perfectly acceptable for a future Republican administration to target members of the Democratic Party and deny them their Constitutional right of due process. On the other hand, it is also possible that Ms. Anonymous is a typical libtard, which means that she has a very serious mental condition that is screaming for attention.

    1. In other words, she's a typical Progressive.

    2. I agree, sir. Ms. Anonymous is right... in a pig's eye. 😅

  4. Fact Check:Shocker! Hillary Clinton’s new book on Benghazi has lots of holes!!

    Hillary can never tell the truth? The title of the book should be called Whitewash. It is all ready filled with lies so who would buy it? She is a lying sack of crap, and we all know it.

  5. Number five won, by a freakin landslide. Not for the actual topic- marketing using your data is old news on the internet, there is a reason everybody who works in computers uses Ghostry- but for the massive, massive implications and abuse potential.

    "Welcome to dystopia, don't enjoy your stay. Remember, you are being monitored every second of every day, so please don't ever make a small mistake, for you will not live to regret it. Straightjackets are on the left, indoctrination pills on the right."

    Monitoring kids? Ya, for ads- for now. What about in probably not too long when people realize you can use that information to mold kids minds- perfectly? Knowledge is power, and knowledge of people is power over them. Math, English, whatever. Try politics. Try ethics. Try religion, or values, or morals. If you find out someone isn't thinking exactly like you want them to, you now can mold them. By forcing everyone to be fixed, immediately, in your way, you make them minds more malleable than putty. They get accustomed to being re-educated, for their own good. All fine and good when you stick to the hard subjects- all learning therapy does this.

    But take this to a not-so-implausible end. We've already seen Common Core mixing math and social studies, the liberal way. How much more could they do if they knew exactly how a person thought, when they thought, and why? How much easier to force a person to believe someone when you can program their minds like a computer? Figure out how a person thinks, you figure out how to program them. That simple.

    Oh, and let's not even start on what everyone else can use with it. Not thinking in the way they desire? Black listed. Eternally. Schoolkids already grow up afraid, afraid that if they do one little thing wrong they'll never go to college, never get a job, never have a chance. One bad grade, one bad year, one bad teacher- poof! Life is gone. Highschoolers especially feel this. No extracurricular? Not enough volunteer? Didn't make all A's? Teacher criticizes you for mouthing off? You aren't getting into a good enough college to get a good enough job to live in this country. And if colleges and jobs can just skip a step, review your entire life instead of an application, well, you're screwed. Unless you NEVER messed up, unless you PERFECTLY followed what they want, you aren't going anywhere bub.

    All this will instill is what is ALREADY being instilled. Cookie-cutter children. You have to think their way- or else fail the class because the teacher does not appreciate dissension. You have to do these extra activities- or else be branded as "not well rounded" aka worthless. You have to get these grades- or be branded as lazy, useless, worthless. You have to do a million little things from elementary school upward, or forfeit your life. Well, a good life. If you want to be a street bum, go right ahead! Try living off minimum wage jobs when your 40 and can't get anywhere without a degree. Hell, even manager for McDonald's needs a degree -.-

    Of course, most parents won't care. Their kids are already following the status quo. They already fit the bill. The suburbia mom has nothing to worry about. Middle-class upwards has nothing to worry about. And of course, we loser outcasts will simply fall completely through the cracks. Who needs em? Lower-class, city kid, special ed, religious freak, orphan/foster, all worthless scum. No need for round pegs- just chuck em completely.

    Welcome to dystopia, can't say we didn't warn you. Repeatedly.


    1. Wildstar,

      Thank you.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. Liberalmann,
      You will not insult one of my students in such a manner.

      Discussion is fine, insults are not.

    5. Well stated.

      This is clearly the outrage of the week.

  6. My vote goes to #5, Wildstar has said it all!

  7. I know that #4 isn't the most important story on the list. But I am so TIRED of the National Embarrassment showing off!

    1. You'd prefer he get drunk at the Olympics like Bush and embarrass us all?


    2. Liberalmann,
      First I've heard of that one. PhotoShop or its equivalent?

      In any case, the photo of Obama sliding his butt down the counter is an official White House photo. The video you linked to is not.

  8. All you guys got it wrong. The REALLY BIG THREAT to our liberties is embedded in question number 2. If the government is behind on preparing for a national census that is six years off, it sounds like a head-fake to me. What can happen is that when it comes time for the national census, the government will not be ready and the bureaucracy will adopt statistical methods to ESTIMATE populations and subpopulations. This will serve the purpose of changing the makeup of Congressional Districts, and who gets all the money in handouts.

    It is all al sleight-of-hand to, once-and-for-all, move our nation into a socialist society. This will be the BIG ONE!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Well, horse-feathers. I just read the article for #2 and must modify my comments somewhat. The census bureau wants to do the census on line, but I think that's a huge mistake. First, the US government is incapable of building a web page. Secondly, the US government will not be able to keep hackers out, After the census all our private data will be available on line for anyone because our government is incompetent.

      Just let Google do the census and it will be right the first time, and the data secure.

    3. Bob,
      You're right about Congressional districts, federal aid, and the collection of personal data. All of those issues are factors connected with the census -- the last item being one helluva Trojan Horse.

  9. The imbeciles in the administration and trying to marginalize the damage that has already cause to the citizens by Obamacare and these idiotic progressives have fell for it; hook-line and sinker.
    We haven’t stopped our campaign against it, we haven’t given up on trying to over tern it, we've just decided to stop beating your heads against the floor and have moved on to the real scandals.. There are SO many that we must pick and choose the ones to give our most effort fighting . The people who will be casting thier votes in November and we will make our voices heard then..
    Right now everyone is fixated on the VA system that has been KILLING our Vets. .
    Make no mistake about it , Obamacare will be front and center, and one of the MAIN issues for this election and you Democrats are going to pay dearly for it. I can hardly wait.
    Everything Obama has done “for us” has turned to shit! Sensible Americans knew what was going to happen...but the Democrats voted for it before they knew what was in it...they knew damned well what was in it. Democrats are going to hang this year in the midterms because of it...they can't escape it.

  10. Note to Libidiot!

    Bush hasn't been the President for the past 5 years , O'bozo is, so wake up and get out of that smelly sack you call a bed and call a Spade a Spade.
    No pun intended.

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  14. Comments that in no way address the topics presented in the blog post are deleted as soon as an administrator becomes aware of those comments (no matter how excellent the rants might be).

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  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. AOW, I'm surprised to see so many comments deleted, what happened to this one-tine great Nincompoopery blog where we used to be able to talk about Nincompoops not take a Poll.
    This was a blog that i used to look forward to every week so that I would be able to voice my opinions and say what i wanted to say and not get my comment deleted because i wrote about something other than when you outlined.

    Come on lets not be like the progressive bunch are.

    1. Screaming Eagle,
      able to voice my opinions and say what i wanted to say and not get my comment deleted because i wrote about something other than when you outlined

      I got out of the realm of this blog's parameters -- as I explain below....

      Much of what I deleted was copy-and-paste material and in no way related to the topics. Also there were trolls and imposters -- many of whom I suspect to be progressive trolls hijacking my blog.

      I welcomed rants related to the topics in the blog post. See the first comment, for example.

      BTW, I'm in the process of queuing up an open thread for next Saturday -- instead of a Nincompoopery poll. Frankly, I'm too ill to put together a Nincompoopery post this week.

  18. Really sorry to hear that you are ill, I wouldn't have written a negitive comment had I'd known.

    Please feel better and I'll be looking forward to next weeks blog.

    1. Don't worry about the negative comment.

      Until now, I haven't posted about my recent illness. Mr. AOW did if you want more details.

      I came close to buying the farm. Really. Some of my homeschool students caught this bug and are critically ill. I managed to stay out of the hospital.

      I'm recovering now, but very weak. Homeschool families are graciously bringing meals to our house.

  19. Sorry to hear this. Hope to see you feeling better soon.


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