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Monday, May 5, 2014

Just Shut Up

In essence, "Shut up!" is Nancy Pelosi's position regarding the recently-revealed Benghazi emails:
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said the emails were a distraction from real issues.

“Diversion, subterfuge, Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi,” Pelosi said, according to CBS News. “Why aren’t we talking about something else?”
At bit more from the first link in this blog post (CBS News):
The Obama administration initially described the attack as a response to the video that had sparked protests at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo and elsewhere. Susan Rice, then the U.N. ambassador, went on Sunday television talk shows and described it as such. Those comments have stirred up political opposition ever since, as military and other officials have said it was clear it was a terror attack unrelated to the video.
Pelosi likely wants the following hushed up, too:

Information about Tommy Vietor HERE.

Let us recall that the Benghazi attack happened on September 11, 2012 — just a few short months before the General Election in November.

Charles Krauthammer's take on the recently-revealed Benghazi emails (hat tip to MFS-The Other News):

Additional reading at Mike's America: White House Spin Machine in Overdrive as Benghazi Lies Unravel.


  1. Well said AOW, very well said. These people Nancy Pelosi. Susan Rice, Obama, and Hillary Clinto are more afraid of what the Mizzies would say about our sensitivity then protecting our Troops. Do you think for one minute that those terrorist would NOT cut the head of of our soldiers if they felt like doing it?

    The "Progressive" hypocrisy is alarming. And these Liberal Jerkoff's, and "The Low Information Voters" are more interested in making Jokes like little children, like .Tina Fey did to the Sarah Palin than any amount of facts or truth ever will, to wit: in the "I can see Russia from my house" remark.

    Funny they think more of that then the Lies from Barack Obama and his den of Liberal Demons...

  2. Yep. One of the biggest flags here is the lack of experience of the Obama team, represented in part by that "dude" Vietor.
    So enamored of power.

  3. Shit happens. but not in the minds of liberals, they think that they are perfect and that the ONLY death of an American that was important was the ones who were killed while Bush was president, Well I have THREE words for them. Benghazi!! Benghazi!! And Benghazi !!
    Isn’t it funny how the liberals keeps using those words "Witch Hunt" when they speak about Benghazi. And no, the Benghazi "Witch Hunt" won't be dropped, until people like Susan Rice, and Hillary Clinton are be held responsible and prosecuted. End of story.

    1. Why "PROSECUTED?" We'd be better off seeing them exposed for what they, throughly discredited, and forced to withdraw from public view.

      Vengeance belongs to GOD. People obsessed with spite, malice and demands for retribution will never get anywhere ANYONE needs to go. believe me.

      It should be about TRUTH and JUSTICE -- never VENGEANCE.

      To equate vengeance with justice puts us in league with the barbarians.

  4. Obabber blamed it on terrorism in in the Rose Garden, and then two weeks later in front of the United Nations he said that a crude and disgusting VIDEO was the cause. And that it was NOT a planned attack. He blamed the video more than once, even though he already knew that wasn't the cause, (another LIE) that it was an idea dreamed up in the White House. The last thing he was going to do is blame al Qaeda, especially just after he claimed that they were “on the run” .
    And even the American Ambassador in Cairo actually apologized for the video.

    Case Closed! Any other Lib have any other BS story to claim?

  5. Nancy Pelosi said that she thought that it would be a great idea that instead of celebrating Independence Day on July fourth we should celebrate “Health Independence Day” because of Obamacare.

    Who needs that old, boring holiday created by Dead, Racist White Guys, anyway? We have a new communist-inspired holiday to celebrate!

  6. Nancy Pelosi's only worth is that of Poster Gal for SENILITY!

    1. I hate the way she thinks and what she does as much as anybody -- probably more --, but we have to admit she looks amazingly good for a woman of 74. Looks a good twenty years younger.

      Gotta give the devil her due, you know. ;-)

  7. Pelosi is despicable, as is everyone else in this country that somehow think that political party is more important than the well being of our nation and its future generations. Given her “bar bill” aboard Air Force Three, I suspect Pelosi is a drunken sot ... not at all sure why she should even be in congress, let alone serve as speaker. If treason were still a punishable offense, it would be very least of her corruption.

    1. Yes, sir, but IF parties stood for PRINCIPLES instead of caving in to EXPEDIENT, "FEEL GOOD" non-solutions that never solve anything, but only create greater problems down the road, IF that were the case, I'd think supporting one's party should be of paramount importance.

      Unfortunately, BOTH parties seem so corrupt we have no GOOD choices before us.

      I think we'd do better to investigate this corruption, find out why it exists, who is ultimately responsible for it, why it's so entrenched, and how we as individuals might break its power. -- A hard job, of course.

  8. You know what's ironic about this? The fact that every last one of these chowderheads who are trying SO HARD to find racism in everything we say and do are,by design, the most racist of all. And that's a play right out of the liberals' handbook.
    I despise Obama and everything he stands for, but it has NOTHING to do with the fact that he’s black, just like I despise Pelosi and everything she stands for, and it has NOTHING to do with the fact that she’s white.

  9. Marxian-Fabian-Progressive-Liberal-DemonRats perpetually indulge in STONEWALLING while DEFAMING and SCOFFING at their opponents.

    Socialists play games with the truth all the time. They use carefully-selected "facts" as weapons to attack their opponents. The Left is ALWAYS on the attack no matter what.

    The only way "WE" could ever hope to win against their ruthless craft and guile would be to drop the BOILERPLATE anto-liberal rhetoric, and do the very hard work of revealing the WHOLE TRUTH with ample documentation to back it up.

    Instead, we make the mistake of playing THEIR game by using selected "facts" of our own, so political discourse becomes little more than a shouting match between two "teams."

    The TRUTH is not well served by either side, and so we continue o suffer as we degenerate.

    1. Okay, FT, just what are we investigating?
      1. The lack of military response?
      The casualties occurred before any response could be mounted and sending in a response team would have accomplished nothing and possibly run into an ambush with more loss of life.
      So acting on advice Obama took the prudent course and did not put additional personnel at risk.
      Is this what you are going to investigate? John Bolton and the Teabags are about the only ones foolish enough to recommend an armed response.

      2. Identification of the perpetrators.
      There were outbreaks all over the Mideast largely ginned up as outrage over the "film". Was there any reason not to believe hat about Libya early on?
      Was the president told about what operation the CIA was running and did hey want the matter known initially? Do you really think the CIA is going to open up to a toad like Darrell Issa?

      Just what's being investigated?
      Is there a national security issue? Issa has already compromised several assets by not redacting the documents he released the other day. You want more from this punk car thief or do you just want to talk trash about the dreaded leftists?

    2. How exquisitely you just proved my point, Ducky-Wucky, by giving us a classic textbook example of exactly what I described as objectionable.


  10. OK Nancy, let's talk about ObamaCare, something else you didn't want to know about.

  11. I guess the Racist Basketball owner's story has run dry as well as the missing plane. They are so much more important. Not to worry, the media will something inane to follow.

  12. You are correct that obummerdom is working but only for the 95% of those who registered and received subsidies. For the and the remaining 87% of the American people whose rates went up to pay for the subsidies, I don't think they would say it is a success.

    Why are we spending so much time on Bengazi. After all what difference does it make, only four Americans died and we know obama would never lie just ask the MSM.

  13. I’m curious ... why should loyalty to any president, a person, take precedence over loyalty to our Nation? Man ... talk about stupidity.

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Off topic comments will typically be deleted as soon as a blog administrator becomes aware of such comments.

  15. David Plouffe continuesthe White House spin about Benghazi: 'Delusional Minority' Driving GOP on Benghazi, David Plouffe Says.

    Stonewall, stonewall, stonewall!

  16. skudrunner,

    I get your point but not your math.

    1. JB, Not sure I would understand my answer either.

      Here's how the percentage was determined: Of the 5.45 million people who signed up through the federal exchange, 5.18 million (or 95%) applied for financial assistance in their insurance plans. In doing so, they were required to answer a question about whether they already had health insurance. Only about 695,000 people (13%) indicated they did have coverage.

      Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/how-many-people-signed-up-for-obamacare-2014-5#ixzz30sUES05h

  17. How about those 935 lies from the Bush administration during the Iraq debacle? How many American soldiers died ?needlessly? But that was okay. Bush was a republican, and, he gave us the
    Departmemt of Homeland Security.

    1. RN,
      Nothing in the body of this blog post has anything to do with GWB.

      Benghazi has nothing to do with GWB. In fact, the Obama Administration "owns" Benghazi.

      Please do not conflate two separate issues.

  18. Any chance we can get Lara Logan to chair the committee?

  19. RN

    You know the press went after him with all they had so your comment is bunk. Duck,,Dan Rather is not doing anything so I'm sure he will step in. He is known for truthful reporting.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. RN,

    Apparently the best that you can do is the tired old blame Bush routine. Since you seem not to have a cogent point, relative to today's topic, why do you bother to even show-up?

    1. Nope, my statement is verifiable. At this point the Benghazi issue is doing republicans absolutely no good. IE: it's a dead horse. Please move on to providing a POSITIVE vision and a reason to vote republican. Identify a principled conservative leader and Don't settle for the loudest political hack. Going negative on Obama Constantly won't be enough to "take back" the white house.

    2. RN, so what you're saying is since "we/they can't find a perfect conservative to run, we should vote for career criminal POSs.

      Dude, you're pathetic as are all libtards.

    3. No, but sense you brought it up you might very well be a tard.

    4. Well, that's what You are but what am I ? :)

    5. You tell me. It's best to know yourself. :-)

  22. None of the Democrats seem concerned that 4 Americans were unnecessarily murdered and a still unknown number seriously injured.

    Right Truth

  23. A question for Shaw, since I saw the comment you made here about this blog author before you deleted it. .

    !. Why do you come here and lurk around? To see what people are saying about you?

    2. Why do you hate Sarah Palin so darn much? ? Are you jealous that she's so successful despite the Democrat war on women? What state did you serve as governor of?

    Talk about spewing hatred...you really need to buy a mirror!

  24. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Your comment has been deleted.

      This blog post is not about the above matters (dated 2002-2008). You're off topic.

      Furthermore, a U.S. ambassador did not die in those attacks.

  25. Meanwhile - nana pelosi has had a decade to say something intelligent. Still batting zero.

    1. Meanwhile no cogent reply to the above.

    2. My 1st reply was the cogent one, We're still waiting for yours. As well as a cogent comment. fyi.

  26. So folks, if this hearing goes just as you imagine what do we all learn?
    What's the big impeachable offense?

    No that I think the Teabags are blowing smoke, this could be huge.

    What's the big impeachable offense?

  27. Ducky said... "What's the big impeachable offense."

    Answer: There is none.

    This is just more political masturbation.

    Like we have nothing better to do with taxpayer dollars, right?

    1. In my view, there might be an impeachable offense. We don't yet know. Apparently, evidence was withheld.

    2. Like the tittle of this blog says, "Just Shut Up"

  28. RN:

    Nope, my statement is verifiable." Nope, you are certifiable! !!!!!!!!!

  29. Doesn't it just make you want to lose your cookies when Democrats whine about all these investigations are just a waste of taxpayers' money? Had the crooked Democrats been honest and forthcoming in the first place, there would not be the NEED to investigate. Frankly, I'm tired of being lied to by this regime. I'm to the point that, if Obama comes on the TV screen to speak, I turn the channel. Obama is not entertaining, and he's certainly not honest..

    We all know at this point that when it comes to this coverup there is little distinction between Hillary, Susan Rice, and more than likely Obama ( through his surrogates)!

    1. Ed,
      I doubt that impeachment and conviction will ensue.

      However, undeniably discrediting Obama and Hillary -- another matter entirely.

  30. Duck typed in: what are we investigating?

    If the Obama administration did not comply with the subpoena.

    Suppressing subpoenaed evidence is a crime. Remember the Watergate Hearings?

    Another matter that should be resolved: Did the Obama administration lie about the cause of the attack on Benghazi?

    From what has been revealed, blaming a silly YouTube "film" was not the cause. Hence, the administration blatantly lied to the American people.

    Would the "film maker" even have been jailed were it not for that casting of blame?

    There may be other things that should be investigated. My comment is not comprehensive.

  31. Ducky has the typical progressive mentality, and thinks along the same line as Obabble does. It's all about himself and nothing else. And doesn't care who gets hurt in the process.
    How can anyone with even the smallest bit of seance not see that Obabble lied about Benghazi. The only question is why HE and the rest of the lefties are not outraged. Why are you not outraged at being lied to?

    Why is that, Ducky? I know you're a stupid, and blind bigot. But EVEN you must have some kind of standard, no matter how low it may be.

    1. Ed,
      Apparently, the Left is not outraged about being lied to. Certainly, members of the Cult of Obama will not be outraged no matter what BHO does.

    2. "bit of seance"?

      A seance is as likely as Darrell Issa to gt you any satisfaction.

      As for being lied to --- new to politics, AOW?

    3. new to politics, AOW?


      But I am tired of those who think that "their man" doesn't lie -- those of all stripes.

      Never trust any politician.

  32. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Copy-and-paste spam is deleted as soon as a blog administrator here becomes aware of such "comments."

  33. Replies
    1. Among the things that Caddell said:

      “This president didn’t care enough to stay in the White House and, quote, ‘find out what was going on the next day.’ I am so personally nauseated by this.”

  34. Looking at Charles Krauthammer's sober, measured, well-phrased, dignified demeanor and bearing after watching Tommy [Don't you love that tiny little boy's name on a senior State Department official?] Vietor's puerile, petulant, quasi-hysterical evasions and denials should leave no one in doubt as to who is and is not telling a straight story.

    But WE know the Democrats -- ever the Defenders of the Indefensible -- will stand up, circle their wagons and cheer for The Butcherette of Benghazi while raising their rifles to pick off as many of their Republican tormentors as possible.

    Democrats and other leftist types will whine, beg, plead, shriek and roar for "cooperation," "bipartisanship," "fairness," "equality" and demand their colleagues "move on" and focus on the "real" issues plaguing the nation instead of indulging in "partisan bickering."

    What the D'Rats MEAN, of course, is that Republicans must roll over and play dead while the D'Rats steamroll their agenda through congress..

    With D'Rats it's NEVER about Truth, Justice, Mercy, Tolerance, Fairness, Decency, or Kindness; it's ALWAYS about WINNING, Gaining Power, and FORCING THEIR WILL on the nation.

    Their thinking is so distorted, so base and so perverted they don't seem capable of recognizing their hypocrisy. What they do best is toot their own horn while casting aspersions at everyone who resists them.

  35. D'Rats, R'pukes, Yada, Yada. Yada.

    Once a proud conservative and former Vice Chair of the Republican Town Committee but no more. To crop RWR, I didn't leave the republican party (or conservatives), the party left me. Both have put blinders on, and closed their ears and minds to reason.

    Carry on...

  36. Screw You, Yada, Yada, Yada

    1. When you can't refute the truth resort to... Screw You. Your a sheeple anon.

    2. Once a liberal, a progressive, and a libertarian went into a Bar . The bartender looked at the. 3 of them and said, what happened to the rest of the zoo?

    3. Answer.... The zoo is filled with fake blowhard clueless conservatives and Anonomous types.

  37. Pelosi: “Why aren’t we talking about something else?”

    Because, STOOPID, we've never 'talked' about to begin with. It's just a crying shame, STOOPID, that YOU weren't there and in some dude's sight picture that night.

    Then, after hearing that you had been sexually assaulted (as if anybody could be sick enough to even touch you,) strung up by your heels and set on fire... then, I could ask, "What difference does it really make... STOOPID?"

  38. Wow! I can't believe I just read someone blaming Bush after all this time. Break the darned record already!

    As for Pelosi and the rest of her pathetic cronies, they will have to answer for what they did NOT do for our fallen heroes. I pray prison is in their futures.

    1. Leticia,
      Break the darned record already!

      Some are stuck to the point that they are perseverating.
      Note the psychology definition of the term

    2. No one is blaming Bush, just pointing out the usual hypocrisy from the right

  39. Leticia,

    That's all they have left. BTW I liked your other avatars much better.

  40. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Liberalmann,
      Your comment was off topic.

      Even if all that you posted were facts, those facts have nothing to do with the topic of this blog post.

  41. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  42. I found Pelosi's comment that Benghazi was a distraction from more important issues very curious. How many years did she waste on forcing a health care takeover few people wanted on us? I recently posted that Obama is wasting another week talking about global warming. I wonder if Pelosi called him up to tell him to stick to the issues Americans care about?

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  43. Hillary and Benghazi:

    On September 13, 2012, — one and a half days before Obama aide Ben Rhodes sent an email advising UN Ambassador Susan Rice to blame the Benghazi attacks on a protest over an anti-Muslim Internet video — Secretary of State Hillary Clinton used the identical language embedded in a statement about the attacks.

    The congruence of the two word-for-word statements suggests, at the very least, a close coordination between and White House and Hillary Clinton to deceive the American people about the true nature of the attack in Benghazi. And it may also be evidence that Hillary Clinton engineered that decision immediately following the attacks. Was the cover-up Hillary’s idea? The emails beg the question. Now Congress must investigate and decide what the answer is.

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. Replies
    1. Reagan's Benghazi

      Good article and a good reminder of how the Teabags have trashed our government.

    2. For starters:

      1. A U.S. ambassador did not die in any of those attacks mentioned in the article.

      2. The Reagan administration did not try to blame what happened on a film -- and send out a spokesperson to promote that lie.

      3. Ronald Reagan has been out of the Oval Office since 1989.

      4. During the Reagan administration, Islamic terror groups were not recognized as threats to the extent that they are so recognized today.

      5. This blog post is not about what has happened under previous administrations.

      Wisdom: "Two wrongs do not make a right."

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. After he was warned not to put troops in Beirut, Reagan decided to put them there anyway. Unarmed. The result; 241 killed. Was this investigated? Was Reagan impeached? Nnnnope.

      You got nothing with Benghazi except a bunch of pea brained politicians who are politicizing this tragedy and now even fund raising off the deaths of Americans.

    5. The Reagan comparison is strained:

      ...[T]here are vast differences between the two incidences which resulted in the murders of Americans by jihadists. In Benghazi, warnings were made to people in Washington to reinforce security personnel. In Beirut, there were already hundreds of troops, but they weren’t deployed properly with sufficient security measures employed to protect the facility. Although some of that was the fault of Washington, and ultimately the president, the culpability was also shared by commanders on the ground who didn’t foresee a truck bomb attack, although that method of attack had been employed in the recent past.

      Mayers claims that Hillary Clinton took responsibility for Benghazi, and something about the “dismissal of four employees”. If I remember correctly those four employees were just moved to other jobs, and Hillary Clinton told us that the deaths of those Americans at Benghazi don’t matter.

      The Reagan Administration were forthcoming with information to Congress in regards to Beirut, the Obama Administration has not – they let it out in drips and drabs to drag out the investigation, ala Bill Clinton so that America tires of hearing about it. All of the surviving victims of Beirut were allowed to have their say abut the investigation. There are 30 surviving victims of the Benghazi whose names we don’t even know yet....

    6. Clinton also asked for more funds for security at these types of installations and was denied by the GOP. They are the real traitors.

  46. One of the elephants in the room;

    ...In fact, early the next morning [September 12, 2012], even Clinton’s top aide, Beth Jones, asserted that the attack was a well-organized assault by al-Qa'ida affiliate Ansar al-Sharia, one clearly intended to kidnap or kill Stevens....

  47. Methinks this serves to show just how much the Democratic Party is worried about the fallout from Benghazi.

    And even if not, I detect satire -- a nuance of which you seem oblivious.

    Furthermore, your "position" on Benghazi is showing you up for the idiot you are. Quit perseverating. Nobody here is paying much attention -- and you certainly are not convincing anyone of your position.

  48. Of course were worried about the 'fallout.' The right has a way of effectively selling lies to the stupid in this country, getting them to believe them and vote against their own best interests. You nothing but dividers and corporate lapdogs.

  49. The Already Asked-And-Answered Questions Fox Wants To Know From The Benghazi Select Committee:



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