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Thursday, May 29, 2014

The Brains of Squirrels

by Sam Huntington

What kind of a person remains with a physically or mentally abusive spouse?  Abusive persons are often sociopaths, defined as individual who consistently violate social customs, break the law with impunity, and exploit the people around them for their own purposes.  And of course, these convincing liars remain charming and consistently deny any wrongdoing, or they transpose the situation so that it becomes the fault of the person who is being abused or taken advantage of...

The answer to the question posed above is, any person with the brains of a squirrel.  This would appear to define every single person who either voted for Barack Obama in 2008, or reelected him in 2012 because Barack Obama fits the clinical definition of a sociopath, and disturbingly, so do the people with whom he has chosen to advise him.  Now, I have heard people argue that Barack Obama wasn’t nearly as popular in 2012 —and yet, Obama was overwhelmingly reelected.  One must admit, this is an amazing phenomenon.  

People are still wondering, “How on earth could this have happened?”  I have two thoughts here: first, what do you think David Axelrod was doing between 2010 and the elections in 2012?  Secondly, Obama’s reelection in 2012 was a likely consequence of voting for him in 2008 and so again, it appears as if America is being held captive by people with the brain of a squirrel.  I suppose I could echo the sentiments of others on the Internet by reiterating that all elections have consequences—that upon occasion, the consequences of electing the wrong individual can be severe.  Note: Anyone who doesn’t know who David Axelrod is should not continue reading this essay; you are already a lost cause.

Still, I understand how confusing all of this could be to readers, particularly those who voted for Barack Obama in either election, especially when the Obamaphiles continually harp about the President’s achievements.  But of course, these are the same people who worked so hard to convince Americans to elect Obama in 2008.  Only a person with the brains of a squirrel would allow him or herself to be swayed in that direction for a third time.  Only a person with the brain of a squirrel and the memory of a gnat could disremember, “If you like your doctor...”

George Will recently noted that in 1968, 76% of the American people trusted their government.  Today, only 19% of the American people trust government ... and yet, in spite of this overwhelming distrust of the federal government, voters return the same morons to the Congress election after election.  Maybe there is a disconnect here.  Perhaps voters with the brains of squirrels are unable to make the connection between elections and bad government.  Maybe the American people do not realize that Congress is part of the government, and therefore, part of the problem.  Conceivably the American people have not made the connection between voting for a sociopathic, well-spoken Negro and the utter destruction of American values and institutions.

Maybe —just maybe, American voters have the brains of squirrels because they are the product of leftist brainwashing for twelve to sixteen years of public funded education, and their parents, similarly educated, also have the brains of squirrels.

What a tangled web we weave when leftists practice to deceive...


  1. It does seem impossible to convince an Obama supporter to revoke support of him.

    For example, I knew several Obama voters who were dismayed with his "leadership" and policies during his first term. Nevertheless, they turned right around and voted for him in 2012. Now, I didn't expect some of these people to vote for Romney-Ryan; I had thought they would stay home on Election Day. They didn't. It does appear that these people -- whom I would not classify as "true believers" in the Democratic Party -- are suffering from a brain deficit. Perseverating, perhaps.

    I also detect a belief in a version of the Magical negro.

    Please see this editorial in the Los Angeles Times: Obama the 'Magic Negro'. Controversial, I'm sure.

  2. Obama was re-elected because the GOPers stayed home and didn't vote. We bear some of the burden as well as Romney IMO.

    1. Bunkerville,
      The stay-at-home folks certainly served as one factor. Do they have regrets now?

  3. Quick thing before I go to class...

    Sam, for abused people, it isn't that they have "the brains of squirrels" as you so charmingly put it. A main part of psychological abuse is making the person feel they cannot leave, that the situation isn't that bad, that they are causing all the trouble, etc. Psychological abuse really focuses on making the person stay, often against their better judgement...

    Now, Obama voters may just be as intelligent as squirrels. Their short-term memory truly is spectacular and their blind face cult-ish. I think, though, it's more that they are either cult members (and cults erase what little brains a person already possessed), or in an abused persons mindset that "it has to get better, it has to get better..."

    And the third group is people like Ducky or Liberalman, simply lacking in brain capacity. Honestly, from the discontented sounds from the Left, I think this group is diminishing- or waking up. The culties are incurable, of course, and the abused ones need to wake up. Some, the blacks of inner city, have woken up. Some refuse to.


    1. Wildstar,
      Thank you for your comment.

      You made this point: the situation isn't that bad, that they are causing all the trouble.

      In the context of this blog post, what you pointed out applies in the following manner....

      Diehard Obama adherents (1) keep saying that certain aspects of Obama's policies are not "that bad" and (2) are also blaming those who oppose Obama's policies ("the dirty obstructionists").

      You are spot on with this: in an abused persons mindset that "it has to get better, it has to get better..."

      A vicious cycle, huh?

  4. "George Will recently noted that in 1968, 76% of the American people trusted their government. Today, only 19% of the American people trust government ."

    Well now, just what does that say about the electorate who put the "government", that they don't trust, there to begin with? I'll say it again and again; voter registration needs a complete overhaul!

    1. Jon,
      Will distrust of the government change the way that the electorate cast their ballots in 2014 and 2016?

  5. When I watched Jesse Watter's on the Bill O'Reilly show interviewing young people on a Long Island beach, it became clear where we are headed as a nation. The sheer ignorance and stupidity of many of our young people is devastating. That's where the squirrel brains are coming from (along with their parents). It as gotten to the point that so many people are ignorant of how the world works that these interviews are not funny anymore.

    1. Bob,
      Yes, those interviews have lost their humor. The squirrel brains are no longer the anomalies that they once were. Now they're mainstream!

  6. Sam,
    What do you think? Is there a "Magical Negro" element involved?

  7. It is embarrassing being called a squirrel brain. Can I be a chipmunk brain, please?

  8. "Will distrust of the government change the way that the electorate cast their ballots in 2014 and 2016?"

    I don't know, however, as long as [anyone], dead or alive regardless of literacy or citizenship, can vote multiple times we will certainly NOT maximize our leadership potential.

  9. the masses are sheep..plain and simple! Have a terrific weekend! and
    God bless you my friend:)

    1. Oh, you're in the aristocracy?

      Not one of the masses?

  10. Perhaps, but only in Obama’s mind. He’s no bagger Vance.

  11. Do you honestly think that McCain would have been a better president, or Romney on round number two?

    1. McCain, no; Romney, yes. The question is a good one. We should ask ... do these people really represent this country’s best, brightest, and most patriotic candidates for our land’s highest offices?

    2. Hell, even BIDEN would have been a better President!

  12. Sadly, the vast majority of people who enter politics do no do so out oany sense of civic duty. They are only interested in power, influence, perks, and conntacts that will lead to the fattening of their bank accounts. And yes, the squirle brains and?or sheeple allow them to get away with it.

  13. I wish you people would stop maligning squirrels, what did they ever do to you? How about picking on skunks or rats instead. At least THEY deserve it, smelly disgusting things!


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