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Friday, November 16, 2012

Thoughts From An Obama Supporter

Food for thought.

An Obama supporter whom I indirectly know opined the following the day after the November 2012 Election (paraphrase):
I believe in the Democratic Party and have long supported the Party.

Still, I'm sad that Romney didn't win.

Why? Because the Democratic Party faces sure extinction as a result of the 2012 win.

You see, economic debacle within four years is inevitable, and it will happen on the Democratic Party's watch. As a result, the Democratic Party will be ruined for at least twenty years.

So, I believe that the Obama win in 2012 bad for America in the long run. The Party that I love and have worked so hard for is finished

Obama won, but the victory will kill the Democratic Party!
This man, in his seventies, has grown children and grandchildren in high school and college.

I have no reason to believe that he is lying.  The above is the man's considered opinion!


  1. Tell him not to worry, if the Republic does crash, it will be blamed on recalcitrant republicans, not Obama and the democrats.

  2. He IS right about the coming economic pain... and in the Obama Admin's case, it is ALL self-inflicted.

  3. Ducky likes to laugh about the free market's "invisible hand". Obama's hand has replaced it... and we can ALL see the "arm" that it is attached to.

  4. In my opinion, the coming economic collapse wikk destroy both partie aas it destried America. Why Obama wants that as his legacy is a question I can't answer.

  5. He is right about the crash. There is no way the grand schemes of Obama and the Democrats will bring prosperity, no way. But we have to learn it the hard way.

    And I also share the skeptical view that when it happens, Obama's praetorian guard in the press with make sure Bush and the republicans get all the blame.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. "Obama won, but the victory will kill the Democratic Party!"

    If that happens, GOOD! But what of the pain we will have to endure in the meantime? Yes, the DemocRATS will try to blame the Republicans at every turn. I wonder (no pun intended) how many Hostess employees, soon to be displaced, supported our Fraud-In-Thief in this past election?

  8. I disagree. It will be the death -- not of the DemonRats -- but of ALL of us, BECAUSE by the time we -- and the rest of the once-great Western Powers have gone flat busted, we will be so weak, so watery, so cowed, so confused and so terrified, we will be ripe for THE BIG TAKEOVER -- we will be overrun and either murdered or enslaved by the superior forces who are still used to living hard lives with iron discipline fed by Spartan provisions in bleak surroundings.

    They will march right in here, kill the ill, the weak, those perceived as not potentially useful to the aims of The New World Order.

    The irony -- the HUGE HA HA implicit in all this -- is the certainty they will summarily EXTIRPATE and EXTERMINATE the INTELLIGENTSIA -- the arrogant, snobbish, over-educated elite who zealously PAVED the WAY for The Big Takeover.

    Cold comfort in that, eh?

    ~ FreeThinke

  9. What is also interesting about this man whose words I put into the blog post is that he doesn't seem particularly concerned about himself or his family, including his grandchildren.

    Okay, so the man is up in years. Maybe he thinks that he shouldn't be concerned for himself because he will be gone when "the worst" comes.

    But I've heard nothing about his taking measures to protect his children (adults) and grandchildren, whom he genuinely loves and worked to provide for.

    Maybe he believes that the inevitability will not result in any suffering on the part of his progeny. Maybe he is so wealthy that he figures that nothing can touch his family.

    I just don't know.

    But I DO know that he is committed to the belief that Obama's vision for America is the proper vision. There is no convincing this man otherwise. He does, apparently, favor equalizing wealth, and I'm guessing that he figures that he has so much wealth that he and his family cannot possibly suffer.

  10. FT,
    we will be overrun and either murdered or enslaved by the superior forces who are still used to living hard lives with iron discipline fed by Spartan provisions in bleak surroundings.

    They will march right in here, kill the ill, the weak, those perceived as not potentially useful to the aims of The New World Order.

    You know what? I know very few people who happen to believe what you said is even a possibility.

    I happen to believe that what you've described is the inevitability, but I cannot begin to estimate a time line. Would that I could! If I knew that the worst would happen next June, I'd go on the vacation of a lifetime and party hearty.

    How about you, FT (and anyone else who cares to respond)? Would you do what I would do?

    It is a shame that we don't have a crystal ball. Sometimes, anyway.

    As it is, I believe that the coming of the New World Order that you are describing will be slow. I also believe that the New World Order will exempt the top of the oligarchy, who seem to be pushing for the utopia of the New World Order. I could be wrong in my assessment. But doesn't history show that the oligarchy often escapes the worst of the worst -- well, unless the Romanov Dynasty and the like.

  11. Could it be? No more Twinkies or other Hostess products?

    ...On Nov. 12, Hostess Brands permanently closed three plants as a result of the work stoppage. On Nov. 14, the Company announced it would be forced to liquidate if sufficient employees did not return to work to restore normal operations by 5 p.m., EST p.m., Nov. 15. The Company determined on the night of Nov. 15 that an insufficient number of employees had returned to work to enable the restoration of normal operations.

    The BCTGM in September rejected a last, best and final offer from Hostess Brands designed to lower costs so that the Company could attract new financing and emerge from Chapter 11. Hostess Brands then received Court authority on Oct. 3 to unilaterally impose changes to the BCTGM’s collective bargaining agreements.

    Hostess Brands is unprofitable under its current cost structure, much of which is determined by union wages and pension costs....

    More at the above link.

  12. Some of the products:

    Hostess®, Drakes® and Dolly Madison®, which make iconic cake products such as Twinkies®, CupCakes, Ding Dongs®, Ho Ho’s®, Sno Balls® and Donettes®. Bread brands to be sold include Wonder®, Nature’s Pride ®, Merita®, Home Pride®, Butternut®, and Beefsteak®, among others.

    I guess that I'll be saying goodbye to my favorite rye bread (Beefsteak).

    Mr. AOW will miss Sno Balls, which I give him once in a while as a treat.


    I wonder when the maker of my favorite toilet paper announces bankruptcy. That would be a REAL crisis for me! I'm not completely sarcastic when I say that, either.

  13. I disagree. Not on the crash but rather the end of the DNC.

    With about 50% or more Americans living off the government teet and millions more to join, due to the ever faltering economy under the democrats watch, they will vote for more en masse.

    They will not see that the "entitlements" will come to a crashing halt as well, immediately that is, just as they do not see what is happening in real time in Greece, Spain et al, under the exact same circumstances they voted for.

  14. OH, the poor Democrat Party ... BS, they're causing this mess. Pay attention man!

  15. The trend towards our destruction will continue until we can find a way to reverse the 1965 immigration act that is turning America into a 3rd world nation. I no longer harbor any hope that we can convert poor non-white immigrants into Republicans -- it is not going to happen. One thing that Obama's reign has done for me is to wake me up to the fact that the USA MUST remain a white majority country in order to preserve our liberty and our prosperity.

  16. Stogie,

    Sadly, I'm afraid that you are SPOT ON!

  17. Christopher,
    With about 50% or more Americans living off the government teet and millions more to join, due to the ever faltering economy under the democrats watch, they will vote for more en masse.

    I'm glad the you weighed in!

    That's the other side of the coin, isn't it? The other side of the coin as compared to the body of the post, that is.

    People WILL typically vote for what they believe benefits them, right?

    When do people NOT vote for what they perceive will benefit them? That's a question that need's answering!

  18. Stogie,
    One thing that Obama's reign has done for me is to wake me up to the fact that the USA MUST remain a white majority country in order to preserve our liberty and our prosperity.

    Wow! You jumped into the fire with that comment!

    But I think that you've just named one of the elephants in the room. How much of America's liberty and prosperity is dependent upon views of race-based culture?

    A hot topic, no doubt.

    I hope that others in this thread will weigh in.

    Here's my comment on that matter....

    Not a single person of color whom I personally know voted GOP in 2008 and 2012. Not one! One of those families (a black family and quite wealthy -- certainly anti-welfare) had long been supporters of Alan Keyes. Keyes was never an Obama supporter, was he?

    Of course, Obama could not have won in either 2008 or 2012 without a substantial portion of the white vote. I think that such a statement needs to be made, so I've made it.

  19. Hostess going out of business = 18,500 Workers laid off.

    Obama is Argentinizing business, and the unions win.

    Read the above link for more information.

  20. Not so sure he is right. Well, yes, there will be financial ruin, but the Dems will still be giving out goodies to the masses. Secure votes.

    Right Truth

  21. AOW.....

    "When do people NOT vote for what they perceive will benefit them? That's a question that need's answering!"

    NEVER! Unfortunately [perception] can be shortsighted. The largess, expected by those who support the likes of B.O., can never be better or even sustainable than by the overall wealth created by productive means. I see nothing but DECLINING productive means in the B.O. agenda!

  22. Jon,
    I see nothing but DECLINING productive means in the B.O. agenda!

    I agree.

    If we follow your statement to its logical conclusion, we are all going to end up on the government dole -- at the government's mercy to provide for us because we cannot provide for ourselves.

    Unless there is some sort of great awakening. I see no sign of any such awakening. Usually, any kind of political change comes only when the intolerable and unbearable have endured for a time.

  23. Cloward-Piven! Cloward-Piven! Cloward-Piven!
    Cloward-Piven! Cloward-Piven! Cloward-Piven!
    Cloward-Piven! Cloward-Piven! Cloward-Piven!
    Cloward-Piven! Cloward-Piven! Cloward-Piven!
    Cloward-Piven! Cloward-Piven! Cloward-Piven!
    Cloward-Piven! Cloward-Piven! Cloward-Piven!
    Cloward-Piven! Cloward-Piven! Cloward-Piven!
    Cloward-Piven! Cloward-Piven! Cloward-Piven!
    Cloward-Piven! Cloward-Piven! Cloward-Piven!
    Cloward-Piven! Cloward-Piven! Cloward-Piven!
    Cloward-Piven! Cloward-Piven! Cloward-Piven!
    Cloward-Piven! Cloward-Piven! Cloward-Piven!
    Cloward-Piven! Cloward-Piven! Cloward-Piven!
    Cloward-Piven! Cloward-Piven! Cloward-Piven!
    Cloward-Piven! Cloward-Piven! Cloward-Piven!
    Cloward-Piven! Cloward-Piven! Cloward-Piven!
    Cloward-Piven! Cloward-Piven! Cloward-Piven!
    Cloward-Piven! Cloward-Piven! Cloward-Piven!
    Cloward-Piven! Cloward-Piven! Cloward-Piven!
    Cloward-Piven! Cloward-Piven! Cloward-Piven!
    Cloward-Piven! Cloward-Piven! Cloward-Piven!

  24. I seem to remember B.O.,inadvertently, summarizing his real agenda in one word-"REVENGE"!

  25. Ahh, but Buddha say, "Beware the thicket of opinon". And I say, opinions are like posterior apertures (nicely for the kiddies), everybody's got one.

    The possiblility is just as real that by the time another 4 years is up, there will be only one party in this country and it will be the Socialist Party.

    I only listen to opinions I have to pay for, like my doctors. The rest are just so much halitosis.

  26. If you haven't already, it's time to change your investment strategy. Buy GOLD, SILVER, and LEAD, not necessarily in that order! If you have a few bucks left over, you might want to stock up on those Twinkies and Yodels. There's enough preservatives in them to make them last a few years at least.

  27. That old man gets it. The pendulum had to get horizontal before it swings hard right.

  28. I never thought a Democrat would say anything like that.

    But he's not far from the truth, thanks to the Union thuggery and greed, Hostess went bankrupt. And don't be fooled those vile people are pals of Obama.

  29. Leticia,

    Yes you are "Spot on", as always.
    Here is something that I posted on "Living The Grand Life" in response to what you refer to:

    The "union mentality" (oxymoron) also helped to get B.O. re-elected, go figure. I remember a large truck axle plant, in central Ohio, closing its doors forever over a $.50 per hour dispute. Despite North American Rockwell's insistence that this would happen > 1,000 became, permanently, without their very high paying jobs. This plant, the largest truck axle plant in the World, was only about 6 years old at the time. At the same time Honda Of America was starting up its first such auto production operation in the same locale. The 'Union' demanded that Honda hire all of the folks that it helped to become jobless. Guess what Honda told the union? Now, some 30 years later Honda employs >16,000 directly and >40,000 indirectly. This, the largest vehicle producer in Ohio, has operated and grown without a strike or significant lay-off-all without a union. Can you just imagine that!

  30. I disagee with one thing..
    that the white majority knows better, this caused hitlers rise to power.

    No i am in china right now, i married a chinese doctor, and do you know what she told me?
    She said I love you.. But i am also happy because
    I am FREE..

    I didnt have the heart to tell her America was near its end as a free nation and was turning to communism..

    I also believe that when the collapse happens we all must band together legal immigrants (like my wife) who value liberty as well as black and latino legal immigrants who believe in freedom..

    But even more than that we must be prepared to protect our families because when the crapeth hits the fan every punk, mi13 gang member, every criminal and all the anti american leftsits will pour onto the streets and riot and pillage and rape and destroy what is left..

    Only God can save us now..
    This was 60% the liberals fault..
    But also 40% the republicans for they also voted for bailouts of the banks, voted for funding of mosques and all this other vile filth..

    God help us all

  31. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  32. "Bush tried to Privatize Social Security. After the crash he created, we'd all be in the poor house!"

    While I hate to acknowledge your existence (Warren must be on vacation) I would like to hear why you think Bush created the "crash". Go ahead and tell us but, remember, there are are many factors involving Democrat giveaway programs that actually caused this. OK go ahead but don't expect a pass. I wonder if you are really as misinformed as you present yourself or if you are just some sort of a human version of an irritating house fly?

  33. I am sorry to break all your eggs, but I have been to America and much prefer to live in China where the government is far less active in our lives than your so-called free America. You are all fools to think you have love for freedom. Maybe once you did. Now all you want is someone to wipe your behind using someone else's tissues.

    Americans ARE communist. How does it feel now? And yes, we will own you.

    Lin Han

  34. Lin Han,
    I am old enough to remember when the government here in America didn't intrude into our lives to the great extent that the government does now.

    In fact, in many respects, the local government is the most intrusive. Regulation after regulation! I live in Northern Virginia and can not longer keep up with the many changes that have taken place in the county's zoning code: one day something is permissible, the next not.

    Now all you want is someone to wipe your behind using someone else's tissues.

    You know, I'm not sure that most Americans really are like that. However, when FDR set in motion is in full swing now. The Nanny State dominates our lives -- and trapped us into that domination.

    China already owns us! The flagrant spending of the corrupt politicians has buried us -- and true freedom is buried right along with us.

    I'm glad that I'm as old as I am.


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