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Monday, November 12, 2012


The video of college students celebrating Obama's reelection outside the White House makes me doubly sad and doubly angry on this 2012 observance of Veterans Day (hat tip to Geeeeez! for the video):

Now, let's take a look at another college student in Judge Judy's courtroom (hat tip to Infidel Bloggers Alliance). Spew alert!

We no longer live in America. We live in "America."

One reason that this is now "America": our education system, from kindergarten through graduate school.

No wonder that Obama promotes college education for everyone!

The November 19, 2012 edition of Newsweek depicts "America" (Click directly on the image to enlarge it, and read the titles of some of the articles):


  1. You're never going to get this right by singling out "college students."

    People in their 3rd year of retirement and taking more from Social Security and Medicare than they ever paid in are not "college students."

    Communists - those who want to take more than zero dollars and zero cents of taxpayer money and redistribute it to "social programs" - are to blame. They come in all ages.

  2. Beamish,
    The purpose of this post is more of a criticism of the education system and welfare for college students than singling out "college students."

    Those on Social Security and Medicare usually have only 20 years or so to live once enrolled in those programs -- and, possibly, about 20 years to vote. Those who have been on the taxpayers' dole from K through college and beyond are gobbling up taxpayers' funds for even more years. It's cradle to grave instead of retirement to grave!

    The Nanny State has become a god. "The government will provide." Well, the government will provide if you sit on your butt.

    The death of incentive and the death of initiative have arrived.

    Do those on Social Security and Medicare have an entitlement mentality? You could say that although it isn't exactly correct.

    But we have quite a few in the younger generations now actually believing that they have THE RIGHT to an education on the taxpayers' backs -- and openly spouting Marxism.

    The entitlement mentality is running wild! Even down to the entitlement to a free cell phone. Sheesh.

    PS: Tuition rates for universities in the D.C. area run between $10,000 and $45,000, I think (I didn't check, but I'm guessing pretty accurately, I hope).

    PPS: It is no coincidence that the words social programs and socialism have the same root word.

  3. Ema,
    You are not welcome on my property.


    PS: Preaching to this household about Veterans Day is a non-started. My husband is a disabled veteran.

  4. Beamish,
    I forgot to say....

    Generation warfare isn't going to solve the problems that "America" is now facing.

    The problem that we really have is an ideological one. Ideologies are very difficult to change because those holding to any particular ideology always think of those holding to another ideology as ideologues.

    The problem is much greater than "greedy geezers" and "angry youth."

    Meanwhile, the forces that be -- the media, the public education system, the churches -- are committed to promoting the Nanny State and idea that everything is a right.

    I honestly don't know how this situation is going to turn around -- at least, in the near future.

  5. At least education spending would be "intended" to produce educated workers.

    I agree that none of this are "entitlements," but the "entitlement" argument from seniors only leads to an accurate bean-counting and finding the majority of them taking more than they ever gave after three years.

    Don't polish the turd. Flush it. All social spending should be cut, if not eliminated entirely.

  6. I am still young enough to be able to laugh my ass of at these little dimwits when they hit their 40's and are whining about how they are paying more and more taxes yet our debt continues to grow...

    They have voted to saddle themselves with increasingly onerous debt burdens. Liberalism is a mental disorder, as Doc Savage is fond of saying.

  7. It is scary to think of these young people as the leaders of tomorrow. The truth is they young people that paticular video will never make it to anu leadership position. They have failure written all over them. These are not the hippies and flower children of the sixties. These young people are not that smart.

  8. Oh, my. I think I just got a migraine watching those two videos.

    It's surreal.

    Or Mirror Universe.

    As for Newsweek, I'm not surprised. No wonder they're going out of print when they're little more than a leftists paper-shock-jock.

  9. @AOW

    That Ema gets around. Sort of like Sandra Fluke.

  10. "college students"?

    How many of my tax dollars are going down this RAT HOLE?

  11. It's very sad that all these people were so deluded that they actually went out and voted for Obama. They could not see,they were too blind, this guy for what he really is. Which is a pro-Islamic Marxist who in really dislikes borh the United States and the State of Irsael.

  12. Do those on Social Security and Medicare have an entitlement mentality? You could say that although it isn't exactly correct.
    What is a damn, "entitlement mentality"?

    I consder it a mentality that is sufficiently adult to know that developing an underclass, allowing an enormous wealth disparity and consolidating all economic power WEAKENS a society.

    Your so called "entitlement mentality" is in fact a sound structure for a sable society which you have been able to obscure by twisting the meaning of social democracy all out of proportion.

  13. What is a damn, "entitlement mentality"?

    Simply put, that the government must supply the people's needs, the definition of needs sometimes being subjective and sometimes not.

    The entitlement mentality also includes the idea of "I deserve [whatever]. After all, other people have [whatever]."

    Some people think that the government should provide a free cell phone. THAT is clearly an entitlement mentality.

    Some people think that they are ENTITLED to a month of paid vacation. "I deserve it," and all that.

    On what basis are these various matters that one supposedly deserves?

  14. Jon,
    How many of my tax dollars are going down this RAT HOLE?

    A lot, I would guess.

  15. An entitlement mentality also involves the word fairness, another subjective word.

  16. Conservatives on Fire,
    Are the leaders of tomorrow bothering to study for exams or learn any skills? And what is their sense of personal responsibility?

  17. Silverfiddle,
    whining about how they are paying more and more taxes

    Maybe they won't mind paying high taxes if they enough money left over for their iTunes?

    Of course, if they ever buy a house and have to shell out half their income for real estate taxes, the tune might change.

  18. Odie,
    You mentioned yute?

    Are you familiar with the movie My Cousin Vinnie? **wink**

  19. Brooke,
    We are living in the Age of Inversionism.

    I find the Newsweek cover alarming. In that PhotoShop, Obama looks like a tin pot dictator! Apparently, that interpretation was lost on the Newsweek head honchos. Can you imagine the screams that would be going up if Reagan had been depicted in such a manner?

  20. AOW - See why I'm taking a new direction? This leads to madness. There's no getting anywhere with fanatics and there's no sense in trying. I don't know, maybe you enjoy frustration, I don't. I like to see my efforts pay off, and after such a long effort, to have all my convictions about the inherent stupidity/cupidity of Americans verified, that's it.

    There's no fight to carry on. The number of liberal morons isn't going to go down, it's steadily increasing even now as I type, and not a damn thing you or I do is going to change that.

    Time to let Nature take it's course. In the meantime, there are so very many happy things, worthwhile things we can be doing and discussing that surely are far more interesting than feeding more fuel to a futile fire of anger.

    Realizing that is why I didn't quit blogging. Not everything is happy happy, some things still need correcting and a good look taken at them, but the pissing contests need to end.

  21. "Obama looks like a tin pot dictator!"

    Well, it "looks like" to me that what you see is what we got!

  22. Black Sheep,
    I don't know, maybe you enjoy frustration, I don't.

    No, I don't enjoy frustration.

    However, I will continue to blog about politics -- at least, for a while. I'm cataloguing, so to speak. I am not ready to state my conclusions, some of which are, at this point, distasteful to a lot of folks -- and even to myself.

    The number of liberal morons isn't going to go down, it's steadily increasing even now as I type, and not a damn thing you or I do is going to change that.

    I do not expect that what I do here at this blog will change anything.

    In my own way, I am still working through my post-election thoughts and assessment. I have a flurry of political posts for this week.

    Also, I am teaching current events this year, so I must keep up with politics. Not that the keeping up is any pleasure now. **sigh**

    I do like the new direction that you have taken your blog. I will likely do some of the same kind of blogging, too, that is, life blogging. I've always done some of that king of blogging, anyway. Maybe I'll resurrect some of the pieces that I wrote at my first site.

  23. Is Ema the person who calls herself "Ema Nymton" ("Not My Name" in reverse?

    I recently banned her from my site as well. She is endlessly sarcastic, rude and obnoxious. Don't entertain this troll, she is incapable of an intelligent conversation.

  24. The untold truth about s.s. yes, we may take out more from it than we put in but.... I did the math. Had I and my employer invested the same amount, I would be close to a millionaire. Do it yourself!

  25. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  26. U Owzzzz it to meeeeee ! Yous pay my rent, pays my foood , pay edsucayshun...you owzzzzzz it ta meeeeee !
    *SNEER* What a crock !
    No wonder they ALL voted for Obummer.

  27. For the first time in my life ... I'm truly worried about this country.

    Right Truth

  28. That second video shows you everything you need to know about why you're going down the toilet and there's no coming back.

    One bitter sweet consolation is that useless pustules like that will go hungry in the near future, let em starve.

    One thing though, hang on to your guns because sooner or later that POS will be out to take what he feels entitled to when the obama money stops coming.

    Hopefully it'll be a liberal he targets, if anyone deserves it they do.

  29. Stogie,
    Is Ema the person who calls herself "Ema Nymton" ("Not My Name" in reverse?

    Yes, IT is the same commenter.

    IT has trolled here before and been booted every time.

    IT is perserverating and is indeed incapable, as you said.

  30. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  31. All i can say is

    I am in china living in a communist apartment..
    No heat, no ac, we have the internet and i have to hack around various controls just to post..

    And we have to pay RENT..

    Oh my lord.. This is sheer insanity.. The young black man couldnt grasp that he was stealing from the government and was spending the money on himself..

    Even the guard got it..
    Come on folks.. this is insanity
    and you wonder why were 15 trillion (ok 16 by now) in debt

    Liberal insanity instead of honest hard work.. My own son cant find a job, ok i make him do something around the house to help out.

    He isnt on welfare or gov assistance.. And he needs to get a job to be a man..

    Both the black woman and man are not responible citizens..

    Sheesh were so screwed as a nation

  32. All i can say is

    I am in china living in a communist apartment..
    No heat, no ac, we have the internet and i have to hack around various controls just to post..

    And we have to pay RENT..

    Oh my lord.. This is sheer insanity.. The young black man couldnt grasp that he was stealing from the government and was spending the money on himself..

    Even the guard got it..
    Come on folks.. this is insanity
    and you wonder why were 15 trillion (ok 16 by now) in debt

    Liberal insanity instead of honest hard work.. My own son cant find a job, ok i make him do something around the house to help out.

    He isnt on welfare or gov assistance.. And he needs to get a job to be a man..

    Both the black woman and man are not responible citizens..

    Sheesh were so screwed as a nation

  33. Anonymous,
    I see that you have made comments to other threads as well.

    Thank you for stopping by and weighing in.

  34. Thank you..
    I like it (your blog).

    I used to blog but got to stinking busy (working) my fat rear end off trying to pay the bill..

    I put the video link on my facebook page, i hope my account doesnt get suspended.

    Hey how come i cant use facebook to login.
    pretend i am old and cant remember 14 user names and passwords..

    Help an old man out heheeheh


  35. JDC,
    Thank you for the compliment on my blog. I appreciate your generosity.

    Blogger doesn't seem to offer the option for Facebook log-in. At least, Blogger offers anonymous log-in; many blogging platforms do not.

    I wanted to get into FB back in 2009, but then my husband had a devastating stroke, which has left him very disabled and me as caregiver. So, I haven't tackled FB. I'm at the limits of what I am able to do.

    Please visit often.

  36. JDC,
    I have a question.

    How did you find my blog?

    It's always a mystery to me how someone new discovers my site.


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