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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Holiday Trees

Why not just throw any reference to Christmas to the curb? But don't you dare avoid references to Ramadan!

Via Weasel Zippers:
A North Carolina community college has been accused of violating the First Amendment rights of students after they told a club they could not use the word “Christmas” to promote a Christmas tree sale.
“It’s ridiculous that anyone would have to think twice about using the word ‘Christmas’ as part of a Christmas tree sale,” said Matt Sharp, an attorney with Alliance Defending Freedom.

The student club, called the BEST Society, was planning to sell the Christmas trees to raise money for Angel Tree, an organization that provides Christmas presents to children.

Club members followed college protocol and submitted forms to promote the sale. The proposed text read, “The BEST Society will be selling Christmas Trees…”

But when the announcement appeared on the college’s website and in other venues – it had been altered. Ever [sic] reference to “Christmas Trees” had been replaced with “holiday trees.”

Attorney Sharp said students immediately contacted the college’s community relations director to find out what happened.

The community relations director allegedly told the students, “We cannot market your trees in association solely with a Christian event.”

As a result of the change, the club began receiving complaints from the community – and some customers told the students they would not purchase trees because of the change in wording.

“Not only is it perfectly constitutional to use the word ‘Christmas,’ it is unconstitutional to prohibit use of it,” Sharp said. “This is another perfect example of the immense misunderstanding that far too many college officials have about what the First Amendment truly requires.”
We all know what people buying "holiday trees" will be doing with those purchased evergreens:

But Christmas is the word that must not be spoken.  Absurdity abounds!


  1. And this nonsense came from a college. I suppose that director of whatever works on the 25th of December, since he does not recognize a holiday whose official name in government Calendars is Christmas!

    This is the worst kind of overly-sensitive offense-taking that seems to afflict guilty white liberals especially.

    I have had friends of non-Christian religions and non-religious friend throughout my life, and all of them celebrated a secular Christmas, and thought they did not believe in Our Lord and Savior, they still called it Christmas!

  2. Hi AOW.
    Saw the following story yesterday on Facebook.

    Linde Kopp Hello all,

    Thought you might be interested in this information from the White House. This isn't a rumor; this is a fact.

    We have a friend at church who is a very talented artist. For several years she, among many others, has painted ornaments to be hung on the various White House Christmas trees. The WH sends out an invitation to send an ornament and informs the artists of the theme for the year.

    She got her letter from the WH recently. It said that they would not be called Christmas trees this year. They will be called Holiday trees. And, to please not send any ornaments painted with a religious theme.

    She was very upset at this development and sent back a reply telling them that she painted the ornaments for Christmas trees and would not be sending any for display that left Christ out of Christmas.

    Just thought you should know what the new residents in the WH plan for the future of America. If you missed his statement that "we do not consider ourselves a Christian Nation" this should confirm that he plans to take us away from our religious foundation as quickly as possible.

  3. When many socialst thinkers at the beginning of the 20th Century decided the best way to defeat capitalism in the bastion of capitalism was not by force but gradually from within. They understood that to defeat capitalism in American meant, in part, they would have tear down America's culture. And, because Christianty was the foundaion of America's culture, they would have to break Christianity's hold on America. So far they have been very successful.

  4. Yup, you all know by now how I feel about religion, don't have none, don't want none, ain't gonna get none, but I revere Christmas as the one day a year when humans at least try to be decent and show some love to each other.

  5. Conservativesonfire has a real valid point, too. America is founded on Christian values, and that's the problem, not communism. Not all Christian values are good ones, some are horrible, like Manifest Destiny for a good example.

    Decency has to come from within. People always rebel against authority regardless of what kind of authority it is, and no religion, philosophy or way of life will endure forever.

    It's not communism or socialism that's bringing us down. It's Human Nature that's doing it.

  6. I can empathize with both sides of the alleged 'war on Christmas'.....but neither party should be in a position to dictate the choice of words to describe the symbol lifted from pagan rituals.

  7. "they told a club they could not use the word “Christmas” to promote a Christmas tree sale."

    The absurdity of this leaves me speechless!

  8. Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas !

  9. Frankly I think it's completely absurd and the result of overzealous administrators.
    Meanwhile an excerpt from the Globe up here in commie land.

    "The town is hoping to replace the Christmas tree in Bicentennial Park and is seeking donations to pay for it, town officials said. The annual tree lighting has been a tradition for more than 35 years, said Selectman Jody Dickerson, and the current tree, a blue spruce, is nearing the end of its life. It has been at the park since 1991, replacing one that Hurricane Bob blew down. The town’s tree and parks committee wants to replace the spruce with a disease-resistant concolor fir, he said, which would cost more than $2,000. There are donation boxes throughout town, and donations can also be made to the Tree/Parks Maintenance Fund, in care of Judy Mooney at the Marion Town House, 2 Spring St., Marion MA 02738. Donations will also be accepted at the tree lighting Dec. 9."

    No complaints yet. My town still has a Christmas tree lighting and a creche. There is still a creche on the Common every year.

    Don't know why North Carolina is so hung up. Must be something about red states.

  10. ...WTH. Seriously, WTF(reakin)H. The calander calls it Christmas. Its a federal holiday. It is not a Christian holiday (anymore at least)- it is about a fat guy in red giving presents to kids. That's it. There are two separate holidays on one day and share a name. In any case, there is a NON-religious Christmas that is a federal holiday... so wth are you banning the word?! This is absurd. Absolutely absurd. To quote a secular book (Speak) "we aren't multicultural, we're no-cultural."

    And honestly, if anything I would think they would ban Angel Tree for being a Christian thing!


    PS CoF you are sadly right... too bad liberals won't admit it (or that history is history whether they like it or not!)

  11. Nothing to say to this but:


    Look at that in the mirror sometimes, and you'll understand better what I mean.

    ~ FT

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. Inch by inch, you know how it goes.

    Perhaps we should keep anyone from using the word Ramadan, hmmmm?

    Right Truth

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. Not nearly as much as those who curse for attention.

  16. BZ,

    Yes, Frog Boling is, exactly, what's going on and there are too many that haven't a clue of what's really going on. I only wish that they, alone, would die in the "Pot" but, no, they will take the rest of us with them. More and more I don't think that killing a liberal is tantamount to murder. I think it amounts to self-preservation!

  17. Not only are we living in 'interesting times', but we are living in very disheartening times if you're not a follower of the
    liberal/socialist/commie/pro-moslem agenda.

    BTW have you checked your email lately? If you didn't get something from me, then I need to resend it. Please let me know.

  18. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  19. JDC,
    We are living in an alternate universe, the Twilight Zone....

    Islamophilia is the norm.

    Everything else is O-U-T!


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