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Monday, July 16, 2012

Doom And Gloom

Recently I read the posting "American Death Watch" over at Stogie's site, Saberpoint. I find myself in agreement with the thesis therein.

The future of America does indeed look bleak.

Clearly, we are on an unsustainable path on many levels, not the least of which is economically. Those on the dole in its many manifestations well exceed the tax base.

For one thing, a tsunami of aging and ailing Baby Boomers is about to sweep over America. Right now, many nursing homes cost over $15,000 a month. Better ones cost more! it’s nearly impossible to find a nursing home that costs anywhere near only $3000/month! I’m speaking only of room and board — not medical care, hand feedings for the helpless, laundry, and the like. All of those services cost extra.

One can enter late in life with what should be adequate personal funding and end up on Medicaid within three years or less.  Some 80% of nursing home residents are on Medicaid right now.  80%!  And I can't see that the percentage will decrease with the tsunami about to hit us.

Our leaders, so-called experts of various types, and most Americans are ignoring those incontestable facts I've mentioned above.

On top of the doom and gloom, we have an outageously contentious blogosphere.   People are striking out and shunning each other in ways I've never seen over the past seven years that I've been blogging.

Part of the present ugliness is a normal part of blogging during an election year. Nevertheless, there is a darker element to the ugliness these days.  People who basically agree politically, ideologically, and spiritually are launching barbs all the time.

Now, I'm not one to run from a contentious debate.  I actually enjoy such discussions.  And, yes, I occasionally hurl some barbs of my own.  That said, I have to ask this question:

What are we accomplishing by picking at each other so much?

In my view, we need to post, at least occasionally, something uplifting.  If people don't comment to such postings, well, they don't comment and rush off to find an argument.  Blogging should consist of more than carping all the time.

Here at Always On Watch, Sam and I will continue to hammer away at political and social issues.  We are going to lighten up from time to time, however.  May readers of this blog take a few moments to enjoy such material! Life is more than bitching and moaning and tearing each other down.


  1. Even worse, it is apparent that our federal government has broken it's constitutional chains, and state and local governments are following suit.

    The trend will continue until it no longer can...

  2. I suggest we start out with a false premis that we cannot afford to care for our seniors. We have set priorities to save the world instead of taking care of our own, 17 percent of GDP is spent this way. What better way may I ask? We are in 150 countries and most hate us. Bring it home.

  3. AOW, I applaud what you and Sam are planning to do. We do need to search out positive things to blog about. My intention today was to do just that. But I failed.

  4. “It surely seems like reliance on the High Court to affirm the Constitution’s framework for divided power —limited enumerated authority conferred to the central government with most rights reserved for the states and the people— is slipping away.” --Geoffrey Hunt

    This statement correctly identifies the divide in this country. Our forefathers gave us a nation that limited the power of the central government. It made us, as individuals, citizens of states, through whom guaranteed us the federal bill of rights. The lame brain left wants to change this legacy to one of limited freedom with concomitant increases in government power. As the leftists conspired to usurp the power of the states and the people, the states and the people stood mute. This steady erosion of our Constitution has been going on for 100 years; it is the death of 1,000 cuts, where the back and forth between socialists and conservatives resulted in eroding our Constitutional framework. Who does not have the mental acuity to realize that ultimately, this will result in a full-blown socialist state? It is gloomy, and the threat of doom is real IF one cherishes human liberty with the same fervor as our founding fathers.

  5. The sand sculpture festival

    AOW, off topic but you had asked about a structure in the background of one of my photos.

  6. Well, now that I just vented my spleen at another site for fun, I will surely await with delight something with a lighter touch here.

    Though I must admit that at times it can be fun to enter the fray a bit and enjoy freedom of expression.


  7. I gree we must take a mental vacation from fighting or we lose strength in our fight.
    You mention how the attacks have gotten worse. I agree. Isn't it interesting that as the Obama Administration pits one group of Americans against another, it trickles down to the masses? And he doesn't believe in things that trickle down! Think of all the fighting that's encourage by the DEMS:
    rich vs poor
    unions vs non-unions
    Women vs women
    black vs white
    hispanic vs white
    students vs business

    You get the picture.
    Anyway, pick up your phone today because today is not the day for a feel-good post:
    ALERT: Call you senators now at 202-224-3121 or visit http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm/senators_cfm.cfmand
    to find the direct phone # to your senator’s office. Tell them to vote NO on the Disclose Act.

  8. Here's a lighter touch.

    The entire political class in this nation is loaded with poltroons, cut purses, pimps and common street walkers.

    The tragedy is that the population still thinks that picking one brand of these ass racks over another is effective.

    We are in trouble, yes and so long as we don't see that our problem is the political class and its corruption and begin about talking about a massive reform it's over.

    We'll be picked clean while we squabble about gay marriage.
    We are a pathetic people.

  9. Well one this is for sure, Thomas Jefferson worte something that very much applies here. For he wrote "A convection that we are in the right accomplishes half the difficulty of correcting wrong." and "Fortitude...teaches us to meet and surmuont difficulties; not to fly from them."

  10. Yup, goes hand in hand with my latest post.

  11. Duck,
    About the sand sculptures....Do you recall which particular one is in the background of that photo?

  12. Conservatives On Fire,
    We do need to search out positive things to blog about.

    And I basically took most of the day off from the web, too, so as to get in a bit of exercise at the swimming pool.

    Mr. AOW and I are also taking museum trips -- a stay-vacation of sorts. Yesterday, we went to the National Museum of Health and Medicine; next up are the Hirshhorn and Air & Space on the National Mall.

    My intention today was to do just that. But I failed.

    I'll stop by your web site as soon as I finish typing in this comment.

  13. Freeedom, by the way said...

    I gree we must take a mental vacation from fighting or we lose strength in our fight.
    You mention how the attacks have gotten worse. I agree. Isn't it interesting that as the Obama Administration pits one group of Americans against another, it trickles down to the masses? And he doesn't believe in things that trickle down! Think of all the fighting that's encourage by the DEMS:
    rich vs poor
    unions vs non-unions
    Women vs women
    black vs white
    hispanic vs white
    students vs business


    Classic wingnuttery 'pot calling the kettle black.' It wasn't the Dems who wants to force trans-vaginal probes on women seeking abortions. It wasn't the Dems who were out to bust unions and try to convince average Americans they'd be better off without them. It wasn't the Dems who gave massive tax breaks to the wealthy, then created no jobs and took even more from the middle class.

    Mitt Romney Could Be the Biggest Hypocrite in the History of Hypocrisy:

  14. We have a president who acts against the Constitution, we have a congress who will not call him on it, and a president you truly hates this country.

    Rush Limbaugh got it right today. It's what many of us have been saying for a long time.


    " ...I’ll tell you what. I think it can now be said, without equivocation – without equivocation – that this man hates this country. He is trying – Barack Obama is trying – to dismantle, brick by brick, the American dream.

    “There’s no other way to put this. There’s no other way to explain this.

    “He was indoctrinated as a child. His father was a communist. His mother was a leftist. He was sent to prep and Ivy League schools where his contempt for the country was reinforced. He moved to Chicago. It was the home of the radical-left movement. He hooks up to Ayers and Dohrn and Rashid Khalidi. He learns the ruthlessness of Cook County politics. This is what we have as a president: A radical ideologue, a ruthless politician who despises the country and the way it was founded and the way in which it became great. He hates it.”


    Right Truth

  15. AOW, the sculpture is number 15.

    The one featuring Fenway Park.

  16. AOW - I took that test in the link you left with your comment, and came out 82% for Ron Paul. No surprise there. The shocker is that I'm in agreement (according to the test) with Obama on science and environmental issues, so either he got a few things right or it's just more of his lies. I also came out 81% for Mitt Romney. Those people who wrote that thing must have gained more insight into him than I've been able to.

    I have no trust left in any part of the system. Our media is controlled and slants hell out of the barf they call news, while remaining absolutely silent on the truths that would wake America up. Our voting system is skewed and corrupted from end to end, nothing any politician says anymore can be relied on except for the few who will never have a real chance, like Ron Paul, because of the way the media tromps on them.

  17. Duck,
    Fenway Park -- with those two flags at the top. Could be a message there in those two flags -- as related to your photo.

    Mr. AOW and I intended to visit Fenway. Never got there. We did get to Wrigley Field, however, in 1998.

  18. Debbie,
    I heard part of that Limbaugh Show -- online today. Yes, that very quotation that you pointed out in your comment.

  19. Black Sheep,
    I don't know how valid that quiz is; however, it IS interesting. Liberalmann left me the link, BTW.

    Our media...slants hell out of the barf they call news,

    Well said!

    If I hear one more word about Tom Cruise's marriage woes, I think I'll scream!

  20. Man and woman cannot live on politics alone, and live long!

  21. I couldn't agree more!! Which is why I like to post funny videos or stories and on some rare occasions share book reviews, well, I am obligated to do those.

    But blogs are supposed to fun and interesting as well.

  22. "The entire political class in this nation is loaded with poltroons, cut purses, pimps and common street walkers."

    Well, for once I agree with ya, Ducky. Add buffoons & incompetents & you've covered most of the federal, state, & local governments.

  23. Randy,
    Man and woman cannot live on politics alone, and live long!

    Amen to that!

  24. Leticia said:

    But blogs are supposed to fun and interesting as well.

    And not drive the blog owner to the insane asylum!


  25. So Obama the American Hater, the Jew Hater, the Socialist said
    "In his war on American exceptionable, President Obama has turned the sights on exceptional Americans. If you've built a successful business, it wasn't your dream or your sweat — somebody else made it happen. The unbridled disdain President Obama has for the entrepreneurs who work hard and risk everything was made plain when he told supporters in Roanoke, Va.: "If you've got a business — you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen." This was stunning news and a colossal slap in the face to the millions of small-business owners who get up every day "

    When I heard Obama saying this, I thought perhaps now people will see what he really is, a perfect example of what we don't want and certainly don't need.
    What more would a communist have to say to convince people that he is a communist?

    This evil cretin makes me sick. I can NOT believe someone so blatantly communist was allowed to become our President.

    How any American, (unless you're a black racist) can vote for him is beyond me.

  26. Shocking that someone with so little experience and so much of his past shrouded in fog could become President.

    Its like a bad sitcom or a joke. Hey watch this guys, I can get anyone elected to President because we have an army of zombies who will automatically beleive anything CNN,ABC, NYT etc says..

  27. Retired Marine,

    About Obama's speech in Roanoke, Virginia, I posted THIS at another site that I have access to and administrate. The title of the post is "It's Collectivism."

    Will Americans see through Obama now? Maybe. But, to my knowledge, the mainstream media are not covering Obama's recent collectivist statement!

    The media = the enemy!

  28. Blogginator,
    As time goes by, more and more material that condemns Obama for what he is gets scrubbed. If you need examples, let me know. I ain't talking' about gray areas, either.

  29. "The entire political class in this nation is loaded with poltroons, cut purses, pimps and common street walkers."

    Yes, Ducky. I too agree with your observation that we are unlikely to find "salvation" in either of the puppets put up by BOTH parties, but could we agree on precisely WHO these de facto oligarchs really are?

    Somehow, I doubt it, since you have declared yourself an enemy of Capitalism.

    I am an enemy of CRONYISM which is a very different thing. If only we really HAD Capitalism, things might soon right themselves, but it's been hampered and "modified" too much by D'Rat initiatives to be equal to the task of renewing our former greatness, I fear.

    ~ FreeThinke

  30. FT,
    The de factor oligarchs may well be many -- and, yes, extend across the political spectrum.

    I believe that such has been the case since time immemorial.

    Overall, I don't have a high opinion of politics. Period.

  31. FT,
    If only we really HAD Capitalism...

    You know that I agree.

    I am very concerned not that the world may never have capitalism again! Certainly not in MY lifetime!

  32. Obama is such a hypocrite!


    "Obama has investments in companies that ship jobs overseas"


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