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Friday, July 15, 2016

The Cancer Of Islam

Islamic terrorist attack: Nice, France on July 14, 2016 (Bastille Day).

Jihad by heavy truck, driven by a jihadist who originated from Tunisia and lived in France.

The Arab Spring began in Tunisia.

The jihadist Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel drove the truck for over a mile through the packed street and on the sidewalks.

Metastatic cancer.


photo credit

photo credit

At least 84 dead, including at least two Americans, one of whom was a child.

World War M.

Whether or not the West acknowledges it.

Related reading, including comments: Islam Does This!!! and we've stopped talking about Orlando.


  1. How does one respond to World War M?
    How does one respond to cancer?
    First, find the locus of the demonstrably virulent cluster of cells and excise it.
    Chemotherapy is the use of chemicals to attack the cells.
    Explosives are chemicals.
    Of course, the analogy begs the use of radiation therapy.
    Well, both worked on Shintoistic fanatics.
    Whatever convinces them that God is not on their side.

    1. Ed,
      Whatever convinces them that God is not on their side.


      And because the West has waited so long, what it will take to convince them that violent jihad is not the will of Allah will be draconian.

      Frankly, I'm not convinced that the West can convince an estimated 15,000,000 radicals about the peaceful will of Allah. The Medinan verses of the Quran say what they say.

    2. Whatever convinces us that God is on no side in this hideous dance would be more beneficial.

    3. I'm thinking God's probably on the side of a faith that doesn't encourage truckers to drive through crowds, or kill people in a rock concert (disemboweling and cutting off sex organs, which is now being reported in France), etc etc.
      Just a guess.

  2. TRUCK CONTROL; yeah that's the answer!

    1. License drivers! Register trucks! Purchasing more life insurance would be JUST as effective at preventing these attacks.

    2. Okay, maybe we just needs signs every 100 feet or so establishing "No running over predestrians" zones.

  3. Thanks to decades of feckless western leaders welcoming in people whose culture, religion and beliefs are incompatible with Western Liberal Democracy, Islam has taken root in the west, and it is now impossible to quash its malign influences without creating an enormous humanitarian crisis and punishing millions of innocent people who now call the west home.

    AOW mentioned Obama's execrable and horribly inappropriate speech at the Dallas Police Officers' funeral. Notice how he and all the other activists now pro-forma group together "African Americans, Hispanics, gays and lesbians and Muslims?"

    In the activist narrative, they are all victims of white Christian oppression. Obama and his fellow foot soldiers are inciting hatred and fomenting violence.

    1. SF,
      it is now impossible to quash its malign influences without creating an enormous humanitarian crisis and punishing millions of innocent people who now call the west home.

      All the West's dithering has brought us to that choice -- or else lose our civilization.

    2. The choice has already been made. No civilization lasts forever.

      We are all out of Charles Martel's and Jan Sobieski's.

    3. SF,
      I refuse to roll over and say, "Inevitable!"

      Can't do it.

      I'm German and Welsh, after all. **smile**

    4. DIDADIN!

      There is only ONE sensible solution to ALL forms of Islamic Aggression. and that is a UTILITARIAN solution –– a FINAL Solution:




      Those who would be kind to the cruel are sure to be cruel to the kind."

      "Those who expect to reap the blessing of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it."

      ~ Thomas Paine (1737-1809)


      However illegal, impolitic, inadvisable, unconstitutional, un-American, immoral or impracticable others claim it to be we should maintain a position of absolute intolerance for a Muslim Presence in OUR world.

      When the Handwriting on the Wall sends a clear, uncompromising message, and STILL we fail to heed its stern warning, we DESERVE to be ECLIPSED.

      FACE IT: Either it's DIDADIN or BE DAMNED.


  4. I can't wait for the dhimmi chorus to start in with the special pleading, "No True Muslim" logical fallacies, and rote recitation of worn out stock phrases and credos.

    We should have some buzzword bingo cards made up so we could at least amuse ourselves at the Infotainment-Media Complex buries us in avalanches of BS...

    1. SF,
      By now, I am well prepared for the avalanches of BS.

      Yeah, buzzword bingo cards. That's the ticket! Let's list the 9 squares. Or more than 9 squares.

      This morning, I heard that the truck jihadist had a marriage on the rocks and lost his job.

      So, the logical response was to rent a tractor trailer and mow down hundreds of people? Muslim logic, I suppose.

    2. No silverfiddle, you'll probably hear a few questions like, why France?
      You'd expect large scale attacks in Germany or Britain or Sweden but they haven't occurred.
      Answer the question, "why France?" and we might get somewhere.

      Evidently the killer fits the profile, native born and known to police.

    3. Sad how those who profess to be champions of Western values like openness, diversity, tolerance, democracy and liberty are ironically hastening our demise.

      Islam darkens every society is proliferates in. No society in the modern age has been improved or enlightened by Muslims installing themselves there in great numbers. (We enjoy great accomplishment of individual Muslims in this country, but Islam adds nothing).

      Counterexamples are myriad, Lebanon being just the latest.

    4. This guy was an odd sort of Muslim, siverfiddle.

      Reports are that he hung out in bars drinking and gambling. Didn't attend a mosque and had a pretty good record of assaults.

      Beat his wife (potent red flag) and kept to himself.
      So you tell me just what set him off but it doesn't sound like a religiously motivated perp.

      One of the very first victims was an older veiled muslim woman, probably just a coincidence.

      But just a few anti-muslim laws and Sparky's enlightened glassing of the mideast will fix it all and expose fundamentalists for what they are at the same time. Can't loose.

    5. So you tell me just what set him off...

      Just a guess. He was likely playing solitaire and uncovered the queen of diamonds ...

    6. Don't be too quick to rule out radical, ducky. What was he doing at a mosque in Brooklyn?

    7. Waylon,
      He was likely playing solitaire and uncovered the queen of diamonds ...

      That's it! **snerk**

    8. Boy Farmer, the Daily Caller is right on it.
      The guy may have been in Brooklyn. Investigative reporting the right can count on.

      If you had any sense you'd be asking why a simple laborer could cover the larger deposit on a refrigerator truck rental but that might yield useful information to indicate whether of not he's part of a cell.

      But let the Daily Caller lead you by the nose.

    9. You're all over the map Ducky. First he's not a Muslim because he drinks and gambles, and now he must have sponsors because he can afford an ice cream truck. Tie it all together man lol

    10. I's either DIDADIN or DEATH.

      Muslim apologists must be transported along with those they foolishly seek to protect.

      That means we would be rid of The Boston Quacker at last.

      Wouldn't that be loverly?


    11. You didn't visit the killer's Facebook page from the Caller link? Not very curious, are you, ducky?


    13. "WHY FRANCE and NOT GERMANY?" See how bad the liberal media is at getting news to us? I know Germany's experience from my 2 kids...who live in Munich. No big attacks yet...hundreds not told here. Why would the lib media, eager to support Obama on bringing refugees here, want to play THAT up? That would be as suicidal to the Lib agenda as admitting Germans DO PAY FOR HEALTH INSURANCE...and, brother, DO they.

      Germans are getting raped, burgled, knifed, shot, killed, maimed, overrun and threatened with SIGNS in marches "WE WILL TAKE OVER". This is keeping the Islamists too busy for a major attack. Plus, the Germans don't negotiate, as they didn't do in that movie theater terror attack a month ago, they WENT IN AND KILLED THE MURDERER. We can't wrap our heads around the fact that MURDERERS DON"T DESERVE NEGOTIATION.

      To our great peril.
      Just don't believe things aren't happening in Germany..it's drip drip drip, instead of the deluges in poor France.

  5. Years ago when studying comparative religions, I could nothing in Islam that could possibly be attractive. This was decades ago before our troubles. Am i alone? Especially for women. That said, how does one go about challenging a belief system such as this? Put this down as my ethnocentrism.

    1. In this case, it's not ethnocentrism, it's survivalism. Your instincts proved spot on.
      BTW, speaking of wickedness, what ever happened to a certain libtard 'quacker'. *cough* No names used in case it's still lurking about. Hope it's been banned. There are some people that just won't be changed, you know, even when the facts are straight in front of them.
      Have a blessed day. ~:)

    2. Has anyone else NOT heard an outcry from the Muslim world decrying this, one more, assault on civilized humanity? OK,I thought so!

    3. JonBerg ~ I see you're a motorcyclist too. May I ask, what's your ride? :) Mine is a 2013 Suzuki V-Strom DL650 (Adventure Bike), Hubby rides a 2014 Honda CB1100.

    4. Sparky,
      Thanks for asking. I've been riding for >50 years. Have had Matchless, Yamahas, Hondas, a Suzuki and the HD SOFTAIL in the picture; loved them all. Due to a back problem I've had to downsize to an HD 750 Street-lots of power, much less weight.

      AOW, sorry to go off-topic.

    5. An ironic off-topic in that one of my homeschool moms just lost her adult daughter, age 25, in a terrible motorcycle accident.

    6. It happens, AOW.
      I buried someone very dear to me yesterday.

      Very religious and a believer in Christ but she was a raving libtard who prayed for world peace so I guess Sparky would say she unknowingly worshipped the devil

    7. Ducky,
      I am sorry for your loss. Please accept my condolences.

    8. Honi soit qui mal y pense, Silver.

    9. AOW, I'm sorry for your loss and, needles to say, the reason. What can I say >50 years and 30 states traveled on two wheels and no injuries. When I was in grade school 2 guys (classmates) got killed on bicycles. That was awful, as well.

    10. Jon,
      She was riding on the back of the motorcycle; her fiance was driving. The two had gotten engaged only a few days before.

      For whatever reason, he struck a bridge abutment, and she was thrown up into the air and tossed below -- a drop of 40 feet.

      I haven't asked the young lady's mother any details beyond the above, which I gleaned from a newspaper.

    11. Duck,
      I didn't know the young lady. But I do know the family quite well -- especially the youngest child, who was in my classes.

      This is the family who gave us one week of a time-share in Williamsburg so that Mr. AOW and I could take our first vacation since his stroke.

  6. OK, once again it is proven that it only takes [one] to reek havoc on many and there is an infinite amount of ways to do it [without guns]. How, in the World, can it be accurately predicted who the next "one" will be? Just look at what's going on in the ME. Why, why allow even one more of them to set foot on American soil? Yes, I'm painting with a "broad brush". Would you paint a house with tooth brush?

  7. Euripides,
    I'm just now getting home from work and am trying to catch up on the latest from the Mimistries of Truth (pfffft).

  8. Replies
    1. Though I didn't bother to say so, I KNEW the bastard's name was MOHAMMED –– or some variant thereof –– the very SECOND I learned of this terrible news. Didn't YOU? f not, you must be a moron.

      Meanwhile the proponents of Progressive Tyrannism are salivating on their hands and knees praying that another Timothy McVeigh will emerge to "prove" that Islamaniacs are no worse than white lunatics.

  9. The latest headlines are all about "Truck Terror" or "Truck Attack," pointing to inanimate objects again.

  10. Here we go again. Another attack and more excuses from the left to try and explain it all away or blame it on someone else.

    Though this attack must disappoint the gun grabbers as it knocks a hole big enough for a truck to drive through their constant insistence that guns are the problem.

    Will we ban trucks now? Or a waiting period required before renting one?

    The killer was a migrant who clearly had problems assimilating to life in France. Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton wants to bring in a million Muslim refugees. Does that sound like a good idea?

    1. Mike,
      I don't have a printable comment!

    2. I do!


      Put 'em all together, and I guarantee you they do NOT spell MOTHER.


  11. Sparky,
    The worship of 'Allah' (formerly known as Baal) is actually devil worship.

    So I've learned in my years of research on Islam.

    Burying bodies with those of pigs? Sounds like what we're going to have to do.

  12. Replies
    1. Freethinke will you also report to us why over 600 people escaped Bataclan and not a single one mentioned incidents of torture?

      Intelligent minds want to know. The whole thing sounds like Bullcrap for Bobo.

    2. Not worse per se, but rather indicative of the level of barbaric savagery.

    3. How can you hear about torture if PC idiots like Obama suppress the facts so as to be more "affirmative" of supposedly "disadvantaged" groups?

    4. Our collective governments now regularly withhold information and outright lie (a video caused Benghazi) to us.

    5. Ducky LOVES to ridicule "false reports" UNLESS they originate with the Obama Administration. I wonder "why" ducky believes that it's okay for the government to lie to us... nut NOT Fox News?

    6. Our governments and the Enemdia are the advanced version of Orwell's Ministry of Truth.

    7. I didn't ridicule any report, Farmer. I asked a very logical question.

      The answer goes to the credibility of the report.

      What becomes obvious is that you have no tolerance for logical inquiry. If something challenges some web page that supports your position you just put your fingers in your ears and hum "la-la-la" real loud.

      In this case the source of the accusation is a tabloid site very recently started by the ever objective Rupert Murdoch who know doubt sees an opportunity in the Breitfart space.

      Again, more than 600 people escaped the attack and not one mentioned an act of torture. Even if there was a coverup in the French government's report there was nothing to prevent a survivor from telling the story. Not one did. Why not ?

      But if a Breitfart type site publishes a rumor and the news aggregators run with it you'll eat everything they put on your plate and you give me the tone?

    8. People fleeing bullets don't go back to make sure nobody's being "abused" by the gunmen. And when authorities actively repress evidence, an absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence.

    9. "...there was nothing to prevent a survivor from telling the story."

      Really? Nothing? Not even gag orders? Not even 'warnings" that public interviews will likely make the "giver" a future terrorist target (like US Servicemen serving in the M.E. todayare put on ISIS "Hit-lists")?

      There are PLENTY of reasons why the stories aren't being made public.

    10. and pps, the evidence today is from witnesses to FORENSIC medical evidence, NOT "eye witnesses". As such, it is 1,000x more "credible".

  13. Comment from Infidel Bloggers Alliance:

    The narrative now is that "he was not a Muslim.... he drank.... he never attended mosque.... blah blah, ad nauseum.

    Anyone remember the 9/11 "non-Muslims" who also drank alcohol, attended strip clubs, etc.

    The other script is "he was depressed" and "he was going through a divorce".

    Fifty percent of Americans have endured walking through a divorce. They do no plow the street and turn it into a killing field.

    Many Americans suffer from depression. They do not line up the wheels of the truck to go 'round and round' over baby buggies.

    Yes, Islam is doing this. It really is the trigger.


    1. 9/11 --- co-ordinated hijacking of 4 airliners and navigating to targets.

      Nice --- rent a reefer truck and barrel ass down the sidewalk.

      I see a considerable difference.

      The major script on this guy seems to be that he was a sociopath.

    2. Things that make you go hmmm.
      9/11 - several men coordinate to hijack an air force whose vehicles are physically used to kill and maim as many infidels as possible in the name of Allah in a spectacular way that brings headlines and new soldiers to their cause.

      Nice - at least one man organizes the [presumed] rental of a truck which itself is used as the instrument to kill and maim as many infidels as possible in the name of Allah in a spectacular way that brings headlines and new soldiers to his cause.

      The name Mohammed keeps coming up.

      The only difference here is scale.

    3. Baysider,
      We will never know just how powerful recruiting tools these spectacular attacks are. Other Muslims see these attacks and think, "Aha! Here is the will of Allah."

      This concept of the will of Allah is strong in Islam -- and always has been. Well beyond the Christian concept of the will of the Lord -- and is one explanation as to why "moderate" Muslims are so silent.

      I learned about this from Dr. Tawfik Hamid when he and I sat down face to face for hours back in 2006.

    4. Baysider,
      Speaking of names:


  14. Actually, inside the Kaaba, there are many niches for the former tribal idols. Only one idol remains, guess which one? It is of, Semiramis holding a dead Tammuz, who was the Babylonian moon god...guess what planetary body allah is associated with? Yuppers, the moon...also, there used to be kaabas all over the Arabian peninsula...guess what happened to them after mohammad took over? Yup, gone with the wind! BTW-Who was, Semiramis? Nimrod's wife...idolatry again. Who was, Tammuz? Nimrod's son. Same idol worship, just different names.

  15. Replies
    1. "coup failed"

      Too bad. Would have been great to see Islamist Dictator Erdogan doing the Mussolini Swing from a gas station lamppost...

    2. SF,
      The Kemalists should have planned better.

      I wonder how many executions Erdogan will now order?

  16. In the UK Mirror:

    Jihad Confirmed! Driver shouted "Allahu Akbar" as he killed!

    1. Boring,

      Geller has the scoop that the rented truck was fitted with a bullet proof windshield.

    2. So was the driver just playing Pokeman Go and got distracted by a Pikachu and drove into the crowd, ducky?

  17. Good information, Anonymous!

    Thank you for posting.

  18. I think Allah's real name must be MOLOCH.

  19. ISIS is now claiming responsibility for the truck attack in Nice. News media are pooh-poohing the claim, but the investigators continue to go through the man's computer and have detained at least 5 people thought to have a connection.

    Clear as mud. As usual.

    1. Does it matter?

      Maybe more than we think. If direct links show he was operating as an agent of ISIS then there can be a policy response to block and criminalize access.

      If he was simply a sociopath who decided to go out in a blaze that is a much more serious situation because many will be prone to further alienate the resident population and you probably make the situation worse.

      The attackers in France are not Syrian or Iraqi refugees. They are not Egyptians or Libyans. Rather they are from former French colonies, Algeria and Tunisia. Is that something that gives any insight?

      Your right, AOW, it's not clear at all.

    2. Speaking of insight... wanna know the difference between an "anarchist" and a "Christian anarchist"?

    3. From FJ's link:

      A. Hennacy, "The Book of Ammon" (1965)

      The dictionary definition of a Christian is one who follows Christ; kind, kindly, Christ-like. Anarchism is voluntary cooperation for good, with the right of secession. A Christian anarchist is therefore one who turns the other cheek, overturns the tables of the moneychangers, and does not need a cop to tell him how to behave. A Christian anarchist does not depend upon bullets or ballots to achieve his ideal; he achieves that ideal daily by the One-Man Revolution with which he faces a decadent, confused, and dying world.

  20. Who let Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel drive that truck into the area where the crowd had gathered? At least one report has stated that the truck had been waiting for 9 hours to get through. With ice cream? And not a refrigeration truck? Gimme a break!

    1. I did hear that it was supposed to be cordoned off...I'd hate to be the person who 'forgot' or didn't know that was a duty...what guilt.

    2. I don't know...whoever was in charge. ??

    3. and I thank the good Lord it wasn't me

    4. Z,
      Was someone who was supposed to be standing guard an accomplice? Something like that happened in another jihad attack -- maybe in Paris, but I'm not sure.

  21. More grist for the mill:

    A lawyer for the Turkish government, Robert Amsterdam, said that "there are indications of direct involvement" in the coup attempt by Fethullah Gulen, a Muslim cleric who is living in exile in Pennsylvania. He said he and his firm "have attempted repeatedly to warn the U.S. government of the threat posed" by Gulen and his movement. According to Turkish intelligence sources, he said, "there are signs that Gulen is working closely with certain members of military leadership against the elected civilian government."
    The president of a group that promotes Gulen's ideas, the New York-based Alliance for Shared Values, denied the charges. Y. Alp Aslandogan told The Associated Press "we categorically deny such accusations and find them to be highly irresponsible." Earlier in the evening, the alliance said, "we condemn any military intervention in (the) domestic politics of Turkey."


    Trained as an imam, or prayer leader, Fethullah Gulen gained notice in Turkey some 50 years ago, promoting a philosophy that blended a mystical form of Islam with staunch advocacy of democracy, education, science and interfaith dialogue. Supporters started 1,000 schools in more than 100 countries, including about 150 taxpayer-funded charter schools throughout the U.S. In Turkey, they have run universities, hospitals, charities, a bank and a large media empire with newspapers and radio and TV stations.

    Turkish President Recip Tayyip Erdogan has long accused Gulen of plotting to overthrow the officially secular government from a gated 26-acre compound in Pennsylvania's Pocono Mountains. Gulen is rarely seen in public and has been put on trial in absentia at least three times.

    The U.S. has shown little inclination to send Gulen back to Turkey. The Justice Department has declined to comment on Gulen's case. … [T]he Alliance for Shared Values, said: "(Gulen) said that the United States has a long tradition of democracy and rule of law. ... They will see that these are politically oriented charges, and they will not allow Erdogan to spread his ambition into the United States."


    Last month, a lawyer representing the Turkish government said he would continue exposing Gulen's "unlawful conduct" one day after a federal judge in Scranton, Pennsylvania, dismissed his lawsuit against the cleric. … U.S. District Judge Robert Mariani ruled the claims did not belong in U.S. courts.
    Some of [Gulen’s] U.S. schools have been investigated by the FBI amid allegations of financial mismanagement and visa fraud. One of the most explosive claims is that the schools are importing Turkish teachers to identify impressionable students and indoctrinate them into Gulen's movement …


    In a statement Friday, the Alliance for Shared Values said: "For more than 40 years, Fethullah Gulen and Hizmet participants have … demonstrated their commitment to, peace and democracy. We have consistently denounced military interventions in domestic politics. …


    An AP reporter was given a tour of Gulen's Pennsylvania compound this year but was unable to see or interview him. He spends hours a day in prayer and meditation and goes out rarely, mostly to see doctors for ailments that include heart disease and diabetes, according to Aslandogan. Gulen's living quarters are lined with books on shelves that also hold jars filled with soil from various regions of Turkey.

    © 2016 The Associated Press.

  22. @ AOW:
    The Kemalists should have planned better.

    I wonder how many executions Erdogan will now order?


    This is very bad. The Turkish Military served as the kind of firewall that our constitution once did, before the uni-party rats and cockroaches ate 10,000 holes in it.

    The islamofascist dictator Erdogan will use these executions to purge the military of secularist champions and install islamists--Game Over.

    1. SF,
      Could the coup have been a false flag operation?

    2. I don't know, AOW, but in this callous, selfish, treacherous, deceitful, often brutal ,anti-Christian world honesty, decency, wisdom, respect, loyalty and steadfastness are in very short supply.

      God won't help us, unless we return to placing Him first –– something we've not done in decades.

    3. AOW,

      Who knows? All I do know is secularism is practically dead in Turkey. He is purging not just military officers, but judges and other secular government officials.

      Say goodbye to the Haggia Sophia. Muezzins will be hollering from the towers soon, and Turkey will be one more place Christians will have to flee.

    4. I thought it was in Turkey's constitution that the military is supposed to seize power to protect the democracy from tyrants and religious whackos like Erdogan.

      The trouble with Erdogan's quest for "revenge" against might spark a larger revolt / counter-coup from the military.

      This was a feint to provoke Erdogan into overreach. A troll job, if you will. This ain't over.

    5. Beamish,

      Perhaps Turkey is simply sliding back into Pre-Attaturk status quo ante. Muslims don't seem to like secularism.

    6. Obama LOVEs the brotherhood. He supported Morsi. Now he's supported Erdogan. Hillary's Huma Abedin is also Brotherhood. They use "ISIS" as the reason for the West to support them... for they aren't as "extreme". My opinion... they control ISIS, too.

    7. ...and I'm not just saying that.

      Ever since the Egyptian army ousted the Muslim Brotherhood regime of Mohammed Morsi, Islamists in Sinai have escalated their attacks on Egyptian security personnel. At least 670 soldiers and policemen have died in the fighting so far.

    8. FJ,
      Yes, Erdogan flashed the Muslim Brotherhood salute -- as you mentioned with the link you left at 11:19.

    9. As an Armenian (first AMERICAN, of course), I'm glad I don't live in Turkey these days....

  23. How did I miss THIS one? Islamic terror attack in a bakery in Bangladesh. http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/03/asia/bangladesh-terror-attack-moments/
    Segregation of non-muslims. Horrific carnage and butchery. One hostage tied to a chair with bombs and gas canisters to act as a 'shield.'

  24. Note the text message sent by the jihadist truck driver:


  25. And Shrillary wants more of 'em here?


  26. The problem is the REPUBLICAN dominant congress' last act before recess (technically, the senate, I believe) was to pass a bill upping the number of visas for muslims. These were 'special' - translators and others who worked with us. But here's the catch: they have hundreds of 'unused' spaces on similar past bill Why are we adding new ones? I support helping our translators ... very carefully, though. By now everyone knows this and this group is certainly salted with troublemakers


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