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Monday, July 25, 2016

Solidarity Above Principles (Also A Post For Discussing This Week's Democratic National Convention)

Are any of us surprised? Nope. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend."

Related reading (released on "the eve" of the Democratic National Convention):

1. Hacked emails show Democratic party hostility to Sanders

2. DNC chair [Debbie Wasserman Schultz] won't speak at Dem convention following Wikileaks fallout

3. Bernie Sanders Campaign Chief Says Someone Must Be 'Accountable' for What DNC Emails Show

4. Wasserman Schultz announced Sunday she will resign in aftermath of email controversy.

About Tim Kaine:

Related reading...Clinton VP Pick Tim Kaine's Islamist Ties: Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s newly-announced running mate, Virginia Senator Tim Kaine, has a history of embracing Islamists.


  1. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend."
    What a coincidence!
    My feelings towards Trump.

    1. Ed,
      "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" seems to be an inherent problem with the two-Party system.

  2. If you're not voting for Gary Johnson, you're the problem.

    1. Beamish,
      Then I'll just have to be the problem.

      I've voted 3rd Party several times. Voila! The Democratic Party candidate won.

      IMO, Gary Johnson doesn't stand a chance to garner many votes.

    2. But the Democrat didn't win due to your. vote, right?

      I'd say that he stands a far better chance [based on polling and endorsements] than any other time since the Perot campaign.

    3. That was me, forgot to add my:

      - CI

    4. If you're voting for Gary Johnson, you're irrelevant.

    5. Nope. Voting for a candidate that you fundamentally oppose, just so you can claim that your winning candidate can better manage leftist policies....is irrelevance.

      - CI

    6. CI,
      Very rarely has the candidate for whom I voted got elected.

    7. CI,
      But the Democrat didn't win due to your. vote, right?

      That attitude, IMO, says to me, "Don't bother to vote at all." Maybe I'm missing your point?

    8. No one gets to the mountaintop by cooperating with gravity.

    9. No one wins elections with 5% of the vote, and try arguing with gravity while falling from a ten story building, genius.

    10. AOW, it seemed like you were correlating the fact that you voted 3rd party.....thus the Democrats won in those instances. But realistically the chances of one vote making an electoral difference, nationally.......is so infinitesimal that it really doesn't matter if you vote or not.

      I acknowledge this as well, so my vote for national races is cast to support automatic ballot access for the LP next electoral cycle.

    11. The way the *rigged* bipartisan debate commission works is is that a third party candidate has to poll 15% or higher to be included on the stage. Gary Johnson of the Libertarian Party is polling at 13% currently (one poll has him at 22%!!) against Hillary and Trump.

      The Bernie kids need somewhere to go. Some will gravitate to Jill Stein, but most will fall I behind Gary Johnson out of disgust with the Democratic Party (Latinos are "taco bowls?" Really?) and the RATs (Republicans against Trump) are also looking at Gary Johnson. Johnson's social liberal / economic conservative stances put him in line with most Americans, so getting on the stage to debate a male fascist and a female fascist will only generate a larger contrast - the sort of contrast people would have seen if Trump had the guts to do a one-on-one debate with Cruz.

      A window of opportunity has opened for people disgusted with the Democratic and Republican duopoly to do something about it. Squander it, and you waive the right to bitch about the status quo.

    12. Mr. Boogler,

      Then I guess you'll just have to keep on living as a defenestrated conservative in the basement of Trump Tower.

    13. No one gets to the mountaintop by cooperating with gravity.

      Best remove those counterweights from elevators (and feniculars) then.

    14. CI,
      AOW, it seemed like you were correlating the fact that you voted 3rd party.....thus the Democrats won in those instances.

      I didn't intend for my statement to come across that way.

    15. Beamish,
      A window of opportunity has opened for people disgusted with the Democratic and Republican duopoly to do something about it.

      I don't know that the window really exists this time. We shall find out, I guess.

      Squander it, and you waive the right to bitch about the status quo.

      It has always been my position that if you don't vote at all, you don't have the right to bitch about whoever got elected.

    16. AOW,

      Democrats and Republicans would stop getting elected if people would altogether stop voting for them. I have never voted for a Democrat, ever, and never intend to. I will never again vote for a Republican until that Republican hits Donald Trump in the mouth with a pipe wrench, even if they have to dig up his corpse 30 years from now to do so. I'm committed. Both major parties need to be destroyed.

      The only way Libertarians (or Greens, etc.) get in the national conversation is if enough people put them there.

      Shut up and vote for Romney anyway didn't work. Shut up and vote for Trump anyway won't either.

    17. But I disagree more with the Libertarian Candidate than the Republican.

    18. Well, anyone tonight who watched Bernie Panders "bern" his millions of followers by curling up in Hellary's lap should be able to see the nobility of Beamish and Constitutional Conservative's position.

  3. Replies
    1. Thousands on the street in this heat wave!

    2. Hear ye! Hear ye! Hear ye!

      Movie of the Week FOUL PLAY opens at FreeThinke's blog today at NOON.

  4. It's time for new and fresh faces and fresh names and fresh idea, even if Hillary was not found guilty of a crime, why the heck would anyone support Hillary Clinton when the FBI Director James Comey told us that she was reckless, careless and demonstrated that she was not intelligent enough to know what she did was irresponsible, and could have (if if already didn't) lead to being hacked. . we all know by Mr. Comey's words that Hillary is incapable of showing a proper sense of responsibility, and that she was ". reckless, and careless" The factalone that she destroyed the server, expecting everyone to take her word that she turned over all work related emails. If that were a republican the left would crucify them. But not a Clinton, especially Hillary.Therefore WHY would any reasonable person(s) vote this woman as POTUS! Those who choose to vote for Hillary Clinton will be doing so knowing they are voting for a flawed candidate ....As a matter of fact I'd like to hear more about the Clinton Foundation, what Stephanopoulos has to say, because I know he has a lot to say, and I want to hear a lot more about Benghazi, Ww knew that the attack in Libya had nothing to do with the film, and that it was a planned attack—not a" protest" like she said it was but again she's not talking, and she really don't give a damn..

  5. I would love to see Bernie pull a Ted Cruz, but I doubt that will happen. He's got every right the way the DNC jobbed him, mocked him, smeared him and colluded against him with the press and other organizations.

    It is encouraging to see thousands of his Berning Mad supporters out in the streets.

    1. SF,
      What time is Sanders scheduled to speak.

    2. I think if he Cruzed Her Nibs it would push Jill Stein into double digits.
      At this point there is so much disgust with the DNC that it's toxic.

      But Trump is a hell of a dangerous price to pay.

      "We had to burn the village to save it"

      "Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy night!"

    3. Unlike Trump, Hillary has burned actually villages, and she itching to burn and bomb up more. The MIC-Licking Neocons have all gone over to her side. They're itching for a war with Russia, and that one has bipartisan support.

    4. Ducky, No Worries. The Sandernista Revolution ended not with a bang, but with a pandering whimper.

      Sanders is just one more pol with a price tag hanging off his ass.

  6. The Special Snowflakes will find this very distressing. No doubt much more than a micro aggression.

  7. Replies
    1. I thought she was told not to show her dogface anywhere near that circus?

    2. Hey Biff, what do you have against dogs?

    3. Jon: LOL! Good one!

      I can't help it, Debbie the Dogface Girl just flows

    4. Hey Biff, I'll bet you never had a date with a chick that treated her hair with MAYONESE. Me neither. Damn, what if one of our buddy's would have set us with her??????

  8. Holy Crap. They didn't even open by singing the National Athem!!!
    Instead they had a Black Church Choir singing . Yes they were good But where is our National Anthem?
    No American Flag ceremony either!J

  9. Liberal hate this they can't handle the truth. I'm going to push this until Nov election on every post I can. If you don't want the truth about Hillary don't read it. An old Marine opinion. A Lie Named Hillary ..
    I oppose her because she cannot tell the truth to save her life. Any public servant who has the gall to issue a list of terms the press cannot utter, as if disposing the corpse of free will, is helplessly deluded and a petulant child. Sorry, Hillary, but no one owes you anything; especially the nation you proclaim to serve with nothing but the benevolence of blind ambition. If your candidacy cannot survive without the aid of deception, division, and the fabricated catcalls of “sexism” to demonize your critics, then please tell us why America needs you? Better yet, please explain how you’re even worthy of a job? A leader doesn’t need pollsters, a panel of advisers, two news conferences and a room full of media drones just to announce whether or not she used an unauthorized server to conduct official government business and therefore deleted emails in an attempt to avoid prosecution. A leader would never break the law in the first place. And a leader doesn't shout “what does it matter” when four lives are lost in the wake of her unmitigated failure. Any self-respecting adult with an ounce of integrity would simply admit the truth. Excuse me, any self-aware child who knows the difference between right and wrong, life and death. She was thrown off off the Congressional Watergate panel for lying and she hasn't stopped lying since !!!!!. And some people want her as our President - she can't won't even tell the Truth as Secretary of State - and remember all she has done there to pad her financial pockets and political career - That should be over.
    If I’m hiring someone to run my business, placing my future in foreign hands, I don't care whether you're a Democrat or Republican, a man or woman, white or black. I want the most qualified candidate whose character speaks for itself and whose ideals can stand on the merits of their own wisdom. That’s common sense. Are you going to have the audacity to tell me what I can and can’t ask; what verbiage is acceptable? If your resume and vision are truly best for the entire nation, not just one party, gender or race, either should be able to withstand the most blistering questions and exhaustive scrutiny. In fact, you should welcome any and all discourse to discredit your detractors and display your competence. A leader unites, empowers and inspires by example, not by excuses or endless blame. Tell me the national debt is a record 18 trillion and that Barack Obama has raised it more than the first 42 presidents combined. Admit that 93 million Americans are out of the workforce, nearly 50 million are on public assistance, and that the economic recovery is a sham. Admonish Iran as a destabilizing force of Islamic radicalism that must never be mentioned in the same sentence as “nuclear power". Recognize the reality every civilized nation has immigration laws and that American sovereignty, the safety and security of her people, supersedes any political ploy to stuff the ballot box beneath the hollow cries of racism.
    Yes, just like generations of legal immigrants before your candidacy, respect is given when trust is earned. If you are incapable of acknowledging simple, documented facts - solely because it’s easier to hide. behind a propaganda platform that cajoles and incites an expendable public - you're not interested in solving anything, let alone serving the American people or any notion of truth. You’re the cancer killing the country I love. You’re the lie my forefathers never told.. Hillary Clinton has a long and inglorious history of alleged document tampering and questionable legal maneuverings.. AMERICAN VOTERS WE NEED TO KEEP HER OUT OF THE WHITE HOUSE.. SHE BELONGS IN JAIL - PLEASE - PLEASE SHARE THIS WITH EVERYONE

  10. Last week, the media was all about REPUBLICAN CHAOS in many articles, etc...today they're saying the true chaos at the DNC is "Democracy in action"
    The Debbie W Schultz situation is all Russia's problem; SO typically Straw Man... ignore the facts of what happened and blame Russia (Oh, and throw a little rumor of how Trump and Putin are in cohoots like CNN not so subtly did earlier today, too)
    The fun never ends.

    Honestly, to see the DNC open with The Pledge of Allegiance and then the Battle Hymn of the Republic is painful and ironic; How do people hell bent toward socialism and insulting successful people and screwing our laws with sanctuary cities, etc etc., pledge allegiance to a country founded on capitalism and rugged individualism? wow.

    1. Z,
      Watching DWS getting booed today the way that she was by the Florida delegation was quite something, huh? I happened to be watching live when all that happened.

      As for the irony you mentioned, irony? Yes. And hypocritical, too.

  11. FreeThinke's blog is presenting FOUL PLAY as MOVIE of the WEEK.

    Come one, come all, and enjoy a GREAT ESCAPE from the DREARINESS of POLITICS.

    Later in the week FreeThinke's blog will present a two-part film version of Dostoevsky's CRIME and PUNISHMENT on two consecutive days.

    Join Freethinke's FESTIVAL of SANITY and have some good, clean, thoughtful FUN for a change.

    ARMED GUARDS will posted at all times to fend off TROLLS, would-be TERRORISTS, and those dedicated to the WORSHIP and PROMULGATION of ERROR.

    1. I still say that if Hillary was a man with her record, he would be in jail. The FBI did not want to be the one who brought charges up on the first potential female president.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I just heard a Republican politico who said that he thanked a cop outside the DNC Hall, in sweltering heat, protecting them all, and said "Thanks, we appreciate what you do" and the cop said "What, you a Republican?"
    Pretty telling, huh.

    AOW, re Hypocritical, too...absolutely.

  14. From Breitbart:

    [Rachel] Maddow began by giving the end of the speech an A+, but then said, “I think the beginning of the speech was a controversial way to start, honestly, talking about the girl, a girl, leading with this long story about him being attracted to an unnamed girl and thinking about whether he was starting something he couldn’t finish, building her whole political story, for the whole first half of the speech around her marriage to him. I think, unless there were worries that this is going to be too feminist a convention, that was not a feminist way to start. But the end of the speech was really good. I’ve got to say, the top of the speech I found shocking and rude.”


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