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Saturday, June 14, 2014

Nincompoopery Poll

(Nincompoopery — and worse — abounds! This edition of "Nincompoopery" offers five links, and readers have the option of taking a poll as to which story they find the most outrageous. Discussion available in the comments section)

Links to read:

ONE: Government Agency Scraps Employee Ratings To Avoid ‘Discrimination’

TWO: Brat Win Over Cantor A Threat To Civil Rights [according to Al Sharpton]

THREE: School Car Wash Fundraisers Banned in Virginia County

FOUR: Bodies of 52 Vets Accumulate at Morgue; L.A. County Can’t Explain Why

FIVE: Obama Thinks Man First Walked On The Moon In 1963?

Please cast your ballot in the poll, which closes on Tuesday:

survey services


  1. That a president of the U.S. doesn't know when we landed on the moon is inconceivable when a non-college grad like me knows the exact date of putting a man on the moon!

    1. But worse than him not knowing the date is thinking that any more laws to create equal pay are going to work.

    2. obama may be doing this intentionally to toss the finger to America. 57 +1 or 2 or 3 more states. 'Corpse men'. A thousand examples really.

  2. So, Al Sharpton the race baiter dirtbag has spoken, so it shall be!
    Al Sharpton’s ( the race pimp’s) exact words were: “ David Brat is more than a brat -- he's a threat to civil rights”

    Harry Reid Calls Bundy Supporters "Domestic Terrorists" him and Al Sharpton make a good pair.
    A pair of smucks!.. With people like these two and trow in Our Dear Leader, and the boot licking leftist scumbags who voted for these idiots, we are failing miserably in getting our house in order.

    Under this administration all of WE THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE GIVEN YEARS OF OUR LIVES, TO SERVE OUR COUNTRY are considered terrorist, enemies..
    WELL, you ASS-WIPES who voted for them, now we get to live under this horrible regime who hates your guts!

    And the real biggest threat to civil rights is the presiden that HE helped to get elected.
    And why does Al “Bozo the Clown” Sharpton even get the amount of press that he does? Why give this racist bigot a platform in the first place?

  3. They are all bad, but it is what we have come to expect from this government. The Iraq situation has taken the Veterans out of the news, also has taken Bowe Bergdahl out of the news. I don't even think the Obama government is buying his story any more. But the deed is done, the bad guys are free.

    Right Truth

  4. It’s very funny because Mr. Brat has never falsely accused a entire Duke Team,Never incited riot that people where killed, No he's worked for a living and paid taxes instead of milking the system. Or was part in that Tawana Brawley scram, or called
    And how about Al Charlatan’s part in the Crown Heights incident, where a young Jewish boy was murdered!
    And how about the fact that he was indicted for tax evasion and fraud!
    Did mr. Brat do any of those things?
    To give Al Sharpton any credibility at all is an insult to our intelligence.

  5. I just can't believe ANYTHING that this . President says anymore.
    He’s a Marxist don't listen to what He say's just watch what He does.

    1. Do you actually understand what Karl Marx said? Or do you equate everything to 20th century communism.

      Marx reportedly said, as for me I'm not a Marxist. Go figure.

    2. Let's just go with the Russian version of Marxism for argument's sake.

  6. The Lefty Progressive’s believes that Climate Change is the major crisis on hand at this time!! Think about it, we have crisis after crisis, and scandals, after scandals, going on. So many that we can’t even keep track of them anymore. Don't these air-heads think that the 40 U.S. veterans who died while waiting for health care at U.S. Veterans Administration hospitals, is a major problem? And how about the failure of this administration to protect the Benghazi mission where 4 American were slaughtered! And how about the Muslim Brotherhood / CAIR are a problems/, these people need to be asking themselves they think there is a need for some form of Amnesty, and why are they so fixed on this Gun Control thing when we already have so many laws on the books already! Isn’t the scandal involving the IRS targeting conservative and pro-Israel groups important enough? And all of a sudden the decision to trade off 5 MAJOR TERRORISTS FOR ONE DESERTER was so important!
    Are these things NOT a major crisis?

    1. Rational Nation said:

      "Who's the air-head?"

      Do you have to ask?

  7. Russia and China are becoming closer thanks to our dear leader Barack Hussein Obama and his insane policies behind The National Security Agency, our intelligence agency that have left America trying to find friends, but having a hard time doing so. Thanks to our dear leader and our former secretary of state, the “Butcher of Benghazi”. . . The sanctions being imposed on Russia have sent China into its camp. The USA is finding it increasingly more difficult to be the bully in the school-yard.

    No former administration has ever acted with such arrogance, ineptness, and blind stupidity than the Obama Administration. Fortunately we now have John Kerry the Secretary of Stupid in charge. We have gone from Bad to Worse, with the stupidest secretary of state the US has ever had.
    The net result is to empower Russia and to inspire a new dynamic-duo of Russia-China against the USA.

    China supported Russia, when Western countries launched an anti-Russian campaign. With both of their economies turning down, this is by no means the proper time to impose sanctions.

    All this policy is doing is re-enforcing Putin and placing him in the position where he must become more aggressive or seem weak in the shadow of Obama.
    Unfortunately, these are very sad and very dangerous times for America

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. If you would read these idiotic progressive's blogs, you'd think that there's no problem at the VA...
    So just ask one of these super liberals, and they'll tell you so.
    But if one of their loved ones were among those who died they would:think differently.

  10. They are all incredulous, sir. I thought of voting for the banning of car washes (which will happen here in Californicate - as Gunny says - very soon) but the pot smoking POTUS' thought we landed on the moon in '63 is a true sign of the times imo... and you can bet he knows when his son was killed by a racist. Geez.

  11. THREE because it shows how the spirit of volunteerism and individual initiative has been suffocated by allowing ourselves to be increasingly guided and "helped" by those in positions of authority. Without a strong, highly developed sense of Self Reliance -- and the awareness of personal responsibility that must accompany it -- living free is impossible. The catch is that emotional maturity and high standards of morality are required in each citizen who hopes to be free.

    Childish, lazy, self-centered, self-indulgent people easily fall prey to tyrants.

  12. Here's another sterling example of nincompoopery at its worst:

    "Professor 'terminated' for challenging 'global warming'..."

    See today's DRUDGE Report for complete story.

  13. More Nincompoopery: NYC is reporting a 43% increase in shootings in the last few MONTHS.. (not sure if it was killings, too). Some are denying this has anything to do with Stop and Frisk's abolition or other programs aimed at disarming the police and citizens.
    Here's even MORE nincompoopery; leftwingers will now come and agree with them :-)

    1. Thanks to NY's new Progressive Mayor

  14. Sorry to go off topic so badly; I just looked at your headlines and can't even open one link because the titles are so astonishing. What the heck is GOING ?

  15. I will wait until taking my blood pressure pills before I read this stuff. There's only so much I can tolerate at one time. More, later...

  16. All of the above strongly demonstrate the devolution of America.



    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. It was a very hard choice - between 1 and 3. Ditto FT on suffocating volunteerism (and encouraging it's diabolical opposite - "We know best and will take care of you as long as you do as we say.") The car wash problem has cropped up several times in California. Easily sidestepped by more environmentally friendly practices than using harsh chemicals (and should be), but bureaucrats do not and will not think. They don't want to 'work with' people, just 'dialogue.'

    It reminds me of the French general who, in 1914 with the hard right fist of the German's Schlieffen Plan turning hard down toward Paris, despaired of daily 3-hour meetings of the government officials with nothing but palaver and inaction.

    1. Baysider,
      The noose of regulations is tightening.

      How long will Americans go along with such nonsense?

  18. Hundreds of American
    Civilians Besieged by Terrorists
    at Air Force Base in Iraq!!

    What say YOU now Mr. President! Or do you only help Deserters!

    1. American4Americans,
      What is happening to the morale of our armed forces?

  19. But my winner is #1 because it magnificently portrays the entitlement generation and the artificial leveling of rewards independent of merit. Since gov't folks are so special, instead of leveling them to the lowest common denominator (everyone should get the LOWEST or no pay advancement instead of the max if they can't decide) they feel entitled to take the highest. It's your money, after all.

    But this is manifested in unearned trophies for 10-year olds, calls for punishment of criminals to be based on group statistics not individual demerit, for guaranteed incomes for all regardless of effort, to elevate feelings above facts at all costs and ad nauseum. If we had this disassociation of REWARD from EFFORT we'd be an inconsequential backwater still singing God Save the Queen.

    1. Baysider,
      The matter of unearned trophies goes back 20 years -- at least, according to my own observations. We're now into generational mediocrity.

  20. I had no doubt that #1 was the most horrendous move by the Federal Government since Obama Care. So, these morons will not rate employees because somebody might feel discriminated against. I remember that feeling , and wondered why I was penalized as a young man for being late to work. Gheeez! Where was management coming from? Everybody knew I was the smartest guy on the job.

    Now that I am a grown man, I look askance at people that don't have the strength of character to show up on time.

    Out of loyalty to one's employees, you MUST rate the slackers as slackers, and the top performers as top performers.

    As to the VA bodies, I don't understand why next of kin don't claim their dead relatives and pay for the funerals. I can understand a government paid funeral for veterans who don't have a next of kin, but the cost must be limited. Sorry, but that's the way I see things.

    1. Bob,
      Eliminating evaluations is a natural consequence of the promote-self-esteem-at-all-costs fallacy.

      Without employee evaluations, certainly the disease of I-don't-have-to-meet-any-standards will devaluate the work force.

  21. I see number three as removing from the population and adding to government. After a time it will be all government and what I call devolution.

  22. We cannot win in Iraq, and Nincompoopery is trying to after what we have learned in the past 10 or so years!.
    No matter how long we are in Iraq or Afghanistan we can never and we will never win, and there is no sense at all going back there all over again. Because no matter how much we beat them down, whenever we leave, these radical Muslims will return and do exactly what they are doing now. . When will we learn this from history? We don’t! And we keep repeating the same mistakes, over and over again and the losers ar our own troops! . Russia was in Afghanistan for over 10 years, and they couldn’t win either, so what makes us think that this “Smart” president is any smarter than the Russians were? We cannot use bombs and guns to change the minds of these fanatics. . We have lost too many of our men and women to go back and make the same mistake all over again. Lets bring our people home and don’t send any more back again.. Bring them ALL home. Let those people (if you want to call them people), I’d prefer to call them ANIMALS in the middle east solve their own damn problems. We have an invasion of illegal aliens children that are doing more harm to this country then these foreign terrorist do and we have people in our Congress and in our Senate calling us terrorists! What the hell is that? Harry Reid and Nancy Pullosee are domestic lunatics. . We have to house these illegal alien children, feed them and educate them, and give them free healthcare.. And WE AMERICAN’S are called foreign terrorist? So much for the Idiots in this administration. . I have to wonder if anyone in our Congress and in our Senate has had any family member in these war in Afghanistan and Iraq that they want to go back to that shit hole again.
    The world would be a better place if Obama went back to Chicago doing his “community organizing” and took his Mooching wife with him. We have been told so many lies in the past 5 years that we don’t even believe anything that this man says, no matter what!!
    And another thing, the progressive NUT’S who can’t seem to keep Sarah Palin off of their blogs should take heed about what she is saying. Unlike our “brilliant” president Obama, and I use that word in jest, she ( Sarah Palin ) believes in protecting our borders and maintaining our sovereignty and founding principles, something a true natural born Citizen president would do.
    She said the only way to solve the illegal immigration crisis is at the ballot box and sending a message, like voters in Virginia's seventh congressional district did by ousting pro-amnesty House Majority Leader Eric Cantor , by voting against elected officials who have enabled the Obama administration's lawlessness!
    Sarah Palin displays the courage that this president and the RINOs in Congress lack! Are we going to allow obama to completely destroy America, simply because he is black and we are afraid to stop him?

    How much are we going to allow obama, the liar, the affirmative action president, to do before we stop him?
    Don't be fooled! Secure the borders and then begin shipping the illegal’s back to where they came from! When you go to the polls vote the liberal Democrats out of office!

  23. The damage in Iraq is done and predictable. We gave them a timeline and all they had to do is wait.
    Given enough time they will eliminate each other, kill the ones who don't agree.
    We need to become energy independent, ban gasoline engines and private autos. We have far to many homes who are air conditioned and that uses too much electricity and increases global warming. Heat your home with solar or get blankets.
    After we become energy independent we can just ignore the middle east and let them go back to riding camels and eating dates. After all we don't really care about innocent people getting murdered because that has been their culture for centuries...Iraq isn't our responsibility anymore. Nor was it in the first place. But the republicans and baby Bush thought differently . That sums it up

    1. Anonymous,
      We gave them a timeline and all they had to do is wait.
      Given enough time they will eliminate each other, kill the ones who don't agree.

      I'm thinking that way, too.

  24. and DARN all those leftwing Senators who voted with Bush....:-) Always seem to be forgotten, don't they? Wait till you hear Hillary start backpedaling soon!


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