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Monday, June 30, 2014

Housing UAC's

UAC's is the government term for Unaccommpanied Alien Children.

Where to house them?

From Fox News:
Feds to house, feed illegal aliens in Border Patrol Academy

The federal government has found a place in New Mexico to help house the tide of humanity pouring in from Mexico: The Border Patrol Academy, the very facility where agents are supposed to be trained to keep illegal immigrants out of the U.S.

The Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Artesia, a sprawlinThe Obama administration has tasked Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson with finding temporary housing for illegal immigrants waiting to be processed for deportation in what is known as Expedited Removal proceedings.g campus in the arid dirt plains of western New Mexico known for oil and dairy farms, could soon house hundreds of children and families that have crossed the southwest border. Tens of thousands of immigrants have crossed in through Mexico primarily from Central America, where they appear to have been led to believe that once in the U.S., they will be allowed to stay. The government is scrambling to accommodate them, but some critics say putting them up in the academy turns government policy on its head.


The Obama administration has tasked Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson with finding temporary housing for illegal immigrants waiting to be processed for deportation in what is known as Expedited Removal proceedings....
Meanwhile in San Antonio: Swine Flu Confirmed at Shelter for Unaccompanied Minors.

School starts in about two months, and the consequences of the flood of UAC's is already becoming apparent: [Boston area] Chelsea Schools Overwhelmed By Sudden Influx Of Immigrant Students. Go to the link to read the article and to watch the video.

Homeowners, get ready for your real-estate taxes to soar. Those who lease residents will also see their monthly rent soar.


  1. It must be remembered that the UAC's are really CWP's. Children with parents. Parents retain responsibility and guardianship of their progeny. And the nations from which they hail retain responsibility for their citizens.

    Again, these are children who DO have parents.

    Our public school system in Texas is bursting at the seams with children of illegal immigrants. I am not sure where we will stuff the 2,000 who are heading to Dallas County. We have billboards begging for teachers.

    Those who can, yank their children from these giant warehouses of substandard education and make the sacrifice for private school.

    I await the whooping cough epidemic, measles epidemic, resistant TB, and yes, swine flu.

    We do not need immigration reform. We need immigration enforcement. That should begin with a concerted and gigantic push to repatriate illegal immigrants and their children to their nations of birth.


  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Excuse me, are you old enough to have a Google account? They do require a person to be 13 to sign up, you know. Most sites are like that. Have to protect the young, impressionable kiddies after all. T

      hough, it is also partially for our collective sanity- trying to read a grade schooler's writing is painful for all but the most experienced teacher. No fault of their own, they just aren't educated enough to speak with adults in a rational, coherent way.


    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. If they would just enforce the laws we already have, none of this would be happening. These children are being used - and abused.

    1. Egg-ZACK-Lee!!

      The question is WHY and by WHOM? Got any ideas?

  4. If walks like a Duck, quacks like a Duck, has feathers and a bill, and hangs out at the pond with other red Ducks - You know it's a Commie Duck. Therefor, Obviously Shaw Kenawee is a Commie Duck. and Daffy can't be far away!


  5. Obama is trying his best to grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens. And by allowing these 10's of thousands of illegal alien children in to this country he is just adding fuel to the fire. He knows damn well that soon the parents of these 10's of thousands of kids will follow shortly. And then we will have Millions of them running amuck here. Comrade Shaw must know that, she can’t be that stupid.... or can she?

  6. It's the easiest thing in the world. Load them on buses and head south.

  7. "Where to house them?"

    What a mess! I submit that if B.O. hadn't been reelected this issue would be non-existent. This is but one example of the implosion of this nation, foisted upon us by an ever increasing, ignorant electorate! One ad hominem comment in today's post validates this assertion.

    1. Jon,
      Elections have consequences.

      This second term, Obama is showing himself for what he really is -- a man who despises the Constitution and a man who will violate the Constitution so as to "transform America."

  8. The ninnyhammer is the ding dong trying to impersonate Shaw Kenawe.

    A responsible administration (which Obama's clearly is not) would get with the countries on a diplomatic basis and negotiate a quick return home for these children. In return, the children, and any parents here, who would be returned as well, we would not charge them, and they would be free to apply for visas in the future.

    1. But, Kurt, THAT would make SENSE. You can't expect that in this -- or any other administration in recent history. I'm quite sure there's an Evil Agenda behind this sudden influx of poor kids. The powers that be are BUND and DETERMINEd to DESTABILIZE this country and DESTROY it from WITHIN. Why ELSE would they do what they do?

      And the Republicans are IN on it. Mark my words.

  9. Wrong Silver , if you go to her blog you'll see the same mess there written by her

    1. That doesn't mean Miss Shaw posted it here, herself. If she had, she would have used her logo along with her proper name. Little elves using Cut and Paste to make mischief and promote ill will abound in the blogfosphere.

    2. FT,
      I have removed the comment.

      Unfortunately, in the process, I accidentally removed your comment of June 30, 2014 at 1:37:00 PM EDT. My apologies.

      Here is the comment you made:

      It's probably best not to let yourself get involved with anyone of this sorry ilk, Wildstar. They ooze malodorous brown goop whenever they express themselves openly. Much of the goop carries the spoors of dread disease. Sp, why run the risk of taking on a foul, most unbecoming odor while getting acutely ill in the bargain?

    3. A. Reader: I agree that the ideology and thought behind it is a mess, but I could tell just by reading that those weren't her words.

    4. "HER Words". I also know her disgusting words, and to me there aren't any that I wish to hear any longer

  10. I think that America should abort their UAC's. Even liberals should be FOR a nation's right to Choose.


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