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Tuesday, June 24, 2014

IRS's "Lost" Emails

With a hat tip to Infidel Bloggers Alliance:

Reminder from the Articles of Impeachment adopted by House Judiciary Committee on July 27, 1974:
Article 2

Using the powers of the office of President of the United States, Richard M. Nixon, in violation of his constitutional oath faithfully to execute the office of President of the United States and, to the best of his ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, and in disregard of his constitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, has repeatedly engaged in conduct violating the constitutional rights of citizens, impairing the due and proper administration of justice and the conduct of lawful inquiries, or contravening the laws governing agencies of the executive branch and the purposed of these agencies.

This conduct has included one or more of the following:

1. He has, acting personally and through his subordinates and agents, endeavoured to obtain from the Internal Revenue Service, in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens, confidential information contained in income tax returns for purposed not authorized by law, and to cause, in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens, income tax audits or other income tax investigations to be intitiated or conducted in a discriminatory manner.
Commentary from The Jawa Report (June 22, 2014):
Digging A Hole

And its getting deeper and deeper...

Nevermind all the other scandals perpetrated by this administration. The IRS scandal alone should be enough to bring down any administration (and would if this were a Republican administration.)

We have a computer crash that deleted emails on an individual computer. The hard drive on that computer was destroyed. The IRS hired an email archiving company to preserve emails through 2009, but that contract was canceled only days after the computer crash that deleted Lerner's emails.

What we have is a deliberate and concerted effort to eliminate evidence. This by itself is a huge scandal, but every day its getting worse and worse.

Why are bloggers and twitters doing all the uncovering? Congress, the Justice Department, committees, special prosecutors, etc. all seem to be complete impotent. The left-wing media is complicit in the cover-ups. It is only the works of bloggers and the pajama media that is exposing this scandal.

What has happened to our government? Not only is there this impotence and incompetence, but where is the accountability?

Let me be clear about the following: the impeachment of Barack Hussein Obama isn't going to happen. No matter what he has done or will do.

There is no way on the planet that America will allow the trial or the removal of the first black President of the United States.

Such is the sorry state of America today.  We have gone from a nation of ideas to a nation of cults: the cult of personality and the cult of political correctness.


  1. This gives a whole new meaning to the words, or terms , Nonsense, Bull-Shit, Liar, Horse Shit, Full of crap, Deceitful, Scheming!

    But I know that the A-Holes Libermann, Ducky, etc, with think otherwise.

    1. Please spare us your hopelessly banal, vulgar rhetoric. It's embarrassing and harms the conservative cause. There are much better ways to express fundamentally sound observations. Why not give up Vulgarian, and not try using English for a change?

      Ima Wiseman

  2. This jerk is almost as big a LIAR as Hillary Clinton is... she and the entire IRS, along with the Liar-In-Chief is obviously lying to millions of Americans, especially those of us in America who have ever used a computer before!! . All sent and received emails are NOT only stored on the user's PC, they're saved on a email server. I could drop my computer in the ocean tomorrow and wouldn't lose my email. All I have to do is log into my email account from any other PC, ANY computer and they would still be there!

    It's become quite apparent that the current administration doesn't think us American’s ar too bright...! Or that they (he) don’t realize that we know just how stupid they are!

    No wonder they had so many problems with the the Obamacare website!

    It is becoming hard for this reckless administration to get away with incompetence.

    Richard Nixon resigned for lesser crimes, lies, cover-ups thaen this bunch have committed.

    All this CRAP going on while we are all wrapped up in deciding if the name "Washington Redskins" is offensive & degrading! Or if we should ban large soda’s and such. And Affirmative action, and making movies about S;avery. What a STUPID and PC nation this has become.
    Just like we are supposed to believe that Michelle Obama shops at Target, just like you and me....
    Give me a break.

    1. While I generally agree with your sentiments and share your feelings of frusration and irritation with the powers that be, I would still offer you the same advice I gave OM above.

      Abandon Vulgarian, and write your thoughts in English, instead.

      Ima Wiseman

  3. Lois Lane must be protected. If the IRS lets her go to trial she will snitch on Superman...... errrr, Diaper Man.


  4. All I can say is good luck America. You still have 2.5 years of this liar to deal with.

  5. And on goes that little gnome, the IRS Commissioner: The head of the IRS brushed aside accusations Monday that the agency has obstructed investigations into the targeting of tea party and other political groups...

    If this in indeed obstruction of justice on the part of the IRS, the matter should not be a Left/Right issue. The power of the IRS to interfere with and destroy lives is nearly infinite. People that hold that kind of power must be held accountable!

    1. AMEN! But the government -- now run by entirely by demented zealots, would-be do-gooders, mentally deficient dupes, and enemies of Christ and the Constitution -- all madly drunk on power -- has run amok, and manages to prevent itself from being held accountable for anything to anyone by persistent prevarication, unabashed stonewalling, smug insolence, arrogant dismissiveness, and an ongoing campaign of relentless, unjustified attack with an unending series of bogus, trumped up charges agains any and all opposition -- especially if it shows the slightest sign of being effective.

      How could anyone hope to combat all of that and still hope to avoid the use of main force -- nay wanton slaughter -- and the tragic bloodletting that invariably accompanies it?

    2. Well you're as feisty as ever, FT.

      I hope your situation is improving.
      I have been lighting candles for you.

  6. If you do nothing else today, watch this video from last night's hearing on Capitol Hill!

  7. I was asking exactly the same questions with respect to incompetence and accountability during the second GWB administration. Especially with respect to his economic and fiscal irresponsibility.

    As for Levin, he is a political hack and talking head who has modeled his act after El Rushbo, he is an entertainer that successfully entertainers disgruntled TP types.

    The band plays on while the descent into irrelevancy (or oblivion) continues.

    Side note: Obama will not be impeached because there is no justification for such action. But keep digging. Sooner or later you'll reach China.

    1. Dislike Levin all you want.

      Levin in not the issue!

      Neither is El Rushbo.

      Rather, the issue is that our elected representatives and various powerful appointees are not fulfilling their Constitutional duty. They are not upholding their oaths of office.

    2. RN prefers lapdogs to watchdogs. Doesn’t sound very rational to me.

    3. Who's defending Obama? Point out exactly where I defended him on the issue point of this post. If you think you can.

      As for lap dogs? Lets just say there are plenty in both party bunkers. It is the ones who are furthest from being a lap dog that take the most heat.

      Go figure.

  8. Give dear old Lois immunity. She will have to sing otherwise she knows she could end up in big trouble with contempt charges. We don't have two years to wait out this regime.

    1. La Lerner is playing a role in the Obama administration similar to the one performed so brllianly by Susan MacDougal when the Priapus-in-Chief reigned supreme. No one will ever get a single useful, or truthful word out of Lois.

      It's all eerily reminiscent of he total obscurity into which the parents of Mary Jo Kopechne fell immediately after Chappaquiddick made headlines -- and so many many OTHER things our precious government and its leading henchmen have succeeded in in misrepresenting or hiding from us altogether.

      This, I fear, is nothing new. Sadly, it has been ever thus.

    2. Indeed, FT ... indeed. The consent applied to each of those incidents by the American people reinforces why government doesn’t have to come clean with those to whom they ostensibly report. The passivity of the American people is maddening; the arrogance of government is only this: insufferable.

    3. The people, such as the IRS Commissioner and numerous others, are operating from a script. Over and over again, we hear the same talking points. In most cases, those talking points are talking point lies.

      Have such talking point lies always been present in politics (as FT mentioned)? Yes! However, now the lies are coming in an avalanche, and, as Sam has rightly pointed out, most of the American people are passive and shrugging all this off.

      At the same time, many American people have lost faith in their federal government -- to an extent which I personally have never before seen.

  9. Ferriero...a name the Democrats at the Hearing are mispronouncing and our lives are in their hands.
    We will lose this battle, too. Who's to say people in Hearings aren't LYING? The Dems keep bringing up other instances where info's been lost....great obfuscating for the truth that this is the biggest coincidence in MANKIND, maybe.
    Oh, the TIMING!! :-)
    But, we're asked to let this blow over, too. And it will.
    Mark Levin or no Mark Levin. All Republicans do is pound their chests in righteous outrage; and the Left wins because it's so much more cunning and it has the media and the AG 's office. Hard stuff to get to the truth through

    1. Z,
      We will lose this battle, too.....All Republicans do is pound their chests in righteous outrage; and the Left wins because it's so much more cunning and it has the media and the AG 's office.


      November to the polls -- but I really don't think that there is enough of a groundswell to vote out the Dems.

      Besides, Obama has "a pen and a phone."

  10. A few of my IT friends have laughed over this. Most anything can be recovered. They deliberately destroyed all evidence. Not a surprise.

    1. Well, Leticia, you better hope it amounts to something. We'll wait and see.

      Benghazi is finished as an issue.

      The Dick and Liz Cheney rehabilitation tour to blamr Obama for the neocon disaster in Iraq is floundering.

      The only thing you have left is this pretty flimsy non scandal. A flood of Teabag groups are reviewed to determine their tax exempt eligibility, a function completely within the scope of the IRS. Not much of a scandal.

      Then I worry for my ultra conservative brethren because if this disappears they may have to deal with real issues.

    2. And here you have a perfect example of the methodology FT outlined above.

      "The government -- now run by entirely by demented zealots, would-be do-gooders, mentally deficient dupes, and enemies of Christ and the Constitution -- all madly drunk on power -- has run amok, and manages to prevent itself from being held accountable for anything to anyone by persistent prevarication, unabashed stonewalling, smug insolence, arrogant dismissiveness, and an ongoing campaign of relentless, unjustified attack with an unending series of bogus, trumped up charges agains any and all opposition -- especially if it shows the slightest sign of being effective."

      Could anyone find a better example?

      -----------------------> Kaharine Hearburn

    3. Duck to Leticia,
      The only thing you have left is this pretty flimsy non scandal.

      There seems to be too great a number of "non scandals" right now.

  11. The IRS, in my opinion, did something perfectly understandable. I have no problem with what they did. These groups are not social welfare organizations, and should be charged with tax fraud.


  12. libtards... your hypocrisy is deafening.

    Over and out.

    1. Hey Kid, if there are indeed libtards, and for a moment lets assume there are, then it is reasonable to think conservatives have their counter part right? So just for the sake of argument would it be acceptable to refer to them as conservaturds?

      Ya'll have a fine revival meetin now ya hear?

  13. Anyone notice that Ducky is ALWAYS on the computer, day and night, early and late! Don't he ever go to work? Or is he just another liberal who don't know the difference between earning a benefit and just getting a handout.?

  14. Joe Pesci: " Don't he ever go to work? Or is he just another liberal who don't know the difference between earning a benefit and just getting a handout.?"

    Better question: Didn't you ever go to school?

  15. Come on, Sybil, bring back Debonair Dud.

    His cut and paste is more interesting.

  16. I looked at Ducky's profile. It says he is an editor. Perhaps he is really an IRS auditor?!


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