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Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Justifiable Derision

Check this out! And be sure to watch the woman's facial expressions. Priceless!

Also note that the reporters actually laugh at this U.S. State Department spokesperson when she repeatedly says that the President doesn't get enough credit for his foreign policy (hat tip to Infidel Bloggers Alliance):

Full text of the above:
JEN PSAKI: I would argue the president doesn't give himself enough credit for what he's done around the world. And that's how the secretary feels too. We would not be engaged in comprehensive negotiations with Iran, which is where the program is stalled, and is rolling back, if it were not for the role of the United States, along with the P-5 +1 partners certainly. In Ukraine, we've been engaged more or as much as any other country in the world in supporting the elections process, supporting the government, and supporting efforts moving forward. Yes, there's more work that needs to be done, the point is we need to continue to stay at it.

REPORTER: Is this a potential mission accomplished statement?

PSAKI: Absolutely not.

MATT LEE: You would argue the president doesn't give himself enough credit, how much credit would you give him?

PSAKI: I would give him more than he has given himself. So would the secretary.LEE: Like 200 percent credit? For what? Iran negotiations?

PSAKI: I mean...

REPORTER: What specifically are you saying he doesn't get enough credit for?

PSAKI: For engagement in issues like Iran, what we've done on Ukraine. Efforts to dive in and engage in the world.

REPORTER: Russia has still annexed Crimea. Iran, there are ongoing negotiations, but is that the success here that your talking?

PSAKI: We're talking about engagement in the world and taking on tough issues that present themselves, and the United States continues to play a prominent role doing that.
John Kerry has also said the same thing as Jen Psaki.


In his post at Infidel Bloggers Alliance, Pastorius makes the following point about the Obama administration:
When asked, what exactly he does not get enough credit for, her answer is, "For engagement."

She repeats that assertion several times.

This is emblematic of the Obama Administration.

If they are talking, they think they are doing something.

Actually accomplishing something is another matter, and it is not one that is measured by their barometer of success.

Talking is the measure.
Now, doesn't that just sum up Obama and his minions?

Talk, talk, talk.

Give rousing pep talks.

Promise investigations that never materialize.

Repeat the mantra over and over again.

Emptiness becomes apparent when it exists long enough.


  1. Well, that was a ringing endorsement from anonymous!

    I choke when I see Jen Psaki on the tube. As with other spokespeople in the administration, I see her smugly lying and getting away with it. Til now.

  2. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired of these Teabaggers and their warped views.June 4, 2014 at 6:30:00 AM CDT

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  4. So, B.O. needs to be more self-congratulatory? Thanks for the Wednesday Morning comic relief. At first I thought this was a cut from Saturday Night Live. I think that this bimbo missed her true calling!

    1. When I first saw this video, I thought that it just had to be a parody along the lines of SNL.

      Alas! This woman really is a State Department spokesperson. **sigh**

  5. From the same ilk as the fine fellow regarding Benghazi "Dude, that was a couple of years ago"... just reflecting the arrogance of this administration.

  6. annoyed and pissed offJune 4, 2014 at 8:35:00 AM CDT

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    1. annoyed and pissed offJune 4, 2014 at 8:37:00 AM CDT

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Two comments deleted because they do not pertain to this thread.

  7. annoyed and pissed off,

    " The five sworn enemies of the United States........... will be free to return to Afghanistan to fight there and stage terror attacks far beyond that country’s borders"

    Yes, just in time for our abandonment of Afghanistan. Perfect timing, B.O.!

  8. Anyone else think that she was trying not to laugh while she was talking? Her entire body language (looking away, rapid blinking, stammering) shows a lack of confidence. Since she IS a spokesperson and shouldn't get stage fright, the lack of confidence must stem from what she is saying... she knows it is delicious nonsense.

    What reporters were those, though? What, the news finally getting over it's hero-worship of Obama? Normally they defend his narcissism! High ego, low self-esteem (thus needing more and more and MORE praise), normally they overlook it. Nice to see the reporters have brains now. Or starting to.

    More praise my foot, if that man pumps himself full of any more hot air he'll pop. And if he truly can convince himself that merely talking about an issue solves it, then he really should be admitted to some mental facility... nearly everyone is guilty of saying they'll be this way or that, but sane people know that words do not equal actions. Only little kids or the insane think that way. Now, if it's just his massive ego needing feeding, well, little more understandable. Still dangerous to have him be President, but not quite facility-level insane. More like keep-in-useless-position insane. (For Dilbert fans, the PHB).


    1. Wildstar,
      if that man pumps himself full of any more hot air he'll pop

      Good one!

      What is fueling Obama's megalomania?

    2. "What is fueling Obama's megalomania?"
      His ego!

    3. And I agree with Wildstar about the smiling, as if she can hardly keep a straight face.
      "How much credit should he give himself? 200%?" Hahahahahah.

    4. Certain neurological anomalies and certain learning disorders cause people to smile inappropriately. Just sayin'.

    5. True. But if she is one, then why exactly was she chosen as a speaker? No offense, but you usually don't chose someone lacking in social skills to be a face of anything... well, unless it's appropriate. Which it may be in this case.

    6. Wildstar,
      I'm sure that her primary qualification is that she is an "Obamabot."

  9. Fact is that he should receive credit for Ukraine and Iran.

    Or possibly the right thinks a Ukrainian civil war would advance our
    interests, show Putin we're tough.

    ... and he managed to keep Saudis happy with the Iran negotiations.
    Not easy.

  10. I agree this woman is not unlike the moron who said, “Dude ... {Benghazi] was two years ago.” If these are the up-and-comers in our federal bureaucracy, this country is in serious trouble and will be for years to come. To be fair, this young woman is a spokesperson. Think of her as someone who goes to the podium with a party line and sticks with it no matter what. She has already sold herself into political prostitution; it would take a miracle to save her from what she perceives is a worthwhile career in public administration. Nevertheless, we know that standing behind her are the architects of the worst foreign policy in the past sixty years. Worse, even, than Truman—but that is okay. The American people would not know noble foreign policy if it bit them on the leg. It has been too long since they have seen any example of good foreign policy.

  11. Since Putin makes all of our country's foreign policy decisions, Psaki must be speaking about him... Nah......

  12. AOW and Mustang, If you continue to delete our comments I for one am not coming back here anymore.

    Sometimes comments lead to subjects that maybe "off topic" but so what, this is a discussion blog, lets not get so carried away.

    1. I'm sure Mustang doesn't care whether you come here or not, considering he's not a member of this blog team. I am a member of the team, but as it turns out, I don't care either. Rules for comments are clearly posted. If you can't or won't conform to those rules ... bye, bye.

  13. It must take someone with no soul or no moral code of any sort, to lie like that with a straight face. In other words, a Democrat.

  14. The Information we are hearing about Bergdahl will be old news by next week!
    Just like the 24 hour news who needs a story even when they dont know the whole story. I'm betting this like other breaking news stories will start to become clear in the next week or two.

    I'll wait to find out what is true or not instead of the TMZ style "I heard" reporting done. Lets be honest if this wasnt in the news we'd be seeing the next cat saved boy from dog story or some bullshit. Or should I wait until the new issue of The National Enquirer comes out? Because on Fox News, the latest news about the news about the Kardashians is more important... So Dream you little fools called Conservatives dream on until your dreams come true..

    Or you can wait for the book deal his Dad comes up with

  15. NOTE: This blog post is not about Bergdahl.

    Comments about Bergdahl should be confined to this thread, posted on Tuesday.

  16. At least the Obama administration did not start two unnecessary wars, on the cheap, on the backs of volunteers used in unprecedented numbers of tours.

    He should be lauded for, at the very least, for not making the kinds of sleazy, horrible mistakes the last bunch of pond scum you genius cons put in power did.


    1. " making the kinds of sleazy, horrible mistakes the last bunch"
      He's come up with some huge originals of his own.

    2. Nothing compared to Iraq and Afghanistan and the GWOT. He inherited those stupid sleazy mistakes.


    3. Your batting 500 here jmj.

      Has there ever been a republican adminastration you DON'T think was sleazy?

      Speaking of the sleaze factor how about that Bill Clinton?

  17. Well, she's at the same intelligence and honesty level as all the obama supporters, and most of those would be up a few rungs to emulate this tool of the government.

    So, exactly WHAT Positive effects has the obama and the imbecile brigade had on the entire rest of the world or any laser focused piece thereof ? I'll answer - None.
    And this/thee people are all making 6 figure plus to go and pretend they're talking to a preschool class on day 1.

  18. Obama has done more to restore foreign policy left in shambles by the cowboy and the criminal (Bush and Cheney).


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