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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Budget Realities

(Two posts today. Please scroll down)

Hat tip to The Lonely Conservative for the following video. a bit long but worth your time as a possible government shutdown looms and we learn that for March 2011, the federal government's expenditures exceeded revenue for the month by eight times (Be sure to read the foregoing link!):

Ironic note: The deadline for your federal income tax return is April 18.


  1. You would have to be a Liberal or a Democrat to believe that borrowing 1.7 Trillion per year is sustainable.

  2. Can those numbers be right? My pea brain can't wrap around those one month figures.

  3. Spending cuts have to be made because this outrageous amount of debit is not sustainable, but I fear that those who demand free stuff from the government may outnumber those that don't. Let's hope my fears are a waste of my energy.

  4. BTW I wrote debit but meant debt.

  5. The Democrats know its unsustainable. They aren't going to give up until the GOP finally agrees to raise taxes on the "rich"-defined, for now, as anybody that makes over 250,000 a year-and figure if they keep passing their spending programs the Republicans will eventually have no choice but to play along.

  6. The Democrats are literally unbelievable. Not to mention the tax return deadline used to be April 15th. Wow!

  7. They can raise taxes on the "rich" all they want and still won't have enough. In fact, I think if they took 100% of what everyone makes and gave back "some" in the true socialist model, it still wouldn't be enough. As long as they refuse to see that excess spending is a problem, they will fail whatever gyrations or spin they put on the budget. I can come to only two possible conclusions; 1) pols like children, are immature and do not understand basic economic 101. 2) some of them want to collapse the present economic system so they can enact their new totally socialist-globalist model.

    In the meantime, the "uber rich" like George Soros, Senators, Congressmen, the Hollywood Left (Michael Moore), corporate heads that donate to Dem causes, etc. will not the feel the effects of increased taxation and as always will be able to find the loopholes or park their assets offshore. The talk of "taxing the rich" is really aimed more at the middle and upper middle class and small to medium size business owners. Those are the people who resent government intrusion the most and generally speak up the loudest about the intrusion. The uber rich and the uber poor are all for totalitarianism; the rich for absolute control, the poor for nanny state succor.

  8. We're doomed, AOW....if the Republicans try to do anything to stop bigger and bigger government, the indoctrinated will flip out "you can't take MY SHARE!!" and vote more and more for liberals and, if they do that, America's dead.

    how do you educate liberals?


  9. Paul Ryan's revolution?


    The blueprint embraces free markets and individual choice to radically reshape America’s social welfare state for the 21st century and shrink government. Instead of looking for ways to finance an ever-expanding public sector, it would prevent Washington from growing to a projected 45 percent of GDP by 2050 (vs. 24 percent today) and instead reduce it to just under 15 percent by that year. Ryan would downsize government to its smallest size since 1950 and prevent the Europeanization of the American economy. The Ryan Path embraces dynamic growth, not managed decline and stagnation.

    I don't know enough about the above to say whether or not Ryan's plan is viable. Maybe some commenters do?

  10. Layla,
    Maybe the deadline for filing federal tax returns was moved this year to April 18 because April 15 falls on a Friday?

  11. I was wondering about the Apr 18th deadline too...

  12. I love it! "Tax the rich" doesn't even get us to Summer.

  13. liberals want to spend everyone elses money I say lets start with moor's estate!!!

    I bet he would flip flop like hussain in a flash!

  14. yet Hussein O and his thugs live high on the hog..sick !

  15. Well you know AOW they keep moving dates around the place like a jigsaw puzzle. Anyone on disability insurance, SSI, or seniors know this. Normally the yearly report is mailed in early Dec-January for you records as to what your allotment is for the year. This year we did not receive that for my husband and son until March! Yet the thugs on "THE HILL" along with their "OREO" prez want their tax monies. I swear Americans should riot and refuse to pay taxes and get the national guard to agree to potect us or take up arms! I am so sick of our government. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!

  16. Paul Ryan's plan may not be the best plan... but right now it's the ONLY plan that starts taking us in the right direction.

  17. Off topic; Happy National Tartan Day!

  18. He just scratches the surface. There are still state and local taxes and all of the fees and licenses etc.... which are just taxes by another name.

  19. The Congressional Budget Office reports that at the current rate, the U.S. government will be completely insolvent (i.e. the United States will no longer exist) by 2037. Actually, I think they are too optimistic. It would only take shutting off the oil supply from Saudi Arabia, China calling in its loans, one or more nations dumping the dollar as reserve currency to get the dominoes falling. Then again, the continued policies of Obama and the Lib Dems alone may push the dollar on over the cliff. When these things happen, people will realize just how ridiculous it was for them to hold out for things like NPR and Arts funding. The Congress and presidency started spending profligately under Bush, then it really got ramped up under Obama. Congress has been irresponsible at best, criminal at worse for what they are continuing to do despite all the very clear warning signals. As every world empire has collapsed, the elites of that society could always be found to partying just as if there was no reckoning coming.

  20. I am convinced that the aim of the Democrats is to implode the American economy. What other reason could there be to continue to escalate spending? Of course if the economy folds, then the next stop is full blown socialism or even Marxism.

  21. The leftist commies must break this country completely before they can completely take it over.

    2037, as Gator pointed out, is not that far away and can get here a lot faster if certain circumstances arise.

  22. The 2012 election may be the modern version of Fort Sumter no matter which way it goes.

  23. FYI to all commenters:

    My recent silence here doesn't mean that I'm not reading your comments. I am!

    But I'm overwhelmed this week: a sick cat, my own miserable seasonal allergies, and a heavy work load for the classes I'm teaching as we approach the Easter break. As a result of all these factors, I'm not making the usual blog rounds.

  24. It's ok never apologize AOW we all have those day's. I'm always on the run.

  25. You know the beast is in dire need of a good diet/starving when it's been overfed to the point of 8 times more than what you can afford.

    It's crazy how liberals just don't get how unsustainable this actually is. Are they too stupid to get it or don't they care.

  26. Dcat,

    Things are really off the rails right now in this household. **sigh**

  27. After 4 unsuccessful attempts to e-file my taxes, I finally went to the local IRS office and had them file them for me. I had filled out my forms but couldn't seem to get them filed electronically. When I did them, I calculated an 1800.00 refund. After the IRS found my mistakes, I owe them 1300.

    Now, I read Obama is going to take his family on a trip to historic Williamsburg, ostensibly because they are sorely in need of a vacation. According to reports, they have been planning this trip for a long time.

    So, it looks like Obama is going to vacation with my $1300.00. Meanwhile, I can't pay my heating bill due to his reckless economic policy.

    But, I'm sure Obama will pay for my fuel oil, as soon as he pays for everyone's houses and cars.

  28. /facelpam. this is so utterly unreal, a child can see the budget is rediculas, so why is obama continuing to push it? he really does seem to want to ruin this country...

    also, hope things get better AOW!

  29. Mark,
    Obama and family are in sore need of a vacation? Give me a break!

    Meanwhile, the media here in D.C. are whining about the scaling back or cancellation of the Cherry Blossom Parade.


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