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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Blogoversay Number 6

Note to readers: Due to my work and caregiving schedules, I will be posting less frequently than usual.

I can't believe that I've been blogging for six whole years.

I started HERE as a way to pass the time while recovering from a car accident, caught the blogging bug, and migrated to HERE.

Several times, I considered quitting, but so far I haven't thrown in the towel.

Some days, I think that blogging is just another of those exercises in futility, particularly in this age of political and social turmoil. Other times, I'm certain that blogging helps me to hold onto my sanity.

Truth be told, if not for making friends on the web, I don't know what I'd have done when the burden of caregiving Mr. AOW, having recently arrived home from several weeks in the hospital and the nursing home, was a task I couldn't physically do by myself. Just as I arrived at the breaking point, The Merry Widow dropped her life in Florida to come up here to Virginia to bring me the necessary respite.

Thank you, dear readers, for the part that you play in my life. Whether we agree or disagree, I do enjoy our discussions.

A special thank you to Mustang, my first cyberfriend and ever supportive of my efforts.

Most of all, thank you, Warren, for designing and administrating Always On Watch, for designing my avatar, and for helping me with the multiple blogging and computer glitches that plague those of us who create blogs.


  1. Congrats on your B-Day and success.

  2. Very cool! I don't think I was even aware of blogging six years ago. I was running around the Middle East back then...

    Anyway Happy 6th!

    You have excellent observations, so even keeping them short, you always have relevant and interesting things to say.

    As always, I will keep you and Mr. AOW in my prayers. He's one fortunate guy.

  3. What a joy! You and I started at about the same time. Many others did also and have gone by the wayside. This is terrific that you are still here, still putting out great posts and still holding the left accountable. Way to go!

  4. Happy day! What's the traditional gift for the 6th blogoversary? Is that a Google ad placement?

  5. Congratulations, AOW! I started blogging in February of 2006, so I am a bit behind you. I too have had my ups and downs with blogging, my discouragements and a few victories. It is now my favorite pastime and I can't give it up. It's a great way to get things off your chest!

  6. Wow! Six years! That's fantastic. I've only been at for six months. but I am hooked.

    I'm glad I found your blog and I hope keep at it.

  7. Happy Blogoversary! You must be really sick of blogging not to blog on Obama's birth certificate forgery.

  8. Sending you many good wishes on your 6 year blogoverary. Here's to at least 6 more...

  9. Congratulations! Keep up the good work.

    I'll be reaching my 7th in October and I can't believe it either.

  10. Alex,
    Is that second link in your comment above another of your web sites?

  11. Mark,
    You must be really sick of blogging not to blog on Obama's birth certificate forgery.

    Oh, I'm not sick of blogging! I just don't have time to blog on that "birth certificate." Besides, I see that a lot of others are covering the topic well -- including you in your post today.

    I note this part in your post:

    Does anyone want to venture a guess as to what the proper and accepted term for a black person was in 1961? I'll spoil the fun for you.

    It was "Negro".

    Yes! I mentioned that fact earlier today at someone else's post on the birth certificate.

  12. No AOW,

    This is my first Blog which I started back in Nov 2008 and forgot my user name and password...
    A few days ago, I was playing with my "Random Site" button and it just popped up...
    After a couple of hours, I managed to crack the lock and erase the embarrassing crap that was there all this years !...


  13. Congratulations on your blogaversary, AOW!

  14. I think I use my blog as therapy. My wife won't let me talk to her about politics so I get it out here.

  15. Happy Blogoversary. it will be mind next week, same as you, 6 years. I can't believe it has been that long. I have, like you, threatened to throw my hands up and close up shop, but insanity keeps happening.

    Thanks for all you do.

    Right Truth

  16. Happy blogaversary!

    I started in 2004 after getting tired of emailing stories to people that they then lost and asked me to resend. Now, I just put it all up online and they can ignore it at their leisure.

  17. Congratulations! Six years is quite an accomplishment!

  18. Time zips right on by when you're having fun and posting quality stuff... Happy Blog Birthday!

  19. Hi AOW.
    Congratulations with the 6Th aniversary wanted to come by yesterday but we got hit here by the leftovers of the Storm result without hydro for ten hours ,this morning still 9.000 people without hydro.Two people got killed ,i don't know how many roofs gone and cars damaged .Our car got luckly only a minor bent at the antenna ,both our neigbours the windshields out,with winds of 125Km/hour pretty bad.

  20. I'm glad you're still here! Happy blogosversary!

  21. There's a REASON that you've continued to be in the Top Ten blogs -- on the entire planet -- on my The Usual Suspects blogroll!

    Because you are THAT cool!


  22. Happy anniversary. I look forward to seven.

  23. Happy sixth! And may your seventh year be a masculine year.

  24. Happy Blogaversary! Keep up the good work!
    Prayers go out to you and yours.

  25. Wow. Six years is almost old in the blogosphere. Not, you know, ancient old, but kinda old.


    I for one am glad you're still at it.


  26. Wow. Six years is almost old in the blogosphere. Not, you know, ancient old, but kinda old.


    I for one am glad you're still at it.



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