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Saturday, August 17, 2013

Nincompoopery — And Worse

(Weekend roundup post.   For the definition of nincompoop, see THIS in the Urban Dictionary. Commenters are encouraged to post links that tell of more nincompoopery)

Links to read (more possibly added as the weekend progresses):

Police Murder WWII Veteran

Another executive order: ready for $12/gallon gasoline and $20 a box corn flakes

Vindictive: Now George Zimmerman’s Wife Faces Perjury Charge

Flashback: Oprah Makes False Racism Charges Against Store Before 2005 Movie Release

The hazards of bathing in Neukölln [Germany]

[Reggie] Love: Obama Played Cards During Osama Raid; 'I Can’t Watch This Entire Thing,' Obama Said

Obama-mask clown banned for life from Missouri State Fairs

Obama rodeo stunt leads to sensitivity training for Missouri State Fair clowns

Smithsonian Museum Director Interested in Acquiring Trayvon Martin's Hoodie

BBC Blood Libels Conservatives, Claiming Boston Marathon Bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev Was A Right Wing Fanatic

Obamacare months behind in testing IT data security [Identity theft a strong possibility if state exchanges rush to be functioning by October 1]

Obama's Mistaken Mission against Emissions

21 federal agencies working to implement Obamacare...

Communist Party makes a comeback ... in Japan

'Fatberg' weighing 15 TONNES found blocking sewers under streets of London

HHS Official: Immigrants on Student Visas Will Be ‘Eligible’ for Obamacare Subsidies

'Affordable' Care: $1 Pay Hike Costs Middle-Class Family $9,355 Hike in Premiums

Instructor shoots student in gun-safety class

Fort Hood Gunman Told Panel That Death Would Make Him a Martyr

The brother of Ahmed Bedier, CAIR's leader

Hundreds of fish found dead in National Mall pond

NSA: Obama’s Culture of Lies Documented

With thanks to FreeThinke for the link below:

Big baby boom: Supersize deliveries have doctors worried

With thanks to Jim of Asylum Watch for the link below:

ACLU embroiled in contract dispute with its own unionized employees

NOTE: "Nincompoopery" roundup posts will be on summer hiatus August 24 and August 31.


  1. Illogical Liberals:
    We need an ID to drive, to get on a plane, to get into a bar, to buy a beer, to buy cigs, to sign up for welfare, to get food stamps, to use your medicare card but you want us to believe that people are to poor to get a FREE ID ( they are free you know for voting) to vote but they can get every where else to use the money they get FREE from the government GOTTCHA... Oh forgot you need an ID to get finger nail polish remover in some areas This Liberal illogical fallacy is getting really tired and whats more STUPID!.

    We ALL, KNOW, WHY, the libroids don't want voter ID... BECAUSE THEN ALL THEIR ILLEGALS, ILLITERATES, BUMS, MORONS, LAZY and DEAD PEOPLE won't be able to VOTE FOR THEM, and they'll LOSE POWER.
    We know all about their games and pathetic EXCUSES!
    End of story

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. His father was Kenyan.

      Keep saying it, marine. No one mistakes you guys for anything but mouth breathers.

  4. Great points! The raciest left and especially that screw-ball Shaw Kenawe is doing more harm than good. It's mind boggling. What bothers me the most is the ignorance of them not seeing the implications of what is really going on in America. It’s Leftard lunacy!. Nobody wants to discuss facts nor reality just false propaganda. I so admire the honesty here! Thank you for writing what I've been thinking.
    Great blog AOW, I love everything that i read here
    This is my first time on your site thanks for your brutal honesty:)

  5. I guess it's all in how you look at it, DB. I was thinking that it's a sorry day in Amerika when a person can't wear a mask of the clown's face that's the president.

  6. I think that Oprah need to start making her racism charges in places that don't record the truth...

    "Surveillance videotape of the encounter supports the store’s account, according to the spokeswoman."

  7. ACLU embroiled in contract dispute with its own unionized employees

    Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/08/15/aclu-embroiled-in-contract-dispute-with-its-own-unionized-employees/#ixzz2cEeY1hIZ

    does this qualify for your nimcompoopery list, AOW?

    1. Jim,
      That link most certainly does qualify!

      I have added the link to the body of the blog post.


  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. God is watching, and He is not pleased.August 17, 2013 at 9:36:00 AM CDT

    Everyone knows that they dońt discuss Egypt and world news on Martha’s Vineyard . Martha’s Vineyard is for Fun and games and Plying Golf ONLY . Even the lying Susan Rice is too smart to even mention chaos in Egypt. And Hillary was most likely told to keep her big mouth shut.
    And lets not forget that we helped get the Muslim Brotherhood in office and gave them OUR MONEY.

  10. In regard to the Rodeo Clown who was dressed as Obama
    When a Liberal/Progressive sees a racist, they only see race when it comes to Obama.

    I guess that these Progressive Ass-Holes can’t remember putting Bush's head on a stick!

  11. The Rodeo Clowns should have done a duet and had another clown wear a Moochie mask. What a great idea!

  12. If only Obama would just remain on his vacation. A day without seeing him would be grand. Other than the idiot golf pics, its been swell.

  13. How about a Pic of Shaw on her Broom Stick?

  14. I understand the Rodeo Clown Association is getting ready to sue John McCain for impersonation.

  15. Anonymous said:

    "How about a Pic of Shaw on her Broom Stick?"

    "How about a Pic of AOW on her Broom Stick?

  16. Do I have to start babysitting you, again?

  17. How about a Pic of the First Wookie on an [industrial] Broom Stick?

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. JonBerg Said:

    ”"How about a Pic of the First Wookie on an [industrial] Broom Stick?"

    How about a Pic of the First Wookie sharing a Broom Stick with Shaw?

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Just remember folks, while the Progressives remain silent about the massacre in Egypt, that Secretary Hillary Clinton’s top aide was Huma Abedin, daughter of founding members of the Muslim Brotherhood, and a onetime assistant editor of their newsletter.

    Isn't it funny (NOT!) but Obama is always on the wrong side!
    Obama ordered, aided and abetted the overthrow of Hosni Mubarak! Humm.

  22. "Obama ordered, aided and abetted the overthrow of Hosni Mubarak! Humm."

    Hey, no big surprise just look what that lying SOB has done and continues to do right here! How much more does this "Clown" have to screw-up before some people wake-up?

  23. The Smithsonian wants Trayvon's hoodie? Wow! They want to honor a thug? I'm disgusted. Why not honor true heroes, like our men and women in uniform?

    1. The Smithsonian is a bastion of liberalism and political correctness.

  24. Funny! I thought I knew British English as well as I know our own version of the language, but I never realized before that TON is spelled TONNE in Great Britain.

    Keep your eyes and ears open, and if you're lucky, you learn something new every day.

    1. FT,
      Underweight babies have inherent risks.

      But after the birth of an huge baby, there's nothing left of the mother!

  25. I don't know if mothers giving birth to babies weighing between twelve and fifteen pounds properly qualifies as "nincompoopery" or not, but it's certainly odd, and should be disturbing, if it becomes a trend.

    The prospect might very well discourage many women from ever allowing themselves to get pregnant at all -- unless the women involved are part of a race of Amazons, of course.

  26. JonBerg Said:

    "Obama ordered, aided and abetted the overthrow of Hosni Mubarak! Humm."

    "Hey, no big surprise just look what that lying SOB has done and continues to do right here! How much more does this "Clown" have to screw-up before some people wake-up?"

    Hey Buddy, watch out what cha say, the Wicked One's commentors are starting to quote you! Your going to wind up being one of their targets! Haven't you read Shaw's Rules for Radicals! LOL....

  27. By the way, have any of you folks read the comments over at the Wicked Witch of the blogosphere blog.

    You're really kind of stupid and ill-informed, aren't you?

    She has posted a Photo-Oped Picture of the First Wookie. defending her “wonderful Looks”
    But she didn’t talk about the Michelle who was never proud of America until her Manchurian candidate husband was activated to destroy America?

    She didn’t talk about the Michelle who was told that she could never get into Princeton because of her grades and forgot she was black and got a special break over a better white kid because she is black?

    She didn’t talk about the Michelle who was hired to a 300,000 dollar job
    by her current staff member?

    She didn’t talk about the Michelle, who has spent MILLIONS of our tax dollars on HER outlandish Vacations.

    She has posted a Photo-Oped Picture of the First Wookie. defending her “wonderful Looks”
    But she didn’t talk about the Michelle who was never proud of America until her Manchurian candidate husband was activated to destroy America?

    She didn’t talk about the Michelle who was told that she could never get into Princeton because of her grades and forgot she was black and got a special break over a better white kid because she is black?

    She didn’t talk about the Michelle who was hired to a 300,000 dollar job
    by her current staff member?

    She didn’t talk about the Michelle, who has spent MILLIONS of our tax dollars on HER outlandish Vacations

    1. I am not concerned about what is going on over at Progressive Eruptions.

  28. This entire mess in Egypt is the fault of the that Miserable Failure Barack Hussein Obama and Hitlery Clinton.

  29. And on OKRA, sorry I mean Oprah's remarks about racism in Switzerland, I cannot believe that anyone with at least a third grade education would lend any credence to that racist whale. She drew attention to herself like the super racist she is by making fake racists claims, and in the next breath she pushed her new movie! Well dah!

    Have you noticed that ever since BO became pres. every black, whether famous or not, is coming out of the woodwork screaming racism for any perceived slight. Yesterday sime guy claimed that a Bus Driver didn't let him in the bus because her was Black.
    Ever since Obama became president there is a more concerted effort than ever to divide Americans and pit one group against another, as we found with the Trayvon Martin thug.
    And lets not forget the Obama rodeo mask outrage.

  30. Right-Winger,

    "Have you noticed that ever since BO became pres. every black, whether famous or not, is coming out of the woodwork screaming racism for any perceived slight."

    Although I don't think that you meant "every black", as all inclusive, your comment is spot-on. I would like to point out, however, that in stark contrast to those of whence you do speak, there are [those], who with forbearance, have not and will not succumb to the, apparent, weakness demonstrated by many. As such [they] are to be commended for their rational thinking and fortitude!

  31. CODw/aBL............

    "Hey Buddy, watch out what cha say, the Wicked One's commentors are starting to quote you! Your going to wind up being one of their targets! Haven't you read Shaw's Rules for Radicals! LOL.... "

    Gee, I wonder if they have created a Voodoo Doll with stick pins, in my image, to further their cause; whatever that may be?

  32. Once upon a time, a country of hard working and decent people were ruled by a spoiled, wet-behind-the-ears bully. His skin was so thin that any attempt to question his policies or mock him resulted in an instant attack. Pity the poor journalist who accidentally, or on purpose, riled President Thin Skin. The penalty heading their way would include ridicule by the media attack dogs and banishment. A tragic example was a hapless reporter who make a joke about how the President’s Dumbo ears could fly him around the country and avoid the cost of fueling and staffing Air Force One.

    Now that we have set the stage, lets fast forward to a State fair in Missouri State. As we all know in America State fairs are a great American institution. They’re wild, rural, and so hillbilly country that it may even be possible to find a rodeo clown donning a mask of the President of the United States. That is, until now.
    Over this past weekend, at the Missouri State Fair, a now-unemployed rodeo clown entered the bull pit wearing a rubber Barack Obama mask in an effort to stir up the crowd. But what seems to have been a simple display of clownish behavior has festered into an ugly debate on political correctness and, yes, racism.
    Rodeo clowns, when not running for the lives provide amusement for the crowd, and especially for the kids, both young and old. They also provide an increasingly rare art form, known in less-stressed circles today as comic relief. And if there is any place on earth that needs some comic relief, it’s right here in the United States.

    So now this particular rodeo clown, who is trying to raise a family by distracting agitated bulls, HAS LOST HIS JOB FOR MIMICKING BARACK OBAMA at a state fair. Admittedly, the bullfighter’s employment outlook took a kick in the pants when the announcer asked the predominantly white crowd if “anybody wanted to see Obama get run over by a bull.”
    NOW!, it should be known that it was the NAACP, who actually called for the Secret Service to get involved: The activities at the Missouri State Fair targeting and inciting violence against our President are serious and warrant a full review by both the Secret Service and the Justice Department. Yes folks a place for amusement was now the place where the Secret Service and the Justice Department (aka Eric Holder) . Was called in and a CLOWN has lost his job. How/s those apples? How much more thin skinned can the Democrats and NAACP get? Oh yeah, I almost forgot about Paula Jones, and Oprah Winfrey! I remember when Rodeo's used to be fun. But that was before the lefties got their hands on it.

  33. CODw/aBL............

    Hey, the reference to voodoo is mine. Lately, sometimes I have to use Anon to post on this site-????

  34. I've been trying to stay away from this whole issue, but I am having trouble understanding why President Obama insists on inserting himself into the middle of this, except to further his community organizing principles. George Zimmerman was less racist than most people. But I am convinced that his motive was to protect the community,and not at all racial.
    The vileness of Obama and the vermin that surround him is unprecedented. Their hatred for this country and its values is apparent with their every utterance. I am sick to death of the defenders of and apologists for this hateful bunch in Washington.

    I would ask President Obama a question : Mr. President are you aware that Martin was in Sanford because he was kicked out of Miami Dade school for possession of a burglary tool and stolen items. Are you also aware Martin was fond of an intoxicant made from skittles, Arizona watermelon fruit drink, and cough syrup called 'lean'.
    The black community and the left need to wake up and realize they are the problem not some phantom racist bogyman.

  35. The statements by Reggie are really interesting. You know the administration did not approve his statements, revelations. So I figure his statement was probably true. Does it conflict with the idea that Obama was out on the golf course? Not necessarily. There was a lot of time from beginning to end of the situation in Benghazi just as there was a lot of time involved in getting Bin Laden.

    Where was Obama during Benghazi? That's what I really want to know and there are no answers to that anywhere so far.

    Right Truth

  36. Oprah, Oprah, Oprah, is there anyone on this planet more narcissistic than Oprah? Other than Obama!

  37. Speramus Meliora; Resurget CineribusAugust 18, 2013 at 6:09:00 PM CDT

    So the Vacation Queen and hater of America was snubbed from Vanity Fair’s Best Dressed List. But she made headlines on The Daily Beast!

  38. In reference to the Rodeo clown wearing the Obama mask, is and Satire and mockery of the president or should I say "The King" now a crime in this country.

    I wouldn't have thought so after watching the clowns on Saturday Night Live when George Bush was the president.

  39. Shame on you, Oprah Winfrey for comparing Trayvon Martin’s death to that of Emmett Till, an African-American boy who was lynched in Mississippi in 1955.
    That was apples and oranges you clueless Racist Fat Pig.


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