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Friday, July 19, 2013

Today's Recommended Reading

See "The Death Knell For OPEC" --- Massive Oil Find In Australia "Has Put Saudis Into A Panic" at THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS. World economy game-changer!


  1. Massive oil finds in the US should be making them quake also, except that the Obama administration is doing all they can to stop us from being self-sufficient. Consider the pipeline also, even the unions want it, but Obama continues to say no.

    Seems he is going against the unions in more than one way, including Obamacare, but will they turn on him (Democrats) in the next election. Don't bet on it.

    Right Truth

  2. SHAZAM! POW! BIFF! Another book review, how NOVEL, if you'll pardon the pun. The excitement never ends.

  3. The Monterey deposit in Calfornia is three times as big as the Balken deposit, but California doesn't want it developed.

  4. Anonymous,
    LOL! This blog post is not a book review.

  5. Cons said: "The Monterey deposit in Calfornia is three times as big as the Balken deposit, but California doesn't want it developed."

    Don't confuse the California government (the ruling class) with its people.

    I bet if you took a vote, California would overwhelmingly choose to develop this sane energy source.

  6. Dmarks,
    You are absolutely correct. It is the political critters who are the problem!


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