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Thursday, November 30, 2017

North Korea: Now What? With Addendum

This....North Korea nuclear war MAPPED: Terrifying map shows staggering MISSILE RANGE of Kim Jong (dated November 28, 2017):


I see that my friend Pastorius of Infidel Bloggers Alliance has an interesting post about the topic of this blog post here at AOW. Excerpt:
Sen. Graham: N. Korea ‘Miscalculating President Trump,’ Will Destroy N. Korea If Necessary

I am very ambivalent about our leaders making these kinds of statements.

On one hand, I would like us to rain fire on Kim.

On the other hand, the people of North Korea do not deserve to be punished for their leaders insanity. And the people of South Korea, and the people of Japan would likely suffer very terribly also.

If we were to rain fire on North Korea, obviously this could lead to a wider war, maybe involving China and Russia.

Do we want that?...
Read the rest HERE.

Monday, November 27, 2017

We Don't Know What We Don't Know

Please watch this short video about one of Roy Moore's accusers, and read the accompanying article "New Court Docs Blow Massive Hole in Moore Accuser’s Story." Excerpt from the latter (emphasis mine):
...One of Moore’s accusers, Leigh Corfman, claims that almost 40 years ago, Moore tried to initiate a sexual relationship with her while she was still a teenager.

Her accusations hinge on two points: First, that she was left alone with the then-32-year-old attorney Roy Moore during a family court case… and second, that she lived with her mother in Gadsden, Alabama, when Moore allegedly harassed her.

Both of those points have now been called into question....


Let’s be extremely clear: We don’t know with certainty whether the claims against Roy Moore are true or not. Neither does anyone else, except the people directly involved.

That is the point: When an accusation is made, the first rule of our society and our laws is that the accused are innocent until proven guilty.

What we do know is that the timing of these accusations is extremely odd. After decades of Moore in the public light, these claims emerged with only weeks left in a key election that the candidate seemed to be winning.
Read the rest HERE at the Conservative Tribune.

In America, nobody should be tried in the media. Period. Full stop.

Judge Roy Moore is being tried in the media.

The media in all their various manifestations — more precisely the Enemedia — are engaging in media malpractice.

In a special election to be held in Alabama on December 12, 2017, it is up to the people of Alabama to decide whether or not Judge Moore will serve as a United States Senator.  Regardless of the voters' decision, that decision is not adjudication.  We must keep in mind that, thus far, the allegations levied against Judge Moore are just that — allegations, not charges.

Do we really want America to be a nation that accepts allegations as facts without adjudication?

Additional reading, with thanks to FJ: Power, Sex, and Politics.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Musical Interlude

With thanks to FreeThinke:

Another performer of the same piece:

Both of the above in honor of our kitten Minxy!

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving 2017

(A great big "Thank you!" to Stogie, who, at my request, designed the graphic in this post ub 2012. CLICK HERE to see the Thanksgiving graphic that Stogie created for his own site in 2011)

As most who frequent this blog know, I do a lot of moaning and groaning about the present condition of our nation.

Nevertheless, despite all of the negative things that we bloggers opine about, we Americans have so much to be thankful for! I am ever aware of that fact.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Holy Shades of Science Fiction!

Posted by Warren


Biohackers are using CRISPR on their DNA and we can’t stop it!

I didn't realize that genetic modification had become so advanced that it is now possible to change your own DNA.

This could be a boon to those suffering from genetic diseases but will it become possible for the freaks that think they're a man trapped in a woman's body to actually become a woman? 

What about unintended consequences and mistakes that have the potential to, literally, create monsters? Would it be possible to eliminate or alter the gene(s) that cause the dreaded mental disease known as "Progressivism"?  


France: Yesterday & Today

Eurabia rising!


Related: Paris cancels Christmas market; holds special Ramadan party every year (dated November 11, 2017).

First paragraph:
The Champs-Élysées Christmas market in Paris has been cancelled by City Hall councillors. It is considered the city’s main Christmas market and welcomes 15 million visitors every year.
Read the rest HERE.

Apparently, Paris as a Western city is determined to commit cultural suicide.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Video: Harvey Weinstein, Eminem, and why the left can't stop losing

From Candace Owens's vlog series The Myth of the "Coon":

Here's another, this one about the NFL:

Quite a refreshing dose of politically incorrectness!

There is also this:

Article (Newsbusters): Weinstein Dropped $100K at 2017 Planned Parenthood Gala. The pledge, however, went unfulfilled.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Recommended Reading

See Leftist Propaganda and Modern Society, a fine essay by my good friend Mustang.  In his final sentence, Mustang states the following:
This crusade is so pervasive and so successful that I do not believe it is possible to return to a time when America was a great place to raise a family.
Grim but, in my view, realistic.

Please take a few moments to read Mustang's entire essay.

Friday, November 10, 2017

More Photos Of Minxy

(For politics, please scroll down)

Blogging is taking a back seat at the moment.  We have a kitten in the household!

Minxy is about two months old in the photos below:

Just like Cameo, Minxy owns the recliner!

After playing, Minxy falls asleep in my arms.

"Look at me!  I'm gorgeous!"

Minxy is so happy here that she's laughing (yawning)!  Photo taken at Mr. AOW's side as he's napping.

What of Amber? She's already accepted Minxy as a member of the family. Maybe because we lost Cameo and Mysti within the last seven months.  The obvious fact that Amber has accepted Minxy: last night Amber deliberately left two pieces of kibble for Minxy. Cameo used to do the same for Amber.

When Minxy sleeps with me, like Mysti she grooms my hair.

More photos to come as Mr. AOW and I enjoy Minxy's kittenhood. I'm taking photos like a madwoman, and last night, I upgraded my iCloud storage for my iPhone!

Note: all links in this blog post go to posts at AOWS Photos and feature the kitty whose name is hyperlinked in this blog post.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Recommended Reading

See “ONE more thing….”, written by my friend Z and published on October 30, 2017, at the blog GeeeZ.

For your convenience, the complete blog post is copied and pasted below the fold. Worth your time!

Monday, November 6, 2017

We Interrupt This Program...

...to bring you 8-week-old Minxy, who has arrived to her forever home!

[For politics, please scroll down]

Minxy on Mr. AOW's iPad.

Notice how Minxy spreads her toes.

Relaxing on the $1800 lift-recliner.

Amber has moved from overtly hostile to curious with a tinge of hostility.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

No Justice For Staff Sgt. Mark Allen?

In the search for Army deserter Bowe Bergdahl, who walked away without a weapon from the field of battle, Staff Sgt. Mark Allen suffered a grievous head wound and was left unable to speak and is paralyzed over much of his body.

Read more HERE.

Those wounded in searching for deserter Bowe Bergdahl got this lame apology from said deserter as the defense opened their case in court.

Staff Sgt. Mark Allen before he was wounded

Staff Sgt. Mark Allen with one of his therapists

The Allen Family

What might some form of justice be for Staff Sgt. Mark Allen?  My opinion below the fold.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

The Collective Shrug — Not For Me

A young girl reacts as police officers secure an area following a shooting incident in New York on October 31, 2017. (Don Emmert/AFP/Getty Images)

From At site of NYC terror attack, the school bell rang — then hell broke out:
Halloween turned truly terrifying for students and parents Tuesday when a driver went on a deadly rampage in front of several lower Manhattan schools — right as the afternoon bell rang.

Kids ran screaming down the sidewalk after the killer plowed his van into pedestrians and then emerged waving guns and shouting “Allahu Akbar.”

“Two women and a group of children — maybe 10 children — they’re running towards me. I hear one girls screaming, ‘Someone has a gun!'” said witness John Williams.

Frantic parents feared the worst as they waited to pick youngsters up from Independence Primary School.


Students from Stuyvesant High School and Borough of Manhattan Community College made it out of class in time to witness the carnage — bodies laying lifeless in the bike lane and victims were trapped inside a mangled school bus....
Read the rest HERE.

Over the next few days, we will, once again, see the same pattern: mourning with prayer vigils with candles, the placement of flowers, balloons, and teddy bears — and whatever else.

And, of course, the intoning of "Islam is a religion of peace."

Advice to accept the new normal and the mantra, "If you see something, say something."

In other words, after a few days or maybe a week, a collective shrug.

But I, for one, cannot become inured to all this.

I refuse to become inured to all this.

I must not become inured to all this!

Because, if I do, I surrender my heritage as a Westerner.