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Thursday, November 30, 2017

North Korea: Now What? With Addendum

This....North Korea nuclear war MAPPED: Terrifying map shows staggering MISSILE RANGE of Kim Jong (dated November 28, 2017):


I see that my friend Pastorius of Infidel Bloggers Alliance has an interesting post about the topic of this blog post here at AOW. Excerpt:
Sen. Graham: N. Korea ‘Miscalculating President Trump,’ Will Destroy N. Korea If Necessary

I am very ambivalent about our leaders making these kinds of statements.

On one hand, I would like us to rain fire on Kim.

On the other hand, the people of North Korea do not deserve to be punished for their leaders insanity. And the people of South Korea, and the people of Japan would likely suffer very terribly also.

If we were to rain fire on North Korea, obviously this could lead to a wider war, maybe involving China and Russia.

Do we want that?...
Read the rest HERE.


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  4. Thank Hillary Clinton who deposed Gaddafi after he gave up his Nuke ambitions in promises by Bush that he would not be deposed. We can't be trusted. Period, end of story. Israel took out Syria's ambitions. Think about that for a moment where we would be if they were locked and loaded.
    Would we not orchestrate a regime change if we could in NK? I think so. Up to now, China has made us too nervous. That's all.

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  6. The Norks haven't mastered accuracy or even atmospheric re-entry. They can shoot at us, but they don't yet have the ability to hit a specific target with a warhead that could survive the trip. They're one or two US Democrat Presidencies away from that.

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  8. Allow me to answer for your leftwingers:

    "You know, N Koreans deserve their ideology as much as we do. Yes, we know that their soldiers have worms in their bodies the size of snakes, but they really do try to feed their people instead of putting all their money into their military and bourbon for their leader. Look, let's just wait till Cleveland's wiped out because we don't want to have dead N Koreans blamed on US, do we? We want to be NICE and it's not nice to hit first. And if they do hit first, it will be our fault...not sure how, but the NY Times will figure that out...or CNN. Yes, Anderson Cooper will know how to blame us. Thank goodness for Anderson Cooper!"

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    2. You are way off, Z. There is no support for NK on the left but there is a realization of the cost of war. For myself I think it's typical of the right wing war dogs that they decide they can make decisions for the hundreds of thousands who will die in South Korea if we attack.

      But we can attack with no blowback, just like Libya. Someone else will pay for our recklessness. Just like the blunder in Iraq.

      What if the best course of action is to stand down a bit and not hold joint military maneuvers with the South?

      The error you are making is putting complete faith in the efficacy of military action. Neither you nor I (nor FreeThinke) know enough about this situation to make an informed opinion but I would think that with the manifest failures of American military action since Vietnam you would be more circumspect.

    3. Nostradumbass said:
      "You are way off, Z. There is no support for NK on the left but there is a realization of the cost of war. For myself I think it's typical of the right wing war dogs that they decide they can make decisions for the hundreds of thousands who will die in South Korea if we attack."

      Bullshit! Nickolas Kristof and Linda Sarsour have both unabashedly spread Nork propaganda and we can judge your "realization of the cost of war" and your concern about the "decisions for the hundreds of thousands who will die in South Korea if we attack" by the gracious way you Leftist turds abandoned South Vietnam to the mercy of their Communist North relatives and the million or so that were executed after the North invaded.

      You know, most of us here were alive at that time and some of us were even in the military. Go peddle your Concern Troll Bullshit somewhere else. Yes some of us are circumspect, we're circumspect because we never know when you lying sacks of shit will stab our allies or military in the back again!

    4. Ducky, there is no one, especially me, who wants to nuke any country. I'm sorry there are people who don't quite understand the threat and seem to believe our being hit first is the only way we can get involved. That's scarier than the insane punk who runs N Korea.

    5. By the way, you say "What if the best course of action is to stand down a bit and not hold joint military maneuvers with the South?"

      What, until Cleveland or NYC or LA are gone? Then?

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    7. FT,
      grinning little Rocket Man is going to CONTINUE developing his murderous techniligy, and when he CAN deliver a nuclear warhead, I believe he WILL.

      I believe the same.

    8. Duck, the situation in N Korea has been made exponentially worse because vermin like bill clinton paid the kims to not develop weapons while they took his money, smiling and used it to develop weapons.
      I agree we haven't done anything useful since WWII with the notation that we did win in Vietnam, only to lose when the democrat congress reniged on their promise to supply S. Vietnam with weapons.
      NK is a situation unique.
      To your specific comment. The left IS supporting the DPRK by shying away form dealing with the problem just as they did when Reagan dealt with the USSR, ultimately saving us TRILLIONS in an endless arms race to nowhere. There is a point where you must put a stop to the insanity.
      Truman should have done it in the early 1950's. But no, because of the democrat failue to deal with things, we now have maniacs that may just shoot nuclear ICBMs at us. Congratulations Dems !

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    2. I'm cautiously optimist, having been burned by the "tech bubble crash." When the market rises that much that fast, the fall is a lot farther and faster. I'm slowly increasing investments, but also pulling out money I've made already so a crash doesn't hurt so badly the next time. I hope to be playing with other people's money rather than money I put in.

    3. Once again we'll try to point out to FreeThinke that stocks have been in an extended bull run since the market bottomed after the Bush recession.
      That's when you should have been piling in. Now you may be buying at the top.

    4. I'll just poke a little fun at FT thanking Trump for not doing anything.

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    8. FT,

      You could likely stop.thinking highly of yourself if you stopped.smoking crack. Just a thought. <3

  10. Ducky, you may remember when it was pointed out during the Obama Admin that news of economic growth and high corporate profits due to the rise in the DJ and S & P was summarily dismissed by many on the right.

    We might ask why, in light of a soaring economy and such high worth within the corporate world, these guys need less taxes and lower rates?

    There seems to be a disconnect between the words of the GOP lead Congress that is saying corporate America needs relief and Main Street where business is doing just fine.

    One thing we can probably be sure of... companies will not be using their lower tax rates to hire more people as the GOP{ claims. It will go into buy backs and dividends. Hardly the help middle America needs.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. It's stunning to me that there are people who honestly believe the tax bill is about making Trump richer. Does that kind of greed reflect the subconscious of many leftists? It's something that wouldn't occur to me....about Trump or any president. It's just not in my nature.

      One thing you can "probably be SURE OF..."? Wow! Again, showing some other kind of thinking, some unAmerican, anti-worker sentiment I couldn't even wrap my brain around.

      Workers aren't doing 'just fine'...sadly, I'm a bit worried that when more jobs are created, and it's already evident they are, we'll see what a disservice our leftwing teachers have done America while they've spent more time teaching climate change, self confidence, and how much the LGBT lifestyle should be explored, than reading and basic math. Our kids today aren't prepared...but they've learned about entitlements, don't worry about that.

    3. And, Dave, by the way, you mentioned the great stock market during Obama...I wish!
      I believe most of the better minds in this country were more concerned about the enormous debt the Left was sinking us into...thankfully, whether we like Trump or not, there's at least some thought given to that now. What a travesty Obama put our children's future in. Not his, they'll be fine...$$$

    4. Z, you should research the trends in the national debt. It really started to balloon during Reagan's administration. It decreased under Clinton and ballooned again under Bush II.
      It's true that it increased under Obama but there were several reasons for that including the cost of the war in Iraq that Bush kept off the books through special appropriations an the need for heavy deficit spending to counteract the recession.

      Keynsean theory states that taxes should be increased to manage the deficit now but the right has us hooked to failed supply side theory. So it's very short sighted to try to pin this on Obama.

      Dave is correct that the corporate tax cuts are going to stock buy backs (market manipulation) and dividends rather than wages.
      Hiring will be determined by demand not corporate profits.
      Or are you foolish enough to believe that corporate execs sit around and think, "Hey, profits are up 15%, let's spend it on workers we don't need rather than boosting the value of our stock options with buy backs."

      Supply side policy got us here and you expect it to get us out?

    5. I don't know what to say about your rant about school kids, Z. My main point of reference is my 9 year old grand niece who is dancing a solo in the local junior college dance department's "Nutcracker". They really admire that she understands that dance is not a hobby but requires hard work and study.

      She's testing at a 7th grade reading and math level as well as advanced in science.

      She just needed a little push from the adults in her life.

      She's also advanced politically.
      "Trump, I hate that mean bastard. He wants to send my friend Maria back to Mexico."
      Bright kid.

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    7. Z... for historical reference, when Obama entered office, the DJA was at 7949. On his November 1, 2016, so as to not include the "Trump Bump", the DJA was at 18037, an increase of over 225% during his time in office.

      I'm sure most corporations would take that amount of growth over an 8 year period.

      As for the debt, many economists advocated for more debt as the interests were at historically low levels. Their plan being "borrow to repair infrastructure" and use the tax revenue generated by new employment to pay that money back.

      You are right that Malia and Sasha will be fine, as mostly all Presidents kids are.

      I will grant you that historically Dems have been less troubled by debt than the GOP. The GOP for years opposed efforts by the Obama Admin to deficit spend to prime, or expand the economy.

      Now however, I might ask, where is that fiscal responsibility? Where are the voices on the right politically, and from blogs, who a few months ago did not believe at all in deficit spending?

      Where are they now that the GOP is ready to add over 1 trillion dollars in new debt?

      If the GOP truly believes that tax cuts geared to higher income people will drive the economy and lower the debt, why not add a few triggers to increase taxes if the promised result does not happen?

    8. Duck,
      Sounds as if your niece is a potty mouth. Pity.

    9. Z,
      Our kids today aren't prepared.

      I've been hearing that from one of my friends for about six years now. He has some kind of computer systems company and has been telling me that even the MIT graduates aren't prepared. He's had to put these new hires through elementary training -- and then they won't come to work on time. Sheesh.

    10. Stock Market is only part of the story. That's all Obama can brag about. Wall Street did well, but he wrecked Main Street and the local banks.

      With President Trump we have the most people working in our nation's history, and we are on track for our first year of 3% growth since Bush the Dumber.

    11. It is a mistake to equate stock market performane with political performance. It was then. It is now though all presidents toss it out as a measuring stick. It is meaningless. The true measure is how Are YOU Doing. As Reagan said when campaigning against the moron carter "Are you better off now than you were 4 years ago?"
      That's all that matters.

    12. Kid,
      As Reagan said when campaigning against the moron carter "Are you better off now than you were 4 years ago?"

      Amen to that!

      Yes, the stock market matters. But it isn't the measuring stick for the middle and lower class.

      I remember tow multi-billionaires advising Mr. AOW and me as follows: "Never invest in the stock market more than you can afford to lose" and "Diversify your investments."

    13. And one truth about the stock market is this: principal is at risk.

    14. AOW, Yes, never more than you can lose. The big banks are the dealers in the casino and they never lose.

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    16. FT,
      If you take no risks, you can make no gains.

      To a point.

      It seems that you have done well by investing in the stock market. I'm only "one for three"; two companies, very safe investments, went belly-up, and into the dumper went the principal.

      Before you say, "You got bad advice," let me say that I did not. He lost millions.

      This same advisor helped me to invest in his son's real estate company. I wish that I'd had more to invest therein! So far, over a period of at least 15 years, my investments yielded 8%-18%.

      Addendum: until in 2005 an illegal alien Yellow Cab driver crippled me for life at the point when my business was getting off the ground big time, I was able to recoup losses. Not now! Add to that Mr. AOW's permanent and total disability since 2009, and anyone can see why we are conservative with our investments.

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  12. I see that my friend Pastorius of Infidel Bloggers Alliance has an interesting post about the topic of this blog post here at AOW. Excerpt:

    Sen. Graham: N. Korea ‘Miscalculating President Trump,’ Will Destroy N. Korea If Necessary
    I am very ambivalent about our leaders making these kinds of statements.

    On one hand, I would like us to rain fire on Kim.

    On the other hand, the people of North Korea do not deserve to be punished for their leaders insanity. And the people of South Korea, and the people of Japan would likely suffer very terribly also.

    If we were to rain fire on North Korea, obviously this could lead to a wider war, maybe involving China and Russia.

    Do we want that?...

    Read the rest HERE.

    1. AOW, my only comment to what you've quoted here is that I believe Americans deserve less to be punished than even the North Koreans....time to start thinking about that. Before we lose Cleveland. Not after.

    2. Z,
      I do hope that you'll read all of Pasto's commentary -- and the comments thereto.

  13. Dave and Ducky....
    Oh, brother! I knew the Left likes to change or destroy our country's past, but man, your comment information is better than knocking statues down!
    So much with which to respond..but I don't see the point.
    Take care. Please stop depending on leftwing news; it's laughable.
    Oh, I forgot! FOX, with more leftwing contributors on in one day than CNN has in a month is the biased one. oops.

    1. In what way have we "changed our country's past"?

      Not being specific may mean you can't be specific.

      Please stop depending on cable news.

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    3. Duck,
      Just what news sources of which you approve? We could then learn which "sources of news" to avoid.

    4. FT,
      Let's try to avoid blog feuds.

      Advice: if you don't like Duck, then scroll on by. Walk on By.

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    6. Oh, Ducky! Don't depend on cable news? CNN is CABLE, but it's not news, it's just panels hating on Trump. Please please wake up.

      Yes, you're redoing history with most of your opinion of the past much more than you think. Please read and watch all sides, I do, and Oh, does it help.

      As I said, I can only listen to 'cable' that shows both sides most of the day...CNN is liberal drones.....MSNBC is liberal drones........wake up, Ducky. Time to put on the big boy pants and learn from the Right. Thank God it somehow still exists among the lies of the Left.

    7. FT,
      Please calm down. Getting exercised so much over Duck ain't worth the stress level.

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    9. FT,

      You are a wise man in many respects.


      I have been running a blog for some 12 years, so I think that what I'm about to type in has merit.

      You are over the line -- beyond satirical rhyme -- when you give me, the blog mistress here, an ultimatum:

      NO! Eventually ONE of us [meaning you and Duck] will HAVE to be THROWN OUT. If you choose to keep Quackobyrd and get rid of me, FINE.

      [I point out to you that I did not in any way threaten to get rid of you]

      It will be YOUR loss...

      The above along with invoking Warren's name.

      Here's the deal. Some who frequent your blog -- and I mean some whom you have as friends -- are not to my liking. Do I initiate blog feuds at your blog and try to force you to take sides?

      Addendum...Before you respond to me, consider Matthew 7:12.

  14. Don't worry about the NORKs. We still have a very robust nuclear deterrence.

    1. SF, I have been reading pretty convincing articles saying that DPRK is only developing nukes as a deterrent to having the US come and take out kimmy like they did quadaffi and saddam. Defensive only.

      Which really. N Korea shoots its wad with 1 or 20 nukes and still ends up totally destroyed. But I can see where kimmy thinks this will allow him to live and keep his countrywide harem.

    2. AOW, yes, he does. Some of those thoughts might be akin to the violent rambling thoughts of an invading insect but others are surely based on self-preservation.

    3. Kid,
      those thoughts might be akin to the violent rambling thoughts of an invading insect

      As in the TV show The Outer Limits. See THIS. I saw that episode, and forever thereafter didn't mind stepping on ants.

  15. Kind of surprised Steinle's murderer didn't at least get involuntary manslaughter...sorry to be so off topic, but...I'm stunned.

    1. It's San Francisco, in the People's Socialist Paradise. I'm not surprised at all.

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    3. Z,
      Should we be stunned? I'm not. It was a San Fran jury.


      When I was rear-ended at a 4-way stop sign by an illegal alien under deportation orders since 1980, my spine was permanently damaged when this Yellow Cab driver plowed into my Crown Vic* at 35 mph.

      More than one friend has said to me, "Put this behind you." I can't!

      I had yet another injection yesterday -- trying to keep me out of a wheelchair.

      Since that car accident in 2005, I haven't had a single moment without pain. The pain has ramped up big time since April 2016.

      When I got to court, the officer of the court said the following to me when my law suit went nowhere:

      "The sympathies of the court lie with the poor immigrant. If the situation were reversed, he'd be taking YOU to the cleaners'.

      BTW, the courts did nothing about any of this illegal alien's crimes related to the accidet: the cabbie lied to the police at the scene, didn't report the accident to his low-coverage insurance company, and never appeared in court (as is supposedly required here with an accident of seriousness).

      These are the glories of living in a de facto sanctuary city. Citizens are not protected in sanctuary cities.

      * Had I not been driving my police interceptor Crown Vic with heavy-duty suspension, I'd likely have died at the scene.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. I pretty much only know good conservatives in L.A....among many other great people are many Eastern European friends who tell me they came here to get away from what's going on here NOW......Obviously, there are TONS of liberals but I have to laugh at the "it's CALIFORNIA" meme....my gosh...anybody seen a map of sanctuary cities in America?
      Ya, S.F. is crazy...they treat the homeless like endangered species...did you know people give them pedicures and massages? Yup. Food might be better, but...it makes the libs feel good to massage.?

      That the verdict has become a California thing is kind of silly....sanctuary cities all over America are full of folks who'd have made the same verdict or they'd not allow their city to turn sanctuary.

      Let's concentrate on what happened.
      I personally believe it was not murder...but how it can be anything but involuntary manslaughter, at LEAST, is pretty astonishing..

      Thereby am I "Stunned."

    6. Z, All apologies, but you live in a loony lefty one-party state. Hillary Clinton got a whopping 61% of the vote to President Trump's 31%.

      Hillary's popular vote "victory" is entirely the fault of California's lopsided voting.

      I don't say this with glee. Colorado is turning blue thanks to the swarms of Californicating locusts invading our state, so we will soon be in the same boat.

    7. SF,
      the swarms of Californicating locusts invading our state

      So I've heard from others of my friends who live in Colorado. Sad.

    8. AOW, there are experts around the country saying most city juries would have gone this way...Some guy in Chicago was lamenting they were the worst of them all.......sanctuary cities are lost to us; America is weaker with them and liberals just don't care.
      Sadly, saying that somehow means I hate immigrants and that couldn't be further from the truth, but it's the Allinsky method and, frankly, CNN is drawing from his RULES to do their news....it's very effective and only now are we seeing the real repercussions.

      We should have been helping immigrants,keeping illegals out (which legal immigrants are VERY much for), helping the illegals get in a line...encouraging English (which isn't our legal language, by the way...was that on purpose?), protecting them from dying on the way due to their fellow hispanic coyotes, etc.

      sad stuff....America is suffering...but not from legal immigrants who work hard...the Hispanic immigrants I know are some of THE best people, sweetest, helpful, kind...that I have ever met.

      I forgot your situation was with an illegal, too. Had he not been there, think what you'd have been saved. Could a legal American have done that? Sure.

      But he didn't.

    9. @SF,
      "Colorado is turning blue thanks to the swarms of Californicating locusts invading our state, so we will soon be in the same boat."

      Hey, come on up to Denver; we're already there! Plus we have Boulder which makes Berkley look like the Third Reich!

    10. Z,
      It was the officer of the court that made me go scorched earth. You should have seen him blush.

  16. "On one hand, I would like us to rain fire on Kim."

    "On the other hand, the people of North Korea do not deserve to be punished for their leaders insanity"

    When I hear about life in the DEMOCRATIC PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF NORTH KOREA it sounds like they are, indeed, BEING PUNISHED! Could it be that they are so "Frog Boiled" in the delights of Socialism/Communism that they don't even realize it. As sad as it is I'd rather see them put out of their misery, if it came to that, rather than [any] destruction of America or other parts of the Free World by the mad man they support!

    1. JMB.. I've often wondered what the N Koreans of 1952 would vote for given these choices:

      - Be vaporized in a nuclear attack that would obliterate N Korean government resulting in a peaceful healthy N Korea...
      - Live and condemn untold numbers of generations of our descendants to a torturous life of sexual servitude to the kims and an existence of trying to survive eating grass and burning cow dung for heat in winter.

      I know how I would have voted.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Jon,
      Could it be that they are so "Frog Boiled" in the delights of Socialism/Communism that they don't even realize it. As sad as it is I'd rather see them put out of their misery, if it came to that, rather than [any] destruction of America or other parts of the Free World by the mad man they support!

      Hear! Hear!

    4. I have several clients from South Korea, and they have close relatives in North Korea. My clients say, "They are dead to us." And the South Koreans don't trust their North Korean relatives! Think 1984 -- that is, citizens ratting out citizens, and children ratting out their parents.

      North Koreans, coerced or not, worship their dictators -- something along the lines of the Japanese did (still do?).

    5. AOW,
      "North Koreans, coerced or not, worship their dictators"

      Hypothetically speaking: Say the NK was to be liberated and "Rocket Man" gone; what would you have? Almost any way I see it, that place is beyond redemption unless, somehow, SK could absorb it. That would, certainly, be a monumental task requiring generations to breed-out the sickness endured under the Socialist/Communist Hell of several decades in darkness.

    6. Jon,
      a monumental task requiring generations to breed-out the sickness endured under the Socialist/Communist Hell of several decades in darkness

      Well said!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. FT,
      we've been living under a MUSHROOM-SHAPED CLOUD ever since the Enola Gay accomplished her mission.

      Agreed. But dropping those bombs was the only way to stop the war with Japan.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. We're past the point of snuffing the devil's spawn while it is still in the cradle. The Pot Bellied Pig is a nuclear power, albeit a nascent one with only crude weaponry. Iran, Russia and China will help them get up to speed.

      Get ready for nukes in the ME. Iran is next in the global nuclear club.

      The only consolation is we have a very sophisticated, credible and overwhelming nuclear force. That is a strong deterrence, and it is connected to a very robust C2 system that is connected to a multi-layered detection system.

      Future attacks against the US won't be nukes. Those are just insurance policies for megalomaniacal dictators who don't want to go the way of Saddam and Muammar (two very stupid US actions).

      Cyber, attacks against the electricity infrastructure, EMP events, and other forms of non-kinetic sabotage are the proximate threats.

      Future enemies don't want to attack and invade; they want to cripple us, tie us up, get us focusing inward on our own troubles so we won't be out there stopping bad guys in other parts of the world.


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