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Wednesday, November 1, 2017

The Collective Shrug — Not For Me

A young girl reacts as police officers secure an area following a shooting incident in New York on October 31, 2017. (Don Emmert/AFP/Getty Images)

From At site of NYC terror attack, the school bell rang — then hell broke out:
Halloween turned truly terrifying for students and parents Tuesday when a driver went on a deadly rampage in front of several lower Manhattan schools — right as the afternoon bell rang.

Kids ran screaming down the sidewalk after the killer plowed his van into pedestrians and then emerged waving guns and shouting “Allahu Akbar.”

“Two women and a group of children — maybe 10 children — they’re running towards me. I hear one girls screaming, ‘Someone has a gun!'” said witness John Williams.

Frantic parents feared the worst as they waited to pick youngsters up from Independence Primary School.


Students from Stuyvesant High School and Borough of Manhattan Community College made it out of class in time to witness the carnage — bodies laying lifeless in the bike lane and victims were trapped inside a mangled school bus....
Read the rest HERE.

Over the next few days, we will, once again, see the same pattern: mourning with prayer vigils with candles, the placement of flowers, balloons, and teddy bears — and whatever else.

And, of course, the intoning of "Islam is a religion of peace."

Advice to accept the new normal and the mantra, "If you see something, say something."

In other words, after a few days or maybe a week, a collective shrug.

But I, for one, cannot become inured to all this.

I refuse to become inured to all this.

I must not become inured to all this!

Because, if I do, I surrender my heritage as a Westerner.


  1. De-Ballsio called it a "tragedy," and it is, in the traditional Greek sense of the protagonist causing his own downfall, but I'm sure that's lost on him and the idiots in his camp.

    Cuomo gave his own version of "this is the new normal" when he verbally threw up his hands and said New York is an international city, we won't let them win, bla bla bla.

    Everyone also trotted out the word "cowardly" to describe this deliberate act of murder in the name of Islamic conquest.

    This script is getting old.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. SF,
      Our Middle East script is getting old.

      Fatal for Western Civilization!

      I disagree, though about There was apparently nothing in this guy's background. There was Islam and, maybe, the mosque he attended. I heard this morning that he lived almost butt-up-against a mosque. Which mosque?

    3. SF,
      De Blasio is de-balled, all right. Lime most of America's so-called elected public servants.

    4. A properly-focused immigration policy benefits America. Any other goal, no matter how gauzy or feel-goody, is BS and should be rejected.

      Cultural compatibility needs to be a strong factor in selecting people to immigrate.

    5. Uzbekistan has very little in common with the US, so unless some extraordinary factors demonstrate otherwise in a particular case, we shouldn't be importing people from there. Same goes for Somalia, Sudan and most other nations outside of Europe, excepting "westernized" nations like Japan, or nations like Vietnam, whose immigrants here have demonstrated an ability to integrate and succeed.


      There is no other possibl\e answer IF we want to rid ourselves of THIS PARTICULAR THREAT.

      It's like SEX. If you REALLY don't want to get pregnant, DON'T have unprotected SEX.

    7. @AOW - I heard this morning that he lived almost butt-up-against a mosque. Which mosque?
      Sounds like the local hate jock I was listening to driving to the market today.
      He was on about radical mosques and claimed a Cambridge mosque radicalized the Tsarnaev's despite the fact that the mosque expelled them and warned the police about their radicalization.

      We could go back and waste millions on the program that had the NYPD infiltrating mosques and anything else muslim and coming up with zero.

      What we won't do is try to be level headed.

    8. Duck,
      Once again, you assume too much about me. When will you ever learn?

      I didn't listen to any radio this morning.

      I heard in on TV. Might have been on Morning Joe or on FNC.

    9. Gee, Nostradumbass, I guess everyone is tired of your moral equivalence BS.

      Have you thought about rehab or ECT?

    10. I see Quackobyrd laid a goose egg and got punished by the principal here. As for the murdering Muslim, I hope he and his family get severely punished for the mass murders he committed in the name of the demonic principality Allah. I hope all his family's assets get seized, frozen then auctioned off to pay for the damages. He and his family's wages should be attached 100% to pay for all future lawsuits filed against him in the future.

    11. MMSC,
      As for the murdering Muslim, I hope he and his family get severely punished for the mass murders he committed in the name of the demonic principality Allah.

      I keep thinking about Duck's beautiful niece. Would he continue to lie if that beautiful girl were mutilated (one bilateral amputee as the result of the jihadist's vile deeds on October 31) and her life ruined?

      I see Quackobyrd laid a goose egg and got punished by the principal here.

      The principal here is consistent. My word is my bond. I gave him fair warning.

    12. Is it time to change the inscription on the Statue of Liberty?

    13. RN,
      This jihadist was not yearning to breathe free in the sense of the inscription when he murdered innocent people and maimed others -- all in his service to allah (not capitalized -- false god). He waited for the school bell to ring so that he could murder and maim young people and children.

      ISIS's service to allah is not what Emma Lazarus meant.

    14. FT,
      I happen to agree with your comment @ November 2, 2017 at 9:49:00 AM EDT.

      He will cost a mint to try in court and sentenced to either execution or a life sentence.

      Hell, he's bragging --and he demanded an ISIS flag for his hospital room when he was being questioned by the police.

  2. Never ever will I accept this as the new normal. Anyone who does is a fool. All that witnessed this will be scared for life as well as the victims.
    A woman who was walking about ten feet ahead of me was struck and killed by a car. It never leaves me. I still hear the sound.

  3. WELL,WELL although the death and damage in this incident was caused by a truck, it has been referred to as a "shooting incident" (see caption in photo above) or otherwise involving "guns". Yes, the perpetrator was in possession of "imitation firearms" but, as far as I know, they played no part in the carnage. It goes to show that the 'gun grabbers' will never miss an opportunity to display their flawed logic!

    1. The perp was shot.

      Not a stretch to call that a shooting incident.
      It would certainly appear to be one to the young girl in the photo.

    2. The only "shooting incident" that I'm aware of is the perp being stopped by a firearm shot by a police officer.

    3. "Not a stretch to call that a shooting incident.
      It would certainly appear to be one to the young girl in the photo."

      Seriously, if she were shot do you think that she would be standing there? Where's the entry wound?

    4. Duck,
      You quacked: Not a stretch to call that a shooting incident.

      The perp was shot.

      Not a stretch to call that a shooting incident....

      That is the most inane comment you've ever typed in at this blog -- and you've been commenting to Always On Watch since 2005!

      You need to have a CT scan to see if you've recently suffered a CVA (cerebro-vascular accident). I'm not kidding!

      In fact, what you typed in is so DAMN STUPID that it may have to be deleted and your status here be changed to the protocol of your having to apologize for such GROSS STUPIDITY before you will ever be allowed to post at this blog ever again.

    5. Jon,
      although the death and damage in this incident was caused by a truck, it has been referred to as a "shooting incident" (see caption in photo above) or otherwise involving "guns".

      So glad that you noticed the photo caption. Not my words, of course.

      And, in some ways, that caption encapsulates what's wrong with our so-called leaders' policy regarding Muslims and Islam.

    6. FT pegged the Duck for the poisonous cancer he is right from the start. I finally got fed up with is ideologically purblind BS a year or so ago. Glad to see you've had it as well.

      The Duck is a carton of rotten eggs, dropped and broken in the middle of a pile of excrement, floating in a sea of toxic waste and caustic chemicals, all of it emitting a noxious gas hazardous to all within range.

    7. SF,
      I've run out of patience and the spirit of generosity, which I have extended, to the detriment of this blog, for over 12 years.

    8. I can tolerate his stinking leftism. It's his bald-faced dishonesty that repels me.

      He fails William J. Bennett's standards. Although Ducky does display intelligence, he is devoid of candor and goodwill.

    9. Jon Berg said:

      "It goes to show that the 'gun grabbers' will never miss an opportunity to display their flawed logic!"

      AMEN to that and everything else said by AOW and SilverFiddle on this strand of commentary.

      I feel elated to see greater intolerance of aggressive idiocy and malice on this blog. Idiocy we may excuse, because it is pitiable, but deliberate MALICE –– never!`

      And I thank you, Silver Fiddle –– very much –– for the recognition.

      HAPPY THANKSGIVING, everyone! §;-D

    10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    11. Keep laying those Goose Eggs, Quackobyrd! You obviously have eproctophilia, as you keep laying one goose egg after another.

    12. He's laying rotten eggs that fill the thread with lies, propaganda diversionary stink bombs and obfuscation.

    13. YES, Silver, and it MUST be STOPPED –– permanently.

      The First Amendment doesn't prevent schools from EXPELLING unruly children, so why should honest participants in the blogosphere be required to put up with those who do little but fling CACCA all over the place every chance they get?

    14. FT,
      Ahem. You're over the line with that.

      You are not required to put up with those who do little but fling CACCA all over the place every chance they get.


      What Warren and I permit to stand here isn't about the First Amendment -- although I am a staunch supporter of freedom of expression. Your blog rules differ from mine -- and that's fine.

      Again, I do not babysit this blog 24/7, and neither does Warren. We have other required tasks to accomplish.

    15. I think we need to have a private conference, AOW.

    16. FT,
      Maybe we do need that private conference, but it will have to wait. I'm on a deadline with the arrival of the kitten Minxy.

      I'm juggling the following: kitten proofing the house, buying kitten supplies, caregiving Mr. AOW, chauffeurIng Mr. AOW, discussing with Warren these INFERNAL computer problems I'm having (on my iPad right now -- better than nothing), tutoring, giving piano lessons, grading papers which must be handed back on Tuesday, etc., etc., etc.

    17. That kitten MUST be treated as Top Priority!

      The best of luck with young Minxy. She appears to be an exceptional kitten. I have seen her pictures, and would love to have her, myself. ;-)

    18. FT,
      If all goes as planned, Minxy arrives tomorrow morning.

      In the midst of all this, we may have to change vets -- a change that breaks our hearts. Our vet is in the hospital with late-onset of complications with the leg he broke a few years ago.

  4. ISLAM is a CANCER.

    Like any form of the dread disease it must be treated with AGGRESSIVE ATTACKS ––








Anyone who does not believe this is an IMBECILE.

CANCER cannot be dealt with DIPLOMATICALLY.


    The morons who do not believe this, and would self-righteously defend the indefensible sit IMMERSED, HAMSTRUNG, and DROWNING in MYRIAD bits of DATA, as always, instead of getting to the ROOT, DIGGING it OUT, and BURNING it.


Any attempt to be "REASONABLE" about the dire THREAT ISLAM poses to DECENT PEOPLE everywhere in the WORLD is a complete WASTE of TIME and ENERGY.


When it is clearly a KILL or BE KILLED situation, only a FOOL would FAIL to mount as strong and vicious a COUNTERATTACK as may be mustered.


If the WEST is to SURVIVE, __ I-S-L-A-M __ M-U-S-T __ D-I-E.

    And the mush-brained APOLOGISTS for ISLAM must be OSTRACIZED and EXILED.


    1. FT,
      Tragically, no policy ever able to be passed by our Congress critters will come anywhere close to what you stated -- well, unless a dirty bomb explodes inside the joint chamber in the Capitol.

    2. I just heard Up-Chuck Schumer ranting about Trump's response to this carnage. This POS was quick to shift any blame attributable to his promotion of DIVERSITY. Schumer is about as slimy as any Politian can get! In consideration of him and his ilk, I'm sorry to say that New York is getting what it has asked for.


    3. DIVERSITY –– as defined and promoted by leftists –– is nothing more than a code word for DIVISIVENESS –– as in "DIVIDE and CONQUER."

      If 911 had occurred in 1941 instead of sxity years later 2001, every mosque in the country would have been forcibly shut down, and every practitioner of Islam would have been marched into trucks, buses and special trains to be INTERNED, put inder ARMED GUARD, stripped of their Civil Rights, and thus SEGREGATED from the rest of the popularion.

      Of course it would have been "cruel," and OF COURSE many INNOCENT people's lives would have been disrupted, and much suffering would have ensued, BUT it would have been an EXCELLENT FIRST STEP in WINNING this now seemingly endless War on Terrorism.

      Jon Berg is correct when he says that The Left has DELIBERATELY –– even aggressively –– INVITED many elements designed to produce upheaval and disharmony with CALAMITOUS consequences to domestic tranquility into this once blessed nation.

      In a way what gthe Left has done is tantamount to a deranged parent who wants to believe we should BEFRIEND every living creature no matter how repulsive and frightening they may appear, and so DELIBERATELY introduces a TARANTULA, a SCORPION, or a poisonous SNAKE into his daughter's bed as an OBJECT LESSON just to prove how FAIR-MINDED he is towards ALL living creatures!

      Again, I would remind everyone: The U.S. CONSTITUTION is NOT a SUICIDE PACT.

      PS: Leftist Historical Revisionists have jockeyed us into acceting the belief that what FDR, the Patron SAINT of the American Scocialist Movement, did in interning the Nisei was an "ATROCITY." It was sad, yes, and possibly injust, BUT none of those people were KILLED, and when the war was over the were all permitted to return to take their place in american society as fullfledged citizens once again. The GREATER GOOD –– a term much favored by Leftists in justifing their increasingly tyrannical machinations –– was served, and the vast majority of Americans felt safer and more confident as a result.

      Surely our treatment of the Nisei was very possbly the MILDEST casualty of the Great War

    4. Any religion that is extremist and embraces violence either in its written doctine or by its practice is a cancer on the human race.

      There is NO justification in violeonce except as an act of self defense.

    5. How do yuu feel about PRE-EMPTIVE STRKES against KNOWN enemies who have publicly sworn to kill all of US?

      Would it not have been better for the world if someone had had the sense –– and the courage –– to ASSASSINATE HITLER before he marched into Poland and the Sudetenland.

      Would it not have been better if General MacArthur had not been stopped by President Truman when MacArthur wanted to press our then-great advantage and inflict a mortal wound on COMMUNISM before it became the deadly menace it remains to this day?

      MacArthur had a good chance of PREVENTING the deaths of over ONE-HUNDRED MILLION Russians, and Chinese. He would also have nipped the Korean Conflict, as it was then euphemistically called, in the bud before we lost TENS of THOUSANDS of OUR good men in that meedningly INCONCLUSIVE struggle.

      If MacArthur had had his way, we mght .EVEN have been able to prevent what-became The Vietnam War altogether, where FIFTY-EIGHT THOUSAND of OUR men lost their lives. and countless others were wounded, maimed, blinded or driven insane in yet-ANOTHER FRUITLESS, INCONCLUSIVE military venture.

      As my dad always said, "AN OUNCE of PREVENTION is WORTH a TON of CURE.

    6. Right now, ISLAM is the ONLY so-called religion that qualifies as a deadly menace to peace, freedom, decency, wholesome productivity and good order, Les.

      And ISLAM, I would insist, is NOT a RELIGION, it is a particularly virulent, insidious form of AGGRESSION whose primary goal –– like MARXISM –– is to DESTROY a given status quo and REPLACE it with a partcularly cruel, barbaric form of DICATORHIP.

  5. Nobody should "accept" this...but I have yet to hear a viable solution [excepting getting us out of the Middle East]. I'm for a complete freeze on immigration...but even that is not a solution, just a band-aid.

    1. Getting out of the Middle East is a good start. We can and should support allies there, but they need to do the fighting.

      Severely restricting immigration from outside Western Civilization needs to happen, and it should be based not on religion, but on assimilablity.

      We have data showing who assimilates and who don't.

    2. I'm not sure how you would restrict by "assimilablity".

    3. Look at historic trends. Vietnamese integrate very well

    4. So then by race or nationality? Neither of which are good standards. Race is nearly fluid these days, and tribes/clans don't abide by national boundries.

    5. @SF,

      "Getting out of the Middle East is a good start"

      Indeed and it's too bad that we can't get the "Middle East" out of here!

    6. CI: You ask good questions. I have provided some broad criteria. Chinese, Vietnamese, Koreans, Japanese, and British all have good track records assimilating and being successful.

      And yeah, if someone is a Muslim raised in a traditional culture, they will have a harder time assimilating, may end up hating their new home, and will herd up with other like-minded obscurantists and end up squatting together in insular, assimilation-resistant communities.

      There is no compelling national interest in bringing Muslim (or Norwegians) here.

    7. SF: I agree with you completely...but these days I'm interested in what could actually be implemented. "Assimilation" has no metric beyond the anecdotal, and could never be employed as a legal measure to allow or disallow immigrants.

      I see less and less of a compelling interest in letting anyone in.

    8. I understand. Whatever criteria, its got to get past the lawyers.

      @ I see less and less of a compelling interest in letting anyone in.

      Agree completely, with the caveat that we need to maintain our population and not shrink, or we will end up an old society that eventually weakens and dies out.

      I would like to see us adopt a policy of attracting young people from Latin America (the right way!), Japan, Vietnam and some European countries.

      Done right, and in controllable numbers, it would be a great boon to our nation. Helter Skelter Multi Culti is a failure. Even without the terrorism, it brings more disruption and bad than good.

    9. SF,
      Spot on!

      I have regular contact with the Vietnamese communities and the Christian Chinese communities here. Every one is a delight! And an asset to our economy.

      I can't say that for all the Latinos, but I can certainly say that about some of the Latinos whom I know.


      the cost to our public schools systems here, particularly the ESOL programs, which are proven to be a failure after the first year or second year, is a serious problem, particularly for the taxpayers.

      And we do have a problems with mostly-Latino gangs: shoplifting, theft (including grand larceny), thuggery, and drug trafficking.

      A few blocks from here in one direction and 1.5 miles in another direction, we have no-go, after-dark zones. Latinos rule those territories -- especially after dark, but to a certain extent during daylight hours.

    10. Our getting out of the Middle East would praobably help, yes, but at this point it would likely be one of those cases of "locking the barn door after the horse has escaped."

      I would still insist that Getting "The Middle East" OUT of the UNITED STATES and EUROPE would be the BEST policy, IF we ever hope to escape the endless series of vicious, savage, senseless, utterly unprovoked murderous attacks on OUR innocent citizens.

    11. AOW: ESOL for Spanish speaking kids is a money grab scam perpetrated by the Teachers Syndicate.

      Even adolescents can pick up English with a year of immersion.

    12. SF,
      Yes, ESOL is a scam.

      I know because I qualify to teach it. And I have taught it. ESL were much more successful in a private setting because these adults were paying tuition.

    13. Adults are a different story. They do need more instruction. But children pick up languages rapidly when immersed.

    14. SF,
      Total immersion works like a charm with children.

  6. Tragedy in New York

    Definition of tragedy, Merriam Webster

    1 a :a disastrous event :calamity
    b :misfortune

    2 a :a serious drama typically describing a conflict between the protagonist and a superior force (such as destiny) and having a sorrowful or disastrous conclusion that elicits pity or terror

    b :the literary genre of tragic dramas
    c :a medieval narrative poem or tale typically describing the downfall of a great man (or civilization)

    1. An event tlike this latest savage killing should never be called a TRAGEDY. It is an ATROCITY –– nothing less.

      SilverFiddle, I was taught in high school that to qualify as a TRAGEDY in the true sense of the word the destruction of something WONDERFUL or MAGNIFICENT must occur.

      Every act of murder, rape, vandalism, arson, hostile aggression, etc. and mayhem is not necessarily a tragedy.

      I'm sorry the modern dictionary seems to have lost pr throw away the distinction between tragedy and atrocity, outrage, calamity, disaster, and misfortune. The terms are related, but a distinction should be made among them. They are not syonymous.

      Being as old as I am I see all too clearly the disintegration and bastardization of Englsh usage. It is not merely "linguistic evolution," and therefore "natural," as today's apologists for our current sloth are quick to say whenever the subject arises.

      I firmly believe it has occurred because of DELIBERATE policy changes in Education, Communicate, Entertainment, etc, that have fostered what we refer to most regreattable today as the "Dumbing Down of America."

      I abhor the term, but, it is used frequently, and most people at least have a vague idea what it means. If it were up to me, I'd call it he IGNORANTICIZATION of AMERICA, but a dumbed-down population would never even TRY to use –– much less uderstand –– such a term.


    2. I see you've missed my point again. I too deplore the debasement of our language, and calling such incidents "tragedy."

    3. FT, Please see my first comment in this thread, and please note which part of the definition I bolded.

      Your poor eyes aren't what they used to be, but please, give me the benefit of the doubt!

    4. And AGAIN, Silver, I did NOT miss your point. I was merely trying to AMPLIFY it.

    5. OK> Thank you, then! It wasn't clear in your remarks that you were agreeing with me. It had the tone of a correction.

    6. Probably my best professor in graduate school made a great point of telling us, "When you write, you must ALWAYS assume your readers will be A) incurably lazy, –– B) abysmally ignorant, –– C) incurious as a stone, –– D) and none too bright.

      Also, every point you try to make should be made at least THREE times, each one in modified language, so your readers are less apt to fall asleep.

      Now what could he have meant by that?

      Simply this: We must take the pains necessary to SPELL everything OUT in BIG RED LETTERS so no one could claim the slightest excuse excuse for NOT comprehending your meaning.

  7. I am also pissed off and fed up with this recurring theme:

    The suspected New York City attacker was interviewed in 2015 by federal agents about possible ties to suspected terrorists

    We need a much longer trial period before handing out citizenship, or a process to revoke granted citizenship.

    We should also be asking if our government, with its multi billion dollar spying apparatus, plans on using it to actually prevent such incidents.

    1. SF,
      The suspected New York City attacker was interviewed in 2015 by federal agents about possible ties to suspected terrorists.


    2. No, my friend, we need much more than that, we need to establish an ABSOLUTE, IRONCLAD POLICY of CATEGORICALLY DENYING not only CITIZENSHIP to these lethal bastards, but ANY kind of access at ALL to OUR shores. PERIOD!

      Adherents of Islam must be treated as PARIAHS.

    3. That Muslim came into the USA in 2010 under 0bama's failed immigration programs.

    4. MMSC,
      I have read that BHO gave immigration preference to Moslems.

    5. @FT,

      "DENYING not only CITIZENSHIP to these lethal bastards, but ANY kind of access at ALL to OUR shores. PERIOD!"

      YES, that's the only way to halt [their] threats; don't allow them to be here. Now, what about the ones already here and their off-spring?

    6. Thank you, Jon Berg –– and that is precisely what I mean by DIDADIN!

    7. Jon,
      Now, what about the ones already here and their off-spring?

      FT offers DIDADIN, but I can't see that it will ever happen. I could be wrong, of course. I wonder what the American reaction would be if we had 10 million dead in an Islamic terrorism attack.

    8. It certainly will never happen as long as we sit silently by and watch our country, our culture, and everything we have stood for, fought for, bled for, and died for in the past overrun by practitioners of a toxic, verminous ideology.

      Islam is NOT a religion, it is a SUBVERSION.

    9. Truth is all religions are subverting human will to a perceived omnipotent authority. It's just the way it has always been and likely always will be.

      I shudder at the lives that have been lost in the name of one religion or another.

    10. I think it would be good idea if we emended the Constitution by a adding a clear, unequivocal statement that ANYONE, –– whether a natural-born or naturalized citizen –– who supports an ideology, a course of action, a set of ideas and principles FUNDAMENTALLY OPPOSED to those set fort in our Bill of Rights –– insidious ideas and practices deliberately

      This of course, would mean that the practice of ISLAM, SATANISM, or ADVOCACY of MARXISM in ANY of its many complex and varied forms –– including so-called DEMOCRATIC Sociaism –– would be strictly FORBIDDEN, and punishable by DEPRIVATION of CITIZENSHIP and all that goes with it.

      It's an oxymoron to be sure, but in order to sustain LIBERTY, we MUST render anything fundamentally OPPOSED to LIFE, LIBERTY, and the (free-unfettered) PURSUIT of HAPPINESS leggally OUT of BOUNDS.

      After all, we have outlawed Murder, Rape, Torture, Kidnapping, Theft, Vandalism, Extortion, and Disturbing the Peace, since time immemorial, so why not add SEDITION?

      Sedition renders all the virtues we possess first moot, then eventually null and void.

      It's high time we stopped the Enemies of Freedom from USING the LETTER if our LAWS to further their wocked agenda to ENSLAVE us.


  8. After all is said and done unless/until we get rid of Political Correctness we are doomed for never ending strife such as we are discussing in today's post. Will that, alone, stop terror, NO but it would be a big step forward. Will it ever happen, PROBABLY NOT. Left-Wing indoctrination will continue to take its toll.

    1. Jon,

      This makes me furious and heartsick at the same time.

    2. Egg-ZACK-Lee!! and that is why I insist on posting facts, ideas and sentiments we are not SUPPOSED –– EVER –– to discuss openly.

      The fear of ostracism is very strong, but IF we are to keep our God-given liberties as outlined in our Constitution, we must not flinch at gthe pospect of being disliked or reprimanded by the BIGOTS who are veryvclose npw to realizing the objective of establishing a cruel, arbitrary DICTATORSHIP in place of TRUE representative government.

  9. It is impossible to know what is in another person’s mind; but given our history since 2001, it is not difficult to know the likely result of admitting Islamist migrants without a thorough vetting process. The question remains how it is possible to conduct proper screening when many applicants have no discernible background, when screeners are unable to validate the veracity of an individual’s credentials, and this problem is particularly acute among Moslems, who change their names as often as a parent changes their baby’s diapers. How does a responsible examiner trust anything a Moslem says when it is permissible in Islam to lie in order to gain advantages over the unbeliever? Note: most of the people involved with screening applicants for visas are the foreign employees of US embassies, among whom there is never any accountability in the event of a slip up.

    All of this should lead a reasonable person to conclude that the best way to protect Americans from terrorism is a five-step program. Step one: internalize the fact that no foreign person has a right to enter the United States. Step two: refuse to accept any visa or immigration application until a thorough vetting process has been established at each US Embassy/Consulate. No less than three US officials must unanimously agree that an applicant poses no danger to the United States or its citizens, and hold those officials accountable for every visa they approve. Step three: prohibit immigration from Islamic countries where there is no opportunity for thorough vetting. Step four: conduct domestic surveillance of all those who attend mosques that are known as instruments of radicalization. Step five, initiate deportation proceedings against anyone where it can be demonstrated that they have engaged in, either by word or deed, any form of radical behavior.

    Does anyone recall that Rev. Wright predicted that the chickens are coming home to roost? I think he was right about that. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) was instrumental in creating the Diversity Visa Lottery Program. New Yorkers always vote for democrats. New Yorkers overwhelming supported the construction of an Islamic mosque at ground-zero in 2003 New Yorkers are now dead because of Chuck Schumer and a Moslem.

    1. Well....at least that's a stab at a succinct plan. But if you think we're living under an unaccountable security-surveillance state now......

    2. Sam,
      Excellent comment!

      Our federal agents already know which mosques are Wahhabist.

      Of course, the problem of "radicalization" via the Internet still would exist. How do we monitor or, better yet, curb that wihout trampling all over our First Amendment?

    3. The government has the capacity to monitor all electronic communications. I don’t know how this works, but I think that certain phrases or combinations of words trigger an interest, from which government agencies determine if there is more they want to know. Thus flagged, such as emails, chats, tweets, other social media postings in foreign languages, a user could (and should) become a person of interest. I don’t know how sophisticated the government’s internet monitoring operations are. As to our constitutional rights, there is no freedom of speech to incite others to commit violent acts and there is no protection from reasonable searches and seizures.

    4. Sam,

      I agree, but I don't think western governments have a problem detecting suspicious activity. Every Time a jihadi goes off doing the Allahu Akbar Murder Dance, authorities tell us he was "on their radar."

      It is clear we need to change our laws so governments can do something when they detect such activity. Governments need the ability to detain them and/or kick them out of the country, as well as shutting down mosques spewing anti-American hate.

      Also, as you said, there is no compelling national interest to bring anybody in. If government can't verify the person is clean, they don't come in. Period.

  10. Yes, we seem hell bent on surrendering our heritage. What a shift from this attitude 77 years ago.
    Go to 1.11 minutes and listen for 40 seconds.

    1. Baysider,
      I've been thinking along those same lines today -- that is, about what has happened to the West's gray cells since those words were spoken and applauded.

    2. May God forever bless, WINSTON CHURCHILL. Thank you, Baysider, for bringing a significant bit of this great man back to our attention.

      That relatively young British fellow "Jez," who posted frequently at Western Hero, and sometmes comes here, once scorned me publicly for expressing my admiration of Winston Churchill –– a magnificent historical figure Jez has obviously been conditioned –– by the indisious Leftist Indoctrination that seems to have overtaken most of the educational systems in the West –– to despise and reject.

      Jez, whom I an singling out only because he is a typical example, makes it obvious that he thinks very well of himself by the supercilious, coolly antagonistic manner with which he continually addresses me –– a person possibly old enough to be his grandfather. [Perceptive readers should realize that our darling Ducky and others of that ilk do precisely the same thing!]

      It seems obvious that Jez has been carefully taught NOT to respect age, custom, tradition, or to regard his OWN country –– and OURS –– as particularly virtuous. He, apparently, sees great MERIT in Socialism and a basic antagonism towards Capitalism. He scorns Christianity (and ALL belief systems that include the concept of an almighty, all-knowing, all wise, beneficent God). –– He is, like most leftists, a proud atheist.

      Notice please the undesirable characteristics I list as attributable to Jez apply equally Ducky, Rational Nation, This One, and the many others who vigorously support the militantly anti-American, anti-Capitalist, anti-Chriistian, anti-Liberty, scornful, openly disrespectful, ALWAYS-antagonistic, pro-Marxist agenda of the Left. Jez is merely more polite in the language he uses than most the others –– one of few desirable charactistics left over from having a once proud Brtish heritage, I suppose.

      ICONOCLASM is a hallmark of the Left. Please notice how they almost NEVER have aything POSITIVE to say about anything or anyone. This is known among devout Cultural Marxists as CRITICAL THEORY. In other words one of the best ways to discredit, defeat and ultimately destroy a system is to DENIGRATE it and everything it STANDS for RELENTLESSLY, and never, ever –– even ONCE –– ADMIT there might be ANYTHING GOOD about it,

      DENIAL of Weserm Christian, Capitalist virtue is a CRUCAL part of what it means to be a Leftist.

      We see this in the assiduous campaign to DEFAME, DISCREDIT, DENOUNCE, DEBASE, DEMEAN and DESTROY President Trump.

      How much moe evidence do we need to understand that we have been TAKEN OVER by the very Forces of Darkness we fought TWO WORLD WARS to DEFEAT?

  11. As I was dashing out the door to work earlier today, I heard that one of the victims is now a double amputee. Do we have anymore information about that?

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. TOM's a nice fellow, and generally on "our" side, if such a thing could be said to exist, BUT he has NEVER been known to post ON topic.

      TOM, I think, prepares a statement he'd like to share and then posts it wherever he can find an opening. I don't thin he knows what it means to respond directly to anything OTHERS have said.

      There are many such in the blogosphere, and I despair of ever curing any of the habit.

  13. Michael Medved was chastising Trump badly today on talk radio....hated what Trump had said about how our justice needs to be more swift and tougher on 'these animals' who perpetrate these attacks....Trump said things like how we need to get tougher, etc....And Medved said he doesn't speak for him and how awful that had to sound to law enforcement, and would Jeff Sessions make a response. I'm thinking 'who doesn't think we need to get tougher on these monsters? And what president's stuck closer to law enforcement than this one?" I was thinking cops would stand up and cheer were they able to get tougher.........this Medved type of thinking turned my stomach. Not as much as the Left wingers now blaming Trump for politicizing it, but turning, nonetheless. What's the politicizing about what Trump's said!?

    And ya, AOW...the typical candles, group hugs BS....another stomach turner. DO SOMETHING, quit going into hippie grieving....let's not have it happen again, PEOPLE DIED!.. blow the damned candles out.

    1. Via Z(above) ^ bears repeating!

      ...the typical candles, group hugs BS....another stomach turner. DO SOMETHING, quit going into hippie grieving....let's not have it happen again, PEOPLE DIED!.. blow the damned candles out.

    2. Z,

      Ever worse, there is a bilateral amputee. BILATERAL! Likely both legs above the knee. And also very likely a young person. A child?

      As you know, Mr. AOW has little use of one leg. I know what it's like to be bedfast because both legs don't work -- because for weeks, Mr. AOW had zero use of his left leg. So grateful that he was never consigned to have to be hoisted with Hoyer Lift, which I could not have physically managed BECAUSE MY SPINE WAS RUINED IN A CAR ACCIDENT COMPLETELY THE FAULT OF AN ILLEGAL ALIEN DRIVING A YELLOW CAB.

      Anyway, enough of my personal rant.

      THE LIKELIHOOD IS THAT MANY OF THE VICTIMS WILL LIVE OUT THEIR LIVES HORRIBLY MAIMED. Protheses ain't all that they're cracked up to be.

    3. Z,
      I've never listened to Medved. Who is he? Right, center, or Left?

    4. Z,
      As Warren already pointed out:

      ...the typical candles, group hugs BS....another stomach turner. DO SOMETHING, quit going into hippie grieving....let's not have it happen again, PEOPLE DIED!.. blow the damned candles out.

    5. Medved, a Yale graduate who holds dual citizenship with Israel, is a radio talk show host who PURPORTS to be conservative, but prides himself above all on beong "rational." [Now where haveve we heard THAT before? ;-] Medved, –– like Schumer, Adam Schitt, Erle Blumenauer, George Soros, and innumerable leftist lawyers, judges, college professors, psychologists, psychiatrists, and owners and directors of key elements in the ENEMEDIA –– is a JEW.

      Not ALL, but MOST Jews –– even the ones who want us to believe they are "Conservatives" –– ALWAYS retain an inordinate sympathy for ANY "minority." that qualifies as a "VICTIM GROUP." I'm sure that is because they, themselves, have been perennial "victims" in nearly every society they have inhabited in the past five thousand years. We are never suppose to ask WHY that has been the case. Just to make the inquiry gets you branded as an (GASP!) "anti-Semite."

      }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} SHUDDER {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{

      Jews have a saying among themselves I find revealing."TALK BRITISH , but THINK YIDDISH."

      Dennis Prager, for instance who touts his "conservatism" daily on the radio, REFUSES to ADMIT that those responsible for introducing the POISON of Leftist ideology into our educational system and communication industry –– most of whom just happen to have been Jewish –– Prager takes great pains to DENY that the grave damage the admittedly deadly influence has accomplished was done DELIBERATELY.

      Prager readily ADMITS that the Left has, indeed, had a deadly destructive impact, but I've noticed he ALWAYS rejects any thought that hints at a DELIBERATE CAMPAIGN of WILLFUL DESTRUCTION of a CULTURE, which of course Leftist Initiatives WERE and still ARE.

      It says right in the Bible:

      "... By their FRUITS ye shall known them."

    6. If General Shimon Erem were alive today, he'd be chewing out Medved and Prager for their blind retorts.

    7. FT,
      I've noticed he ALWAYS rejects any thought that hints at a DELIBERATE CAMPAIGN of WILLFUL DESTRUCTION of a CULTURE, which of course Leftist Initiatives WERE and still ARE.

      My students regular enter Prager University's essay contests -- which are excellent.

      But I don't listen to, watch, or read Prager on a regular basis. Therefore, I can't speak to your assertion. Perhaps someone else here can.

    8. FT,
      I realize how you feel about Jews. I don't feel the same way.

      I don't lump people together that way.

      We could also say that almost all the Leftism and dumbing down you mentioned were perpetrated by men. Should I then despise all men?

      I do hate certain ideologies -- as any regular reader of this blog well know.

    9. The genesis of Jewish liberalism is their culture dating back thousands of years. The propositions of Karl Marx make perfect sense to them, and as dedicated Marxists (even if that brand of political philosophy is never used by them), they have painted on themselves a target to devout anti-Communists. It is part of the reason the Third Reich dispatched six-million Jews in World War II.

    10. I do NOT hate Jews, but I am MILITANT in my insistence that it is WRONG to treat them –– or ANY group –– as a breed apart, in a class by themselves, separate, distinct, sacrosanct, and so far above everyone else that it is considered a CRIME to analyze or criticize them –– or even NOTICE them –– in ANY way without bringing down a hailstorm of negativity and PUNISHMENT on one's head.

      If you had been born and raised in New York City and environs as I was, you might think differently.

      Their insistence on remaining UNIQUE and SET APART from the rest of humanity is the source of their troubles, AND it has led to the CURSE of POLITICAL CORRECTNESS that presently holds us in thrall.

      This is not a matter of "feeling," but one of absolute FACT.

    11. Thank you, Mustang.

      I feel they'd have a lot less trouble if they got wise to themselves, realized and ACCEPTED the smple truth that they are just one small PART of the complex mass we call "humanity."

    12. Mustang,
      The propositions of Karl Marx make perfect sense to them

      Because a tribe is a collective?

    13. FT,
      it is WRONG to treat them –– or ANY group –– as a breed apart, in a class by themselves, separate, distinct, sacrosanct...

      I don't disagree.

      I know a few Jews (some being Jews For Jesus), and they are conservative. I don't see much tribal thinking in them.

      But I'm the kind of person who sees individuals -- not ethnic groups. I might notice ethnicity when I meet someone, but I'm more interested in that person's race than in that person's ethnicity.

      Why do I see individuals as individuals?

      Because I've been discriminated against because of my age (young to graduate, for example) and because I graduated high school from a very small Christian school).

      Almost all of my life, I have been discriminated against for "reasons" other than ethnicity.

    14. Addendum:

      I've also been discriminated against because of my bloodline. A nearly-century-long feud.

    15. Another addendum:

      I've also been discriminated against by one of the school systems here in Northern Virginia. I was not hired because the director personnel said that my college grades were too high.

      I'm not kidding!

      I eventually got the job because my mother was personal friends with the county's superintendent of public schools. A man of integrity when it came to public education here. He's long retired now -- probably gone to his reward in heaven as he would be over 100 now.

    16. Oh for Christ's sake. How many discussions can FreeThinke derail into a rephrasing of Goebbels?

    17. All of them...but what's old is new again, no?

    18. Guy spends a lot of time walking back to tell people he doesn't hate Jews. So much you'd think that even he would believe that by now.

    19. As always, 'We learn more about "Peter" from what he says about "Paul" than we learn about "Paul."'


    20. You forgot to deploy a quip about Cultural Bolshevism.

  14. I keep hearing people on the left railing about protecting the civil rights of Muslims ... I suppose they're talking about the rights of Imams to radicalize members of their community under the guise of saving their souls free from law enforcement scrutiny. Though It seems to me that there is no greater civil right for any citizen than to live their lives peacefully, free from the poison that Islam is.

    1. Mustang,
      there is no greater civil right for any citizen than to live their lives peacefully, free from the poison that Islam is.

      Amen to that!

    2. FreeThinke: "...a radio talk show host who PURPORTS to be conservative, but prides himself above all on being "rational.": I couldn't describe him better but he truly IS a conservative and ABSOLUTELY puts America before his beloved Israel. he closes out every segment with a segue including something like "We'll be right back...talking more about America, the greatest country on God's great earth" Every day, countless times.

    3. Are we talking abut Medved, or Prager, Z?

      There's a good deal of difference between them.

    4. Dear, Z,

      There are plenty of "wolves in sheep's clothing" slinking around playing roles artfully designed to throw nice, decent, well-meaning peope like you off the scent.

      I am nt saying that Medved or Prager beling in tha category, but when I listen, I lsten very CAREFULLY, and rarely accept what ANYONE says at face value these days.

      Also, when dealing with Moslems, especially those of SEMITIC descent, we must never forget that TAKEEYA is an integral part of their belief system.

      What is TAKEEYA? An embeddeded practice of DELIBERATELY DECEIVING anyone who is not a Mohammedan on all matters of cnsequen/ce.

      In other words WE cann/ot afford to trust a SINGLE WORD hat ANY of those people say –– no matter how friendly, sweet, kind, and agreeable they may seem.

      They are past masters in the Art of Deception.

  15. Replies
    1. Do you know if authorities are rounding up those 23 other people?

    2. Mustang,
      They are trying to do so. But some have disappeared. Comforting, huh?

  16. And this, wherein we read that this jihadist was known as a point of contact for two men who overstayed visas and disappeared.

    Think about that.

    We also read from the same source:

    Witness Eugene Duffy described one victim's body as "mangled," saying he was "traumatized" from what he saw.

  17. Replies
    1. It was the lowest political ad I've ever seen, and when called on it, some shill from the Center for American Progress (a misnomer if ever there was one) (a Soros invention) defended it on Tucker Carlson. I'm actually surprised they pulled it ... after all, the gutter is where most leftists live.

    2. Leaders of the Demoractic Party should be officially labelled, Subversive, Seditionists, Treacherous, Terrorist Sympathizers and TRAITORS.

    3. Mustang,
      It was the lowest political ad I've ever seen...

      Northam was well in the lead for quite a while. But since he ran that despicable ad, the race has tightened.

      I still doubt that Gillespie can win -- once the Northern Virginia votes roll in. Typically, Northern Virginia voters now vote for the Dems. Cause? The voters in Northern Virginia are deeply indoctrinated at "fine" universities, which are hotbeds of Leftism. The same is true of the high schools in Northern Viginia.

      Frankly, I can't believe what's happened to my (and my father's) home state!

    4. FT,
      Leaders of the Demoractic Party should be officially labelled, Subversive, Seditionists, Treacherous, Terrorist Sympathizers and TRAITORS.

      Agree, agree, agree!

      But some leaders of the GOP are no better.

      Globalists who want "to put America in her place."

    5. Yes, I should have reiterated by well-known, well-publicized CONTEMPT for RINOS, which unfortunately comprise the majority of GOP members of congress. They are such wishy-washy weak sisters –– and dangerous FOOLS –– it's enough to make you want to VOMIT.

      [Watch Mir. Smith Goes to Washington at my blog. It lays the whole lot of them out in lavender in the most delightful way.]

    6. Of course Virginia will vote in the DemonCrap.

      Virginia reclines in DC's lap and suckles at her ample Capitol teat. Billions flow through DC, and much of the Establishment lives in Norther Virginia.

      I am not trying to insult anyone. My own state will be completely californicated in 10-20 years.

    7. SF,
      Of course Virginia will vote in the DemonCrap.

      It wasn't always the case. For example, both Ken Cuccinelli and Bob McDonnell were elected in 2009.

    8. As a Virginia resident and voter, for about a decade now.......let's not pretend that Cuccinellni and McDonell were any standards of Conservatism. They were run-of-the-mill Statists.

    9. CI,
      They were run-of-the-mill Statists.

      Why do you say that?

    10. Why does he say that?

      I think I know, but won't say, because i don't want t flame the board.

      I hope he comes back and answers you.

      I wonder if he could just answer your question without taking another swipe at me? };^)>

    11. Since Virginia saw fit to elect TERRY McAWFUL to be her governor. VIRGINIA must be GIVEN UP as LOST.

      Actually there re TWO Virginias –– three if you count West Virginia –– Northern Virginia functions as a suburb of the District of Columbia is merely an EXTENSION and MAGNIFICATION of the DC Swamp. Western and Southern Virginia are far more conservative, but the population of the largest geograohucal areas of the state cannot beging to balance the obscene GLUT of doctrinaire cultural Marxists and Maoists who dominate the area surrounding the District.


    __________________ NOTICE __________________

    I've posted the classic Frank Capra film MR. SMITH GOES TO WASHINGTON in its entirety at my blog this morning.

    Even if you've already seen it more than once, I highly recommend seeing it again. I must have watched it eight or ten times at least, yet I always get more out of it with each repeated showing.

    It's a wonderful evocation of Corruption at its worst daunted and ultimately defeated by passionate, courageous Idealism, –– and the way it portrays the MEDIA is beyond brilliant.

    Mr. Smith was made in 1939 yet its message is timeless. Seventy-eight years after it debuted we learn it is, indeed true that "THE MORE THINGS CHANGE, THE MORE THEY REMAIN THE SAME"

    1. The film suggests to me that our government has been corrupt for a very long time. To quote Mr. Madison, "But what is government itself, but the greatest of all reflections on human nature? If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary."

    2. The film Mr. Smith Goes to Washington was my mother's favorite film. Mom well knew about corruption in D.C. Why? She personally knew LBJ and other on Capitol Hill.

      I now wish that I had paid more attention to what Mom told me over the years. Alas! I did not. I instinctively knew that I wanted nothing to do with political weasel.

      Statesmen were and still are very few in number.

      For as long as she physically could (first of heart attacks at age 44, and her doctor attributed much of her heart trouble to following politics so much of the time), Mom worked a federal employee job that she despised -- and saved, saved, saved so that I would never have to work for the federal government. I am eternally grateful for Mom's sacrifice on my behalf.

    3. Been that way in ALL cultures since time immemorial no doubt, Mustang. Our Founders might even be surprised their vision lasted as long as it did, for they were painfully aware of the innate stupidity and self-destructive aspects of human nature.

      Capra's film is both energizing and lovable of course, because it shows the way cynicism and cupidity could be overcome if a passionate idealistic person with courage and great determination like Jefferson Smith, who cared more for the truth and for our great fundung principles than he did for himself came along and stood form against the bad guys as he does in the film.

      The Claude Rains character is both villainous and in the end almost angelic because he is so moved by Jeff Smith's sincerity he reniounces the corrupt life he's been leading –– and all the advantages and perquisites that go with it.

      Jimmy Stewart's portrays Mr. Smith as humble but actually SAINTLY –– even CHRIST-like –– in such a way that he makes Smith's character totally believable –– an ideal towards which everyone should at least attempt to aspire.

      I can't say enough for the film. I must have seen it a dozen times over the past fifty five years, and each time it seems more exciting, more meaningful –– and more beautiful –– than it did before.

    4. Mustang,
      James Madison was a wise man. Do students anymore read what he wrote?

    5. Unfortunately FT, it also becomes even more sentimental.

      As you wait for Mr. Smith to return, realpolik has become the order of the day and it happened while you spent your time reminiscing about Mr. Smith.

      Individuals never had that kind of power and they are more pawns than ever before.

    6. AOW, every time this –– or any other –– dirty Communist bastard LIES, I think responsible blog owners and editors have a DUTY to DELETE the Disruptive Mendacity.

      Rudeness, and personal animosity are bad, but LYING is far far WORSE.

      The ENEMEDIA faithfully reports LIES every chance they get –– and they NEVER stop to CORRECT or RETRACT them.

      We are suppose to believe that this corrupt practice MUST be tolerated because of the First Amendment, but I do not see it that way.

      FreeThinke despised by many, because I insist on telling what I-believe-to-be-the TRUTH –– no matter how "unpleasant," "distasteful," "unpopular," or "unsociable" it may seem to tnose who do not agree with me ––, but I NEVER deliberately LIE ––– NEVER!

      I am often treated to snide innuendoes, outright scorn and castigation, because I've DARED to say something certain people do not WANT to hear, or because my "manner" rubs them the wrong way.

      THAT should be regarded as UNACCEPTABLE.

      I don't mind responsible disagreement, but we SHOULD always bear in mind that an insult, a rudely dismissive response, or a verbal slap in the face does NOT constitute proper REFUTATION.

      If anyone can PROVE me wrong, –– or at least politely assert that, and then tell me why ––, I am capable of changing my mind, but INSOLENCE I cannot help but see as CORROBORATION of whatever point I try to make that is categorically rejected simply because of longstanding personal animosity.

    7. FT,
      Are you saying that Duck is lying because of what he said about Mr. Smith Goes to Washington? Honestly, I don't see that what Duck said about the film is worth such a reaction.

    8. FT,

      I resent your innuendo that I am not a responsible blog owner.

      What I am is a busy person who had many tasks to accomplish today -- tasks with deadlines.

      I do not babysit this blog. Period. Full stop.

    9. FT, Nostradumbass only address you to get a rise out of you. In other words, he's some kind of pervert that gets off making you angry.

      As I've said before, since caller ID, all of the obscene phone callers had to go on the Internet.

      He's probably breathing hard on his keyboard right now.

    10. Quackobyrd's been known to go after FreeThinke, me and my blog team whenever one of us would call him out. Rattrapper calls him Dodobyrd and Donkey's Revenge calls him Byrdbrain, all in reference to the late KKK Democrat Politician Robert Byrd. Quackobyrd is fixated on snorting jenkem, based on his sleazy personal attacks Donkey's Revenge, Rattrapper and I received from him. He's probably snorting jenkem right now while breathing hard on his keyboard, getting ready to lay another goose egg.

    11. Warren said:

      "Nostradumbass only addresses you to get a rise out of you. In other words, he's some kind of pervert that gets off making you angry. ... As I've said before, since caller ID, all of the obscene phone callers had to go on the Internet. ..."

      Thanks, Warrem, –– and Mystere too. I'll take what both of you have said as a sign of support. You are correct, of course, and I am foolish to allow myself to give Canardo the satisfaction of seeing me react to his perpetual taunts.

      He has said quite openly –– for at least twenty years –– that his main purpose in blogging is "to "cheese off" the right wing. (His words.)

      AOW knows me well, and I feel she ought to understand that A) I never mean to chastise her, and B) when I respond with disgust to Canardo –– or any of the other chronic irritatants who infest the blogosphere like RN, This One, or Dervish Sanders –– and other malignant personalities it's better not to name at all –– I'm responding to more than a decade of perennial abuse not to her.

      I made the mistake some time ago of trying to become friends with the Duck. It seemed possible a few years ago, but it soon became apparent that he would NEVER respond positively to anything agreeable, creative, encouraging, hopeful, cheering or endearing.

      His main purpose – and that of most others of his type –– is to denigrate everythnng in sight. He has no higher purpose in mind.

      As you say "some kind of pervert." That's very aptly put.

      I hope you have a pleasant Thanksgiving, Warren.


      You too Mystere! ;-)

    12. PS: I woud have appreciated it very much if those of you who made comments abiut Mr. Smith had taken a moment or two to make your statements about Mr. Smith AT my blog. [Not YOU, Canardo!]

      I took the liberty of copying and pasting them in under YOUR names, but it's not the same as if you had done, yourselves.

      Lack of participation by DECENT people at FreeThinke's blog is probably THE major reason I will probably stop posting new items there –– and why I ten to make myself so prominent here.


  19. Corruption, and government corruption, is indeed eternal, which as FT points out, the Founders were well aware.

    Their genius was to pit the various power centers against one another. Government, academia, Big Biz, Big Lawfare and the press no longer check one another. They are all in collusion against We The People.

    1. Sadly true. I don't think the Founder's were cognizant of the threat posed by political parties as power centers.

    2. But they were, CI. George Washington in partocular is FAMOUS for despising the idea that the government would devolve into organized political parties forever at odds.

    3. @ CI: Re threat posed by political parties.

      Some did, some didn't.
      From George Washington's farewell address.

      ""However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion."

      From Thomas Jefferson.

      "...if I could not go to heaven but with a party, I would not go there at all."

    4. And this:

      "There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution."

      -- John Adams, Letter to Jonathan Jackson (2 October 1780), "The Works of John Adams", vol 9, p.511

    5. Thanks, Warren and AOW, for all the specific information corroborating my statement to CI.

  20. Guy walks into a Denver Walmart and blows away three strangers.

    Seems you're much more exposed to that sort of terrorism and don't hesitate to facilitate it.

    Regarding NYC. Everything points to a man who was radicalized after he entered the U.S.

  21. Ducky, you confuse facilitation with freedom, and confuse criminality with terrorism......when it suits you.

  22. You're a non-sequitur wrapped in an irrelevancy...

    Someone shooting someone is not terrorism. Do some research.

    Just because we have home-grown nuts, idiots and murderers doesn't mean we should be cavalier about importing foreign-born ones.

    Your last sentence supports McCarthy's point. Glad to see you agree with him.

  23. McCarthy wrote, “The pathology is sharia supremacism. If you don’t vet for it, you’re going to keep having attacks long after ISIS, which started as al-Qaeda, transforms into whatever the next flavor-of-the-month jihad group is.”

    He’s right, of course ... but the problem remains: how does one see inside another man’s head? We have to admit that Islamists have been extraordinarily clever by wrapping political ideology into archaic theology, and under current law, there can be no religious test for immigration.

    Merit-based immigration should be the starting point. No one should secure an immigration to the United States who lacks the education or skills needed to make a positive contribution to our society. Suddenly, then, we are able to reduce the percentage of Moslem applicants to near-single digits. If we can adopt McCarthy’s suggestion, that is to say, separate religion from political ideology, we could ask the remaining number of applicants this question: “Are you an adherent of Sharia Law?” The question is appropriate because the United States is a constitutional republic whose citizens enjoy equal rights; Sharia Law opposes constitutionalism.

    Since ninety percent of all Moslems are adherents of Sharia Law (a statistic provided by the Pew Center), negative responses should be somewhat easy to verify —noting that any Moslem who is not an adherent of Sharia Law is apostate. An apostate (read secular) Moslem does not attend mosques in the Middle East because they are prevented from doing so —on penalty of death.

  24. mustang, merit based immigration (worth considering) wouldn't do much to exclude muslims.
    According to a Cato Foundation research project in 2016 Muslims have a higher employment rate than other americans. It's not a great difference, only about 5 percentage points but it begs that the idea that muslims are here as welfare leeches be looked at more carefully.
    Locally there are a large number of muslims in medicine, finance and high tech. They are actually a plus and there isn't any push for sharia.

  25. Please please PLEASE stop QUIBBLING.

    IF we TRULY want to STOP suffering from attacks of THIS partocular kind, we MUST implement DIDADIN. It wouldn't eliminate the problmen cmpletely any more than building The Wall woud eliminate illegal immigration completely, but at the very LEAST it would severely RETARD the corrosive, degenerative effect that tolerating the presence of ISLAM has brought to the West.

  26. FT,
    I don't consider the discussion to be "quibbling."

    What jumped out at me from that article by McCarthy:

    the Swamp [needs to be] willing to acknowledge what the challenge is. It is not ISIS. Jihadist organizations are a symptom. The pathology is sharia supremacism. If you don’t vet for it, you’re going to keep having attacks long after ISIS, which started as al-Qaeda, transforms into whatever the next flavor-of-the-month jihad group is.

    Your DIDADIN, which I believe will never be implemented, relates primarily to Moslems already here.

    Somehow our government must show discernment as to who should be admitted to our nation.

  27. I misspoke earlier about "religious test for immigration." There is no such restriction. The only restriction about religious tests its embodied in Article VI, which addresses such tests as a qualification for appointment to high office or or public trust. I apologize.

    1. Mustang,
      Yes, Article VI ties America's hands regarding religious test. I can't imagine that our Founders were incorrect. They understood a great deal about "the law of unintended consequences."

    2. Quoting McCarthy, you said the following above, Mustang, I think it's important enlugh to be repeated. [I've aken he liberty of editing but only for emphasis and brevity]:

      'McCarthy wrote, “The pathology is Sharia Supremacism. If you don’t vet for it, you’re going to keep having attacks long after ISIS, which started as al-Qaeda, transforms into whatever the next flavor-of-the-month jihad group is.”

      'He’s right, of course ... but the problem remains: how does one see inside another man’s head? We have to admit that Islamists have been extraordinarily clever by wrapping political ideology into archaic theology, and under current law, there can be no religious test for immigration.'

      '... We should be able to] ask ... applicants [for citizenship] this question: “Are you an adherent of Sharia Law?”

      'The question is appropriate because the United States is a constitutional republic whose citizens enjoy equal rights;

      'Sharia Law opposes [our form of] constitutionalism.

      'Since ninety percent of all Moslems are adherents of Sharia Law [a statistic provided by the [left-leaning] Pew Center], negative responses should be somewhat easy to verify —noting that any Moslem who is not an adherent of Sharia Law is apostate. An apostate (read secular) Moslem does not attend mosques in the Middle East because they are prevented from doing so —on penalty of death.'

      You've brought out a very important point there, Mustang. I think it supports my contention that the practice of Islam should be PROHIBITED in the West. Islam is NOT a "religion," it is by it's very nature an aggressive, POLITICAL movement designed to CONQUER and SUBJUGATE as much of the world by FORCE as it can. I coined the following in 2001, and I'll stick by it to my dying day.


      As such, it has NO PLACE WHATSOEVER in OUR country.


  28. From the FBI website:

    There is no single, universally accepted, definition of terrorism. Terrorism is defined in the Code of Federal Regulations as “the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives” (28 C.F.R. Section 0.85).

    The FBI further describes terrorism as either domestic or international, depending on the origin, base, and objectives of the terrorist organization. For the purpose of this report, the FBI will use the following definitions:

    Domestic terrorism is the unlawful use, or threatened use, of force or violence by a group or individual based and operating entirely within the United States or Puerto Rico without foreign direction committed against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof in furtherance of political or social objectives.

    So, if the murderer who drove his car into that crowd did it to intimidate people in the name of white supremacy, he is a domestic terrorist.

    Does that clear it up for you, quacko?

  29. Nostradumbass many times donned his Red Queen outfit again, i.e. terrorism means what he wishes it to mean. No more, no less, no common sense.

    Here's a hint, ducks ass, Terrorism is a tactic used to defeat the infidels, as acknowledged in the Koran. Don't worry, since you're such an upstanding dhimmi, if you are maimed or killed in a terrorist attack it will be for the greater glory of Allah.

  30. Nostradumbass, (in deep, deep intellectual introspection and then finding no intellect to inspect) said:

    "Regarding NYC. Everything points to a man who was radicalized after he entered the U.S."

    You mean, a Muslim that was radicalized... You're not helping your case any.

  31. To AOW from Far Far Above:

    I hope you see how these quotations from Thoreau relate to your statement to me.

    "There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root."

    "Men will lie on their backs, talking about the fall of man, and never make an effort to get up."

    ~ Thoreau (1817-1862)

    I'm not trying to be antagonistic –– only truthful. Like you, dear friend, I'm not gifted at being "diplomatic"–– especially when it cime to politics.

  32. This might prove helpful to this discussion:

    Why Bureaucracies Don’t Stop Terror

    National Review Online, by Kevin D. Williamson

    From the article:

    "Of course Sayfullo Saipov “had been on the radar of federal authorities,” as the New York Times put it in a report that had the stink of inevitability on it. Who else was on the radar of the relevant law-enforcement and intelligence agencies? Omar Mateen, Syed Farook’s social circle, Nidal Hasan, Adam Lanza, the 2015 Garland attackers, the Boston Marathon bombers . . . The 2015 Paris attackers were “on the radar” of French authorities, as were the Charlie Hebdo killers. The Copenhagen terrorists were known to local authorities. Man Haron Monis, who staged an attack in Sydney, had written ...

    Sorry, I have never learned how to apply 'hot' links

    The article is linked at Lucianne,com New Forum Home Page

  33. If Islam was actually "a religion of peace" existing practitioners would be policing their, so called, community to assure that those who would violate such peace be exposed and suppressed accordingly. I see no evidence that this is being pursued in any significant sense. What I see is a very spooky, insidious threat to Western society hiding behind, in this country, the 1st Amendment as a Religion, albeit a pseudo one! If this is not the case let them come forward and prove it. Is anyone holding their breath for that to happen?

    1. All I can say is that you echo my own thoughts on the subject, Jon Berg, and vice versa. I believe Mustang sees it that way too, and so does Silver Fiddle, and I know AOW has been militantly resistant to accepting Islam in OUR world for YEARS as a matter of principle, so WHY then are so many of us who hold essentially the same views seemingly at odds with one another?

      Are we so imbued with the spirit of antagonism after years (in my case two decades!) of blogging that we can find no other way beside adversarial discourse to relate?

      It never ceases to amaze –– and disturb –– me how easy it is to be misunderstood no matter how clearly and precisely I try to express myself.

      I guess most of us just can't help but take things personally, even when criticisms are stated in the most general terms.

    2. Z,
      they should know it by now with the negative information experts keep exposing

      If they haven't yet abandoned Islam, then they are intellectually, IMO

  34. Kid,
    With you on that. For a number of reasons -- not the least of which is the defense's right to discovery in a courtroom.


  35. @Kid,
    " If the perp is still alive"

    GOOD BUDDY, I don't get the "if". That son-of-a-bitch will be "alive" long after I'm gone. PC and SCUMBAGS, known a Lawyers, will assure that. He did it so why not a public hanging (now)?

  36. Muslim Community Must Speak Up

    Boston Herald

    by Joe Battenfeld

    Here’s a thought for the local Muslim community to ponder as it once again finds itself in the withering heat of a blanket indictment, seen by many as guilty by association. When Sayfullo Saipov hollered “Allahu Akbar!” (“God is great!”) as he exited the pickup truck he had just used to fatally mow down eight unsuspecting civilians in New York City on Tuesday, that was all it took for a summary judgment of “Guilty!” to be levied against the Muslim faith in the court of public opinion. Islam and ISIS? They are not synonymous, but who wants to hear that this ...

    Again the article may be found hotlinked at Lucianne.com News Forum Homepage

    1. The link.

      This is the final sentence:

      The silence of the local Muslim community is deafening and very much needs to be shattered.

  37. The other day, someone remarked that should anyone seriously suggest that the NY terrorist ought to be sent to Gitmo, then that person must not have any confidence in our justice system. Actually, our system of justice is shit and so too is the Attorney General's office ... so I'd have no problem sending war criminals there.

  38. Replies
    1. Joe,
      The first guy speaking in that video was a pathetic specimen of a public speaker. I couldn't make myself watch the entire thing. **sigh**

  39. Mustang, I heard that thing about confidence in the system, too, aimed at Trump's comment about it; but Trump was absolutely right....how can we have faith in it anymore, particularly after this non-sentence? You can only have confidence when it's ignoring political correctness and following the law. Hearing Rob O'Neil on this non-sentence was fascinating and very, very sad. Like he said "The war stopped for a month looking for that guy...." One man who has a permanent injury due to seeking Bergdahl was on FOX this morning...he said what he wanted to say wasn't meant for television. Poor guy. How can he have faith in anything anymore!??

  40. Mustang and Z,
    One of the soldiers who went to search for Bergdahl suffered grievous injury and is now paralyzed from the neck down. All because Bergdahl, who voluntarily signed up to serve in the US Army deserted his post!

    As you said, Mustang: our system of justice is shit.

  41. Z,
    FOX this morning...he said what he wanted to say wasn't meant for television.

    I'd like know this name and watch that segment from FNC.



    November 1, 2017 at 12:57:00 PM EDT

    FT pegged the Duck for the poisonous cancer he is right from the start. I finally got fed up with is ideologically purblind BS a year or so ago. Glad to see you've had it as well.

    The Duck is a carton of rotten eggs, dropped and broken in the middle of a pile of excrement, floating in a sea of toxic waste and caustic chemicals, all of it emitting a noxious gas hazardous to all within range.

    Always On Watch

    November 1, 2017 at 4:05:00 PM EDT


    I've run out of patience and the spirit of generosity, which I have extended, –– to the detriment of this blog ––, for over 12 years.

    I'm deeply sorry that subsequent exchanges proved me wrong. The CURSE, apparently, shall be with us here forever.

    1. FT,
      Please! Enough already!

      Duck "cooled his jets" regarding the topic for which I chided him -- as far as I know, anyway.

      I am not babysitting this blog for reasons you already know.

  43. Mystere gave me a heads up about this post, AOW. You have a great topic, and I hope Dodobyrd stays too busy laying goose eggs somewhere else for now. Right now, he's been flying over Mike's America, bombing his blog with his goose egg stink bombs on the same topic you posted about. With that said, here's my thought on Bowe Bergdahl, 0bama, Chucky "Mr. Whupped'^$$" used toilet paper salesman Schumer and that deranged Muslim whackjob: I hope the public never forgives these liberal douchbags for what they did.


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