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Monday, November 6, 2017

We Interrupt This Program...

...to bring you 8-week-old Minxy, who has arrived to her forever home!

[For politics, please scroll down]

Minxy on Mr. AOW's iPad.

Notice how Minxy spreads her toes.

Relaxing on the $1800 lift-recliner.

Amber has moved from overtly hostile to curious with a tinge of hostility.


  1. Hey, Warren! Minxy adores the pillow and pillowcase you gave us.

  2. That's a cool cat! She has a great life ahead of her.

    1. Rattrapper,
      She has a great life ahead of her.

      That's the plan!

  3. LORD ALMIGHTY! Taken up the Queen's chair! Long live the Queen!

    1. Lady Liberty,
      Minxy has definitely taken the Queen's spot in the recliner. Now I'm again crowded to one side.

  4. Always nice for a kitten to find a new human family to own. :)

    1. BB Idaho,
      We're having a wonderful time -- and so is Minxy.

  5. Am toying with the idea of getting Blues a companion...talk me out of it! Minxy is adorable and I love how happy she's making you and Mr. AOW!!

    1. Z,
      In my experience, most cats adapt well to a companion -- if introductions are carefully managed.

  6. Warmest Congratulations on the New Arrival!

    Happiness is New Kitten!

    It may take time, but Amber will grow to love Minxy too.

    1. FT,
      During this introductory phase, Amber is confined to the cellar for part of the day.

      This morning, Amber hissed at Minxy when I cracked the cellar door open. Minxy bowed up, hissed, and growled menacingly. Amber took a step back. Only one step. Amber never bushed up -- important detail.

      Introductions this afternoon.

    2. FT,
      This experience is much better than watching the news.

  7. Long live Minxy! She will bring plenty of joy for the years to come.

    1. MMSC,
      I realize that Minxy may outlive Mr. AOW and me. We have godparents for all our kitties, though.

    2. At age 76-fast-approaching-77 I worry about my two outliving me.

      Winner is almost fourteen, but little Mr. Pussy is only four-and-a-half, and he's blind.

      I have two sets of friends who've said they would take care of them, if ... But how could one ever know if that would really happen?

      Al we can do is the best we can, butt I always feel I ought to be able to do more.

      Mr. Pussy just showed up ;iterally starving to death three-and-a-half years ago, and there was no way in the world I could have turned him away. The vet said he was already at least a year old possiblymore, but he only weighted THREE pounds. He los his eyesight from malnutrition.

    3. AOW, I hope you're not abusing Minxy. She looks all tuckered out in that last photo. ;^)

    4. Warren,
      She chased Red Dot and balls of wadded-up paper till she dropped.

  8. Replies
    1. Kid,
      I haven't had a gray-and-white since I was a teenager. Mr. AOW has never had a gray-and-white.

      But what matters is personality. Minxy the Alpha and Amber The Submissive are a good match.

  9. Thousands of years ago, cats were worshipped as gods. Cats have never forgotten this.

    Hail Minxy!

  10. So happy for you... nothing more fun then seeing two cats work out their territory. Fun for us perhaps, not so much for them.. :)


    President Trump addressed the Suth Korean Assembly last night. I saw the whole thing, and was greatly heartened by it.

    If you missed it, and would like to catch up, a video of the entire 40-minute speech is now posted at my blog.

    Aside from the arrival of Minxy at the AOW Household, the president's speech last night is by far the best thing out. I highly recommend it.

  12. We introduced Amber and Minxy yesterday afternoon. We had visitors at the time, so Amber was on her best behavior.

    Some hissing and growling, of course, from both sides. But Amber has now given up bushing up and has invited Minxy to plan. Minxy is still arching her back -- and hissing and growling. Too funny!

    They're working out their territories.

    I see that Minxy holds her ground every time. Just like Cameo did!


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