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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

The Fourth GOP Debate

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  1. Any number of fellow conservative-libertarians have expressed an apathetic lack of interest in tonight's debate citing an "ANYONE but JEB" point of view.

    Here was my response to one of them:

    "While I would agree that ANY ONE of the multitude of Republican would-be candidates would do a MUCH better job than the current crowd who has turned the White House into the Monkey House in a poorly run, foul smelling ZOO, I am, nevertheless, intensely interested to see how each one reacts to and interacts with both their Inquisitors AND each other.

    "The last debate under CNBC's Tribunal of mangy attack-dog urinalists has been officially deemed a catastrophe, but I don't see it that way at all. I thought it was WONDERFUL the way Senator Cruz and Governor Christie turned the tables on those arrogant leftist basturds and gave them what for.

    "Facts and figures mean little to me, because facts can be selected and easily manipulated to obscure or distort the truth, and the old saw 'Figures don't lie, but liars figure' is a cliché now running truer than ever.

    "I'm a BIG Demeanor and Bearing kind of guy. Body language, tone of voice, use of language, style of delivery, tell a lot more about someone than a dry, literal report of whatever words they may have used."

    I'm eager to see what-if-any changes, –– either subtle or dramatic ––, develop in the dynamics between candidates and moderators and among the candidates, themselves, –– AND to see if Dr. Carson's recent advocacy of Puerto Rican statehood makes any difference in his poll numbers.

    "Mud" either fabricated or exaggerated by the enemedia only HELPS Dr. Carson, but if he openly supports a controversial-to-conservatives position it could jettison his chances for success.

    Anything could –– and probably will –– happen between now and November, 2016.


    1. FT,
      I admit it: I'm one of the "ANYONE but JEB" people. However, I'm interested in tonight's debates. Still, I won't have time to watch all of both of the debates.

  2. I don't expect much on the issues. There hasn't been much up till now and I don't expect it to change. What to expect?

    1. Marco Rubio gets roughed up by Jebito and Trump over his credit cards.

    2. The moderators give Carson ample chances to hang himself.

    3. Fiorina and Cruz act out to get some attention.

    4. Everyone lets us know how much they hate the press.

    1. Redd Battler said

      Dear me! It must be an awful burden being you. Life as a permanent migraine headache. Life as eternal nausea. Life as an endless series of haughty, bilious, sour-mouthed, sneering expressions of boredom, complaint, contempt, derision and dismissal.

      Please give us your address, and I promise I'll send you a weekly sympathy card till death do us part.


    2. Duck,
      Everyone lets us know how much they hate the press.

      That would be a stupid move! A mention or two is one thing, harping on what people already know would serve no value.

    3. AOW, more and more people are finally waking up to the press, aren't they; a good thing. I think the CNBC 'debate' kind of showed a lot of what to expect from the Left....
      Sadly, the Republican questioners tonight will probably be very tough on the Republican candidates; the questioners need to appear unbiased (my take on it), the questioners want to score media cred (though I don't think they care as much as the lefties do because the left can go work elsewhere if they do well, moving up the ladder...there aren't other places for rightwing media to go because there's so little rightwing media)...
      And Republicans like real answers, not just sycophantic BS....so they'll push harder than the left EVER EVER does.

      I remember Sanders saying he thought they should stop harping on Hillary's awful emails and the interviewers didn't even pick up on it...said almost nothing about that..imagine? "ya, why DO you feel we should skip over it, Mr. Sanders?" Seems to me that would have been worth asking.." Do you see nothing wrong with a private server at home..etc etc"?

      ah, well.......same ol', same ol', and if I didn't have a blog, I'd probably not watch most of tonight.

  3. Replies
    1. Honor killings in America, huh? Some of us have been tracking those crimes, but most Americans prefer to believe they "don't happen here."

    2. They give a list of proven honor killings, 4 in 5 years and one of those is more a matter of domestic homicide (something that never happens in Christian America).

      So I say we;re back to it:

      1. It's rare in America

      2. It's cultural not religious.

      3. Ayaan Hirsi Ali is trying to get herself back in the public eye.

    3. Duck,
      Continue to be an ostrich as long as you can.

      We're been over and over this same ground; neither of us is going to budge in our views.

    4. 4 in 5 years

      Did you read the article? Or did you simply "suspend belief" when the author said, "...the estimated 27 victims per year"?

      And please, "cultural not religious"? Then why does it only happen in the many and varied Islamic cultures?

    5. Ducky,

      "2. It's cultural not religious."

      So is the Advent Wreath we put on our table.

      Can you tell us how many of those 27 killings per year were done by non-muslims?

    6. Yes, Ducky, Ayaan Hirsi Ali loves having a vendetta by Islamist killers on her....that's why she's doing this. (think, man)

  4. To be honest, I'm not sure why anyone even watches these debates. They're beauty pageants for boodle-headed politicians. Does anyone really expect anything surprising during these? Catch the clips on YouTube at your leisure and enjoy the evening.

  5. Fiorina is sounding pretty sane.

    Rand Paul just kicked Rubio's ass on taxes.

    Jeb and Carson are invisible.

    Winner so far is Fiorina.

    This has been a pretty respectable debate.

  6. Damn, Rand Paul is sounding partially sane on TPP.

    1. Damn, he's making some sense. Shoot me now.

      But the general theme is forming. Standard deal ...
      ... we need much more military spending and tax cuts to fund it.

      Paul's the only one who seems to understand that's nonsense.

    2. It's my fault. Paul was my favorite candidate, so I doomed him.

      I am the touch of death.

  7. Kasich veers off into the ozone and does not answer questions in a direct manner. He falls back on his record and there is no real forward projection in his thoughts.

    I watched the first 20 minutes of the debate. It was worth it to see Jeb look queasy when the line up (in order of precedence in the polls) was given. He also looked like he was giving his own eulogy when he answered the first question. The Jebusites need to pack their tents, tell their "Term-ites" that there will not be a Bush Dynasty and.... go home.

    1. Prince,
      The Jebusites need to pack their tents, tell their "Term-ites" that there will not be a Bush Dynasty and.... go home.

      I agree.

    2. Kasich's toast. Too bad; he's a man of substance, but I also hear that as governor he's prickly, intransigent and prone to detect slights and personal attacks where none were intended. I guess that's coming out.

      Hillary's Twin Jebby marches on... For now...

    3. I have a procedural question.

      Say Carson is elected and everyone finally realizes or admits that he's listening to the voices.

      What are the rules for removal? Do we ned to have Newt Gingrich elected speaker to start impeachment proceedings?

    4. That personality type seems to be serving Trump pretty well, SF.

    5. But Kasich doesn't have the self-promotion chops. He's finished, and too bad. He was the rare conservative who could cut some deals with dems without selling the store.

      To answer your question about what if a President Carson went off the chain, I say Mad King Obama has already set the precedent.

  8. Kasich was the huge loser last night....he kind of folded before our eyes. Even when it was over and all the other candidates gathered and he was literally rubbing his hair and wandering in another direction, until he realized they were all to his left. That was quite a disintegration.

  9. @Z,

    "Kasich was the huge loser last night"

    I agree; while I once thought that he was a top contender, he seems now to be losing it. His angry retort to Trump's unrealistic plan to expel 11,000,000 illegals made it appear that he was somewhat out-of-control. I'm afraid that it's time for him to go!

    1. Ya, I liked him before, too. He just looks so awkward and desperate...sad, isn't it.


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