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Thursday, March 5, 2015

"Transparent" Hillary Clinton

Hat tip to Bunkerville for the first video below:

Since then, a few, ahem, details about Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's emails have emerged. Read this link at Infidel Bloggers Alliance: "UPDATED --- About Hillary's Private Email Server Built to Erase Messages (But Not For Security) ... Yeah, You Guessed It, It's Owned By a Muslim Company."


  1. She is as transparent as a solid brick wall.

    1. Transparent? When it comes to the Press covering all her shenanigans, she's darn near invisible! Those "missing" Rose Law Firm billing records were almost certainly a "learning experience" for her.

  2. Don't nominate a Randoid and Republicans might have a chance.

    They'll blow it though.

  3. This is just another Left-wing Friday evening pre-emptive data dump... so that it doesn't come up in "October '16"

  4. ust like we don't need big government tellin' us how to do healthcare, telecommunications, voting rights, etc, we don't need them to tell us which service providers we choose to handle emails.

    You go, girl. Libertarian hero.

    1. No, I'm sarcastically speaking of Hillary.

    2. Duck,

      Scroll down to one of my comments below, and you'll understand why I'm very distracted -- and dismayed. Not much sleep last night here.

    3. I thought that Government did everything better... including store e-mails, right ducky?

  5. Thanks for the tip, and wow, everyone needs to look at your link.

    1. Bunkerville,
      I was delayed in posting the link because of the present snowstorm and two sick cats (Mysti and Cameo).

  6. Duck,
    we don't need them to tell us which service providers we choose to handle emails

    Straw man.

    I don't know of anyone who opposes the archiving of official government emails. In fact, in school systems, communiques with enrolled students must be conducted on the school system's server; otherwise, grounds for instant dismissal.

  7. We like to think our politicians work for us, but they don't. When we let our politicians buy our votes in return for Social Security, Medicare, Food Stamps, a "free" education, freeways, housing vouchers, subsidies, tax breaks -- to redistribute the wealth and give us other people's property -- we have to vote for people we know to be unethical. Therefore, we have to wonder. If they are willing to bribe us, who are they willing to accept bribes from?

    1. Citizen Tom,
      Good to see you visiting and commenting here.

      You have made several important points in your. Now, are Americans paying attention?

  8. Replies
    1. Hmmm. Someone wants to get rid her. Could Biden think he is next in line? Et tu Brute?

  9. From today's lead editorial in the WaPo:

    ...Under the rules as they existed during Ms. Clinton’s time as secretary, from 2009 to 2013, government officials were not strictly required to use official e-mail accounts. However, in 2011 the White House spokesman, Jay Carney, said, “We are definitely instructed that we need to conduct all of our work on our government accounts . . . .” He said it was “administration policy” to use government accounts. Did this not apply to Ms. Clinton at the State Department?


    Ms. Clinton essentially privatized her e-mail, reserving to herself the decision of what should be in the record....If people aspire to public service, they should behave as stewards of a public trust, and that includes the records — all of them. Ms. Clinton’s use of private e-mail shows poor regard for that public trust.

  10. "You Guessed It, It's Owned By a Muslim Company."

    LOL! You guys are sad.


    1. That link if from Infidel Bloggers Alliance, which has its name for a reason.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I don't know what Shillary was worried about. She could have gotten Lois Lerner's guy to confect a series of unfortunate hard drive incidents...

    Funny, the Dems are jumping on this more the the Repukes. This may be the chance to take the hildebeast down. Politicians ain't in to taking turns like they used to, especially since a nobody empty suit from Chicago jumped the line.

  13. Whoa - that's pretty scary. I still think she'll get away with it. I've become very cynical lately. Good gosh - she's gotten away with murder, so I highly doubt she's worried about some emails.

  14. I can't find any confirmation of the Muslim involvement. Infidel Blogger needs to source this more I think.

    1. Bunkerville,
      I'll let Pastorius know.

    2. PS: To my knowledge, no commenter at IBA pointed out what you have mentioned. I should hear back from Pastorius soon. I hope, anyway.

    3. PPS: It's hard to follow, but HERE is the page where IBA found the information. Portion, toward the bottom:

      [UPDATE 3/4/15 2157 MST] Meanwhile, Gerry Daly (@GerryDales) over on Twitter used Archive.org to look up earlier versions of the Confluence Networks web page. The tech phone number there is based in India; searching on that phone number gets us to this page, which claims (in comment #39) that Confluence Networks is based out of the United Arab Emerates (UAE), with tech support out of India. [END UPDATE]

    4. The server company is related to the advertising company in Dubai.

      If a company is based in Dubai, then Muslims must own that business, I think.

  15. Whitewater, Vince Foster, the Dubai port deal.... the list goes on.

  16. Well --- to ME --- Hillary Rodham Clinton has always been as transparent as glass. From the moment I laid eyes on her repugnant, septic presence, I could RIGHT THROUGH HER, and knew I was in the presence of Grave Danger -- a DIRE THREAT -- to the well being of the nation.

    Looking into her eyes is like gazing at the eyes of Bird of Prey -- a venomous Serpent –– or a Raptor.

    Every time I think of Hildabeast I start to

    }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} SHUDDER {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{

    1. FT,
      Looking into her eyes is like gazing at the eyes of Bird of Prey -- a venomous Serpent –– or a Raptor.

      I know several lifelong Dems who say, "That woman's eyes are cold." They will not ever vote for her. Period.

      Her cackling laugh drives me up the wall.

  17. All of this is for naught....does anybody here think anything's going to stick to Mrs. Clinton when information is so hard to find and the networks are doing pretty much nothing but reminding America COLIN POWELL DID, TOO...oh, and SCOTT WALKER and JEB BUSH.
    (as if the last two headed STATE?)

    na...this will pass. This is the Clintons.

    1. Z,
      this will pass. This is the Clintons.

      Mark Levin has a different theory. Have you heard about it?

    2. ______ Hillary’s Confession ______

      I’ve always had ambition to gain power.
      My motives frankly, I’ve not understood.
      At times I know that others think me sour.
      For me that’s not a problem. I’m no good.
      Unusual if not unique it must
      Cause many to perceive my style as vile.
      Kicking at the pricks adds to my lust
      Inspiring me to spew more and more bile.
      No one can stop me, I am positive,
      Because I am The Designated Choice
      In whom the Powers see a Factor Causative
      To silence soon forever Freedom’s Voice.
      Crushing, then discarding the Old Rules
      Happily I of all my fans make fools.

      ~ Hillary Rotten Clinton

    3. Another acrostic sonnet, I see. **smile**

      Hillary Clinton may be ousted from running by her own political party so that the way to run for POTUS is paved for Elizabeth Warren.


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