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Tuesday, March 17, 2015

The ISIS Child Executioner

From France?
Isis child executioner: Toulouse schoolchildren in shock after recognising classmate

'Ryan' dropped out of French elementary school last year

Schoolchildren in southern France are in shock after seeing a former classmate executing a hostage in a video released by the Islamic State (Isis).

The Islamist group posted online gruesome propaganda video showing a boy in military fatigues shooting an Israeli-Arab teenager in the head. The boy had been accused of working for Israel's spy agency Mossad.

In the video the child, aged 11 or 12, is flanked by a bearded man, who is believed to be his stepfather.

Students at Nicolas Vauquelin de Toulouse college, Toulouse, reportedly recognised the killer as a former classmate who left France last year.

"Concerning the formal identification of this person, I cannot tell you anything," schools inspector Jacques Caillaut told AFP. "Children from the Vauquelin College have recognised one of their (former) classmates, but we must remain cautious."

The child, said to be called "Ryan" was in his final year of primary school education at École Élémentaire Publique Vergers in Toulouse, until 11 March 2014, when he was reported absent by the school.

"He was a child like all others, he was integrated, played in the local football club and attended birthday parties," his former teachers told Libération newspaper....
Read the rest HERE.

How long can the West deny that we have a significant problem with Muslims living in and "assimilated into" the West?


  1. There is tremendous psychopathy invested in the core doctrine of jihad. There are rules regarding incremental staging for jihad, rules regarding abandonment of posts, guarding a post, monies from the treasury for jihad, etc. Jihad is in the category of an obligatory duty, unless the burden of individual duty is relieved by the collective duty of the state. But most importantly, jihad is enjoined on behalf of other Muslims suffering "grievances" across the globe.

    One of the problematic issues with the doctrine is that it hinges on the construction of a line of thought which opposes a Judeo-Christian doctrine of atonement - another pays for the sins of the many. Scapegoat, or Jesus - take your pick. But the sins of the many are acquitted by the one (Isaiah 63).

    Making a bargain with Allah - offering up a human blood sacrifice (*hint - your own blood) satisfies the demand of a veangeful god. You make a "bargain" with Allah and Paradise is guaranteed. Your soul will float about inside a green bird.... you get the point.

    What many do not understand is how jihad begins with intent. Jurisprudence teaches that a man intent on jihad can die on his bed, or on the back of a horse (the direct quote involves the gallop of the horse) and receive Paradise. So the man who recently rushed the cockpit of a flight leaving Dulles airport shouting "Jihad, jihad" is now assured Paradise.... after DHS puts him through a bit of hell.

    Reading texts by Zad al Ma'ad et al aids in understanding the stronghold of the mind. Our US Marines have their songs of cadence for the march. Are you aware that the same exists for mujahideen? There are many symbolic triggers, including ritualistic acts, which pull on the psyche Joe the Muslim from being an assimilated citizen to a predatory villain. Much of this involved development of an alter ego.

    The child assassin? The stepfather is satisfied that his child will go to Paradise.





    Those who would be kind to the cruel are sure to be cruel to the kind."

    "Those who expect to reap the blessing of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it."

    ~ Thomas Paine (1737-1809)


  3. Great Talmudic quote, FT. Yes. Houston, we have a problem.

  4. Imagine the thought processes behind a mind so vile that they would inculcate a child to murder. The freedom loving countries of the world need to address this menace because it's not abating.

  5. "How long can the West deny that we have a significant problem with Muslims living in and "assimilated into" the West?"

    Until Leftwingers are out of power? Because, you see, they actually believe that if we say that's a problem, then we hate ALL MUSLIMS. ..which immediately shuts down any constructive discussion.
    The fun never stops. It's very persuasive, very Alinsky-esque, and very self serving for the bunch who'll NEVER wake up.

    1. DIDADIN!!!

      That would be our only hope. There can be no compromise and no giving the benefit of the doubt to homicidal maniacs. They must be EXTERMINATED.

  6. DIDADIN!!!

    That would be our only hope. There can be no compromise and no giving the benefit of the doubt to homicidal maniacs. They must be EXTERMINATED.

    Whenever the subject of Islam arises the ONLY response I will ever give is DIDADIN.

  7. I'm listening to Larry Elder today, so let me quote from the great Eldorado: facts are to toe tag liberals what kryptonite is to superman. As Z said, this impedes constructive discussion. And facts have to be faced quickly or we're doomed.

  8. What FreeThinke, as well as most TPers don't understand is that OUR elections get messed with by foreign powers as well.

    Just waving a Red, White and Blue flag, and quoting slogans, or poems, doesn't protect us from that..

  9. Z,
    If the parents are so moderate, how is it that some of the children of these parents are so committed to ISIS? Where are the younger generation members learning this radicalization?

    Oh, sure, social networks must be part of the picture. But the whole picture? I think not!

    What does contribute, IMO: teaching in mosques, where many Salafists hold sway; the public school system, which harps on and on about how Muslims are victims of the West, and the media.

    I personally now a few pro-America Muslim immigrants whose children are strong anti-America and thus subject to radicalization, which is, after all, found in numerous Quranic verses.

    Radicalization is piety in Islam and, furthermore, is the one guarantee of Paradise. We shouldn't kid ourselves otherwise about Islam itself.

  10. Z,
    I so hope you've read SEEKING ALLAH FINDING JESUS.

    If I haven't read that one, I've read many similar things.

    A few years ago, a former Muslim from Afghanistan told me that he'd come here to escape the Taliban. "When I got here," he said, "I went to the local mosque. I found the same preaching as the Taliban's preaching right here in America. So, I read the Quran for myself. Now I'm an atheist. I want no part of that!"

    And his son? Well on his way to being a hard liner. I don't know what happened to the son. Not sure that I want to know!

    Here's the thing....I suspect that what the man told me was an experience that many immigrating Muslims have discovered. He repudiated Islam and the local mosques -- yes, mosques right here in Northern Virginia. And he sent his kids to church as opposed to mosque.

    So, I aver that on of the main problems with radicalization among us is the local mosque. The schools add fuel to the fire.

    Did you see what happened today at the museum in Tunis? How long before the same happens here in the United States? In Europe? Go to the museum and get shot dead???

  11. AOW, that's absolutely true; the local mosques are the problem. Can the Feds STILL not go in ? They can close a church in a heartbeat, but I believe it's still against the law to infiltrate a mosque in any way, shape or form.

    I believe your friend is the perfect example of what I was saying....there are muslims who just don't know and who aren't hateful...just aren't. Sorry he chose atheism but you can't blame any thinking person once they've actually read the Quran.
    Let's not forget, the ordinary muslim does NOT read it...the Imam tells them what's inside..Not unlike Catholicism of the old days when priests and nuns did the telling. That's not the case anymore...Catholics are reading and becoming much richer in their faith for it.

  12. AOW, and yes, I did see what happened in Tunisia......and that was my first thought "It'll be here ANY DAY";...they say ISIS is coming in through S. America and coming up to Central America. WHAT IS TO STOP THEM? We can't stop anybody with no clandestine training!

    1. DIDADIN!

      DIDADIN is the ANSWER -- the ONLY answer to The Muslim Problem.

      And no I am not insane. Compromise with Satan is insane.

      ALLAH is SATAN..

      There is NO OTHER WAY to look at it.

    2. Z,
      What happened in Tunisia is coming into the West -- probably sooner rather than later.

      The West is losing World War M (World War Muslim). God, help us!

  13. AOW, that's absolutely true; the local mosques are the problem. Can the Feds STILL not go in ? They can close a church in a heartbeat, but I believe it's still against the law to infiltrate a mosque in any way, shape or form.

    I believe your friend is the perfect example of what I was saying....there are muslims who just don't know and who aren't hateful...just aren't. Sorry he chose atheism but you can't blame any thinking person once they've actually read the Quran.
    Let's not forget, the ordinary muslim does NOT read it...the Imam tells them what's inside..Not unlike Catholicism of the old days when priests and nuns did the telling. That's not the case anymore...Catholics are reading and becoming much richer in their faith for it.

  14. Anyone who thinks that "some" Muslims are "nice" has never understood the concept of TAKEEYA (I refuse to spell it THEIR way with a Q for a K and two YY's. Non-phonetic transliterations are asinine.)

    1. FT,
      I refuse to spell it THEIR way with a Q for a K

      I'm inconsistent as to which way I spell the title of their book -- not a holy book in any regard.

  15. Baysider,
    facts are to toe tag liberals what kryptonite is to superman

    I've run into the same problem with many Christians when I tell them what Islam really means -- not "peace" but rather "submission."

    It doesn't seem to matter how many facts I provide. People will continue to believe that they want to believe, what is comfortable for them to believe. Ostriches! And ostriches make excellent targets for ambush!

  16. As Freethinke wrote, "Anyone who thinks that "some" Muslims are "nice" has never understood the concept of TAKEEYA (I refuse to spell it THEIR way with a Q for a K and two YY's. Non-phonetic transliterations are asinine.)"

    Spot on. And also why I always use the word 'moslem'.


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