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Thursday, March 26, 2015

A History Lesson

From my dear friend Mustang (details about Mustang, well qualified to make the following statements):
Consider now the genius of William Jennings Bryan, Robert Lansing, and Bainbridge Colby in the Wilson administration that set up the circumstances that led us from the War to End All Wars (350,000 killed and wounded) to another of equal destruction. These morons were, of course, aided and abetted by Frank B. Kellogg (a Minnesotan of all things) and Henry L. Stimson under Hoover —focused squarely on domestic issues and to hell with the mess the US created in Europe between 1919-1929.

American greed combined with diplomatic incompetence set up the global depression and the collapse of economies all around the world —no recommendation for globalist policies, of course, but that didn’t stop the administration of FDR, who gleefully led us into World War II (more than one million killed and wounded). Another Democrat, I might add, whose domestic programs to ease the pain and suffering of Americans actually made them dependent upon a Marxist government—something that no founding father could have possibly foreseen because Americans were self-reliant —right? This was true until FDR seized government for an unprecedented 12 years.

Following FDR came another Democrat, whose incompetence gave us the Cold War, forced war weary Americans to feed the whole of Europe, and fight another war not quite as cold: Korea, where we gave up another 129,000 dead and wounded. A little while later, two more Democrats showed up and gave us the Vietnam War, another 211,000 American casualties. We have not even spoken about the 1.19 million Vietnamese who suffered and died because of America’s diplomatic incompetence. Worse,the US Embassy in Saigon left the names of 3,500 pro-US Vietnamese so that North Vietnam communists could hunt them down and kill them between 1975 and 1977. These people trusted America … and America proved itself untrustworthy.

The list is already becoming unwieldy and we have not begun to discuss the fiasco of the Middle East where the USA caused the overthrow of a democratically elected government in order to install a dictator (Iran, 1952), or the hell on earth that has become Sunni Islam...
Read Mustang's blog post and the comments thread HERE.


  1. All those examples were done with the best of intentions but without any consideration for the consequences. And what we have in the White House today is even worse. By now Obama should have realized that his policies have disastrous consequences but he just doubles down on stupid!

  2. I notice Eisenhower's adventures supporting the French in Indochina, Saint Ronnie Raygun's disgraceful Central American war and Chucklenuts Bush's engineered disaster in Iraq are all omitted in this blinkered view of history.

    My bet is it's written by someone still fighting the was of Northern Aggression.

    1. You blame Ike for the Truman Admin's policies? Really

    2. Might as well blame Bush for 9/11.

    3. I blame Ike for covert bombing of Saigon and various shenanigans, yes.

      Only in the fringe right world are Republican administrations blameless.

      If you don't believe that I've got a secret plane to end the war to sell you.

    4. Ducky has a point, but I won't waste my time supporting him.

    5. Ike cleans up Roosevelt's mess (WWII) in Europe, then Truman hands him a "Police Action" in Korea and a "French-Vietnam". Then Stalin dies, and Krushev starts beating his shoe on the podium in Moscow saying he's going to "bury us" What did you expect him to do?

    6. Had I been Ike, I would have turned the place into a glass desert!

    7. SF, Ducky has a point but he hides it with a hat.

    8. Sh*t happens in the world, ducky. You either DEAL with it, as Reagan did in Nicaragua, or you end up with Castro in Cuba and a bunch of Chavistas in Venezuela!

    9. Awesome point, Thersites.

      You know how to sum it up!

      What you fail to realize, is that Socialists like Ducky prefer the Sandinistas, Castros and Chavista Boligarchs to freedom loving Reaganites.

    10. Thersites,
      I have queued up a post about Venezuela for next week.

    11. Speedy will definitely show up for that! :)

    12. This is a pretty good re-cap of the Venezuelan situation in English.

    13. Thersites,
      My post is about the prices of certain goods and the shopping marathons required to bring home the groceries.

    14. Thersites,
      Speedy will definitely show up for that!

      Counting on it!

  3. Mustang may be interested in Karl Polanyi's The Great Transformation for some economic history of the early twentieth century.

    It will help develop nuanced understanding rather than embarrassing yourself by calling FDR a communist.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Karl Polanyi mistook the corporatism of 1920's "Wall Street" for laissez faire economics. It was nothing of the sort. Real "laissez fair" was on the wain by then. Just ask MICHAEL Polanyi's best student! ;)

  4. Heads up! The Yemeni "crisis" is about to explode.

    1. Saudi Arabia began airstrikes Wednesday against Houthi rebel positions in Yemen, vowing that the Sunni kingdom will do "anything necessary" to restore a deposed government that has been routed by the Iranian-backed group...."This is all about Sunni vs. Shia, Saudi vs. Iran," said Michael Lewis, professor at Ohio Northern University College of Law and a former Navy fighter pilot who watches Yemen closely. The U.S., he said, "can't be a disinterested observer. Nobody's going to buy that. What we needed to do was pick a side."

    2. So, will Obama side with the Saudis and risk offending his Iranian Ayatollah buddies who armed and back the Shia rebels who tipped over Yemen?

      Remember when Obama and his hallelujah choir in the press were crowing about how Yemen was an Obama foreign policy success?

    3. I still think that the "smart" play is to let the Israeli's take out Iran's nuclear development facilities, while the US "eliminates" its' footprint in the entire region. That way, the Sunni's and Shi'a can spend the next 1,000 years killing each other w/o a "nuclear" escalation.

    4. We can let the French supply the Iranians while we slowing supply the Saudi's. Win-Win.

    5. Sunni v. Shi'a. But of course, Islam has nothing to do with this. *rolls eyes*

  5. I say we do not choose sides, and let them continue their blood-letting against each other until they figure out that grown ups don't act like that.

    1. A provocative option Problem is, you have to close the door to refugees, too. Very hard to do.

    2. I don't know about them worshiping satan, but they do seem to dedicate their rolling freakshow to Saturn and Ares, the God of War

  6. Obama attack Egypt's Sisi for attacking the idiots in Libya so I guess we know where this is headed. It is going to be Iran all the way. Iranian born Val Jar as well as Kerry's Son-in law's family in Iran must be very happy

  7. I believe the difference between then and now is the Dems don't fight to win a war. That after all would be unfair.

    Ducky, before you start, I saw it first hand known as "Rules of engagement".

    1. Yeah, like I say, Nixon had a secret plan to end the war. The dope thought he could win it but we didn't drop enough tonnage, right?

      Mission accomplished.

      Don't it drag on.

    2. I'm sorry Ducky did you say Nixon in Vietnam or Obama in Iraq? Seems like you're talking about the same thing...

  8. It's the OLIGARCHS, Stoopid. THEY are behind ALL of this.

    Divide and Conquer is their game
    They keep us at each other's throats
    Each faction will the others blame
    And meanwhile, each Elitist gloats!

  9. Some of FDR's economic policy was a bit nutty, but I cant fault any of his foreign policy concerning the Axis powers. America was the only power that could stop Japan from conquering all of Asia. They would have attacked us one day or another.

    His embargo forced the issue...

    On the other hand, we were fortunate that Hitler didnt listen to his generals and wait longer to build up Germany's military power.

    ...Then after the war Truman was faced with a devious Stalin and a psychopath Eternal North Korean dictator Kim Il-sung. The complication of China falling to the Mao didnt help.

    On foreign policy I give both FDR and Truman a pass...

    1. Hey, I understand FDR's foreign policy (defeat the Axis). I understand Truman Truman's foreign policy (Containment). I also understand Ike & JFK's & Nixon's continued commitment to winning the Cold War, and continuation of MAD. They ALL get passes. The passes STOP at Jimmy the Surrenderman peanut. If he had dealt with Iran as he SHOULD have, the Middle East would be a far more peaceful and forgettable place.


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