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Saturday, March 21, 2015

Open Thread

So, what's on your mind?

A link to get this thread started: Millionaire Rapper Says She “Hates Everything About” America, But Won’t Leave Because “Y’all Motherf*ckers Still Owe Me Reparations!"

Here is your chance to opine within the parameters listed below:

We welcome civil dialogue at Always on Watch. Comments that include any of the following are subject to deletion:
1. Any use of profanity or abusive language
2. Off topic comments and spam
3. Use of personal invective

Note: comments consisting of blog gossip will be deleted as soon as an administrator of this blog becomes aware of such comments.


  1. I'm glad you posted the link, I saw this the other day and was further saddened for the fate of our society. I don't owe her reparations....... The only thing I owe her is a swift kick in her plastic, pretentious ass.

    She is the result of a coddled, drive by, disposable and entitled generation. Idiocracy has arrived......and it raps.

    1. CI,
      If we follow the "logic" of the millionaire rapper, we who are descended from white Europeans should be demanding reparations.

      From an Amazon review of White Gold: The Extraordinary Story of Thomas Pellow and Islam's One Million White Slaves:

      The horrors of the transatlantic slave trade have been extensively documented in print and eloquently portrayed on film and television. But chattel slavery was a well-established African as well as European institution, and its victims were not exclusively people of color. In the seventeenth, eighteenth, and early nineteenth centuries, the Barbary states of North Africa used Islamic pirates, or corsairs, to conduct slave raids, which fed the flourishing slave markets of Algiers, Tunis, and Tripoli. Many of the enslaved were white Europeans or North Americans captured at sea. Among them was Thomas Pellow, an 11-year-old English child who was seized in 1716 and served for 23 years as a personal servant to Sultan Moulay Ismail of Morocco. Milton relates Pellow's compelling story as a triumph of wile, pluck, and endurance; but this is also a tale of great brutality and suffering, as Milton eloquently shows that all of the indignities one associates with European and American slavery were visited upon those held in North Africa.

      More at the above link.

    2. Yep. Now, I wonder if Miss Banks knows where I can go get my check?

  2. We need the First Couple to pack their bags and move to Iran


  3. It was announced that the Obama administration would fully consider abandoning Israel in international bodies like the United Nations. According to reports, President Obama finally called Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to congratulate him – but the “congratulations” was actually a lecture directed at forcing Netanyahu to surrender to the terrorist Palestinian regime.
    There was never any doubt that Obama doesn't like Bibbi...............and will try to make him pay for his speaking at the Congress................

    There is little doubt that the Dems here tried to change the election in Israel and failed...........so now they will try to make Bibbi pay,

  4. Replies
    1. Nemesis ... was the spirit of divine retribution against those who succumb to hubris (arrogance before the gods). Another name was Adrasteia, meaning "the inescapable." The Greeks personified vengeful fate as a remorseless goddess: the goddess of revenge.

      The name Nemesis is related to the Greek word νέμειν némein, meaning "to give what is due" - WIKI

      Good stuff! But we must always remember that it is no for us to wreak VENGEANCE. That is the job of whatever concept of God you are able to accept. And woe betide anyone who cannot conceive of a power or governing intelligence greater than his tiny little self.

  5. Grim news gets more grim each week. Just when one thinks it can't possibly get worse it does. Even the bright spot of Hillary and her little server problem only tells us they may have someone even worse in the wings.

  6. The Progressive Theory of Economic General Relativity:
    Much like Einstein's thought experiment of riding a beam of light that gave rise to the Theory of General Relativity. Let's take a ride on economic theory of Progressives and see where we arrive.

    As we transition more and more toward Progressivism we notice a few things:

    overall poverty increases
    wealth becomes more concentrated at the top
    government regulation increases
    more people depend on government even for the basics of life

    At the event horizon of a full Progressive economy we notice:

    poverty and destitution are the norm
    wealth is now concentrated in the political ruling class who have amassed the entire wealth of the nation for themselves
    all activity is regulated
    all people depend on government for their daily bread

    We've seen this experiments repeated countless times, with the exact same result every time: Stalin's USSR, Mao's China, FDR's Great Depression, East Germany, Camden, Newark and Detroit. The scale of the economy is unimportant, all Progressive economies lead to total ruin.

    1. You mean as we give free rein to the unregulated market and laissez-faire that poverty increase.

      The idea that an unregulated market won't concentrate welth by creating a winner take all economy is foolish.

    2. OH, wait! You forgot to read the excellent and true points he made..
      Happens a lot.

    3. A big part of the problem is that rent-seekers are attached like leaches to our bloated federal government

  7. You know I'd be glad to divest myself of a considerable portion of my small fortune, if I could be absolutely certain that these filthy degenerate bloodsucking MORONS were forever REMOVED from MY sight and from the any audible or visible presence in OUR country as a result of MY sacrifice.

    Stinkin' Lincoln had only ONE really good idea, and that was to TRANSPORT THEM ALL to LIBERIA.

    If only he had lived ling enough to see his vision fulfilled!


  8. JAPAN - some interesting facts.

    * Hiroshima has returned to what it was economically vibrant before the fall of the atomic bomb.

    * Japan prevents the use of mobile phones in trains, restaurants and indoors.

    * For first to sixth primary year Japanese students must learn ethics in dealing with people.

    * Even though one of the richest people in the world, the Japanese, do
    not have servants. The parents are responsible for the house and children.

    * There is no examination from the first to the third primary level because the goal of education is to instill concepts and character building.

    * If you go to a buffet restaurant in Japan you will notice people only eat as much as they need without any waste because food must not be wasted.

    * The rate of delayed trains in Japan is about 7 seconds per year!!
    The Japanese appreciate the value of time and are very punctual to minutes and seconds.

    * Children in schools brush their teeth after a meal at school, teaching them to maintain their health from an early age.

    * Japanese students take half an hour to finish their meals to ensure proper digestion because these students are the future of Japan.

    The Japanese focus on maintaining their culture. Therefore,

    * No political leader or a prime minister from an Islamic nation has visited Japan not the Ayatollah of Iran, the King of Saudi Arabia or even a Saudi Prince!

    * Japan is a country keeping Islam at bay by putting strict restrictions on Islam and ALL Muslims.

    1) Japan is the only nation that does not give citizenship to Muslims.
    2) In Japan permanent residency is not given to Muslims.
    3) There is a strong ban on the propagation of Islam in Japan
    4) In the University of Japan, Arabic or any Islamic language is not taught.
    5) One cannot import a 'Koran' published in the Arabic language.
    6) According to data published by the Japanese government, it has given temporary residency to only 2 lakhs, Muslims, who must follow the Japanese Law of the Land. These Muslims should speak Japanese and carry their religious rituals in their homes.
    7) Japan is the only country in the world that has a negligible number of embassies in Islamic countries.
    8) Muslims residing in Japan are the employees of foreign companies.
    9) Even today, visas are not granted to Muslim doctors, engineers or managers sent by foreign companies.
    10) In the majority of companies it is stated in their regulations that no Muslims should apply for a job.
    11) The Japanese government is of the opinion that Muslims are fundamentalist, and even in the era of globalization they are not willing to change their Muslim laws.
    12) Muslims cannot even rent a house in Japan.
    13) If anyone comes to know that his neighbor is a Muslim then the whole neighborhood stays alert.
    14) ?.....slamic cell or Arabic 'Madrasa' in Japan .
    15) There is no Sharia law in Japan .
    16) If a Japanese woman marries a Muslim, she is considered an outcast forever.
    17) According to Mr. Kumiko Yagi, Professor of Arab/Islamic Studies at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, " There is a mind frame in Japan that Islam is a very narrow minded religion and one should stay away from it."

    The Japanese might have lost the war, but they are in charge of their own country.

    There are no bombs going off in crowded business centers, "Honor Killings", nor killing of innocent children or anyone else.

    1. Your numbered talking points on Islam in japan are both wrong and easily confirmed as such. There is however, this same viral meme [internet chain letter] posted to several blogs, verbatim...and all without a shred of substantiation.

      It's sad that you would allow your visceral hatred of Islam to devalue your intellectual currency.

    2. Like many chain letters, it stars with a grain of truth.

      ALL immigration to Japan is controlled like that, not just against Muslims.

    3. "ALL immigration to Japan is controlled like that, not just against Muslims."

      And as you've advocated for previously, it's a wise policy. One the nation should adopt, but for the political perfidy keeping it from happening.

    4. CI: We need immigration, but we are doing it very stupidly.

      I hate to traffic in conspiracy theories, but there must be some larger plan. I can't believe any government could be so stupid.

    5. It is said that: "students are the future of Japan". I wonder if their "students" face the mountain of debt and unfunded liabilities that our "students" (our future) will or the negative consequences of a sub-standard public education in a burgeoning world economy that our "students" (our future) will? Yes, the Japanese have Hiroshima, we have Detroit!

    6. Japan IS in truth a RACIST NATION. So, really, is ISRAEL -- despite their frequent protestations to the contrary. What else could Israel be since her leaders and most of her people refer to their country as The JEWISH State?

      That's all right with me, but it's time we stopped pussy-footing around in fear of being called a "racist," a "bigot," or an "anti-Semite" and started calling a spade a spade

      Even England in her heyday never referred to herself as The ANGLICAN-PROTESTANT STATE.

      That aside, whether strictly true or not, everything listed in the email I shared above is a DARNED GOOD IDEA. It is ain't true, by Crikey it OUGHT to be!

      This was declared an OPEN THREAD, Bub. So quit your pretentious, self-righteous hyper-ventilating, get down off your high horse, and start talking like a fellow human being instead of an obnoxious, supercilious blowhard burdened with an immense superiority complex.

      In future, please don't address me. I have no desire to tangle with people of your type. I do not like those who sit haughtily in judgment as though they were Chosen by God to correct every perceived flaw in sight. Your arrogance, sir, is exceeded only by your insolence.

      The PROPER way to make such an observation would have been to ask politely in a neutral tone, "Are you aware that the information you have shared about Japan is an email chain letter that has been shown to contain many inaccuracies?" and then proceeded to explain precisely what some of them might be.

      In short I suggest you might benefit immensely from taking a good, old-fashioned Dale Carnegie course in "How to Win Friends and Influence People."

    7. I'll address you as I like. Tough for you. You're a pretentious, perfidious blowhard who willfully proffered an internet meme devoid of anything but lies. Rational human beings don't traffic in appeals to emotion.

      You did, so own it. That's the PROPER thing to do.

    8. Perhaps you can refute the "lies" CI? And if not, well... best avoid any discussion of "propriety".

    9. Od course I can....where, oh where to begin....since we can't prove what doesn't exist, let's start with # 4 - "In the University of Japan, Arabic or any Islamic language is not taught."

      Of course, since there is no 'University of Japan', let's presume that the bullshit meme might mean the University of Tokyo.

      Classical and Mediterranean Languages

      The Department of Classical and Mediterranean Languages is an intimate department consisting of two expert members of staff: Kenji Tsutsui (specialist in Classical and Biblical Studies), responsible for beginner and intermediate Greek and Latin, and Hideaki Sugita (specialist in Comparative Literature and Culture), responsible for beginner and intermediate Arabic.


      Let's hit #7 while we're at it - "Japan is the only country in the world that has a negligible number of embassies in Islamic countries."

      Hmmmm....seems that Japan has embassies in every majority Islamic nation that we do.


      Shall we ask FT to source some of the rest of the tripe, or might he be too busy regurgitating his invented acronyms or advocating for ethnic cleansing, then responding to himself via invented usernames?

    10. While we're having fun....let's share a site that I won't pretend to prove the fidelity of, regarding bullshit meme point #17: "According to Mr. Kumiko Yagi........"

      About the chain email concerning Islam in Japan
      My name is mentioned in the email and I am quoted as saying that there is a mind frame in Japan that Islam is a very narrow minded religion and one should stay away from it. It is taken out of context. What I said about Islam in Japan is on the website below.


      All the information in the email is malicious falsehood.

      Make of that what you will.

    11. It should go without saying that the intellectual bar for the meme was set rather low in [aside from the lack of substitution in points 1&2] point #4, in that there is no "Islamic language".

      And as a post script, pertaining to point #16, there appears to be no sanction against marrying a Muslim in Japan.......according to the Islamic Center of Japan website.


    12. Just six asylum seekers were granted refugee status by the government last year, the lowest number in 15 years, the Justice Ministry said Thursday, as experts and refugee supporters expressed outrage over what they say is yet another testament to Japan’s insularity.

      Out of the six, three were turned down in the initial interview process and had to re-apply. By nationality, three of the six were identified as coming from Myanmar.

      Immigration authorities dealt with 3,777 cases in 2013, including re-applications. The refugee recognition rate stood at a meager 0.16 percent. This compares with the 0.6 percent in 2012.

      Meanwhile, the number of asylum seekers shot to a record 3,260, the most since 1982, when the current refugee system was established. By nationality, Turks were the most common at 658, followed by Nepalese at 544 and Myanmarese at 380. Out of the total, 2,404 applied for refugee status as legitimate visa holders.

      Hmmm, doesn't sound like an Islamic utopia to me...

    13. I don't like you either, CI. Never did. Never will. I explained why more than adequately above.

      "I do not like those who sit haughtily in judgment as though they were Chosen by God to correct every perceived flaw in sight. Your arrogance, sir, is exceeded only by your insolence."

      Why don't we just call it a Personality Conflict, leave it at that, and move on? AOW is a good friend, and I don't want to trouble her with a prolonged exchange of insults and unpleasantries.

      You are right about giving way to emotion. It was foolish of me to take notice of your rebarbative personality and even more foolish for me to have complained about it, and stooped to responding to you kind.

      Please accept my apologies.

      If you feel you have some sort of mandate -- or duty -- to CENSURE and CORRECT those you don't like personally, or those with whom you disagree, who am I to attempt to deny your right to be as bilious, contemptuous and unforgiving as your nature impels?

      I am humbled by the immense power of your animosity.

    14. As for Embassies in Islamic States, it seems that Japan has little use for embassies in general... since they have a no immigration principle (not policy).

    15. Technically you are correct on some of these issues, CI. But the "jist" of the fallacious e-mail is largely "correct". Unofficially, Moslems (like everyone else) are persona non grata in Japan

    16. "I don't like you either, CI. Never did. Never will.'

      Do you imagine that I care? Run along now, you have more of your posts you need to respond to.

    17. Theorists - There's no "technically" about it. The "gist" of the meme is bullshit. It's the same tactic Liberals use. Anyone caught doing the same, and calling themselves Conservative, should hang their head in shame.

    18. No, its the difference between the letter of a law and the Superego intention behind it. The letter of the law means nothing without the "latter". Just ask President Obozo. Just ask the blacks who marched from Selma. Technically, all the blacks in the South could vote. Technically.

    19. btw - Perhaps you should try applying for permanent residency. And while you're at it, perhaps you can list all the significant contributions to Japan you will make as part of your application.

    20. Now you're just not making sense, and attempting to deflect. You're better than that. The letter of the law is clear, and ego has nothing to do with the internet meme. There is no "technically" about lying. Deflecting is something that liberals do, when called out for their perfidy.

    21. Regarding this dispute...

      Obviously, I've been offline much of the day. Bit of a stomach virus, I think. Hopefully not food poisoning!

      It's okay to argue, but keep in mind that this is a public forum.

      Thank you.

    22. Then you would agree with the following statement, "Since blacks had the vote de jure, the 1964 Civil Rights marches were much to do about nothing. Blacks, at the time, were fully enfranchised."

      This argument isn't a deflection. This is about FACTS. There's de jure equality. And there's de facto equality. Which would you rather have?

    23. If the "letter of the law" were everything, who needs prosecutorial discretion? What do we need an "Executive Branch" for?

    24. ...and why did Arthur Shopenhaeur write "Will and Representation"?

    25. erratum - "The World as Will and Representation".

    26. If you were to ask me, the existence of a single Arabic language scholar in the "Classics" department of a major University hardly qualifies as a will/desire to engage in reading or give credence to the teachings of Islam.

    27. A few philologists specializing in Arabic do not "popularism" or even wide-spread "language instruction" make.

    28. But, to paraphrase you, that wasn't the talking point. And have you surveyed all of the universities in Japan, before making that assertion? Did you then correlate that with other universities in industrialized nations to draw your inference? If not, then why did you bother making the point, when it wasn't the assertion?

    29. Full disclosure - I was deported from Japan in 1976.

    30. No, I haven't surveyed them all. There's no need to. The Japanese don't just discriminate against Moslems. They discriminate against EVERYONE.

    31. The Japanese enjoy being a homogenous racial culture. And they will discriminate against anyone who attempts to alter that fact.

    32. And I have no issue with them doing so. But why would someone theoretically of sound mind, attempt to make a case that they specifically discriminated against Muslims?

    33. Theoretically, Japan is open to political refuges. That's their "de jure" position. The de facto position is that only six people "qualified" for refugee status in 2006. And therein lies the difference between having laws permitting refugee immigration, and having the "will" to accept them.

    34. I think that they singled out Moslems so that they could argue for an equivalency. But there is little equivalency between a racist society, and an equal opportunity one.

    35. I appreciate your insight into Japanese culture, so surely you as well would take umbrage at a willful mischaracterization - in this case - specifically regarding Muslims, merely to advance a personal agenda against Muslims?

    36. Polemics are part of politics, CI. Even lawyers argue their client's cases from a biased/partisan perspective. This is a "given" in our system of jurisprudence. The point is, to attack the inaccuracies and expose ALL the facts. And you do that, by arguing specifics. It's how the true state of affairs comes to light.

      And I'm not an advocate for allowing large numbers of Moslems into our country. But those who do qualify to come here, should be accepted as full and equal citizens. In other words, I believe that without narrow gates, assimilation becomes nearly impossible.

    37. "Polemics are part of politics"

      Of course they are.

      "The point is, to attack the inaccuracies and expose ALL the facts. And you do that, by arguing specifics. It's how the true state of affairs comes to light."

      Agreed again. The true state of affairs comes not from memes and political narratives.

      "In other words, I believe that without narrow gates, assimilation becomes nearly impossible."

      And yet again, I couldn't agree more.

    38. Well, thank you for pointing out some of the inconsistencies in the posting. We would all be better served were we more skeptical of the information we are given in e-mails and over the internet.

    39. And we are all also better served when we discuss things rationally. I admit to not abiding to that as well as I could have.

    40. Thersites,
      We would all be better served were we more skeptical of the information we are given in e-mails and over the internet.


      Now, if only I could get my students to understand that principle -- without beating them over the head, that is.

  9. All very beautiful ideas! The Japanese Are Very Smart People
    I'd wish that we had the same deal here.

    1. I would agree they are appealing ideas, Frank, but, apparently, most of them did not originate with the Japanese as stated. I have to admit it's always tempting to endorse "messages" that resonate well with one's personal convictions.

      I still think "the list" is well worth discussing on the merits of WHAT it SAYS as opposed to WHO said it, but that concept seems to offend those who, I believe, are always looking for "good reasons" to BE "offended," because their true passion is to SCOLD and UPBRAID at every available opportunity while PRETENDING to champion Honesty, Integrity and Authenticity.

      Doubt me? Just look around you. We see abundant examples of exactly that every single day.

  10. Obama says that ISIS is not an existential threat to us here in the homeland.

    Think again!

    ISIS hackers call for homegrown ‘jihad’ against U.S. military, posts names and addresses of 100 service members:

    ...It lists the name, unit and address of 100 U.S. Air Force, Navy and Marines – many of them pilots – along with headshots of each. One of the targeted is a Navy aviator from upstate New York.

    1. The problem with using terms like 'existential threat' is that it's a relatively new label, in our daily lexicon, and it comes with very little definition...if any at all.

      Anything can be an existential threat. Currently, ISIL/Da'ish poses no more a threat to the homeland than any other terror organization.

      The true existential threat in this story is service members posting photos and information on social - fricken - media.

    2. CI,
      The true existential threat in this story is service members posting photos and information on social - fricken - media

      Perhaps so.

      But Americans are not used to duck and cover -- especially in our homeland.

      One would think that our military would understand that we are at war and take certain precautions.

      I must also point on this statement in the article:

      The group calling itself Islamic State Hacking Division allegedly gathered the dossier from cracked military databases

      Is that the same thing as hacked social sites? Doesn't seem that way to me.

    3. "One would think that our military would understand that we are at war and take certain precautions."

      But sadly, many of them, or their spouses don't. I participated in an exercise not long ago, where we scraped social media information on active duty service members [usually their spouses] and correlated what we got with name-relation sources [internet "look up" services], and were able to compile the home addresses, children's schools and likely off duty venues. No 'hacking' needed.

      If I were Da'ish, I wouldn't necessarily reveal that I was able to scrape personnel locations from social media...I would state that it was my black hat 'hackers'.

  11. We are in the age of absurdity. Dadaism infected society and induced cultural insanity in the 20th century, and it has spawned full-blown Blablaism, just as Religious-cloaked Baroque led to the sometimes-naughty and libertine Rococo.

    Anybody can write a book, be an 'expert,' say anything, look 'smart' while criticizing wisdom of the ages, badmouth everything western civilization was founded up, and millions of media-drunk dullards will cheer them on.

    I know this sounds snooty, and perhaps hypocritical coming from a libertarian, but I don't want to shut us the purveyors of filth, stupidity and cultural degradation.

    I just wish people would exercise their mental faculties and natural powers of judgment.

    1. Maybe not.

      I think we are in the age of public relations and press agents.
      The anecdotal becomes the universal and we spend time publicizing idiots like this "artist".

      Becoming informed, discerning and educated is just too much trouble,
      There is just an overload of crap out there.

      He who controls the media controls the culture and the written word and the reflection it can bring is becoming more and more irrelevant.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. "He who controls the media controls the culture"
      Absolutely...and look how our culture has suffered, particularly the last few years, with an undeniably and amazingly strong leftwing media. So sad.

    4. Actually that's incorrect, z.

      First neither of us has any concept of what the other considers "leftwing".
      It would take calm discussion and some trust for that to happen. Very unlikely.

      2. The whole "leftwing" media ias a meme that has been served to the right despite it's having no concrete meaning.
      Just a talking point which you have swallowed whole in absolute confirmation of my point.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. No, it's not incorrect.
      And yes, most people can define leftwing. Nobody's 'swallowed' anything but you if you don't think the culture has faltered terribly due to leftwing permissiveness, political correctness and immorality (Oh, I remember....'define immorality'.

    7. SF,
      Dadaism infected society and induced cultural insanity in the 20th century, and it has spawned full-blown Blablaism

      Good one!

    8. Duck,
      He who controls the media controls the culture and the written word and the reflection it can bring is becoming more and more irrelevant.


      The consequence, in question form:

      What kind of culture is then passed from generation to generation?

    9. Z,
      The Left has co-opted the definitions so that WE THE PEOPLE can no longer have conversations other than a lot of screeching -- or nearly that bad, anyway.

      Newspeak is controlling the conversation.

    10. AOW, and I think that it's the news channels that have propagated this, too, don't you think? ESPECIALLY FOX because they actually DO have two sides on the subjects and it ends up a screaming match with both sides talking over the other...
      There IS rarely any civility.

      It'd be better to have shows that have some lengthy coverage of a subject.... not just "now we have a commercial, so by by!" to the really important discussion.
      We're being trained to think in time periods only long enough to last between TV ads...........I'd love a half hour, or even hour-long and daily show covering one subject at a time, in depth.
      THEN people would have to PROVE their statements....nowhere to hide behind time constraints.

      Every time I've tried to discuss this at the blog and included FOX in the negatives column, the leftwingers have jumped in and demolished the conversation with anti-FOX BS...it's sad because while FOX really IS the only one which continuously has both sides, their format is not conducive to any really in depth discussion. No channels have this but PBS and they're mostly leftwingers with no worry about commercials...
      I had to laugh at Charlie Rose the night of the Israeli elections...apparently Charlie wasn't any too pleased so he had on only leftwing Bibi-haters from here and ISrael..so in earnest, so sad, so full of rubbish-filled 'facts'....it was almost bizarre.

      very sad and not healthy, don't you agree?

  12. A millionaire complaining about reparations? If you don't like this country, then don't let the door hit you where the good Lord split you. Your reparations will be paid to you at whatever country you decide to 'grace'... don't hold your breath.

  13. I think obnoxious, disagreeable individuals who insult others in the guise of correcting misinformation are an "existential threat" to worthwhile conversation on the internet.

    Brian O'Banyontree

  14. The world is filled with endless woe
    By foolish folk who think they know.

    ~ FreeThinke

    1. FT,
      Not new, of course. Foolish people always think that they are fonts of wisdom.

      Furthermore, as Thersites has posted in one of blog headers: “The mother of idiots is always pregnant”--Italian proverb.

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. Go back to the bar where the other alcoholics can enjoy your "wit". (or lack there of)

  18. Replies
    1. If you find yourself unable to add something marginally intelligent instead of an endless stream of inane typed in laughter (lol, laughing at you, etc) don't bother to post!

      AOW put up with your crap far too long and you anoy me. You only surprise me by not calling everyone a racist.

    2. Warren,
      You have full discretion with the delete button.

  19. This M effer, for one, just doesn't care what she does.

  20. Free Thinke,

    Japanese do not use servants to clean their homes because there is no need to hire someone to clean such a small space. The argument is not one of cultural ethics, but physical space.



    1. Tammy,
      As you know, my Chinese clients are quite wealthy. But they will not allow any maids to clean their homes. It is a matter of honor for the woman of the house to clean her own home, I guess.

  21. Dated today:

    A new CNN/ORC poll finds most Americans say they would like a [2016] candidate who's a seasoned political leader, someone with an executive background, and someone who's willing to change Barack Obama's policies....

    More information at the above link.

  22. Please tell why any one would think that Japan is a racist nation when America ranks up there as one of the biggest in the eorld!

    1. Because of people I've known that have lived there for years and know the language well. Because of apartment rentals that say "no foreigners", because of third and fourth generation Koreans, born in Japan, yet refused citizenship or required to even change their name to a Japanese name before they can become Japanese citizens. Because of the Japanese treatment of aboriginal peoples in Japan and Okinawa

      I'll bet you didn't even know there were aboriginal peoples in Japan or Okinawa. The Japanese race (and the Japanese people very much consider themselves a race) were originally from Korea (such has been determined by anthropologists and geneticists) but the Japanese people very much reject this.

      Don't get me wrong, I very much admire the Japanese. I find their attitude more insular and chauvinistic than racist. Their advancement in the face of many obsticals is truly amazing.

    2. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2325502/Map-shows-worlds-racist-countries-answers-surprise-you.html

      It helps SO MUCH to do some research before sounding..well,...DUMB? Uninformed? Close minded?

    3. Warren,
      Thank you for providing those details.

      I don't know all that much about Japan. The Asians with whom I have the most contact are South Koreans and Christian Chinese. I have friends in both groups, and these friends immigrated to America at least a decade ago.

      I've never really understood all the enmity between the Koreans and the Japanese. Once, I asked a Korean, "Are you Japanese?"

      The response: "Do I look like a dirty Japanese to you? The Japanese look like monkeys. I DO NOT!"

    4. If you'd like to read a novel and truly understand the horrors of N Korea, I think you'd be stunned and fascinated by The Orphan Master's Son....MY GOSH....apparently totally realistic and horrifying.
      I got to understand N Korea that way .... as well as I got to really understand the Muslim in America through SEEKING ALLAH FINDING JESUS.
      stunning stuff...I promise :-)

    5. There is traditional hatred between the Koreans (North and South) and the Japanese. Some is for ancient reasons and much has to do with Japans occupation of Korea during WW2.

      Japan, uncontested, used the Koreans for slave labor and many young women as "comfort girls". The atrocities commuted against the Koreans were as terrible as any committed during the war.

      I really Don,t know all the specifics but I do know that only recently was recognition given that atrocities were committed and reparations promised to the "comfort girls", most well into their 80s.

      The Norks haven't did anything to help matters, kidnapping Japanese citizens and threatening Japan with missiles etc.

    6. Z,
      My local library has The Orphan Master's Son, and I've put a reserve on the audio version. I love books on audio because they keep me from going crazy when I'm sitting in traffic.

      Thanks for the recommendation.

  23. The Rapper who hates the country that made her rich is another example of a SELF HATER who directs their own self loathing outwards rather than deal with their own failings and faults. Scratch most liberals and you'll find the same disease just under the veneer.

    1. Mike,
      Scratch most liberals and you'll find the same disease just under the veneer.


      Hard for me to understand.

  24. And what is wrong with giving blacks jobs as cleaning women?
    If it were so bad, the. They wouldn't do it.
    Nes Par?
    It's honest work and noting to be ashamed of.


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